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On the Tabernacle 

Translated with notes and introduction by 





Translated Texts for Historians 

This series is designed to meet the needs of students of ancient and medieval 
history and others who wish to broaden their study by reading source 
material, but whose knowledge of Latin or Greek is not sufficient to allow 
them to do so in the original languages. Many important Late Imperial and 
Dark Age texts are currently unavailable in translation and it is hoped that 
TTH will help to fill this gap and to complement the secondary literature in 
English which already exists. The series relates principally to the period 300- 
800 AD and includes Late Imperial, Greek, Byzantine and Syriac texts as 
well as source books illustrating a particular period or theme. Each volume is 
a self-contained scholarly translation with an introductory essay on the text 
and its author and notes on the text indicating major problems of 
interpretation, including textual difficulties. 

Editorial Committee 

Sebastian Brock, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford 

Averil Cameron, King’s College, London 

Henry Chadwick, Peterhouse, Cambridge 

John Davies, University of Liverpool 

Carlotta Dionisotti, King’s College, London 

Robert Markus, University of Nottingham 

John Matthews, Queen’s College, Oxford 

Raymond Van Dam, University of Michigan 

Michael Whitby, University of St Andrews 

Ian Wood, University of Leeds 

Jan Ziolkowski, Harvard University 

General Editors 

Gillian Clark, University of Liverpool 
Margaret Gibson, St Peter’s College, Oxford 
Mary Whitby, University of St Andrews 

Front cover drawing: Detail of Ezra miniature (Codex Amiatinus, fol. V), drawn by Gail Heather. 
Book titles after R. L. S. Bruce-Mitford, The art of the Codex Amiatinus’, Journal of the Royal 
Archaeological Association, 32 (1969), p. 10. 

For a full list of published titles in the Translated Texts 
for Historians series, please see pages at the end of this 

mm 0\ci 

drawn by Gail Heather 


Codex Amiatinus, fol. Ilr-IIIr. Wearmouth-Jarrow, late seventh century. Plan 
of the tabernacle of Moses, perhaps based on a diagram in the sixth-century 
Codex Grandior of Cassiodorus. (See the discussion in this volume on p. 92, 
n.l.) A doorway (INTROITUS) on the east leads into an outer chamber which 
contains a seven-branched lampstand (CAND), the table (MENSA) of 
showbread and the altar of incense (ALTAR THYM). Inside the holy of 
holies (SCA SCORUM) stands the ark of the covenant (ARCA TEST) 
surmounted by two winged cherubim. In front of the tabernacle stand a bronze 
laver (LABRUM) in which the priests wash themselves and the altar of burnt 
offerings (ALTARE HOLOCAUSTI), below which are inscribed the names 
of Moses and Aaron. The four cardinal directions are given in Greek words 
(ARCTOS = North), the initial letters of which spell ADAM. On three sides 
of the tabernacle are written the names of the sons of Levi (Gershon, Kohath 
and Merari) with the enumeration of their clans as in num. 3. Not pictured 
here is an outer colonnade surrounded by the names and numbers of the 
twelve tribes of Israel. 

Translated Texts for Historians 
Volume 18 


On the Tabernacle 

Translated with notes and introduction by 





First published 1994 by 
Liverpool University Press 
PO Box 147, Liverpool, L69 3BX 

Copyright © 1994 Arthur G. Holder 

All rights reserved. No part of this 
book may be reproduced in any form 
without permission in writing from the 
publishers, except by a reviewer in 
connection with a review for inclusion 
in a magazine or newspaper. 

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data 
A British Library CIP Record is available 
ISBN 0 85323 378 0 

Printed in the European Community by 
Bell & Bain Limited, Glasgow 




Introduction .xiii 

On the Tabernacle 

Book 1. 1 

Book 2.45 

Book 3.106 

Select Bibliography.165 

Index of Biblical Quotations 

and Allusions.179 

Index of Patristic and 

Classical Sources.191 


The first draft of this translation was produced in preparation for the 
writing of my doctoral dissertation at Duke University. I wish to thank my 
teachers Franklin Young, Roland Murphy, David Steinmetz, Charles 
Young, Richard Pfaff, and especially my advisor Robert Gregg, for guiding 
my research in the history of exegesis in late antiquity and the early Middle 
Ages. For financial and moral support during my years in graduate school, 
I am grateful to the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Duke, 
the Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina, parishioners and friends 
at the Church of the Holy Cross, Valle Crucis, and above all my mother, 
Mary Ruth Holder. More recently, a sabbatical grant from the Conant Fund 
of the Episcopal Church’s Board for Theological Education has made it 
possible for me to see this project through to completion. The administra¬ 
tion at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific and my faculty colleagues 
there have unfailingly encouraged me in my conviction that the study of 
Bede’s pastoral theology is not irrelevant to the education and training of 
priests and teachers for the Church in our own day. In addition, I am greatly 
indebted to Margaret Gibson, whose careful reading and gracious editorial 
advice have improved this volume immensely, and to M. R. Ritley for her 
expert assistance in preparing camera-ready copy. As always, my deepest 
appreciation goes to my wife Sarah and our son Charles, whose love and 
support have sustained me beyond measure. 















Ancient Christian Writers 
Ante-Nicene Fathers 

Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Medieval is 
Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina 
Corpus Scriptoruni Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum 
Fathers of the Church 

Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller 
Loeb Classical Library 

Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi 
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers 
Patrologia Latina 
Sources Chretiennes 


Most of what we know about the life of the Venerable Bede (673-735) 
is derived from the brief autobiographical account at the end of his Eccle¬ 
siastical History of the English People , completed in 731. Bom in Northum¬ 
bria on lands that would later belong to the monastery of Saint Peter and 
Saint Paul at Wearmouth and Jarrow, he came to Wearmouth as an oblate 
at the age of seven and soon thereafter moved to Jarrow, where he spent the 
remainder of his life. He received his early monastic training under Benedict 
Biscop (the founding abbot of the monasteiy) and Benedict’s successor at 
Jarrow, whose name was Ceolfrith. At the age of 19 he was ordained a 
deacon by John of Beverley, bishop of Hexham, and eleven years later he 
became a priest. His daily routine was given over to the fulfillment of a 
religious vocation which he described as follows: 

I have spent all my life in this monastery, applying myself 
entirely to the study of the Scriptures; and amid the observance 
of the discipline of the Rule and the daily task of singing in the 
church, it has always been my delight to learn or to teach or to 
write .... From the time I became a priest until the fifty-ninth 
year of my life, I have made it my business, for my own benefit 
and that of my brothers, to make brief extracts from the works 
of the venerable Fathers on Holy Scripture, or to add notes of 
my own to clarify their sense and interpretatioa 1 

Although Bede is remembered today chiefly for his work as a historian, 
it is clear that he thought of himself as a Christian teacher who specialized 
in the interpretation of the Bible. When he appended a catalogue of his own 
writings to the autobiographical statement quoted above, he grouped all the 
scriptural commentaries together and placed them at the head of the list, as 
if to suggest that they took pride of place. In all periods of his life, even 
while writing the Ecclesiastical History and to the end of his days, Bede 
continued to be engaged in the work of exegesis. 2 As a result, anyone who 
wishes to understand the history of Anglo-Saxon England as recorded by 
Bede must also take account of the commentaries which illuminate so many 
of his characteristic phrases and patterns of thought. These exegetical works 

1 Bede, Hist eccl. 5, 24 (ed. and transl. Colgrave and Mynors, 566-7). The best 
comprehensive treatments of Bede’s writings in the context of his life are Hunter Blair (1970), 
Brown (1987), and Ward (1990). 

2 For introductions to Bede’s exegesis, in addition to the relevant chapters in the works 
mentioned in the preceding note, see Jenkins (1935), Willmes (1962), Ray (1982), Holder 
(1990), and (on his exegesis of the New Testament only) de Margerie (1980-), 4: 187-228. 




are also rich sources of information for students of early medieval literature, 
art, theology, spirituality, education, and culture. 


The primary audience for Bede’s biblical commentaries was that select 
group of preachers and teachers which included the members of the or¬ 
dained clergy as well as all others holding some form of spiritual authority. 
Like his master Gregory the Great, Bede envisioned these ‘doctors of the 
Church’ as the principal means by which the English people would be 
instructed in the Christian faith and guided in its practice; thus he fervently 
hoped that they would be moved to implement the program of ecclesiastical 
reform set forth in his writings. 1 Most of these contemporary readers would 
have been monks, but we should not imagine them as cloistered contem- 
platives dwelling in solitude behind their monastery walls. In Bede’s time, 
and throughout the early Middle Ages, monks were extensively involved 
in giving pastoral care to neighbours near and far; this explains why Bede 
was as much concerned for their ministry as missionaries and pastors as for 
their monastic life of prayer and worship. 2 

Recognizing Bede’s underlying pastoral motivation helps us to under¬ 
stand how all of his prodigious literary output in a variety of genres was in 
fact directed to a single puipose. The historical works offered worthy 
examples for Christian teachers to emulate and to commend to others, while 
the didactic treatises gave them the basic tools of grammar and calendrical 
calculation which would enable them to carry out their liturgical and 
pastoral duties. In the biblical commentaries, these same teachers could 
grasp the essential doctrinal and moral truths of Scripture as transmitted 
through the great tradition of patristic authors, but suitably adapted for the 
local situation. For Bede was ever mindful of the needs of his readers, and 
of the limitations of their training; little or nothing in his exegesis could be 
called speculative or constructive theology. His work may best be described 
as a form of pastoral theology—not in the narrow sense of the theology of 
pastoral care (although that is certainly included), but in the wider sense of 
a theology that describes and informs the ministry of those charged with 
the cure of souls. As Henry Mayr-Harting put it, ‘Bede’s great strength was 
in this sphere where doctrine and the practical life of the Christian meet.’ 3 

1 Thacker (1983 and 1992); McClure (1985) 

2In addition to the works cited in the previous note, see Constable (1982), Amos (1987), 
and Foot (1989). 

3Mayr-Harting (1972), 219 





Henri de Lubac, writing of several twelfth-century commentaries on the 
tabernacle of Moses, referred to this particular kind of treatise as The genre 
previously inaugurated by Bede in conformity with a tradition which had 
arisen in the earliest times of the Church. ’ 1 As this remark implies, Bede’s 
commentary On the Tabernacle was the first work of Christian literature 
entirely devoted to an allegorical exposition of this topic; it was also the 
first verse-by-verse commentary to cover Exod. 24:12-30:21. Along with 
a subsequent companion treatise on the temple of Solomon and several 
shorter expositions of Old Testament houses of worship, On the Tabernacle 
is a prime example of what Charles Jones once called 'Bede’s rather 
exceptionally architectural approach to Revelation’. 2 Indeed, there seems 
to have been something about the balance, harmony, and regularity of 
architectural design that appealed to Bede’s imagination and stimulated him 
to formulate a comprehensive theological and pastoral vision in relation to 
the various sacred structures described in the Bible. 

As Bede was well aware, the tabernacle of Moses was a portable shrine 
that served as the principal sign of God’s presence among the ancient people 
of Israel during their years of wandering in the wilderness and for some 
time after their settlement in the land of Canaaa From the giving of the law 
on Mount Sinai until the time of Solomon, the tabernacle was the primaiy 
location of both divine revelation and cultic worship. Unlike the later 
temples of Solomon, Zerubbabel, and Herod, this tabernacle was not a grand 
stone edifice but rather a tent constructed out of fabric curtains erected on 
a wooden frame and covered with animal skins. It housed a number of 
sacred objects such as the ark of the covenant containing the tablets of the 
law, the table of showbread, a seven-branched lampstand, and the altar of 
incense; outside the tent stood an altar for burnt offerings and a bronze laver 
in which the priests performed their ritual ablutions. Although the descrip¬ 
tion in Exodus is incomplete and not altogether clear in details, it indicates 
that the tabernacle was similar to tent shrines known from other Semitic 
cultures in the Ancient Near East. According to 1 Kgs. 8:4, the tabernacle 

1 de Lubac (1959-64), 2, 1: 406 

2 Jones (1969-70), 169. See also De templo (CCSL 119A: 144-234); De sch. et trop. 2, 2 
(CCSL 123A: 168, 265 - 169, 273); In Gen. 2 (CCSL 118A: 107, 1220-4; 109, 1285 - 110, 
1314); InEzr. 1 (CCSL 119A: 241, 1-21, and passim); InApoc. (PL 93: 14 ID, 162A); In Reg. 
XXX quaest. 12 (CCSL 119: 304, 18-21); and Horn. 2, 1; 2, 24; 2, 25 (CCSL 122: 184-92; 
358-67; 368-78). 

3 Cross (1961); Friedman (1992) 



was brought to Jerusalem by Solomon and set up inside the temple there; 
presumably it was destroyed along with the latter in 587 BCE. 

Allegorical interpretations of this Mosaic tabernacle can be found in both 

Jewish and Christian writings of the first century CE. The Jewish authors 

Philo and Josephus understood the tabernacle as a symbol of the cosmos, 

while the Epistle to the Hebrews in the New Testament saw it as a copy of 

the true heavenly sanctuaiy into which Christ entered as high priest after 

his ascensioa Later Christian authors continued both of these themes, 

sometimes repeating cosmological symbolism and sometimes setting forth 

expositions of the tabernacle as a figure of the virtuous soul, the incarnate 

Christ, or the Christian clergy. Prior to Bede, exegesis of the tabernacle 

appeared in selected writings of patristic authors such as (in the East) 

Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Methodius, Ephrem Syrus, Gregory of 

Nyssa, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Cyril of Alexandria, Theodoret of Cyrus, 

Procopius of Gaza, and Cosmas Indicopleustes, and (in the West) Ambrose, 

Jerome, Augustine, Eucherius of Lyons, Gregoiy the Great, and Isidore of 

Seville. 1 2 None of these authors, however, offered an extended commentaiy 

on the tabernacle of the sort found in the work Bede himself named as De 

tabernaculo et vasis eius ac vestibus sacerdotum, libros III , or On the 


Tabernacle and Its Vessels and the Priestly Vestments , Three Books. 

Although it has no prologue and no topical references that point to a 
specific date of composition. On the Tabernacle can probably be assigned 
to the period c.721-5; it was certainly prior to both On Mark and On the 
Temple , for it is mentioned in both of those works. 3 There is no indication 
of its having been revised over the space of a number of years (as was Bede’s 
commentaiy on Genesis, for example), and since there are a number of other 
commentaries that must be dated to roughly the same period we may 
conclude that On the Tabernacle was composed within a fairly short amount 
of time. The principal sources Bede employed were a Latin translation of 
the Jewish Antiquities of Josephus, Jerome’s Letter 64 to Fabiola on the 
subject of the priestly vestments, and the Book of Pastoral Rule written by 
Gregoiy the Great. He derived useful bits of information from Jerome’s 
book On Hebrew Names , Pliny’s Natural History , and the Etymologies 
compiled by Isidore of Seville; on one occasion, he also made reference to 
a drawing of the tabernacle that Cassiodorus caused to be placed in the 
Codex Grandior. Compared with some of his other more derivative biblical 

1 For bibliographical references and a brief survey of this exegesis, see Holder (1993). 

2 Bede, Hist, eccl 5, 24 (ed. Colgrave and Mynors, 568) 

3 Laistner and King (1943), 70; see Bede, In Marc. 1 ( C.CSL 120: 464, 1060-2); De templo 
2 (CCSL 119A: 232, 1575-7). 



commentaries, this treatise on the tabernacle shows Bede as a creative and 
original exegete working without the benefit of extensive patristic models 
to follow. 1 


On the Tabernacle contains several explicit statements of exegetical 
theory which are interesting for the light they shed on Bede’s approach to 
biblical interpretation, even though they cannot always be harmonized with 
one another and do not represent anything like a systematic program which 
was rigidly applied in practice. The commentary begins with a clear 
statement of the method that Bede intended to follow; 

Since with the Lord’s help we are going to speak about the 
figure of the tabernacle and its vessels and utensils, first we 
ought to examine and attentively consider the topography of 
the place and the circumstances that obtained when these things 
were commanded to be made. For all these things , as the 
Apostle says, happened to them in figure but were written down 
for us. 4 All these things’ [includes] not only the deeds or words 
that are contained in the Sacred Writings, but also the descrip¬ 
tion of the locations and hours and times and the things them¬ 
selves, as well as the circumstances under which they were 
done or said. 2 

Despite the appeal to 1 Cor. 10:11 as warrant, the example of Saint Paul 
was not the only precedent standing behind Bede’s methodological princi¬ 
ple here. As Roger Ray has pointed out, Bede’s focus on the circumstantiae 
recorded in the biblical narrative links him with the classical rhetorical 
tradition of inventio , in w hich details of person, place, and time furnished 
the basic material for discussion of any historical topic. 3 

It would have been utterly foreign to Bede’s way of thinking to have 
considered any person, object, or event mentioned in the Bible as merely a 
datum of historical fact. After all, had Saint Paul not stressed that all things 
in the Old Testament had happened in figure and were recorded for the 
benefit of future Christian generations? When Bede read the description of 

1 Detailed information on Bede’s sources in this commentary appears in Holder (1989b) 
and in the index of patristic and classical sources in this volume. 

2 De tab. 1, Prol. (CCSL 119A: 5, 1-9) 

3 Ray (1982), 16-18. He is convinced that Bede had studied Cicero 'sDe inventione or some 
other manual of Roman rhetorical theory; see Ray (1987). 



the intricate details of the construction of the tabernacle, he was of course 
aware that it had reference, in the first place, to a concrete, physical 
architectural reality. But that sacred structure had long since been de¬ 
stroyed, while the inspired text which had both commanded and recorded 
its existence still continued to stand fast. The demise of the literal tabernacle 
must have sustained Bede in his conviction that the deeper (and ultimately 
more significant) meaning of the text had to do with the edification of the 
Christian Church. 

How did Bede understand the relation of this deeper spiritual meaning 
to the letter of the biblical text? It is customary to discuss this question under 
the heading of the 'senses of Scripture’, and there are several passages in 
On the Tabernacle in which Bede uses this kind of language. The first, and 
most often quoted, is Bede’s comment on the four feet of the table described 
inExod. 25:26. This was the passage that prompted Henri de Lubacto speak 
of Bede as the first writer to give us a fully developed account of what came 
to be the traditional medieval understanding of the fourfold sense of 
Scripture as revelatory of historical, allegorical, tropological, and anagogi- 
cal truth. 1 2 Elsewhere in the same commentary, however, Bede expounded 
a threefold formula of biblical interpretation/And in practice, it seems that 
he actually distinguished only two senses, one literal or historical and 
another that he named variously as 'spiritual’, ‘typic’, ‘sacramental’, ‘mys¬ 
tical’, ‘figurative’, or ‘allegorical’ 3 

In On the Tabernacle , it was the spiritual sense which occupied most of 
Bede’s attention. His usual procedure was simply to quote a verse or two 
from the biblical text, perhaps provide a brief paraphrase of it, and then 
proceed to develop the allegorical meaning. There were a few instances, 
how'ever, in which Bede found it necessary to investigate the literal sense 
in some detail. In each of those cases, he made it plain that his treatment of 
the letter was preliminary to the allegorical exposition it was meant to serve, 
and from w hich it was carefully separated. For example, a concise summary 
of the description of the tabernacle and its furnishings at the beginning of 
Book 2 is both prefaced and concluded by Bede’s remarking that it was 
necessary to reflect upon the letter of the text for a while so that the spiritual 
sense could be better understood. 4 In some of his other commentaries Bede 
dealt at length with textual, historical, and archaeological questions, but 

1 De tab. I, 6 (CCSL 119A: 24, 776 - 25, 811); de Lubac (1959-64), 1, 2: 422 

2 Ibid. 2, 13 (CCSL 119A: 91, 1956-60) 

3 This is the case in Bede’s other commentaries as well; see Barrows (1963), 179-98, and 
Jones (1969-70), 135-55. 

4 De tab. 2, 1 (CCSL 119A: 43, 70-1; 44, 96-9; cf. 56, 578-82; 65, 914-15) 



here his curiosity about such matters, though evident, was thoroughly 
subordinated to a search for spiritual edification on the allegorical plane. 

From her study of Bede’s commentary on the Song of Songs, Mary 
Barrows concluded that 

Bede’s methods include all the elements that had come to him 
through the rich tradition of patristic and earlier thought. He 
uses interpretations based on etymologies, on the meaning of 
numbers, on the nature of the image under consideration, and 
on testimonies from all parts of Scripture. Further, he follows 
what he conceives to be the sense of the story in both its literal 
and allegorical contexts, and the sense of the entire history of 
salvation. 1 

All of these exegetical approaches can be found in On the Tabernacle as 
well, along with the structural use of wordplay which Lawrence Martin has 
identified as a distinctive feature of Bede’s exegetical style. 2 In a verse- 
by-verse commentary on a biblical text largely composed of lists and 
descriptions of architectural detail, Bede naturally devoted most of his 
attention to the interpretation of individual persons, objects, measurements, 
and materials. It would be wrong, however, to suppose him insensitive to 
the larger context in which the individual verses appeared. When comment¬ 
ing upon the introductory narrative account of Moses’ ascent up Mount 
Sinai to receive the tablets of the law from the Lord, for example, Bede was 
highly alert to the elements of character, plot, and setting. Since he under¬ 
stood Moses’ ascent as a typological event instructing Christians how they 
ought to approach divine wisdom, he interpreted all the elements that 
figured in the story—whether they were natural images like the mountain, 
the cloud, and the burning fire, or human beings like Joshua, Aaron, and 
Hur—in relation to this typology. 3 

Perhaps the most striking use Bede made of his comprehensive sense of 
the biblical narrative was his contrast between the tabernacle and the 
temple. He treated these two structures as types, respectively, of the Church 
militant and the Church triumphant (because the former was carried through 
the wilderness while the latter remained stationary in the promised land) or 
as figures of the Old and New Testament communities (because the former 
was built by Jews alone but the latter was constmcted by the cooperative 

1 Barrows (1963), 205-6 

2 Martin (1986) 

3 Detab. 1, 1-2 {CCSL 119A: 5, 10- 10,211) 



efforts of Jews, proselytes, and Gentiles). 1 2 But even when commenting on 
the detailed descriptions of particular objects contained in the tabernacle, 
Bede never lost sight of the larger context of the biblical narrative. Whether 
he was discussing Aaron’s vesture, or the altars of holocaust and incense, 
or Solomon’s role in building the temple, what he had to say was very much 
informed by his understanding of such Old Testament institutions as 
priesthood, sacrifice, and kingship. Bede did not derive these under¬ 
standings from any one verse, or even from the scries of chapters in Exodus 
on which he was commenting. He read the Bible as a unified whole, and he 
always constructed his interpretation in relation to the entire stoiy of the 
people of God, of which he believed the tabernacle to be an epitomizing 


Modem readers unfamiliar with the ancient Christian practice of allegori¬ 
cal interpretation may be tempted to suppose that such exegesis followed a 
rather mechanical process of deciphering arcane signs according to a 
predetermined code. It is true that with some authors the procedure could 
at times result in a dry and lifeless collection of symbolic identifications— 
as it does, for example, in Eucherius of Lyons’ Forms of spiritual intelli¬ 
gence , which is nothing more than a catalogue of exegetical 
commonplaces. Bede’s commentaries, however, are altogether different. 
His exegesis derived not only its categories but also its dynamic movement 
from a Christian theology of history that Bede inherited from the Latin 
church fathers, especially Saint Augustine. 

Like the Bishop of Hippo, Bede believed that all human beings created 
by God liad sinned in Adam, that God had predestined the elect to be saved 
by the blood of Christ offered as a sacrifice for sin, and that these elect, 
along with the angels who had never fallen away, constitute the true 
Catholic Church in communion with the apostles and with the bishops who 
have succeeded them. Some of the faithful elect already reign with the Lord 
in heaven, while others continue to pursue their pilgrim way here on earth. 
The visible Church, in which the sacraments are celebrated as signs of 
redemption and means of grace, is the company of those who profess faith 
in Christ, hope for a resurrection like his in both soul and body, are united 

1 De tab. 2, 1 (CCSL 119A: 42, 1 - 43, 50); cf. De templo 1 (CCSL 119A: 147, 34 - 148, 
53). Bede seems to have been the first Christian author to contrast the two Old Testament 
houses of God in this way. 

2 Cf. Eucherius’ exposition of the tabernacle in Form. spir. intell. 9 (CSEL 31: 51-4). 



to one another in a fellowship of love, and perform good works with the aid 
of the Holy Spirit. Not all members of this visible Church, however, can be 
counted among the elect; some are false Christians who outwardly seem to 
belong to Christ but inwardly continue to rebel against him through impeni¬ 
tent pride. At the last judgement, these false Christians and the rest of the 
reprobate will be consigned to unquenchable fire, but the elect will enjoy 
the vision of God in heaven forever—their enjoyment being in proportion 
to the merits they have earned by divine grace. AH of human history, Bede 
thought, should be understood as the working out of this divine plan of 
salvation, which is clearly proclaimed in the pages of Holy Scripture. 

Throughout On the Tabernacle , and especially in his discussion of the 
priestly vestments of Aaron, Bede stressed the practical implications of this 
theology for the moral conduct and pastoral ministry of those eighth-cen¬ 
tury Anglo-Saxon monks and missionaries who were his intended audience. 
On several occasions, however, he was careful to note that the spiritual 
message of the Bible was addressed to the whole people of God. 'There¬ 
fore,’ he wrote, 'we admonish all the faithful to be known by the mystical 
name of priests, inasmuch as they are members of Christ, that is, of the 
eternal Priest.’ 1 For clergy and laity alike, Bede unfolded his characteristic 
teachings on a number of favourite themes: the unity which is manifest in 
the rich diversity of the Church, the definite and discernible stages through 
which the faithful pass as they make progress in the Christian life, the 
humble obedience in action which is prerequisite for the exercise of any 
kind of authority, and the blessedness of eternal rest which awaits those 
who labour actively in good works. 2 


The Latin patristic tradition contained relatively little exegesis of the 
Mosaic tabernacle. It is not surprising, therefore, that a commentary on this 
topic by the foremost biblical scholar of the early Middle Ages should have 
been in great demand. We know that Bede himself sent copies of the 
companion treatise On the Temple to Bishop Acca of Hexham (at whose 
request many of his commentaries were undertaken) and to Abbot Albinus 
in Canterbury. 3 He must have assumed that Acca and Albinus would have 
had access to On the Tabernacle as well, since he felt free to refer readers 

1 De tab. 3, 14(CCSI 119A: 138, 1756-8) 

2 For a full treatment of these themes in De tabernaculo and De templo , see Holder (1991). 

3 De templo, Prol. (CCSL 119A: 144, 55-9); Ep. Alb. (ed. Plummer, 1: 3) 



of On the Temple to the earlier work, with no further explanatioa 1 Thus it 
is apparent that Bede intended for his commentaries to be read by those 
beyond the confines of his own monastery, but he can hardly have imagined 
just how far beyond Northumbria, and England, his audience would extend. 

Laistner’s compilation of information from medieval library catalogues 
and extant manuscripts indicated that as early as the ninth century copies 
of On the Tabernacle were to be found at Fleury, Saint Martin’s at Tours, 
Saint Emmeram, Saint Gall, Reichenau, Lorsch, Salvatorstift at Wurzburg, 
and Freising; it is safe to say that there must have been many others in 
addition to these 2 Presumably, Bede’s works were widely distributed in 
England as well, but the evidence there is quite thin as a result of the 
destruction wrought by the Danish invasions. It was primarily, then, the 
Anglo-Saxon missionary centers on the Continent, not the besieged or even 
ruined English monasteries, that preserved, copied, and distributed Bede’s 
commentaries during the Carolingian period. From the rest of the Middle 
Ages, and especially from the twelfth century, we possess numerous 
English and Continental manuscripts and library catalogues that contain On 
the Tabernacle , so we know that this text continued to inform, instruct, and 
console Christian readers eager to understand the mysteries of the sacred 
page 3 

Besides circulating under Bede’s name as an independent treatise, On 
the Tabernacle was sometimes taken up, in whole or in part, into the 
writings of later medieval exegetes. Rabanus Maurus (d. 856) included a 
somewhat abbreviated version in his commentary on Exodus, and over a 
dozen quotations from On the Tabernacle appear in the Office Book of 
Amalarius of Metz (c. 780-850/1), who used Bede’s comments on the Old 
Testament liturgy in his own allegorical interpretation of the rites of the 
Christian Church 4 When the Ordinary Gloss was compiled early in the 
twelfth century, Bede’s commentary provided the great bulk of the material 
used in the tabernacle section of that most influential of all medieval biblical 
commentaries. 5 So much of On the Tabernacle appears in the Gloss , in fact, 
that it is often difficult to tell whether or not later writers were quoting from 

1 De templo 2 ( CCSL 119A: 232, 1575-7) 

2 Laistner and King (1943), 10-13, 70-4 

3 To the entries given in Laistner and King (1943), 10-13, 70-8, add those noted in Ker 

4 Rabanus Maurus, InExodum {PL 108: 136-218); Amalarius of Metz, Liber officialis (ed. 
Hanssens, 2: 19-565; quotations from Bede’s De tabernaculo are listed in the index found in 
vol. 3: 348). 

5 Glossa ordinaria on Exod. 24:12-30:21 (ed Froehlich and Gibson, 1: 161-90). On the 
origins and development of the Glossa, see Gibson (1992). 



the Gloss or from the original work. Andrew of Saint Victor (c. 1110-75) 
quoted several passages from Bede's treatise in his commentary on the 
Heptateuch, but the large chunks of this work that the twelfth-century 
compiler Robert of Bridlington copied into his commentary on Exodus 
came straight out of the Ordinary Gloss . 1 

Medieval exegetes were not content merely to copy or summarize Bede's 
work. They often incorporated his ideas into their own treatment of the 
tabernacle, and sometimes they took up where he left off and developed 
new interpretations of the same subject. 2 A number of twelfth-century 
exegetes followed Bede's example by devoting entire treatises to the subject 
of the Mosaic tabernacle. The two commentaries on the tabernacle by Peter 
of Celle (c. 1115-1183) and the one written by Peter of Poitiers (1193-1205) 
are dependent on Bede for much of their material; the second treatise On 
the Tabernacle by Peter of Celle is little more than an abbreviated para¬ 
phrase of Bede. 3 Like their eighth-century predecessor, both of these two 
authors concentrated on allegorical interpretation of the tabernacle as a 
figure of Christ and the Church. 

Other writers sought to supplement or correct Bede by giving attention 
to those senses of interpretation which he was thought to have neglected. 
Richard of Saint Victor, for example, composed no fewer than three works 
on various aspects of the tabernacle. In the opening lines of the treatise 
commonly called Benjamin major , which contains Richard's interpretation 
of the ark of the covenant as a figure of six different degrees or kinds of 
contemplation, he explicitly declared that he aimed to supplement the 
allegorical expositions given by other learned writers (surely including 
Bede) w ith a tropological interpretation of his own; an appendix joined to 
it deals in similar fashion with other parts of the tabernacle as well. 4 A third 
work addresses certain ‘difficulties' Richard perceived in the exposition of 
the tabernacle, including the problem presented because Bede (whom 
Richard discreetly avoided naming) had dared to claim that the allegorical 
meaning of the curtains over the tabernacle in Exod. 26:12-13 was obvious, 
even though the literal sense was difficult to explain. 5 

1 Andrew of Saint Victor, In Exod. 25, 17 - 28,22 {CCCM 53: 142, 1624 - 153, 2028). The 
commentary by Robert of Bridlington is still unprinted, but see the reference to his quotations 
from Bede in Smalley (1944), 230. 

2 See Chenu (1957), 192-6, and de Lubac (1959-64), 2, 1: 403-18. 

3 Peter of Celle, De tabernaculo I and De tabernaculo II {CCCM 54: 171-219; 220-43); 
Peter of Poitiers, Allegoriae super labernaculum Moysi (ed. Moore and Corbett) 

4 Richard of Saint Victor, Benjamin major {PL 196: 63-192) and Nonnullae allegoriae 
tabernacuh foederis {PL 196: 191-202) 

5 Richard of Saint Victor, Expositio difficultatum suborientium in expositione tabernaculi 



Bede’s treatment of the outer curtains made of goats’ hair in Exod. 26:9 
occasioned further controversy, because the reason he gave for the doubling 
of the sixth curtain did not agree with that of Josephus. 1 Both Andrew of 
Saint Victor and Peter Comestor (c. 1100-c. 1180) readily accepted 
Josephus’ opinion, implying that ancient Jewish tradition carried more 
weight than Bede’s conjectures with twelfth-century exegetes who were 
interested primarily in the literal sense of the biblical text 2 On the other 
hand we have Adam of Dryburgh (d. 1212), who in 1176 took up this 
troublesome question in a lengthy treatise On the Tripartite Tabernacle . 3 
Adam professed great respect for Bede’s exegesis, declaring in his preface 
that his own exposition diligently followed Bede in every respect without 
contradicting him at all 4 On the controversial matter of the sixth curtain, 
he quoted the opinion of his master Andrew of Saint Victor in full, but Adam 
went to great lengths to defend the trustworthiness of Bede’s account. 5 

These varying assessments by twelfth-centuiy exegetes delineate the 
limits of Bede’s authority in the High Middle Ages, and beyond. His 
commentary on the tabernacle was read and studied by virtually every 
medieval exegcte who ventured to address this topic, and he was regarded 
as an allegorist par excellence for his profound application of Scripture to 
the sacramental, ascetical, and pastoral dimensions of the Christian life. But 
when it came to speculative theology (such as the precise delineation of the 
various kinds of contemplative prayer) or to the satisfaction of historical 
curiosity about architectural details, his exegesis was sometimes found 
wanting. For four centuries, Bede’s On the Tabernacle had stood uncon¬ 
tested as the definitive treatment. By the end of the twelfth century, 
however, it no longer occupied that singular position, although it continued 
to be widely read, copied, and appreciated for many years to come. 6 

This change in status would probably not have come as much of a 
disappointment to Bede. His efforts had always been intended to stimulate 

foederis {PL 196: 211-22); cf. Bede, De tab. 2 (CCSL 119A: 56, 578-82) 

1 Bede, De tab. 2 ( CCSL 119A: 56, 571-8); cf. Josephus, Ant. Jud. 3, 6, 4 (ed. Blatt, 235, 

2 Andrew of Saint Victor, In Exod. 26, 9 {CCCM 53: 146, 1837-40); Peter Comestor, Hist, 
schoi. Lib. Exod. 55-6 {PL 198: 1177-8) 

3 The three books of Adam of Dryburgh’s De tripartito tabernaculo {PL 198: 609-796) 
deal with three aspects (literal, allegorical, and tropological) of the significance of the 

4 Adam of Dryburgh, Epistola Joanni Kelchou de materiali fabrica tabernaculi Moysi 
trammissa 8 {PL 198: 632C) 

5 Adam of Dryburgh, De trip. tab. 1, 14 {PL 198: 65 1-3) 

6 For an example of the continuing influence of Bede’s De tabernaculo , consider John 
Ruysbrocck’s borrowings from it in the fourteenth century, as noted by Krabben (1935). 



and support the learning of others rather than to make their scholarship 
unnecessary. Richard of Saint Victor was simply taking Bede’s renowned 
humility at face value when he sought to justify his own temerity in 
challenging this venerable authority (whom he readily acknowledged as a 
father of the Church) by quoting Bede’s concluding words about the 
obscurities he recognized in regard to the interpretation of the tabernacle 

In so far as we have been able to understand them, we have 
taken care briefly to explain these things concerning this most 
difficult subject, but we are ready to learn more accurate 
information about these matters if anyone wishes to instruct 
us. 1 

Coming from the pen of another early medieval author, such words might 
have been just the obligatory repetition of another worn-out literary com¬ 
monplace. But one senses that Bede, who so often urged Christian teachers 
to practice what they preach, sincerely intended to defer cheerfully to any 
new insights that the future might disclose, even as he had cherished, 
preserved, and (as far as he was able) extended the traditional wisdom of 
the past. No scholar of his day or ours could do more, or should do less. 


The first publication of On the Tabernacle was in the Basel edition of 
Bede’s collected works printed by John Heerwagen in 1563. Another 
edition by J. A. Giles appeared in his collection of the complete works 
published in London in 1843-4; this was the text reprinted by Migne in PL 
91. The present translation is based on the critical edition prepared by David 
Hurst for CCSL 119A; page references to that volume are provided in the 
margins. A few of the most significant variant readings given by Hurst are 
indicated in the notes. 

Although Bede’s Latin has often been praised for its lucidity, modem 
readers would find it difficult to follow if rendered directly into English. It 
has seemed advisable, therefore, to break many of his long complex 
sentences into two or more shorter ones, to change some passive construc¬ 
tions into active ones, and occasionally to repeat nouns, pronouns, and verbs 
that appear only once in the Latin text but serve in several successive 
clauses. Common nouns of masculine gender such as homines or filii have 

1 Bede, De tab. 2, 3 (CCSL 119A: 56, 578-81), quoted in Richard of Saint Victor, Expos, 
diff. tab ., Prof (PL 196: 211B). 



been translated as ‘people’ or ‘children’ when it seems apparent that Bede’s 
reference was intended to include persons of both sexes, but as ‘men’ or 
‘sons’ in references to the ordained clergy of Bede’s time, the Old Testa¬ 
ment patriarchs, or other obviously male figures. Following the same 
reasoning, singular masculine pronouns have sometimes been translated in 
an inclusive sense by rephrasing, or by changing singular to plural forms. 

Biblical quotations are in the style of the New Revised Standard Version , 
but translated afresh so as to reflect Bede’s usage, which customarily 
follows the Vulgate but sometimes reflects his acquaintance with Old Latin 
versions. Citations of biblical references are given according to the NRSV 
numbering, with the Vulgate numbering in parentheses in cases where it 
differs. When Bede is quoting another author directly, the quotation is 
printed in italics; allusions and parallels remain in roman type but are 
indicated in the notes. The Select Bibliography includes all primary sources 
and secondaiy works cited in either the Introduction or the notes. Indices 
of Bede’s biblical quotations and allusions and of his patristic and classical 
sources are provided at the end of the volume. The section headings are 
Bede’s own capitula , which are given here at the beginning of the individual 
sections instead of being listed all together as a table of contents, as they 
were in the manuscripts and in the printed editions. 



Since with the Lord’s help we are going to speak about the figure of the [5] 
tabernacle and its vessels and utensils, first we ought to examine and 
attentively consider the topography of the place and the circumstances that 
obtained when these things were commanded to be made. For all these 
things , as the Apostle says, happened to them in figure but were written 
down for us . 1 ‘All these things’ [includes] not only the deeds or words that 
are contained in the Sacred Writings, but also the description of the 
locations and hours and times and the things themselves, as well as the 
circumstances under which they were done or said 2 


24:12 [The Book of Exodus] says: The Lord said to Moses, ‘Come up 
to me on the mountain and remain there, and I will give you tablets of 
stone, and the law and the commandments, which I have written for 
you to teach them.’ When the Lord is about to give the law to Moses he 
first summons him to the top of the mountain, so that by tarrying with [the 
Lord] on high he can more easily hear the precepts that he is to teach to the 
people when he returns below. And at the same time, he can deduce from 
the height of the place how lofty is the law which he is receiving, and how 
far removed from human teaching. For it can be perfectly understood or 
kept only by those who have separated themselves from earthly contagions 
by living more sublimely and more perfectly. Hence [the Lord] also 
commands the people to wait below until Moses should return, that he might 
suggest by means of a type that while the secrets of his law are indeed 
heavenly things grasped only by the more perfect, even so the weak do not 
lack an opportunity for salvation, if they will eagerly and humbly listen to 
the wisdom of the elders. 

1 1 Cor. 10:11 

2 As noted in Ray (1982), 16-18, Bede here shows his familiarity with the classical 
rhetorical tradition by using the circumstantiae of the biblical narrative as the basis for his 



Similarly, in the gospel the Lord called the new heralds of grace together 
on a mountain when he taught them with salutaiy precepts, 1 so that it might 
be evident even from the topography of the place that he was giving them 
lofty things, whether commandments to live by or rewards by way of 
recompense 2 This accords with that [saying] of the psalmist, ‘Your right¬ 
eousness is like the mountains of God. ^ And after the resurrection he 
appeared to them again on a holy mountain when he sent them to preach 
not only to the one people of Israel but to the whole world, saying, ‘Go 
teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son 
[6] and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded 

you. ’ 4 Consequently, the Lord gave the precepts of both the law and the 
gospel on a mountain, so that he might in this way commend the sublimity 
of both testaments. 

But since at that time the Scripture of the law was being committed solely 
to the people of Israel, while the grace of the gospel was going to reach all 
nations throughout the world by the preaching of the apostles, it was 
suitable for Moses to go up onto a mountain alone to learn and to receive 
the law, but the apostles heard the teaching of the gospel when all of them 
together were with the Lord on a mountain, along with the crowds who w ere 
listening [to him] as well. 5 Nor was it the apostles alone who received the 
gift of the Holy Spirit by w hich this same grace-filled truth 6 of the gospel 
was given more manifestly to the Church, but a very great company of the 
faithful who were gathered together in an upper room on Mount Zion, and 
this [took place] with a distribution of diverse tongues, 7 so that by this 
particular kind of miracle it might be signified that the Church was going 
to be praising God in the tongues of all the peoples throughout the world. 

He says: And I will give you tablets of stone, and the law and the 
commandments, which I have w ritten for you to teach them. This is like 
that [verse] from the gospel that w e cited above: ‘ teaching them to observe 
all that I have commanded you’* Consequently, neither Moses nor the 
apostles nor any one of the teachers ought to teach the people of God any 
precepts other than those that the Lord himself taught, [those precepts] 
which in the eternal decree of his counsel he has directed us to observe, and 

1 Matt. 5:1; Mark 3:13 

2 Augustine, Serm. dom. in monte 1, 2 ( CCSL 35: 2, 33 - 3, 46) 

3 Ps. 36:6(35:7) 

4 Matt. 28:19-20 

5 Matt. 7:28 

6 literally, ‘grace and truth’, but treated as a singular subject. 

7 Acts 1:15,2:1-11 

8 Matt. 28:20 



in the observation of which he has willed that we should have eternal life. 

Nor should the teachers omit any of the things that he has ordered to be 

performed, for they are obliged to commit to their hearers everything that 

he has commanded them. Furthermore, he wrote these things on tablets of 

stone because he has established that they are to be kept and preserved by 

faith with a fixed purpose in the steadfast hearts of the elect. When he set 

forth the statutes of the law written in stone, it was just as if he was 

displaying examples for us to imitate. For Daniel also saw how the Lord, 

in the form of a stone hewn from a mountain not by hands, destroyed the 

pomp of a worldly kingdom so that his own kingdom alone might endure 

without end, 1 2 3 and Peter admonishes the faithful, saying, And, like living 


stones, let yourselves be built up into spiritual houses. 

24:13 Moses rose up, and his servant Joshua. Moses’ servant Joshua 

* 1 

designates the Lord Saviour both by name and by deed. Rightly is he called 
Moses’ servant, because when he appeared in flesh he deigned to submit 
himself to the ceremonies of the Mosaic law, since he came not to abolish 
but to fulfill the law. 4 He follows Moses’ footsteps in all things, because 
if he is properly sought, [Jesus] is to be found in everything that Moses says 
or writes, being designated either by means of a type or openly, as if he 
were [Moses’] inseparable companion. For this reason also he says to the 
Jews, ‘If you believed in Moses, perhaps you would also believe in me; for 
he wrote about me. ’ 5 

24:13-14 And as Moses was going up onto the mountain of God, he 
said to the elders, ‘Wait here until we return to you. You have Aaron 
and Hur with you; if any question arises, you should refer it to them.’ 

Aaron is interpreted as ‘mountain of fortitude’, Hur as ‘fire’ or ‘light’ 6 7 

Hence Aaron designates the Lord Saviour and Hur the Holy Spirit, since 
Isaiah says of the one. And in the latter days the mountain of the house of 
the Lord shall be established on the height of the mountains, and the other 
appeared upon the apostles in fiery light. 8 Therefore, when Moses went up 

to the Lord he left Aaron and Hur (that is, ‘mountain of fortitude’ and ‘fieiy 

1 Dan. 2:34-5 

2 1 Pet 2:5 

3 The name of Jesus is a Greek form of the Hebrew JTlCTtrP (‘Joshua’), of which the usual 
Latin form is Josue. However, the Vulgate sometimes refers to Moses’ assistant as Jesus ; see 
Sir. 46:1, Acts 7:45, and Heb. 4:8. 

4 Matt. 5:17 

5 John 5:46 

6 Jerome, Nom. (CCSL 72: 73, 6; 77, 5) 

7 Isa. 2:2 

8 Acts 2:3-4 



light’) on the plains to govern the people. And if we are unable to follow 
our teachers to the height of divine contemplation, let us take solicitous care 
lest temptation should somehow draw us far away from the mountain of 
God. Instead, let us persevere in [good] works according to the measure of 
our powers, cleaving with unwavering heart to the sacraments of our 
Redeemer, into which we have been initiated, and taking care to preserve 
undefiled in us the grace of his Spirit, with which we have been sealed. And 
if by chance we should be disturbed by the problem of adversities, then let 
us call upon the aid of our same Redeemer, who is accustomed to protect 
his faithful from every evil and to deliver them through the gift of the Holy 
Spirit. Nor should we have any doubt that if we continue steadfastly in what 
we have begun, our weakness and lowness 1 will be strengthened and raised 
up by the mountain of fortitude, and empowered against the attacks of eveiy 
enemy. Furthermore, our ignorance will be illuminated by the light and Fire 
of the Holy Spirit, as our soul is enkindled with love for that same 
benevolent Maker. 

24:15 And when Moses had gone up, a cloud covered the mountain. 
Just as the mountain upon which Moses received the law designates the 
height of the perfection that was written down in that law, so does the cloud 
which covered the mountain suggest the grace of divine protection, which 
is enjoyed more and more the higher one ascends in order to search out the 
wonders of God’s law, as the eyes of one’s heart are opened. For surely the 
cloud covered not only the mountain upon which Moses went up, but also 
the people who were travelling through the wilderness. They were by no 
means able to ascend to the higher regions, but the cloud sent from heaven 
[8] overshadowed them nevertheless 2 Hence it is written that he spread out a 
cloud for their protection , 3 since the Lord surely protects with heavenly 
benediction all those who fear him , both small and great 4 


24:16 And the glory of the Lord dwelt upon Sinai, covering it with a 
cloud for six days; and on the seventh day he called to [Moses] from 
the midst of the cloud. Not only the height of the mountain on which the 

1 humilitas 

2 Exod. 13:21-2 

3 Ps. 105:39(104:39) 

4 Ps. 115:13(113:13) 



law was given, but even its very name as well, figuratively announces the 
perfection of that law. For Sinai is interpreted as ‘my capacity’ or ‘my 
measure’. 1 Consequently, it was arranged by divine providence that the 
mountain on which the law was given should be called ‘my measure’, as if 
the Lord himself was signify ing by this name that his law teaches the perfect 
rule of life for everyone and renders to all people in accordance with their 
works. 2 3 This agrees with what he himself said: For with the judgement you 
pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give is the measure 
with which it will be given back to you. ^ 

Now it is properly said that when Moses went up [onto the mountain) a 
cloud and the glory of the Lord covered the mountain for six days, and on 
the seventh day [the Lord] called him to the summit of the mountain. For 
surely we are commanded in the law to work for six days and to rest on the 
seventh. 4 5 And when he went up on the mountain Moses was covered by the 
cloud and the glory of the Lord for six days, so that it might be mystically 
suggested that anyone who fulfills the commandments of the Lord with 
righteous works is surely worthy of divine protection. Now the same Lord 
who ordered Moses to go up onto the mountain also surrounded him with 
his own cloud and splendour while he was on the way up, because the one 
who bestows upon us the gift of doing well also illumines us while we are 
doing well, lest we should falter, and shields as, lest we should be burned 
up by the temptations of the ancient enemy as if by the boiling heat of the 

The Lord called Moses to the summit [of the mountain] on the seventh 
day because the law promises us eternal rest after we have completed our 
works, so that we who have taken care to stand by the Lord on the height 
of right action will then deserve to go up to see and speak with him, in 
accordance with that [saying] of the psalmist. For he who gives the law will 
give a blessing. They will go from strength to strength; the God of gods will 
be seen in Zion 5 Even in this life, it is certainly true that some of the elect 
have been permitted to ascend to the grace of divine contemplation once 
they have perfected the active life. After a fashion and to some slight degree, 
this can be achieved by peisons who are still clothed in flesh; it was granted 
to many of the patriarchs and prophets, and above all to Moses himself, of 
whom it was specifically said that he spoke with God face to face , as one 

1 Jerome, Nom. (CCSL 72: 77, 1) 

2 Ps. 62:12(61:13) 

3 Matt. 7:2 

4 Exod. 20:9-11 

5 Ps. 84:7 (83:8) 



[9] speaks to a friend. 1 Hence it is also possible to understand why this man in 

particular was covered with the cloud and with the gloiy of the Lord for six 
days on the mountain, and climbed up on the seventh day, when he was 
called to talk with [the Lord] on the summit of the mountain. For on account 
of the good works that he had received from the Lord’s favour he doubtless 
merited to be further enlightened by him, and to be sheltered from all 
assaults of the evil ones, and so he attained to the higher gifts of seeing and 
talking with [God]. For surely the midst of the darkness, from which he is 
said to have been called, does not signify that there are any shadows in 
God, 2 but rather that he dwells in light inaccessible. As the Apostle also 
says, No human being has seen him, or ever can see him? For that darkness 
is the obscurity of the heavenly mysteries 4 It is indeed inaccessible to 
earthly hearts, but when disclosed by divine grace it can be penetrated by 
Moses and the rest of the blessed who are pure in heart, to whom it is said 
in the psalm, ‘ Come to him and be illuminated . ,5 For his light is indeed 
inaccessible to our human strength; nevertheless, by his munificence one 
can draw near to it. Here there is aptly added: 

24: 17 Now the appearance of the glory of the Lord was like a burning 
fire on the top of the mountain in the sight of the children of Israel. 
Surely the appearance of the glory of the Lord looked like a burning fire 
because it both enlightens the hearts of the elect with the gift of heavenly 
knowledge and inflames them with the fire of his charity. Consequently, 
the glory of the Lord appeared in a cloud, in darkness, and in fire: in a cloud, 
because it protects us from the heat of temptations; in darkness, because the 
power of his majesty can be wholly comprehended by no creature, for the 
peace of God surpasses all understanding ; 6 and in burning fire, because it 
both illumines the minds of the faithful with the knowledge of supernal 
blessings and enkindles them with hope and love. 

The children of Israel behold this gloiy of the Lord from afar and from 
below, but Moses enters into it by ascending higher. For the perfect 
doubtless see the hidden things of the divine mysteries perfectly and 
sublimely, while we who are mindful of our frailty and indolence, although 
we are unable to enter therein by comprehending, can at least take care to 
stay nearby and to observe by believing, hoping and loving. 7 For it is as if 

1 Exod. 33:11 

2 1 John 1:5 

3 1 Tim. 6:16 

4 archarnorum 

5 Ps. 34:5 (33:6) 

6 Phil. 4:7 

7 1 Cor. 13:13 



the children of Israel look from afar toward the mountain of God and toward 
the sight of his glory whenever those weak ones in the Church who earnestly 
desire to see God himself diligently keep their minds’ eyes fixed on the 
recollection of eternal splendour. It is as if they stay near to the mountain 
of God, upon which they know that Moses has ascended, whenever they 
confine themselves upon it by living temperately, so as never to divert the 
course of their action very far away from the imitation of the highest men, 
although they are not yet fully able to follow their footsteps to perfection. 

24:18 And Moses, entering into the midst of the cloud, went up onto 
the mountain, and he was there forty days and forty nights. Moses 
enters into the midst of the cloud and goes up onto the mountain when the 
preachers of the divine law, among whom Moses himself was preeminent, 
are invited and led by the Lord to penetrate the heights in order to contem¬ 
plate the ambiguities and secrets of divine wisdom. Now Moses was with 
the Lord forty days and forty nights so that he might learn from this amount 
of time that the only ones who are able to fulfill the Decalogue of the law 
which he, with his people, had received are those whom [the Lord] assists 
with the grace of evangelical truth, which was to be recorded in four books; 
for four times ten makes forty. Or perhaps [it means] that the time would 
come when those same teachings of the Decalogue, which he then received 
with the one people of the children of Israel, would be spread abroad 
through the generosity of divine grace and would be made known to all the 
races contained in the four parts of the world, and that by observing them 
all nations would come to eternal salvation. And because Moses arrived so 
quickly in his miraculous ascent to receive the law, we have learned that 
even at this moment we ought to direct our ears to hearing what he heard 
and our minds to expounding those same commandments of the law, as far 
as we are able. 


There follows: 

25:1-2 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Tell the children of 
Israel that they should bring me firstfruits; from every person who 
offers voluntarily, you shall take firstfruits for me. We bring the 
firstfruits of our possessions to the Lord when, if we do anything good, we 
truthfully attribute it all to divine grace. Acknowledging from the inmost 
heart that we are unable even to begin a good action or thought without the 

[ 10 ] 

1 Ps. 51:6(50:8) 



Lord, we must confess that our misdeeds, although instigated by the devil, 
are always begun and brought to completion by us ourselves, nor can they 
be undone unless the Lord forgives. The Pelagians are unwilling to bring 
the firstfruits of their possessions to the Lord but retain whatever they own 
for themselves, because with foolish presumption they allege that they have 
something good from themselves apart from the grace of God. 1 And Moses 
was well advised to take firstfruits from every person who offers voluntar¬ 
ily yfor God loves a cheerful giver, and the Apostle commands us to do good 
[works] not reluctantly or under compulsion , but from a intention that is 
heartfelt. 2 Knowing that he is to do this, the prophet takes pride in saying 
to the Lord, 'Of my own accord will I sacrifice to you. 3 
[11] 25:3-8Now these are the things you must take: gold and silver and 

bronze, blue and purple and scarlet twice dyed and fine linen, goats 9 
hair and rams 9 skins dyed red, blue skins and acacia wood, oil for 
preparing lamps, spices for ointment and for sweet-smelling incense, 
onyx stones and precious stones to adorn the ephod and the rational. 
And they shall make me a sanctuary, and I will dwell in the midst of 
them. All these things that the Lord directed to be offered to him in a 
material fashion for the making of a sanctuary by the people of earlier times 
should also be offered with spiritual understanding by us who desire to be 
the spiritual children of Israel (that is, imitators of the people who saw 
God 4 ). For it is through freewill oblations of this sort that we may merit for 
him to make in us a sanctuary for himself and that he may deign to abide 
in our midst, that is to say, that he may consecrate a dwelling place for 
himself in our hearts. 

1 Pelagius (c.350-c.425) was a British monk who taught in Rome, North Africa, and 
Palestine. His afFirmation of human freedom and his denial of original sin, which brought him 
into conflict with Augustine of Hippo, were later developed by others such as the Italian bishop 
Julian of Eclanum (c.380-485) against whose teachings Bede directed the preface to his 
commentary on the Song of Songs {CCSL 119B: 167-80). Harsh condemnations of 
Pelagianism appear throughout many of Bede’s works; see the list of citations in Plummer 
(1896), 1: Ixii-lxiii. Controversy surrounds many aspects of the development and demise of 
Pelagianism in Roman Britain. Myres (1960) and Morris (1965) argued that the Pelagian 
heresy originated in Britain (not, as generally supposed, in Rome) against the background of 
Roman withdrawal early in the fifth century. They were opposed by Liebeschuetz (1963 and 
1967) and Brown (1968). More recently, Markus (1986) has suggested that the theological 
orientation of British Christianity may well have tended toward a ‘pre-Pelagian’ position 
before the controversy arose, and maintained an ill-defined mixture of Pelagian and orthodox 
elements well into the sixth century. 

2 2 Cor. 9:7 

3 Ps. 54:6 (53:8) 

4 The etymology is found in Jerome, Nom. (CCSL 72: 75, 21; 139, 22; 152, 15-16; 155, 
20), and Quaest. heb. (CCSL 72: 41, 8-23). 



We offer gold to him when we shine brightly with the splendour of the 
true wisdom which is in right faith; silver when with our mouth we make 
confession unto salvation; r bronze when we rejoice in spreading that same 
faith by public preaching; blue w hen we lift up our hearts; purple w hen we 
subject the body to suffering; scarlet twice dyed when we bum with a double 
love (that is, for God and neighbour); fine linen when we shine with chastity 
of the flesh; goats’ hair when we put on the habit of penitence and 
lamentation; rams’ skins dyed red when as leaders of the Lord’s flock we 
see ourselves baptized in his blood; blue skins when we hope to be clothed 
after death with spiritual bodies in heaven; acacia wood when the thorn- 
thickets of sin have been cleared away and we serve the Lord alone, pure 
in body and in soul; oil for preparing lamps when we shine brightly with 
the fruits of charity and mercy; spices for ointment and sweet-smelling 
incense when our reputation for good deeds spreads far and wide among 
the multitudes as an example of living well. 

We offer onyx stones and precious stones to adorn the ephod and rational 
when with the praise that is due we extol the miracles which adorn both the 
thoughts that the saints have devoted to God and their virtuous works, and 
when we use these [miracles] to support our faith whenever there is the 
need. For since we are accustomed to bear burdens on [our] shoulders, it is 
Fitting for the ephod (which is [worn] on the shoulders 1 2 ) to suggest the 
works of the righteous and their devoted labours for the Lord. And since 
the seat of thought is in the chest, it is fitting for the pure thoughts of the 
elect to be portrayed in the rational, which is the vestment for the priest’s 
chest. Both onyx stones and precious stones adorn the ephod and the 
rational when miracles are joined like insignia to the outstanding acts and 
thoughts of the most excellent fathers. Nor is there anything to prevent us [12] 
from understanding the onyx stones, which are said to be the colour of 
blood, 3 as the merits of martyrdom which are added to good works. With 
the assistance of God’s grace, we shall discuss all of these things more fully, 
each one in its own proper place. 

1 Rom. 10:10 

2 literally, ‘that is, the superhumerale’ 

3 Onyx , which derived its name from the Greek oyu£ (‘fingernail’), was usually said to be 
yellowish in colour. However, the late fourth-century Greek Christian author Epiphanius 
explained that some forms of onyx were so called ‘because the nails of refined men are like 
marble somewhat reddened with a mixture of blood’; see De XII gemmis 34 (ed. Dindorf, 4, 
1: 193, 19 - 194, 2). Kitson (1983), 80-8, has shown that Bede knew a Latin version of 
Epiphanius’ work, which he used in composing his commentary In Apocalysin (PL 93: 



25:8-9 He says: And they shall make me a sanctuary, and I will dwell 
in the midst of them, in accordance with every likeness of the tabernacle 
that I will show you, and of all the vessels for its service. The Lord 
showed Moses the tabernacle on the mountain and the vessels consecrated 
for its service because while he kept [Moses] there with him for such a long 
time he certainly must have indicated to him the great piety, humility, and 
purity with which the angelic powers rejoice to obey their Creator. They 
are his perfect tabernacle in every way, for the one by whom they were 
made never ceases to remain and to dwell in them. A life like theirs and a 
share in their conversation in the Lord’s presence is promised to us also in 
the resurrection, provided that we strive, while we are on earth, to leave the 
contagions of this world behind and to imitate their life by praising and 
loving God, by loving the neighbour in God, and also by even helping our 
enemies, through acts of kindness calling to the love of God people such as 
those to whom the Apostle said, 'But you, brothers, are not in the flesh but 
in the spirit 

Thus the tabernacle that was shown to Moses on the mountain is that 
heavenly city and celestial homeland which we believe to have existed at 
that time for the holy angels alone, but which after the passion, resurrection, 
and ascension into heaven of the Mediator between God and humankind 1 2 
[now] receives the countless multitude of radiant and holy souls. Surely the 
vessels of that tabernacle are all the individual persons of those blessed 
spirits for whom that Jerusalem which is the mother of us all 3 4 stands in true 
peace and unity. And we should take care to note that the children of Israel 
were ordered to make for the Lord a sanctuary that was not to be similar 
only in part, but was to be according to every likeness of the tabernacle that 
he showed to Moses, and of all the vessels for its service. Now if we aspire 
to fellowship with the angels in heaven, we who are on earth should always 
imitate their life, to the degree that sinful bodies do not hinder [us], nor 
earthly limbs and mortal members make [us] dull* 

Perhaps you are asking how you, a fleshly human being bom from the 
[13] earth, can possibly imitate this celestial tabernacle which is spiritual. They 

1 Rom. 8:9 

2 1 Tim. 2:5 

3 Gal. 4:26 

4 Vergil, Aen. 6: 731-2 (LCL 1: 556); Bede may have come across these lines quoted in 
Augustine, Deciv. Dei 14, 3 (CSEL 40: 5, 25-6). Hunter Blair, in Bonner (1976), 250, suggested 
that all of Bede’s quotations from Vergil were taken from other writers, and that Bede had no 
knowledge of Vergil in the original. But Wright (1981) has argued persuasively that Bede’s 
Vergilian quotations were more extensive than those recognized by Hunter Blair and that he 
must have had access to all that poet’s works. 



love God and their neighbours; imitate this. They come to the aid of the 
unfortunate (not to angels who are altogether blessed, but surely to hu¬ 
mans); imitate this. They are humble, they are gentle, they are peaceable 
toward one another, they obey the divine commands; how well would you 
do to imitate this! They neither speak, nor do, nor think anything that is evil, 
or useless, or unjust, but assist at the divine praises with speech and thought 
that are unwearied; as far as you are able, imitate this. Build a sanctuaiy for 
the Lord in accordance with the pattern that was shown to Moses on the 
mountain, and when our Lord and Saviour comes he and the Father will 
make a home with you, and then after this life he will bring you into that 
blessed tabernacle which you have always imitated. There follows: 

25:9-10 And you shall make it in this way: build an ark of acacia 
wood. It is appropriate that the ark, which is the first of all the things ordered 
to be made in the tabernacle, designates the incarnation of our Lord and 
Saviour, in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge . 1 It is 
easy to see that the ark is properly ordered to be built out of acacia wood, 
for they say that acacia wood is light and incorruptible in nature, not veiy 
different in quality from whitethorn. 2 Consequently, the ark was made of 
acacia wood because the Lord’s body is composed of members free from 
every stain of imperfection. And this same wood is quite similar to that of 
a thorn, because though he came not in sinful flesh, nevertheless it was in 
the likeness of sinful flesh, as the Apostle said 3 


There follows: 

25:10 The length of [the ark] shall be two cubits and a half; the width, 
a cubit and a half; and the height also, a cubit and a half. Someone is 
bound to ask how we should reckon the length of the cubit that Moses 
employed [in describing] both Noah’s ark and the making of the tabernacle. 
This question is easily answered if we look at the words of Josephus, for 
we must not suppose that a Jewish man of priestly descent, most excellent 
in ability and most learned in literature both secular and divine, could be 
mistaken in any way about such a matter. Now this is what he says: The 

1 Col. 3:2 

2 Jerome, InEs. 12{CCSL 73A: 474, 51-7 yjnloel 3, 18 (CCSL 76: 207, 349-52) 

3 Rom. 8:3 



ark was made five hands in length and three in width . 1 From this it is 
obviously quite clear that [Moses*] cubit designates the span of two hands. 
Mystically, however, the length of the ark suggests the long-suffering 
patience with which our Lord and Redeemer lived among humankind; its 
width suggests the amplitude of that love with which he was willing to come 
to us and dwell among us; its height suggests the hope of future sublimity, 
[14] in which he foresaw either that he himself would be glorified after his 
passion or that we shall be glorified 2 3 4 

Hence it was also fitting for the ark to be two cubits long, because of the 
teaching and the deeds with which he shone brightly in the world. On this 
account the evangelist Luke declared that he had [previously] written a 
treatise concerning those things that Jesus began to do and to teach? and 
[Jesus’] fellow citizens marvelled, saying, ‘Where did he get this wisdom 
and these powers? A —obviously meaning by ‘wisdom’ those wonderful 
things that he was saying, and by ‘powers’ those that he was doing. But in 
addition to these two cubits, the length of the ark contained another 
half-cubit; we can ascribe this to the slowness of human frailty, which could 
never worthily grasp the sublime words and deeds of the Saviour. 5 6 7 For this 
reason also it was plainly said of some of his mystical actions: His disciples 
did not understand these things at first , but when Jesus was glorified; and 
in like manner of his more sublime words: But this saying was hidden from 
them , and they did not understand what was said 1 The ark, therefore, was 
two cubits long because when the Lord appeared in flesh he was brilliant 
both in word and in deed, and it was a half cubit more because of the 
long-suffering with which he bore the slowness of the disciples who could 
never perfectly grasp either his words or his deeds. 

The width of the ark was one cubit on account of the dispensation of the 
Lord’s own charity, with which he took care to unite his elect in God. For 

1 Josephus, Ant. Jud. 3, 6, 5 (ed. Blatt, 235, 15-17). As a Jewish priest with firsthand 
experience of worship in Herod’s temple before its destruction in 70 CE, the Jewish historian 
Flavius Josephus (c.35-100) was able to provide important information supplementing the 
biblical description of the tabernacle cult. Bede employed the Latin translation of Josephus’ 
Antiquitates Judaicae that Cassiodorus had arranged to be made at Vivarium. It was suggested 
in Laistner (1935), 246-7, that Bede may have made use of a copy of the Greek original as 
well, but tliis remains only a conjecture. 

2 Gregory the Great, Horn, in Ezech. 1, 6, 18; 2, 3, 11; 2, 9, 9; 2, 10, 17 (CCSL 142: 78, 
371-3 and 380-1; 243, 209-10; 363, 284-6; 392, 432-3) 

3 Acts 1:1 

4 Matt. 13:54 

5 Gregory the Great, Horn, in Ezech . 2, 9, 9 (CCSL 142: 363, 286-93) 

6 John 12:16 

7 Luke 18:34 



this reason also, when he prayed to the Father on their behalf he said: ‘Now 
I ask not on behalfofthese only ; but also on behalfof those who will believe 
in me through their word, that they all may be one, just as you, Father, are 
in me, and I in you, that they also maybe one in us; A and a little later: ‘And 
1 made your name known to them, and 1 will make it known, so that the love 
with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them. After the 
one cubit, there was another half cubit in order to signify our frailty, for 
while we are in this life we never manage perfectly to love God for his own 
sake, or to comprehend the love that God has towards us. 1 2 3 Indeed, just as 
the Apostle bears witness that we know in part and we prophesy in part, 4 
it is evident in the same way that we also love in part. Therefore the ark was 
one cubit and a half because the Lord loves us with a singular affection, 
uniting us to himself and to the Father, and with an equally affectionate 
kindness he also accepts our capacity to love, however limited it may be in 
this life, until we are worthy to come to that vision of him in which we shall 
love him with all our heart, all our mind, and all our strength. 5 

Quite aptly, the height of the ark was also one cubit and a half. [The one 
cubit] obviously signifies the singular hope with which the Lord himself, 
when he was with us in the flesh, was awaiting the event of his future [15] 
resurrection and subsequent gloiy; [the half cubit] reminds us who are 
amidst the adversities of the world that we should always rejoice on account 
of the rewards of future blessings. Therefore the ark was a full cubit in 
height because our Lord and Saviour (although he was corruptible as long 
as he was still dwelling in the flesh) knew full well how much glory was 
laid up for him in the future, whether in himself or in his members, which 
we are. It was another half cubit in height because he has also willingly 
accepted into his body those of us who piously strive to love the future 
homeland with humble devotioa Although we are as yet unable to grasp 
perfectly what its felicity may be, nevertheless what we do grasp here, that 
we have from him alone. 

25:11 And you shall overlay it with the purest gold inside and outside, 
and you shall make a golden crown over it all around. The ark is overlaid 
with the purest gold inside and outside because the human nature assumed 
by the Son of God was full of the power of the Holy Spirit on the inside, 
and on the outside it openly displayed the works of the Holy Spirit to [all] 

1 John 17:20-1 

2 John 17:26 

3 Gregory the Great, Horn, in Ezech. 2, 9, 10 (CCSL 142: 364, 321-4) 

4 1 Cor. 13:9 

5 Mark 12:30 



people. The top of that ark is doubtless properly ordered to be encircled 
with a golden crown, because when he appeared in flesh and came to redeem 
the human race, the Son of God was anticipating a certain time and hour 
when he would overcome the death he had borne for us (along with the 
author of death himself), and ascend victorious to the Father in heaven. Of 
this crown the Apostle says: But we see Jesus, who was indeed made a little 
lower than the angels , crowned with glory and honour because of the 
suffering of death? Of this crown John in the Apocalypse says: And I 
looked ' and behold, a white horse! And the one who was sitting upon it had 
a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering that he 
might conquer 2 Surely the white horse is the Church; the rider who was 
commanding it is the Lord; he had a bow because he was coming to make 
war against the powers of the air; and a crown of victory was given to him 
because by dying he overthrew the reign of death. 

25:12 And there shall be four golden rings, which you shall put at 
the four corners of the ark; two rings on one side, and two on the other. 
The four golden rings are the four books of the gospels, which are deserv¬ 
edly golden on account of the splendour of the wisdom with which they 
glisten. They are deservedly compared to rings because the very wisdom 
of God which they preach is the eternal divinity received by the human 
Christ, which neither began in time nor will ever cease to be eternal. For 
this reason, when the hour of his passion was near he prayed to the Father, 
saying: And now, Father, make me shine in your own presence with the 
[16] splendour that I had with you before the world existed. 

Now the ark has four comers because the sacrament of the Lord’s 
incarnation never ceases to be celebrated throughout all the regions of the 
world into which the Holy Church is spread. And four rings were put at 
those four comers because the gospel of Christ is preached to the ends of 
all the world, so that the hearts of the faithful might be saved 4 And there 
are two rings on one side and two on the other, either because two of the 
evangelists became disciples of the Saviour when he was in the flesh 
preaching and doing miracles and the other two came to faith in him after 
his resurrection and ascension into heaven, 5 or because in the Figure of the 
four living creatures the two designated by the man and the calf display the 
tokens of his passion and death, but the two prefigured by the lion and the 

1 Heb. 2:9 

2 Rev. 6:2; ‘bow’ = arcus , which is similar in sound to archa = ‘ark’. 

3 John 17:5 

4 Gregory the Great, Reg. past. 2, 11 (SC 381: 254, 25-8) 

5 Matthew and John became disciples of Jesus during the period of his earthly ministry 
(Matt. 4:21; 9:9), while Mark and Luke became Christians only after his ascension. 



eagle reveal the signs of the victoiy in which he destroyed death. 1 For the 
man represents the Lord as he was made mortal through the incarnation; 
the calf stands for him as he was offered for us upon the altar of the cross; 
the lion portrays him when he bravely conquered death; the eagle when he 
ascended into heaven. And thus there are two rings on one side and two on 
the other because the figures of two evangelists doubtless suggest the Lord’s 
assumption of human frailty, and the two others suggest the victory in which 
he triumphed over the same frailty that he had assumed, and over death as 
well. For just as the left side of the ark had two rings since two evangelists 
are figures of the Lord’s incarnation and passion, there were similarly two 
rings on the right side because two evangelists likewise figuratively repre¬ 
sent his resurrection and ascension, which pertain to the glory of the life to 

25:13-15 You shall also make poles out of acacia wood, and overlay 
them with gold. And you shall insert them through the rings that are 
on the sides of the ark, so that it may be carried on them. They shall 
always be in the rings; they shall never be taken out of them. The poles 
with which the aik is carried are the holy teachers who cany the Lord to the 
hearts of their hearers by preaching 2 It is prescribed that these poles are 
always to be in the rings because it is doubtless necessary that those who 
preach the heavenly sacraments to others must never inhibit their minds 
from the recollection of the Sacred Scriptures, nor their hands from the 
observance of the divine commandments 3 And there properly follows: 

25; 16 And you shall put in the ark the testimony that I will give you, 
because we ought to speak and to believe about the incarnate Son of God 
only those things that the Lord himself has deigned to reveal to us through [17] 
the authors of Sacred Scripture. And if you want to know what that 

1 Rev. 4:7; cf. Ezek. 1:5-10. Although there was general agreement in the early church that 
the four living creatures symbolized the authors of the four gospels, there were diverse opinions 
about which creature represented which evangelist. According to Irenaeus, Adv. Haer. 3, 11, 
8 (SC 211: 160, 175 - 170, 236), Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were figured by the man, 
the eagle, the calf, and the lion, respectively, while Jerome, in the preface to his In Matth. 
(CCSL 77: 3, 55 - 4, 84) and in In Ezech. 1, l, 6-8 (CCSL 75: 11, 191-206), preferred the order 
man, lion, calf, and eagle, which is that found in most medieval art, including the illuminations 
of the Lindisfame Gospels and the Book of Kells. Bede, however, consistently followed the 
order lion, man, calf, eagle, which had been advanced by Augustine in De cons, evang. 1, 6 
(CSEL 43: 9, 3 - 10, 14). As a result, some readers of the prologue to his early commentary In 
Apocalypsin (PL 93: 144A-B) accused Bede of being an innovator; his reply, which appeals 
to the authority of Augustine, is found in the prologue of In Lucam (CCSL 120: 6, 68 - 10, 
220 ). 

2 Gregory the Great, Reg. past. 2, 11 (SC 381: 254, 28-32) 

3 Ibid. (SC 381: 254, 38 - 256, 55) 



‘testimony’ might be that Moses received from the Lord to be put into the 
ark, listen to the Apostle, who says: And behind the second curtain was a 
tabernacle which is called the holy of holies, containing a golden censer 
and the ark of the covenant covered on all sides with gold, in which there 
was a golden urn holding the manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the 
tablets of the covenant. 1 Now the golden urn in the ark holding the manna 
is the holy soul in Christ which contains in itself all the fullness of Divinity. 1 2 3 4 
Aaron’s rod that budded although cut off [from the tree] is the invincible 
power of his priesthood, concerning which the prophet says: The rod of 
your kingdom is a rod of equity. 3 Even after it seemed for the time being 
to have been cut off through death, in the dawn of the resurrection mom it 
was found to have blossomed again all the more vigorously, and it became 
clear that it would remain forever imperishable and unfading. For Christ 
rising from the dead will never die again; death no longer has dominion 
over him 4 The tablets of the covenant in the ark indicate that all knowledge 
of the Father’s secrets and all power of judgement are in Christ. For on the 
tablets of the covenant were inscribed the faith of the eternal Divinity which 
creates and rules the world, and the commandments through which one 
ought to serve God, and the discerning judgement with which he rightly 
condemns those who hate him and with due mercy' rewards those who love 
him. This, then, is the testimony that the Lord gave Moses to be put into 
the ark. It indicated the troth that we ought to confess in Christ about his 
flesh, his soul, and his word; it showed that after the passion of death the 
same flesh would be glorified in the resurrection and lifted up to the eternal 
dignity of a king and priest; it taught that he alone is privy to the Father’s 
secrets Just as truly as he is the judge of all worlds, of one and the same 
majesty with the Father. 


25:17 You shall also make a propitiatory of the purest gold; two 
cubits and a half shall be its length, and a cubit and a half its width. 
People often ask about the propitiatory , with which it says the ark was to 
be covered. But since he orders it to be made of gold and to be of the same 
length and width as he had commanded the ark to be made, it is established 
beyond a doubt that he wanted the board to be made with the same amount 

1 Heb. 9:3-4 

2 Col. 2:9 

3 Ps. 45:6 (44:7) 

4 Rom. 6:9 



of gold as it took to cover the ark. From this it is clear that the propitiatory 
is nothing other than the Lord Saviour, but it especially designates the heart 
of compassion 1 that is in him, concerning whom the Apostle says: God put 
him forward as a propitiation through faith in his blood ’ 2 For this reason 
also is it placed up above, because he exalts mercy over judgement. For this 
reason the psalmist also says: The Lord is sweet to all, and his mercies are [18] 
over all his works . 3 

25:18-21 You shall also make two cherubim of beaten gold, at the 
two ends of the mercy seat. 4 Let one cherub be on the one side, and the 
other on the other. Let them cover both sides of the propitiatory, 
spreading their wings and covering the mercy seat, 5 and let them look 
toward one another, their faces being turned toward the propitiatory 
with which the ark is to be covered, in which you shall put the testimony 
that I will give you. The prophet Ezekiel clearly declares that "cherubim’ 
is the name of the angelic powers 6 which he describes as having appeared 
to him with wings, according to the pattern in which they are orderded to 
be deployed here. For he indicates that those others had appeared to him 
when he says: And the sound of the wings of the cherubim was heard as far 
as the outer court, like the voice of God when he speaks 1 In the singular 
number it is indeed called a ‘cherub’ and in the plural ‘cherubim’, and it is 
a noun of the masculine gender, but according to Greek custom it is put in 
the neuter gender as ‘cherubin’, the letter m being changed to n. But our 
translator, following the Hebrew idiom, puts it in the masculine gender: 

Tow shall also make /ho cherubim of beaten gold, ’ not ‘two cherubin of 
beaten gold’. This [latter reading] I believe to be a corruption in his 
translation arising from the negligence of scribes, so that ‘cherubin’ was 
written instead of ‘cherubim’ in the manner of the ancients. 

Now ‘cherubim’ or ‘cherubin’ is interpreted as ‘multitude of knowledge’ 
or ‘understanding of knowledge’, 8 because it is evident that the name is 
quite rightly appropriate to the angelic powers inasmuch as they perfectly 
adhere to the vision of their Maker, free from every impure impulse of 
thought. And on that account also the painters’ fancy is accustomed to 
depict wings in the figure of the cherubim Moses is ordered to make, and 

1 viscera pietaiis ; literally, ‘bowels of piety’ 

2 Rom. 3:25 

3 Ps. 145:9(144:9) 

4 oraculr, literally, ‘of the oracle’ 

5 oraculum 

6 Cf. Bede, De templo 1 (CCSL 119A: 178, 1269) 

7 Ezek. 10:5 

8 Jerome, Norn. ( CCSL 72: 74, 20-1) 



in that form of them that the prophet testified that he had seen. In this way 
it is signified that the angels have their dwelling place on high and are able 
to hasten everywhere as if with nimble flight; nor do they suffer any delay, 
but rather appear immediately wherever they wish. This same thing is 
certainly promised to us also after the resurrection, for we shall then be 
clothed with spiritual bodies. Therefore the cherubim spread their wings 
and cover the propitiatory because the angels dedicate to their Maker’s 
service every power of their nature, by which they deserve to dwell on high 
and to enter by a smooth and joyful way all the regions of that supernal 
homeland. And when they contemplate the propitiatory it is as if they cover 
it over (that is, they adorn it with honour by veiling it), because they regard 
every rank of perpetual felicity that they attain as coming from the grace of 
him from whom they have received the power to will no evil. 

Now there are two [cherubim] to signify the peaceful fellowship of the 
[19] angels, because it is not possible for charity to be exercised among any 
fewer than two. 1 Then they are also ordered to look towards one another 
and to face the propitiatory, doubtless because they agree with one another 
in glorifying the Divine Vision. In addition, the two testaments can be 
figured through the two cherubim; one of them proclaims the incarnation 
of the Lord as future, the other as having been accomplished. They look 
toward one another because they do not disagree with one another at all in 
the attestation of truth which they preach. They turn their faces to the 
propitiatory because they vigorously commend the Lord’s mercy, which is 
the world’s only hope. For this reason they are on each side of the mercy 
seat, 1 2 because they fill the times preceding the Lord’s incarnation, as well 
as those that follow, with the preaching of spiritual knowledge. 

The name ‘multitude of knowledge’ or ‘knowledge multiplied’ 3 4 is also 
appropriate for them, because Sacred Scripture is clearly filled with spiritual 
and divine knowledge, and the same knowledge from which Scripture itself 
was originally composed is always increased and never ceases to be 
multiplied. Hence the angel also said to Daniel, 'Many shall pass by, and 
knowledge shall be manifold. A Surely the Lord himself bears witness that 
Moses acquired more knowledge than the patriarchs, for when he appears 
to him he says: 7 am the God who appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to 
Jacob as God Almighty, but my name Adonai I did not make known to 

1 Gregory the Great, Horn, in evang. 17, 1 (PL 76: 1139A) 

2 oraculi 

3 Jerome, Nom. (CCSL 72: 63, 11; 74, 20) 

4 Dan. 12:4 



them 7 1 Therefore the understanding of divine knowledge was multiplied 
from the time when the Lord showed Moses this thing concerning his own 
self, which he had not made known to the patriarchs. 

Let us consider whether David, who was meditating on the law of the 
Lord day and night, might have perceived himself to have understood 
something more about the Lord than had Moses who wrote the law. He 
says: LIow I have loved your law , O Lord; it is in my meditation all the 
day; 3 and he immediately added: 7 have understood above all my teach¬ 
ers . 3 Hence he also glorifies the Lord elsewhere, saying: ‘ You have made 
known to me the hidden things and the secrets of your wisdom. A Likewise 
the Lord himself declares the apostles to have known greater things than 
the prophets, for he speaks to them, saying: ! Many prophets and righteous 
people desired to see the things you see, and did not see them , and to hear 
the things you hear, and did not hear them. 3 But he also promises them 
still greater grace of knowledge after his resurrection and ascension, saying: 
7 still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now; but 
when the Spirit of truth comes he will teach you all truth. * He also assures 
them that in the future he will reveal to them greater things than all those 
that they are able to know in this life, saying: 'And those who love me will 
be loved by my Father, and I will love them and manifest myself to them. ’ 7 

Rightly, then, does ‘cherubim’ mean ‘knowledge multiplied’, because in 
both testaments knowledge of the truth became known to the faithful more 
and more as time went by. Rightly are the cherubim said to cover the 
propitiatory of glory, because as knowledge grows through time and is 
multiplied, the testaments preach to us the propitiation of the Lord Saviour 
and do not cease to honour it always with grateful voices, as if they were 
spreading their wings to fly. For since the words of those who talk come 
from the speakers’ mouths into the hearts of their hearers as if they were 
flying through the air, they can deservedly be designated by the cherubim 
with spreading wings, who are, as it were, prepared to fly. 

1 Exod. 6:2-3. The sacred name that God revealed to Moses was given as m*TVYahweh’; 

the Tetragrammaton) in the Hebrew text, which the Greek translation known as the Septuagint 
rendered as YLvpioq (‘Lord’). The Vulgate reading Adonai, which Bede gives here, is the 
transliterated Latin torm of the Hebrew (‘Lord’), which was substituted in Jewish 

tradition for the Tetragrammaton when the text was read aloud because the Divine Name itself 
was considered too holy to be pronounced. 

2 Ps. 119:97(118:97) 

3 Ps. 119:99(118:99) 

4 Ps. 51:6 (50:8) 

5 Matt. 8:17 

6 John 16:12-13 

7 John 14:25 

[ 20 ] 



25:22 I will speak to you from above the propitiatory, and from the 
midst of the two cherubim, which shall be upon the ark of the testimony, 
and from there I will enjoin all the things that I will command the 
children of Israel by you. From above the propitiatoiy the Lord speaks to 
Moses all the things that he commands the children of Israel by him because 
through the grace of God’s propitiation it happened that he deigned to 
appear to humankind after the crime of transgression and to show them the 
way of truth after they had gone astray. He speaks from the midst of the 
cherubim because the Lord appeared and spoke to Moses through an angelic 
vision and not in his own substance, as the Apostle attests that the law was 
put forth because of transgressions, until the offspring should come to 
whom he had made the promise; and it was ordained through angels by the 
hand of a mediator. 1 Or, alternatively, the Lord speaks from the midst of 
the two cherubim because through the words of the two testaments he 
instructs us in the true faith with one harmonious voice; or perhaps he 
speaks from the midst of the cherubim because God the Father deigned to 
manifest his will to the human race through his Only-begotten who ap¬ 
peared in flesh between the two testaments. What Habakkuk said can also 
be taken in this sense: ‘In the midst oftwo living beings you will be known. ’ 

The ark can also be taken figuratively as the Holy Church which is 
constructed from incorruptible wood (that is, from holy souls). Extended 
throughout the four quarters of the world, with faith in the holy gospel [the 
Church] expects from God the eternal crown of life. 3 It contains in itself 
the tables of the covenant by continual meditation on the law of God; it also 
contains the golden urn with the manna as a guarantee of the Lord’s 
incarnation, and Aaron’s rod that budded as a sharing in the kingship and 
priesthood of the Lord; for the apostle Peter says: ‘But you are a chosen 
race, a royal priesthood\ A Up above, it has the propitiatoiy to remind it 
that every good thing it possesses it has received from the generosity of 
divine grace; and on the propitiatoiy it has the glorious cherubim, signifying 

1 Gal. 3:19 

2 Hab. 3:2. Bede quotes from the Old Latin version, which reads in medio duorum 
animalium innotesceris. Jerome, in his commentary In Hab. 2 (CCSL 76 A: 619, 52 - 621, 114), 
expressed a preference for the reading in medio annorum (‘in the midst of the years’), which 
he had used in his own Vulgate translation. At the same time, however, Jerome recorded several 
possible interpretations of the older version, including those referring to the cherubim and to 
the two testaments which Bede gives here. In his own commentary In Hab. 3, 2 (CCSL 119B: 
383, 60 - 384, 77), Bede interprets the phrase in medio duorum animalium as referring to the 
manifestation of Jesus, either between Moses and Elijah at his transfiguration or between two 
thieves at his crucifixion. 

3 Jas. 1:12 

4 1 Pet. 2:9 



either the angelic assistance with which it is always aided by a gracious [21] 
God, or the testaments in which it is taught how it ought to live and in what 
manner it ought to seek the aid of divine propitiation so that it may live 
properly. Now the cherubim were set over the propitiatory in this way just 
as the city of Christ (that is, the Holy Church) is said to have been built 
upon the mountain 1 (that is, upon Christ himself); not that his city can be 
higher than he, but because it derives support from his assistance. The ark 
has cherubim over the propitiatory because both the angelic ministries and 
the Divine Eloquences surely give aid to the Church in so far as they 
themselves stand firm upon the foundation of the highest truth. 


25:23 You shall also make a table of acacia wood, two cubits in length, 
and a cubit in width, and a cubit and a half in height. The table made 
from acacia wood is the Holy Scripture composed out of the bold words 
and deeds of the holy fathers. In showing us what the joys of eternal 
blessedness might be and how they might be attained, it surely supplies us 
with the food of salvation and life. This [table] has length, because it 
suggests to us perseverance in religious undertakings; width, because it 
suggests the amplitude of charity; height, because it suggests the hope of 
everlasting reward. And it is properly two cubits long because our active 
life is comprised of two virtues in particular, namely mercy and innocence, 
as the apostle James says: But religion that is pure and undefded before 
God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress , 
and to keep oneself unstainedfrom this world 2 For by commanding us to 
visit orphans and widows in their distress he indicates that we ought 
mercifully to do all things that are needful toward our neighbours, and by 
admonishing us to keep ourselves unstained from this world he expresses 
all the ways in which we ourselves ought to live uprightly. 

The Lord himself also declared that these two cubits of good action are 
in the table of his own words, for he said: ‘Let your loins be girded and 
your lamps burning. 3 Evidently, our loins should be girded so that we may 
remain free from the contamination of this world, and our lamps should be 
burning so that through works of mercy we may shine bright before the 
Lord. For what follows, 'and be like people who are waiting for their master 

1 Matt. 5:14; Eph. 2:19-20; Heb. 12:22 

2 Jas. 1:27 

3 Luke 12:35 



when he returns from the wedding, A pertains to the height of that same 
table, that is, to the hope of future recompense. 

[22] The table is one cubit wide, figuratively indicating the unity of that same 
love which the entire sequence of the Old and New Testaments commends 
to us. For charity is indeed one (that is, piety is simple 1 2 and pure in heart), 
inasmuch as we are commanded to love God and neighbour and even our 
very enemies, although with a considerable difference in quality and a most 
proper distinction of that same love. We ought to love God in the first place, 
enemies in the last; and the measure of love that ought to be weighed out 
to our neighbours will vary according to the diversity of their merits, just 
as we know that the patriarch Jacob, although he loved all his sons, 
nevertheless loved Joseph more than the rest because of his singular 
innocence, as Scripture bears witness. 3 * Hence the Church says pleasingly 
of Christ in the Song of Songs: ‘He brought me into the wine chamber, he 
set charity in order in me . A 

Furthermore, since [the table] was a cubit and a half high, the cubit (just 
as the cubit in width) suggests the unity of our heavenly hope, with which 
we expect that our Lord when he returns from heaven will reward those 
servants whom he will find keeping watch with their loins girded and their 
lamps of good works burning. For although there are many mansions in the 
Father’s house 5 on account of the diversity of merits, there is nevertheless 
one kingdom of heaven into which all the elect are received. 

The additional half [cubit] indicates the beginning of the contemplative 
life, which some of the saints merit to enjoy even while still remaining in 
the flesh. To them it is granted not only to hope for heavenly rewards but 
also to have a foretaste [of them] by seeing in part, as did Isaiah and Micah 
and the rest of the prophets, who saw the Lord sitting upon the throne of 
his glory surrounded by the host of heaven; 6 as did Peter, James, and John, 
who saw the Lord glorified between Moses and Elijah on the holy moun¬ 
tain; 7 as did [Paul] the teacher of the Gentiles, to whom it was granted before 
he paid the debt of the flesh 8 to be caught up to Paradise and the third heaven 
and to hear secret words which human beings are not permitted to speak. 9 

1 Luke 12:36 

2 simplex ,; cf. the English ‘simple’, which can also mean ‘without guile’. 

3 Gen. 37:3 

4S. ofS. 2:4 

5 John 14:2 

6 Isa. 6:1; 1 Kgs. 22:19; 2 Chr. 18:18 

7 Matt. 17:1-3 

8 i.e., before he died. 

9 2 Cor. 12:4 



In these, then, and in other such servants of Christ, the table of the tabernacle 
(that is, the Divine Scripture from which the Holy Church is refreshed 
without ceasing) adds unto us beyond the cubit in height another half [cubit] 
of our common hope, because to them it reveals the joys of celestial 
blessedness which are foreshown before they are given. Surely this fore¬ 
showing, since it appears to the minds of the saints fleetingly and only in 
passing, is rightly figured by a half cubit and not by a full cubit. 

25:24 And you shall overlay it with the purest gold. The table of the 
tabernacle is overlaid with the purest gold because Sacred Scripture shines [23] 
brightly with the perception of heavenly knowledge, and because those who 
produced it were prophets resplendent in life and in speech. 

25:24-5 And you shall make for [the table] a golden lip all around, 
and on the lip itself an embossed crown four inches high. A golden lip 
is made all around the table because the doctrine of Sacred Eloquence is 
taught to us through the most pure mouths of faithful preachers. Those who 
delivered the divine secrets to us did not allow their speech to be defiled in 
any way whatsoever with words of human conversation; rather, they took 
care to spurn and contradict not only hurtful human words but idle ones as 
well. Or perhaps a golden lip is made all around the table because Sacred 
Scripture, if rightly understood, resounds to us with the clarity of heavenly 
wisdom from every part of its speech. 

To this lip, evidently, a crown is added because the tongues of those who 
are preaching promise their hearers the reward of life eternal. And that 
crown is properly ordered to be made four inches high because the eminence 
of the eternal crown is shown to us by the four books of the holy gospel, or 
because it is necessary for us to attain the crown of life by keeping the 
evangelical faith and work. And the books are pleasingly designated by 
inches, doubtless because the tablets of the law are reported to have been 
written by the finger of God, 1 2 3 4 and because in the gospel the Lord, when he 
was going to temper the punishment [prescribed by] the law, wrote with his 
finger on the ground, saying to the Pharisees and scribes concerning the 
adulteress whom they were accusing: ‘ Ifany one of you is without sin, let 
that one be the first to cast a stone at her. 3 Now the finger of God is 
understood to be the Spirit of God; hence when Luke reports that the Lord 
said, 'If then by the finger of God I cast out demons, 3 Matthew says, as if 
by way of explanation, 'by the Spirit of God \ 4 And so a golden crown four 

1 Exod. 31:18; digitus , which literally means ‘finger’, is also the word for ‘inch’. 

2 John 8:6-7 

3 Luke 11:20 

4 Matt. 7:28 



inches high is set upon the golden lip of the table because the most pure 
words of the holy preachers anticipate the hope of celestial blessedness, 
which is contained and described in the four books of the holy gospel by 
the ministiy of the Holy Spirit. Not only do the preachers themselves receive 
in heaven the reward of their labour, but with the certain authority of 
evangelical truth they also promise the same crown of life to all those who 
attend to them. 

Now that same crown is properly commanded to be made embossed, 
doubtless because the reward of the eternal kingdom is not given indiscrimi¬ 
nately to everyone but is distributed to one and all in accordance with the 
character of the recipients, as distinguished by divine examinatioa For 
surely the golden crown on the Lord’s table would be unadorned and not 
[24] embossed if the brightness of the future reward of the righteous were 
revealed equally to all, after the fashion of the sun in this present world, 
whose splendour God makes to rise indiscriminately upon the good and the 
bad; 1 but just as star differs from star in brightness, so will it be in the 
resurrection of the dead. 2 A crown was set upon the Lord’s table, adorned 
with various carvings that were diverse but decorously arranged; for surely 
the future life has been promised to all the righteous but the gloiy in it is 
multiform, according to the diversity of individual merits. Wherefore after 
one crown has been described First, there is added: 

25:25 And over the same, another little golden crown. This can be 
rightly understood as the reward of those who surpass the general com¬ 
mandments of Holy Scripture by willingly choosing the more perfect life, 
and can therefore expect a special reward beyond that of the rest of the 
faithful in return for their voluntary offering. A golden crown four inches 
high is set upon the golden lip of the table because through the gospel eternal 
life is promised to those who keep the commandments of the divine law, as 
the Lord says to the rich man: ‘If you want to enter into life , keep the 
commandments. You shall not commit murder . You shall not commit 
adultery . You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness. Honour father 
and mother, and love your neighbour as yourself. 3 Over that crown is set 
another little golden crown, because farther on there is added: ‘If you would 
be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have 
treasure in heaven; and come, follow me .' To this crown pertains that new 
song which the virgins are reported to sing so much before the Lamb—those 
who have been purchased from among humankind as first fruits for God 

1 Matt. 5:45 

2 1 Cor. 15:41-2 

3 Matt. 19:17-21 



and the Lamb ; to this it pertains that they follow the Lamb wherever he 
goes . 1 

Or perhaps a golden crown is set upon the lip of the Lord’s table because 
we learn in the words of Sacred Scripture that when souls go forth from the 
flesh they will be admitted to eternal rewards in heaven, and over that 
[crown] another little golden crown is added because in the same Scripture 
it is discovered that a glory even more sublime is laid up for them in the 
reception of immortal bodies also, at the end of the age. 

25:26 You shall prepare also four golden rings, and you shall put 
them in the four comers of the same table at each foot. These things here 
are also to be taken as we set forth above in relation to the ark 2 For surely 
the four golden rings are the four books of the gospels, through faith in 
which it has come to pass that all Sacred Scripture is read and understood 
throughout the whole world. 3 

Now the table has four feet because the whole succession of the Divine 
Eloquences is distinguished by a fourfold system, for in all the holy books [25] 
it is necessary to consider what eternal things are announced\ what deeds 
are narrated , what future things are foretold ’ and what things are enjoined 
or admonished to be done 4 Likewise, the table of the tabernacle has four 
feet because the words of the celestial oracle are customarily taken in either 
a historical, or an allegorical, or a tropological (that is, moral), or even an 
anagogical sense. 5 For it is history when something is reported as having 
been done or said in plain discourse according to the letter; for example, 

1 Rev. 14:3-4 

2 Bede, De tab. 1,4 (CCSL 119A: 15,419-24) 

3 Gregory the Great, Reg. past. 2, 11 (SC 381: 254, 25-8) 

4 Augustine, Gen. ad litt. 1,1,1 (CSEL 28, 1: 1, 7-10) 

5 Note that Bede does not say here that every verse in Scripture contains each of the four 
senses; in fact, he selects a different verse to illustrate each sense. Cf. De sch. et trop. 2, 2 
(CCSL 123 A: 169, 273-9), where Bede did suggest that a single verse can be interpreted in 
multiple senses. Here he quotes the words of Augustine in support of the fourfold scheme, but 
immediately thereafter names the senses in an entirely different order, which is similar to that 
of John Cassian in Coll. 14, 8 (SC 54:190), except that Cassian put anagogy third and tropology 
fourth while Bede has it the other way around. By making no effort to harmonize the two 
schemes, Bede implied that he did not understand the four senses to be arranged in a definite 
hierarchical pattern. Note also that each of the four senses is divided into two: history and 
allegory may appear in either words or events [cf. the discussion of allegoria in factis and 
allegoric in verbis in De sch. et trop. 2, 2 (CCSL 123A: 164, 218 - 166, 235)], whereas 
tropology and anagogy may be indicated either openly or figuratively. In De sch. et trop. Bede 
spoke of all three non-literal senses as ‘allegorical’, which seems to imply that they are 
necessarily expressed in symbolic language, but this passage shows that he, like Augustine, 
could consider a straightforward ethical injunction as ‘tropology ’ and a direct promise of future 
reward as ‘anagogy’; see Barrows (1963), 69. 



the people of Israel, after they had been delivered from Egypt, are said to 
have made a tabernacle for the Lord in the wilderness. It is allegory when 
the presence of Christ and the sacraments of the Church are designated by 
mystical words or things; by words, certainly, as when Isaiah says: 4 A shoot 
[virga] shall come forth from the root of Jesse, and a flower shall rise up 
from his root, A which is to say openly, ‘The Virgin Maty will be bom from 
the stock of David and Christ will proceed from his lineage; ’ and by things, 
as when the people delivered from Egyptian slavery through the blood of 
the lamb signifies the Church freed from the devil’s domination by the 
passion of Christ. Tropology (that is, a moral manner of speech) has regard 
to the establishment and correction of manners, pronounced in words that 
are either plain or figurative; in plain words, as when John admonishes, 
saying, ‘ My little children , let us love not in word or speech but in deed and 
in truth, ' 2 or in figurative words, as when Solomon said: Jet your garments 
be always white and let not oil be lacking on your head, ^ which is to say 
openly, ‘At all times let your works be pure and let not charity be lacking 
from your heart.’ Anagogy (that is, speech leading to higher things) is that 
which discusses, in words either mystical or plain, future rewards and what 
the future life in heaven consists of; in plain [words], such as ‘ Blessed are 
the pure in heart, for they shall see God, 4 and in mystical [words], such as 
‘Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have a right to the 
tree of life and that they may enter the city by its gates, ,5 which is to say 
openly, ‘Blessed are those who cleanse their thoughts and deeds so that they 
may be able to see the Lord Jesus who says, 4 7 am the way and the truth 
and the life, ’ 6 and that they may come into the kingdom of heaven through 
the teaching and by the example of the fathers who went before.’ 

25:27-8 The golden rings shall be under the crown, so that the poles 
may be put through them and the table may be carried. The poles 
themselves, which are used to bear the table, you shall also make out 
of acacia wood, and you shall overlay them with gold. The rings are aptly 
[26] under the crown because we enjoy the books of the holy gospels in this life, 
but we hope for the future crown of celestial life in heaven. The poles used 
to bear the table are put through these rings because it is necessary for the 
holy teachers to keep their minds entirely fixed on the text of the gospels, 

1 Isa. 11:1; Bede’s interpretation depends upon the similarity in sound between virga 
(=‘shoot’) and xnrgo (=‘Virgin’). 

2 1 John 3:18 

3 Eccles. 9:8 

4 Matt. 5:8 

5 Rev. 22:14 

6 John 14:6 



so that they can renew the hearts of their hearers with the words of Sacred 
Eloquence. 1 2 3 They must direct every sense of their interpretation of the text 
in accordance with faith and the intention of its own doctrine, and in all the 
Scriptures they must diligently take care lest they should teach that anything 
is to be done, hoped, or loved other than what is to be found in the four 
books of the gospels. As long as they relate all the eloquence of the 
Scriptures to that faith and love which are written in the gospels, it is as if 
on four rings they carry the whole table of the Lord with its loaves and 


25:29 Out of purest gold you shall prepare also dishes and bowls, 
censers, and cups, in tvhich the libations are to be offered. The various 
vessels that were made for the offering of the libations are the various 
aspects of Divine Eloquence which correspond to the disparate capacities 
of those who hear it. For it is not possible for one and the same doctrine to 
be suitable for everyone. Surely the wise are to be taught in one w'ay, the 
foolish in another; tire rich in one way, the poor in another; the healthy in 
one way, the sick in another; the old in one way, tlie young in another; men 
in one way, women in another; celibates in one w'ay, married persons in 
another; prelates in one way, subjects in another. 

Nevertheless, eveiy one of the vessels is suitable for all of the libations 
to be offered on the table of the tabernacle. For whatever different tilings 
the skilled teacher exounds to different hearers, all are found in the rule of 
Sacred Scripture, and they stir up the hearts of the hearers to offer vow s of 
good works to the Lord. This opportune diversity of holy preaching was 
commended by the mouth of the Lord himself when he said: Who do you 
think is the faithful and wise steward whom the master will set over his 
household, to give them their measure of wheat at the proper time? Surely 
the faithful and wise steward gives the measure of wheat to those fellow' 
servants at the proper time when the discerning minister of the word not 
only observes the opportune time in speaking, but also diligently inquires 
into the condition and capacity of the hearers and tempers the manner of 
his speech according to their differences in that regard. 

1 Gregory the Great, Reg. past. 2, 11 (SC 381: 254, 38 - 256, 55) 

2 Ibid. 3, 1 (SC 382: 262-6) 

3 Luke 12:42 



25:30 And upon the table you shall set loaves of proposition, in my 
sight always. The loaves of proposition set always upon the table are the 
spiritual teachers who meditate upon the law of the Lord day and night 1 and 
offer the refreshment of the heavenly word to all who enter the Church. 
Rightly are they called ‘loaves of proposition’, because the word of salva- 
[27] tion ought to be always in plain view before all the faithful, and devout 
hearers in the Church must never lack the comforting word. For the Lord 
has willed it to be always manifest in the world through the heralds of truth 
who set it before his face, and to abound constantly for those who hunger 
and thirst for righteousness, until the end of the age. 2 

In Leviticus it is explained more fully how many of these loaves are to 
be made, of what sort they should be, and how they are to be presented. For 
the Lord says to Moses: "And you shall take the finest wheatflour and bake 
twelve loaves of it, each of which shall have two tenths . You shall place 
them in two rows of six on the most pure table before the Lord, and you 
shall put the clearest frankincense upon them , that the bread may be a 
memorial of the oblation of the Lord. Every sabbath day they shall be 
changed before the Lord, being taken up by the children of Israel as an 
everlasting covenant; and they shall be for Aaron and his sons, that they 
may eat them in the holy place. 3 4 In the First place, the figure of the twelve 
apostles is clearly foretold here in the very number of the loaves, for when 
the Lord appeared in flesh he chose them to be the First of those by whose 
ministry he gave the food of life to all nations. And then to these same 
disciples of his (that is, to our apostles), he says in reference to the 
multitudes hungering in the wilderness, ‘You give them something to eat; A 
and when Five thousand men had been satisfied from the five loaves, they 
gathered twelve baskets of fragments , 5 doubtless because those sacraments 
of the Scriptures which the multitudes are not able to receive belong to the 
apostles and the apostolic men. 

The twelve loaves on the table of the tabernacle, then, are the twelve 
apostles and all those in the Church who follow their teaching; since until 
the end of time they do not cease to renew the people of God with the 
nourishment of the word, they are the twelve loaves of proposition which 
never depart from the table of the Lord. And those same loaves are properly 
ordered to be made not from just any flour but from the Finest wheat. 

1 Ps. 1:2 

2 Matt. 5:6 

3 Lev. 24:5-9 

4 Matt. 14:16-21 

5 John 6:13 



doubtless because all those who minister the word of life to others must 
first devote themselves to the fruits of virtue, so that they may commend 
by their actions those things that they counsel in their preaching, being 
conformed to the example of him who says concerning himself: ‘Unless a 
grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies , it remains alone. ,l Those 
same loaves are also properly commanded to be set on the table in two rows 
of six for the sake of concord (that is to say, charity and fellowship); for the 
Lord is also said to have sent his disciples out to preach two by two, 1 2 
suggesting figuratively that the holy teachers never disagree with one 
another in either their ardour for love or their defense of truth. 

Now that clearest frankincense which is put upon the loaves designates 
the power of prayer, because the same teachers commit both their ministiy 
of preaching and their labour of devotion unto the Lord; for prayer is [28] 
designated by frankincense, as the psalmist testifies when he says: ‘Let my 
prayer be set forth in your sight as incense . 3 The clearest frankincense is 
put upon the loaves as a memorial of the oblation of the Lord when the pure 
prayer of the saints is added to their pious action and teaching, so that when 
each is duly joined to the other, the remembrance of the sacred oblation will 
always appear in the sight of the Supreme Judge. 

The loaves are properly commanded to be changed before the Lord every 
sabbath day; for surely the loaves that were set out on the table of the Lord 
through the six days of work are exchanged for new loaves on the sabbath 
when all the teachers in the Holy Church, once the time of their holy labour 
is completed, are rewarded in heaven with eternal peace and leave others 
behind them in the same work, labouring in the word with the hope of the 
same reward. And in this way it is brought to pass that the table of the Lord 
is never left destitute of bread, but as soon as one loaf is taken away another 
is put in its place, as long as the churches never lack ministers of the word 
who follow one another in succession. In their words and in their deeds, 
they always manifest the faith of apostolic piety and the purity of apostolic 
action, continuing as in that most beautiful verse in which it is said in praise 
of that same Holy Church: ‘Instead of your fathers , sons are born to you; 
you will make them princes over all the earth. A In other words, that is as 
if it were being said to the tabernacle of the Lord: 4 Instead of your old loaves, 
new ones are prepared for you; you will designate them for the refreshment 
of the spiritual hearts of the faithful in all the world.’ 

1 John 12:24 

2 Mark 6:7 

3 Ps. 141:2(140:2) 

4 Ps. 45:16(44:17) 



Therefore loaves were exchanged for loaves, but the table itself always 
stood in the tabernacle; for the teachers of the word come and go, and others 
follow in the succession of those who pass away, but the Sacred Scripture 
remains for all time without ever being abolished, until the time when the 
Lord shall appear at the end of the world. Then we shall have no further 
need for Scriptures or for those who interpret them, since there will be a 
long-awaited fulfilment of that promise of the Lord which says: ! And they 
shall not teach their neighbour and brother saying, “Know the Lord, ” for 
they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest . ,l 

The loaves were baked before the sabbath, as Josephus writes: Before the 
sabbath they were divided two by two, and on the sabbath morning when 
they were to be offered upon the holy table they were set out in two rows of 
six, and two golden bowls full of frankincense were put upon them; these 
remained until another sabbath, and then others were brought in place of 
[29] those, and they were given to the priests; and the frankincense was burned 
in the sacred fire in which all the sacrifices were made, and other frankin- 
cense was added upon the other loaves. And what is written in the Book 
of Kings, that David went into the tabernacle and received the holy loaves 
from the priests, 3 happened on a sabbath morning; for he came to the 
tabernacle at the hour when the loaves from the preceding week were being 
removed from the table of the Lord so that new loaves which had been baked 
the day before might be set out, and thus he received the holy loaves in such 
a way that the table of the Lord did not remain without bread for even a 
fraction of an hour. 

Perhaps we should now consider more closely how the loaves were 
ordered to be changed each sabbath, for they were changed in such a way 
that each of them were placed on the table on the sabbath and could then 
be taken away on the following sabbath to serve as food for the priests. On 
the six days of work they were to be found laid out on the table, but on the 
sabbath day (that is, the day of rest) they were being put out upon the table, 
and on the next sabbath day they were being taken off the table again. 
Mystically, what are we to understand in the sequence of this arrangement 
except that the holy teachers (or, indeed, all of the righteous) attain rest after 
the good works with which they shone brightly in the Church, and are 

1 Jer. 31:34 

2 Josephus, Ant. Jud. 3, 10, 7 (ed. Blatt, 251, 11-16); Bede has changed the tenses of the 
verbs from present to imperfect. He quoted the same passage in his commentaries In Luc. 2 
(CCSL 120: 128, 1132 - 129, 1139) and In Sam. 3 (CCSL 119: 197, 2590 - 198, 2596). 

3 1 Sam. 21:6. The book commonly known as 1 Samuel in modem versions of the Bible is 
called 1 Kings in the Vulgate, and Bede uses that terminology here, even though he had earlier 
(c.716) entitled his commentary on that book In primam partem Samuhelis. 



kindled by the hope of future rest and blessedness so that they may take 
pleasure in doing good works? 

On the sabbath, therefore, the loaves were set upon the table of the Lord, 
and those who placed them there intended that when the sabbath was ended 
they might remain in the same place through the six days of working, and 
when the next sabbath came they might be consumed for the refreshment 
of the high priest and his sons. Doubtless this was because in the beginning 
those of us who lead lives devoted to God are promised that we shall receive 
the rest of life eternal, but only on condition that we attain to it through the 
labours and good works of this transitory life. Now the eating of the loaves 
of proposition by the high priest and his sons pertains to the entry into 
heavenly life, but it will be more appropriate to relate the explanation of 
this in its own place, in the exposition of the following verse. 

The same loaves were taken up from the children of Israel because those 
who succeed to a position of priesthood or of teaching ought to be chosen 
and ordained from among the company of the spiritual servants of God. 
And that which is added in conclusion. And they shall be for Aaron and his 
sons , 1 contains a mystery which can be understood in two ways. For surely 
Aaron in company with his sons eats the holy loaves that are taken from the 
table of the tabernacle when our High Priest takes his elect out of this life 
and leads them into the increase of his body which is in heaven (that is, the 
whole multitude of his elect). Or perhaps the holy loaves belong to Aaron 
and his sons when all the leaders and the peoples who are subject to them 
in the Lord are nourished unto life eternal by the examples of the fathers 
who have gone before. 


25:31 You shall also make a lampstand of beaten work of the purest 
gold. Like the table, the lampstand in the tabernacle also designates the 
Church universal of the present time. For surely they are in front of the veil 
within which the ark of the covenant was placed because the Church does 
not yet deserve to be admitted to the vision of its Redeemer in heaven. [The 
Church] is a table, because every day it provides celestial nourishment to 
those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, 2 lest they should fail in the 
midst of temptations; it is a lampstand, because it has shown the path of 
light to those who have gone astray ; it is both table and lampstand together, 
because it has been taught by the Holy Writings and has learned to Fill the 

1 Lev 24:9 

2 Matt. 5:6 




hungry soul with good things 1 and to supply the light of the word to those 
who sit in darkness and the shadow of death. 2 Surely it is made as a 
lampstand for this light, as it were, when by restraining itself from its own 
pleasures it humbly submits itself to do what the word of God commands, 
and when it agrees to hope and love what the word promises by raising itself 
above visible joys. In humbling itself, it is setting heavenly authority before 
its own desires in every way and showing forth to all the brightness of the 
word of God, both by preaching and by doing. 

25:31 Its shaft, and the branches, the cups, and the bowls and the 
lilies proceeding from it. The shaft of the lampstand ought to be understood 
as the one who is the head of the Church , the Mediator between God and 
humankind ' the man Christ Jesus 3 It is as though the Apostle were speaking 
of branches proceeding from a shaft when he says of [Christ’s] body (which 
we are) that from him the whole body\ nourished and knit together by its 
joints and ligaments , grows in the increase of God. 4 Doubtless this is 
because Almighty God our Redeemer, who in himself does not make 
progress in anything, still has increase daily through his members. There¬ 
fore the branches proceeding from the shaft are the preachers established 
by the Lord who have brought forth a sweet sound (that is, a new song) into 
the world. The branches are all the children of the Church to whom the 
prophet says, 4 Sing to the Lord a new song , his praise from the ends of the 
earth; ’ 5 6 they willingly comply, resounding with praise to the Lord and 
saying, ‘ He directed my steps and put a new song in my mouth , a hymn to 
our God. ^ 

Because cups are accustomed to be filled with wine, it is not unseemly 
for them to designate the minds of the hearers, which are filled with the 
wine of knowledge by the voices of those who are preaching. And because 
[31] the hearts of the faithful strive toward God with indefatigable desire when 
they are inebriated with that same wine of love within, rightly are the 
spherical bowls on the lampstand made after the cups. For a sphere rolls 
along in eveiy direction, and the minds of the elect can neither be held back 
by any of the adversities of the world nor corrupted by prosperities, but in 
everything that happens they make progress toward God through holy 

1 Ps. 107:9 (106:9); Luke 1:53 

2 Luke 1:79 

3 Col. 1:18; 1 Tim. 2:5 

4 Col. 2:19 

5 Isa. 42:10 

6 Ps. 40:2-3 (39:3-4) 



desire. And lilies are properly fashioned after the branches, cups, and bowls 
on the lampstand, because after the grace of preaching, after the intoxication 
of spiritual drink, after the incessant activity of holy labour, there follows 
that verdant homeland which blooms with holy souls (that is, with eternal 

z^j^^'ixVnindnes fria/i come out from fne sides, fhreelrom one side 
and three from the other. It is well known that six, the number [of days] 
in which the world was made, 1 designates the perfection of works. But since 
the description of the branches specified that they were to be divided into 
two sets of three, it is more important for us to speak about the number 
three. Surely three branches shall come out from one side of the shaft and 
three from the other because before the coming of the Lord in flesh there 
were teachers who described the faith of the Holy Trinity in mystical 
language and preached as much as the ignorant people at that time were 
able to grasp. Hence there is that saying of the psalmist: By the Word of the 
Lord were the heavens made, and all their power by the Spirit of his mouth . 2 3 4 
The Father he calls by the name of ‘Lord’, the Son by the name of ‘Word’, 
and the Holy Spirit by its own name: ‘the Spirit of his mouth’. He clearly 
indicates that the power, will, and operation of that Holy Trinity are one 
when he asserts that the heavens are made by the Word of the Lord and all 
their power by the Spirit of his mouth. In like manner, the teachers openly 
preach the same faith in the Holy Trinity in such a way that all who belong 
to Christ are bound to be consecrated in that same faith, as the Lord says to 
the apostles: ‘ Go, therefore , teach all nations, baptizing them in the name 
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 3 Hence Paul also, 
when he prays for the faithful and desires that they may be strengthened in 
the faith that they have received, says: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
and the charity of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you 
all. A 

Likewise, three branches come forth from one side of the lampstand and 
three from the other because both before and after the Lord’s incarnation 
there were in the Church three states of those who served the Lord faithfully. 

1 Gen. 1:31 

2 Ps. 33:6 (32:6); ‘spirit’ - spiritus, which also means ‘breath’. 

3 Matt. 28:19 

4 2 Cor. 13:13 



namely: the married, the continent, and the rulers.Ezekiel the prophet 
mystically distinguishes them from one another when he foretells that there 
[32] are only three men who will be delivered when the time of plagues comes, 
namely: Noah, Daniel, and Job. 1 2 3 For surely in Noah, who steered the aik 
over the waves, he shows those who are set over the Church; in Daniel, who 
was zealous to live continently in the royal court, he shows the continent 
or virgins; in Job, who while situated in married life exhibited a wonderful 
example of patience to all, he shows the life of the virtuous married people. 
Similarly, in the New Testament the Lord suggests the diversity of the same 
[states of life] under the figure of those who on the day of judgement will 
be found in bed, in the field, or at the mill, some of whom, he says, will be 
taken and some of whom will be left. For surely the quiet life of the 
continent is portrayed in the bed; the industry of those who preach in the 
cultivation of the field; and the labour of those who are married in the 
turning of the millstone. And because in all of these states some will be 
chosen, some reprobated, it is rightly said of each state that one out of two 
will be taken and the other left. 

In the company of the elect, the merit of those who preach is more 
sublime than that of those who are zealous to devote themselves to conti¬ 
nence only, and not to the work of teaching as well; likewise, the life of the 
continent is more sublime than that of the married. Rightly, then, do the 
highest branches that were proceeding from the shaft on one side and on 
the other designate those inboth testaments who have, among othervirtues, 
applied themselves to the pursuit of teaching; rightly do the lower branches, 
which likewise come forth from both sides of the shaft, represent the 
continents’ life devoted to God; rightly do the lowest branches, which are 
themselves sprung from the same stem of the one lampstand, show forth by 
means of a type the life that virtuous married persons in the time of both 
testaments faithfully devoted to one and the same Lord. 

The branches, then, proceed from different places on the shaft; neverthe¬ 
less, they all reach to the same height at the top, each one in its own place 

1 Cf. Bede, In Luc. 5 (CCSL 120: 321, 1019-26; In Sam. 1; 2 (CCSL 119: 21, 403-12; 97, 
1221-25). A somewhat different triad appears below in Bede’s comment on Exod. 25:34-5 
(CCSL 119A: 34, 1167 - 35, 1173) and in De templo 1 (CCSL 119A: 163, 642-68), where he 
speaks of the married, the continent (who were formerly married but have put away their 
spouses), and the virgins. On Bede’s explanation in the latter passage that it was the continent 
who established the primitive Christian community in Jerusalem along monastic lines, see 
Olsen (1982), 527-9. For the various patristic exegetical traditions delineating three levels of 
perfection in the Church, see de Lubac (1959-64), 1,2: 571-4 and Quacquarelli (1953). 

2 Ezek. 14:14 

3 Luke 17:34-5 



bending upward in succession so that the lights which are on them remain 
positioned at the same level. The elect are doubtless imbued with one true 
faith, even if their merits differ in rank; for they will come to one light of 
eternal truth in heaven, even though the ones who endeavour to cleave to 
Christ higher up in this life will enjoy a closer vision of him in that life. 
Accordingly, it is said of certain ones on account of the merit of their great 
virtue, These are those who follow the Lamb wherever he goes; 1 just before, 
it is said of others, as if of the nearby branches on the lampstand,^wd they 
were singing a new song, as it were, before the throne and before the four 
living creatures and before the elders. 2 By this it is shown that all the saints 
throughout the streets of that heavenly city sing a new song of gladness to 
God, but those who in this life transcended the common life of the faithful 
by the special privilege of sacred virginity are there raised up into a special 
position above the others in the joy of song. 

25:33 Three cups shaped somewhat like nuts for every branch, 
together with a bowl and a lily; and three cups, likewise in the form of 
nuts, on the other branch, together with a bowl and a lily. This shall be 
the workmanship of the six branches that are to extend out from the 
shaft. Solomon bears witness that a nut is customarily employed as a figure 
of the present Church when in the Song of Songs he speaks in the character 
of the faithful teachers, saying: 7 went down to the nut garden, to see the 
fruits of the valley. ^ For just as a nut has a sweet fruit on the inside but does 
not show it on the outside unless its hard shell can be broken, so in the same 
way do the righteous maintain the sweetness of spiritual grace in their 
inmost heart while they are in this present life, so that its magnitude cannot 
be perceived by their neighbours until the time when the bodily dw elling is 
dissolved and the souls freed from it can gaze upon one another in heavenly 
light, and they individually shine so much with the grace of the Holy Spirit, 
and they are loved so much by one another, that absolutely nothing remains 
hidden. The cups on the Iampstand are shaped like nuts when any of the 
elect, desiring to be filled with the wine of knowledge, are busy to conform 
themselves to the example of the righteous who have gone before, whom 
they know to have been filled with the great sweetness and love of invisible 

That there were three cups, bowls, and lilies for every branch signifies 
the three divisions of time in which the elect lived devotedly for God, both 
before and after the Lord’s incamatioa For there were righteous persons 

1 Rev. 14:4 

2 Rev. 14:3 

3S. ofS. 6:10 




before the law, as there were under the law, and as there were in the time 
of the prophets; likewise, after the Lord’s ascension the primitive Church 
was gathered from Israel, now it is gathered from the Gentiles, and at the 
end of the world it will be gathered from the remnants of Israel. The first 
branch had three cups, bowls, and lilies on one side because in the company 
of teachers before the incarnation of the Lord there were three orders of 
those who like cups thirsted for the drink of heavenly grace, who like round 
bowls ran quickly in the way of the Lord, and who waited joyfully for the 
gift of supernal reward as for the radiance and scent of lilies; that is, there 
were thdse before the law, those under the law, and those under the prophets. 
The second branch also had three cups, bowls, and lilies, because the 
continent ones of that time similarly had three orders of saints [distin¬ 
guished] according to the previously-mentioned distinction of times, desir¬ 
ing the spiritual drink, running in the way of the Lord’s commandments, 
and expecting heavenly rewards. Similarly, the third branch had three cups, 
three bowls, and three lilies, because there were many married persons 
[34] before the law, many under the law, and many in the days of the prophets 
who rejoiced to hear the word of the Lord, and to run in his way, and to 
expect from him the rewards of good works. Likewise, on the other side of 
the shaft the first branch, and the second, and the third, each had three cups 
and bowls and three lilies also, because in the New Testament there were 
among the teachers, and among the continent, and among the married 
persons devoted to God, three groupings at different times, that is: in the 
primitive Church, from Israel; in [the time of] our election, from the 
Gentiles; and in the final collecting, from the remnants of Israel. Each group 
in its own time, they all desired to be intoxicated with the word of life, to 
hasten in the way of peace, and to see the radiance of perpetual light. 

25:34-5 And on the lampstand itself there shall be four cups shaped 
like nuts, and for every one there shall be bowls and lilies—the bowls 
under two branches in three places, which together make six proceed¬ 
ing out of the one shaft We have said that the lampstand (that is, the middle 
stem of the lampstand from which the branches were proceeding), desig¬ 
nates the Lord Saviour, by whose grace the righteous have received what¬ 
ever good things they possess. Hence in the gospel, after he himself had 
said to the disciples, ‘I cun the vine , you are the branches ,he immediately 
added: As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine , 
so neither you, unless you abide in me. ’ It is as if he were saying in other 
words: T am the lampstand and you are my branches. As the branch is not 
able to set itself up to bring light unless it abides steadfast in the stem of the 

1 John 15:4-5 



lampstand, so neither are you, unless you abide in me, able to bear the light 
of truth and faith in yourselves.’ 

Four cups were made on this lampstand, doubtless because in the four 
books of the holy gospel which were written about the Lord we Find the 
taste of new wine (that is, of heavenly doctrine) that old wineskins (that is, 
minds still clinging to earthly desires) cannot receive, but only the hearts 
of the faithful renewed by the Spirit of grace. 1 Bowls and lilies are fashioned 
together for every cup because the same Lord who brought us the goblet of 
spiritual wisdom has also shown us that we should take the smooth and easy 
path of pious labour, and he has given us the power to take it, and lest we 
should run in vain he has promised us the brightness of the heavenly 
homeland to which we have been directing our course, and by his grace he 
has disclosed to us the entranceway into it. Or, since the cups, bowls, and 
lilies are commanded to be made under two branches in three places, 
perhaps we can interpret these things mystically to mean that to the three 
grades of the faithful of which we have spoken more than once (namely, 
the married, the continent, and the virgins), he has revealed the doctrine of 
truth, enjoined the path of good work, and both promised and delivered the 
blessing of an inheritance that is always unfading and uncorrupted. 2 

The cups, bowls, and lilies of the lampstand are aptly ordered to be not 
over the branches but under the branches, because the hearts of those who 
preach (or perhaps we should say of all the elect) are upheld by the Lord’s 
gifts, commandments, and promises, and lifted up to love and to seek 
heavenly things, lest they should be liable to fall to the depths below. For 
here indeed the Holy Church (that is, the bride of Christ) boasts about him, 
saying: ‘ His left hand is under my head, and his right hand shall embrace 
me. 3 Surely the left hand of the bridegroom is placed under the head of the 
bride because the Lord raises up the minds of the faithful with temporal 
benefits, separating them from earthly pleasures and longings so that they 
may desire and hope for eternal blessings. And he shall embrace her with 
his right hand because by revealing the vision of his majesty he glorifies 
her without end. 

Aptly are the cups, bowls, and lilies under two branches, because in each 
of the two testaments the same devotion in serving the Lord is commanded 
of the faithful (albeit in different religious ceremonies), and the same gloiy 
of the heavenly kingdom is maintained. But the fourth cup, bowl, and lily 
which were over the branches, all near the highest point of the lampstand 

1 Matt. 9:17 

2 1 Pet. 1:4 

3 S. of S. 2:6 




itself, properly pertain to the Lord Saviour Not only did he impart the 
knowledge, labour, and reward of virtues to his elect, but the same human 
Christ also exhibited the figure of a cup in his own person when he declared 
himself full of the Holy Spirit. He held out the form of a round bowl when 
he appeared in the world and rejoiced like a giant to run the way 1 2 without 
any hindrance from the things that were clamoring round about. And he 
showed the semblance of a lily when in rising from the dead and ascending 
to heaven he was glorified with the glory that he had with the Father before 
the world existed. 7 

And rightly did this cup, this bowl, and this lily protrude higher than the 
branches, doubtless because the gifts that God the Father conferred upon 
the Mediator between God and humankind, the man Jesus Christ, 3 tran¬ 
scend every manner of human comprehension. For to every one of us grace 
was given, according to the measure of Christ’s gift, 4 5 but in Christ himself, 
as the Apostle says, all the fullness of Divinity dwells corporeally? And 
there properly follows: 

25:36 Then both the bowls and the branches shall all be of the same 
beaten work of the purest gold. Every piece of work on the lampstand 
(that is, both the middle stem and the branches proceeding from it, with 
[36] each of their ornaments) is made from gold. For the Lord himself appeared 

in the world especially free from sin and splendid in all the works of 
righteousness, and his members imitate the same innocence and righteous¬ 
ness in this transient life as far as they are able, but in the future they will 
make true progress by cleaving to him. And because something is made of 
beaten work by being smitten, aptly was the same [lampstand] made of 
beaten gold. For our Redeemer, who from his conception and birth existed 
as perfect God and perfect man, endured the pains of suffering and thus 
came to the glory of the resurrection. All who want to live godly in him 
suffer persecution; 6 it is through the blows of suffering that they make 
progress toward the grace of immortality, just as metal is stretched out b^ 
being smitten. Hence also in the fourth psalm, which is entitled In verses , 
the Church in the guise of the mystical branches of faith says to her 
Redeemer, ‘In distress , you have enlarged me, & as if beaten gold should 

1 Ps. 19:5(18:6) 

2 John 17:5 

3 1 Tim. 2:5 

4 Eph. 4:7 

5 Col. 2:9 

6 2 Tim. 3:12 

7Ps. 4:1 (Vulg.) 

8Ps. 4:1 (4:2) 



say to its maker, ‘ With a metalsmith’s pummelling you have stretched me 
out, and by pounding me you have afforded me greater progress.’ 


25:37 You shall also make seven lamps, and you shall set them upon 
the lampstand, to give light on the opposite side. The seven lamps are 
the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, all of which remain in our Lord and 
Redeemer forever and are distributed in his members (that is, in all the elect) 
according to his will. Therefore the seven lamps are set upon the lampstand 
because upon our Redeemer, the firstborn from the root of Jesse, rested the 
Spirit ofwisdom and ofunderstanding , the Spirit ofcounsel and of fortitude, 
the Spirit of knowledge and of godliness, and he was filled with the Spirit 
of the fear of the Lord . 1 As he himself also says through the same prophet: 

‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me. 1 2 3 

But w hat is [then] said, to give light on the opposite side, is what the 
prophet immediately adds: ‘ He has sent me to bring good news to the meek, 
to heal the contrite of heart, and to preach release to the captives, and 
deliverance to those who are imprisoned, to proclaim the acceptable year 
of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God. 3 For surely the lamps 
of the lampstand gave light on the opposite side and illuminated the 
tabernacle of the Lord when the Lord who was full of grace and truth gave 
to us all from his fullness, and grace for grace, 4 5 when he committed the 
word of the gospel to the meek and the poor in spirit, and when he conferred 
the healing of remission upon sinners. For he declared that now is the time 
for pleasing the Lord, but the day of universal judgement is coming. 

What John says in the Apocalypse accords with the number and position 
of these lamps: And 1 looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of 
the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, there was a Lamb 
standing as if it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which 
are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth For if in that place 
the seven horns and seven eyes of the Lamb can suggest the seven gifts of 
the Holy Spirit, why should the seven lamps of the lampstand not also 
deserve to be believed to designate the same? More precisely, just as the 
same sevenfold Spirit is rightly signified by horns and eyes on account of 

1 Isa. 11:1-3 

2 Isa. 61:1; Luke 4:18 

3 Isa. 61:1-2 

4 John 1:14, 16 

5 Rev. 5:6 




the omnipotence of power with which it rules all things and the plenitude 
of knowledge with which it perceives all things, so also is it aptly expressed 
through the figure of lamps on account of the light of grace with which it 
illuminates the shadows of our blindness in the night of this world. Here it 
is also aptly added: 

25:38 The snuffers also, and [the trays] in which the snuffings shall 
be extinguished, shall be made of the purest gold. There are some 
commands in the Divine Scriptures which must always be observed, both 
in this life and in that which is to come, such as that [command]: 'You shall 
not have strange gods before me, ,l and ‘You shall love the Lord your God 
with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, ,2 and 
Tow shall love your neighbour as yourself 1 2 3 4 Other things are ordered to 
be observed throughout the entire duration of this life but the eternal rew ard 
of their observance is received only in the life to come. Such is that 
[command] of the gospel: !'Make for yourselves friends of the mammon of 
iniquity, so that they too may receive you into everlasting dwellings; A for 
the time for giving alms is now, but only then will the fruit of almsgiving 
be perpetually received. Still other things, however, were diligently kept in 
the time of the Old Testament in accordance with the Lord’s command, but, 
now that the gospel gleams throughout the world, they are ordered to be 
observed in the Church not according to the letter but according to the 
mystical sense. These are such things as the keeping of the sabbath, the rite 
of the bloody sacrifices of the paschal lamb, and other things of this sort. 
In their own time, when these things were being kept scrupulously by the 
people of God, it was as if wicks were burning in the lamps of the lampstand, 
filled with the oil of pious devotion and lit with the fire of the celestial word. 
But when the apostles and apostolic men proclaimed that the Lord had 
imposed an end to these and other such observances and that all these things 
were to be kept in the Church spiritually rather than according to the letter, 
it was as if the wicks of the lampstand were being snuffed, so that after 
being repaired they might give better light. For they supplied the Holy 
[38] Church with the light of saving doctrine more sublimely once they began 
to be understood through the Spirit. 

The Lord makes a promise to his people concerning this reparation of 
the lamps of the tabernacle (that is, the more sublime understanding of the 
Divine Scriptures) when he says in Leviticus: ‘You shall be multiplied, and 

1 Exod. 20:3 

2 Deut. 6:5; Mark 12:30 

3 Matt. 22:39 

4 Luke 16:9 



I will establish my covenant with you; you shall eat the oldest of the old 
[grain], and you shall cast away the old [to make room] for the new that 
is coming on. A The children of Israel being so multiplied, the covenant of 
God was confirmed with them, and with the Gentiles called to faith, by the 
grace of the New Testament planted with a firm root in the hearts of the 
elect. And we eat the oldest of the old [grain] when we retain in our hearts 
the sweet memory of the old commandment w hich was given to the human 
race from the beginning, by loving the Lord our God with all our heart, all 
our soul, and all our strength, and by loving our neighbour as ourselves. 2 
And we cast away the old [to make room] for the new' that is coming on 
w hen we cease to keep the typic statutes of the Mosaic law according to the 
letter, but keep these same statutes quite gladly as they are understood 
through the Spirit, our hearts being renewed in the hope of the heavenly 
kingdom in accordance with that [saying] of the Apostle: If then anyone is 
in Christ a new creature, the old things have passed away; behold, things 
have been made new; and [with that saying] in the Apocalypse: And he 
that sat upon the throne said, ‘ Behold[ I make all things new. 

Now the snuffers with which these things were accomplished are the 
very words of Sacred Eloquence, in which it is clearly indicated in many 
places that the letter of the law is to be annulled, and that it is to kept only 
in a spiritual sense. Among those [passages] is that [account] in the Acts of 
the Apostles in which believers from among the Gentiles were foibidden 
to be circumcised and were enjoined to be obedient to the grace of the 
gospel, without the ceremonial sacrifices of the law, 5 as well as what the 
Apostle says to the Hebrews in expounding a verse from one of the psalms: 
When he said above 'You did not want sacrifices, and oblations, and 
holocausts for sin, neither are those things pleasing to you ’ which are 
offered according to the law , ‘then I said, ‘' Behold, I come to do your will, 
O God, *** he takes away the first, that he may establish that which follows. 
In that will, we ha\>e been sanctified through the oblation of Christ Jesus 6 
Therefore the snuffers and the trays in which the snuffings are extinguished 
are made of the purest gold, because they are the divine words with which 
the cessation of the ceremonies of the law is proclaimed and the hearts of 
those in whom the same figurative shadow of the law receives an end, which 
are illuminated by the grace of God so that the truth of the gospel that 

1 Lev. 26:9-10 

2 Deut. 6:5; Mark 12:30-1 

3 2 Cor. 5:17 

4 Rev. 21:5 

5 Acts 25:28-9 

6 Heb. 10:8-10, with reference to Ps. 40:6, 8 (39:7, 9) 



follows may shine more clearly in the world. For it is well known that in 
the gospel the first apostles broke the sabbath before the Loid’s passion, 
[39] and after the ascension of the Lord and the coming of the Holy Spirit they 
completely put an end to the legal sacrifices, and many things that were 
decreed by the letter of the law were changed by the grace of the liberty of 
the gospel. Therefore in these [trays] were extinguished the wicks that were 
put out, in which the literal observance, being completed, displayed the 
beginning of grace shining clearly in the world. In the same way, when the 
mortal life is ended and the immortal follows, the works (or gifts of light) 
that we now enjoy will for the most part cease, so that the reward of eternal 
light may follow in the presence of the Divine Vision. 

The gold snuffers are doubtless those scriptural testimonies which bear 
witness that things will come to pass in this way, because [they are] 
distinguished by the hope of future brightness. And surely the trays in which 
the snuffings are extinguished are the immortal bodies and souls 1 of all the 
righteous. Quite rightly are they made to be like gold, for they will undergo 
a most highly desired alteration, so that after the temporal benefits of God 
they may come to the ones that are eternal. Accordingly, the Apostle shows 
us that the snuffers of the lamps of God and the places where the snuffings 
are extinguished are made of gold when he speaks of the difference between 
present and future blessings, saying, Prophecies shall be made void\ and 
tongues shall cease, and knowledge shall be destroyed\ for we know in part, 
and we prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect comes, that which 
is in part shall be made void . 2 And a little after: We see now in a mirror, 
dimly; but then face to face . Now I know in part; but then I shall know just 
as I am also known 3 

25:39 The whole weight of the lampstand with all its vessels shall be 
a talent of the purest gold. The whole weight of the lampstand with all its 
vessels is the whole body of Christ, with himself as our Head, the Mediator 

1 corda , literally ‘hearts’ 

2 1 Cor. 13:8-10 

3 1 Cor. 13:12 



between God and humankind, 1 and all his elect from the bigJiasL »a tJha 
lowest, from those of whom he says, ! Among those born of women, there 
is no one greater, ’ down to those of whom he says, ‘ See that you despise 
not one of these little ones who believe in me. 3 Although they are diverse 
in their ranks, ages, sexes, conditions, abilities, and times, all of these, in 
their own times and places, cleave by the fixed root of their minds to one 
and the same Author and Giver of perpetual light, as if to a golden lampstand 
in which they are able to become partakers of his own light. 

It is rightly said of this lampstand that it ought to weigh a talent of purest 
gold. A talent is a full and perfect weight, because the Lord is righteous in 
all his ways, 4 and he who imparts his grace to the faithful in this life so that 
they may work well is the very same one who in that life will render the 
crown of righteousness in return for their good deeds. On the other hand, 
Zechariah the prophet describes Wickedness as sitting [before the Lord] 
upon a talent of lead, 5 because in the same just weighing he will also 
recompense the reprobate according to their deeds. ‘For you will render, ’ 
it says, ‘to all according to their works. * But it makes a difference whether 
one brings gold or lead to the divine weighing. For those who shine like 
gold with good works advance to the lampstand of the Lord, because they 
are partakers of their Maker’s glory; but those who appear at the strict 
weighing heavy with sins are plunged into the raging' water like lead, 
because by reason of their sins they fall into the abyss of grave punishment. 
But both the lead and the gold measure one talent, because it is certain that 
the decision of our Maker is just, both in damning the impious and in saving 
and crowning the elect. 

1 1 Tim. 2:5. Jones (1969-70), 146, suggested that in this section Bede had in mind the 
seven exegetical rules of the fourth-century Donatist author Tyconius as reported by Augustine 
in De doct. chr. 3, 30-56 (CCSL 32: 102-16). The first rule of Tyconius explains that Scripture 
often speaks of Christ and the Church as the head and the body of a single person, which is 
clearly the case in Bede’s interpretation here. The second rule warns that biblical passages 
referring to the present Church must sometimes be understood as referring to a mixed body 
containing both the elect and the reprobate, as Bede does in his comments on the lampstand 
which follow. Whether or not he was consciously thinking of Tyconius when he composed 
this section, Bede was certainly well familiar with Augustine’s exposition of the Tyconian 
rules, which he discussed in the preface to his IrtApocalypsin {PL 93: 131B- 133B); see Bonner 
(1966) and Mackay (1979). 

2 Luke 7:28 

3 Matt. 18:6, 10 

4 Ps. 145:17(144:17) 

5 Zech. 5:7-8; talentum (Vulg.) translates the Hebrew HS*X (‘ephah’), a unit of measure 
here referring to the capacity of a basket. 

6 Ps. 62:13 (61:13) 

7 validissima , literally ‘strongest’ 




25:40 Look, and make [these things] according to the pattern that 
was shown you on the mountain. The mystery of this commandment is 
quite readily apparent from the things that have been set forth above. For 
surely the pattern of the lampstand that he was to make was shown to Moses 
on a mountain because it was on the height of most secret contemplation 
that he openly learned the manifold sacraments of Christ and the Church. 
Nevertheless, he was not able to bring them forth openly to the people whom 
he was instructing; instead, he signified them by means of a type through 
the form and the workmanship of the lampstand and its vessels, until such 
time as our Lord and Redeemer himself might come in flesh and disclose 
the inner meaning of that same form to his Church by conferring the grace 
of the Holy Spirit. Hence, when he died on the cross he tore asunder the 
veil of the temple and opened those secret places of the saints that had been 
covered up, 1 and after the resurrection when he appeared to his disciples he 
opened the meaning to them, 2 3 so that they might be able to understand these 
things and the other secrets of the Scriptures spiritually, with their minds’ 
eyes unveiled. 

But when every scribe instructed in the kingdom of heaven 2 is enjoined 
both to follow diligently those things that he has learned in the Sacred 
Writings concerning the catholic faith or pious action, and to teach them to 
others, is that scribe not being commanded to look, and to make [things] 
according to the pattern that was shown to him on the mountain? The scribe 
looks diligently at the pattern that is shown to him on the mountain and 
makes things according to it when he returns to the regions below, for those 
things which by the sublimity of the divine word he inwardly understands 
[41] are to be believed or done he considers earnestly in his heart, and shows 
their perpetual exemplar to his hearers both by the performance of right 
action and by the word of saving doctrine. 

1 Matt. 27:51-2 

2 Luke 24:45 

3 Matt. 13:52 





The tabernacle that Moses made for the Lord in the wilderness, like the 
temple that Solomon made in Jerusalem, designates the state of the Holy 
Church universal, part of which already reigns with the Lord in heaven, 
while part is still journeying in this present life away from the Lord, until 
its members die and follow after one another. The principal difference 
between the figures in the construction of the two houses is that the 
tabernacle designates the building of the present Church, which is daily 
employed in its labours, while the temple designates the repose of the future 
Church, which is daily being perfected as it receives souls departing from 
this [world] after their labours. For Moses built the tabernacle while he was 
still set on the road by which he was proceeding to the promised land along 
with the people of God, but Solomon constructed the temple after he had 
already taken possession of the same promised land and the kingship in it. 
Moses built the tabernacle in the wilderness, but Solomon constructed the 
temple in Jerusalem, which is interpreted as "vision of peace’: 1 here the 
Church is built amidst the labour and toil of this transient life, thirsting and 
hungering for the everlasting kingdom, but there it is completed in the vision 
and possession of true peace. 

It is properly said that in the construction of the temple there was neither 
hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in it when it was being built, 2 3 
because all the stones and wood were prepared outside Jerusalem in such a 
way that w hen they w ere properly fitted into position in their courses there 
it w ould be easy to put them back together with confidence, each one in its 
ow n place and fastened w ith cement or nails. For in the peace of heavenly 
blessedness our faith will certainly not need to be tried with tribulations, 
nor our life put to the test, but what is being chastened now in the present 
age will there be fitted together with the glue and bands of mutual charity 
so that they can never be dissolved, to form heavenly dwellings according 
to the pattern, bound together in the sight of their Maker and King. For when 
the multitude of believers is made of one heart and soul in this life, and all 
things are common to them} is it not as if living stones are being squared 
to form the building of the future house of the Lord, and are then transported 
from this place to be set into their courses without any tedious labour, and 

1 Jerome, Nom. (CCSL 72: 121, 9-10) 

2 1 Kgs. 6:7 

3 Acts 4:32 

[ 42 ] 



are joined to one another with the bond of a love that is divine, and at the 
same time properly their own? 

It is also possible to distinguish the figures of the two sanctuaries 
generally in this way: the workmanship of the tabernacle is the time of the 
synagogue (that is, of the ancient people of God), but the workmanship of 
the temple signifies the Church (that is, that multitude of the elect which 
[43] has come to faith after the Lord’s incarnation). For Moses completed the 
tabernacle with the people of the Hebrews alone, but Solomon finished 
[building] the temple with a multitude of proselytes gathered together, and 
also with the help of the king of Tyre and his artisans, who were Jews neither 
by birth nor by profession? For it is well known that the teachers of the 
earlier people of God presided over no one except those from their own 
nation, but although the first rulers of the Church were from the Hebrews, 
even so, soon afterwards, as it grew and spread throughout the world, its 
builders came forth from the Gentiles as well, so that even Luke the 
evangelist himself, and the apostolic men Timothy and Titus, attained to 
their jurisdiction 1 2 3 from the calling of the Gentiles. 

But if we consider each of them more carefully, the building of both 
houses mystically represents the state of the whole present Church, which 
never ceases to be built from the beginning of the world’s creation up until 
the last elect person who is to be bom at the end of the world. In the 
wondrous truth of their figures, they also depict the glory of the life to come, 
which the Church enjoys now in part but will enjoy forever in all its 
members after the end of this age. Hence as we embark on saying some 
things with the Lord’s help concerning the tabernacle, we first invoke him 
with humble prayer to unveil the eyes of our hearts so that we may be able 
to consider the wonders of his law? and so that we may understand that in 
the beauty of precious metals and vestments we have been advised to make 
our character illustrious with the ornamentation of faith and devotion. 
Otherwise, unless we imitate the material ornamentation of the tabernacle 
or temple by the devout and pure adornment of heart and body, there cannot 
apply to us that word of the Apostle in which he says, For you are the temple 
ofthe living God; as God says, 7 will dwell in them, and walk among them , 4 
and what John heard, a great voice from the throne , saying, *Behold the 

1 1 Kgs. 5:1-18; 7:13-44 

2 praesulatum 

3 Ps. 119:18(118:18) 

4 2 Cor. 6:16 



tabernacle of God is with humankind , and he has made his dwelling with 

But first we must reflect for a little while upon the text of the material 
letter itself, so that we shall be able to discuss the spiritual sense with greater 
certainty. The tabernacle was a house sacred to the Lord, thirty cubits in 
length, ten in width, and ten also in height, 1 2 having a roof that was level 
throughout, in a manner of house construction that is customary in Egypt 
and Palestine. 3 Three of its walls—namely, the southern, the northern, and 
the western—were put together from wooden boards that were gilded on 
both sides. But in front of the eastern wall, where the entrance was, there 
was a rod that came through the middle boards from comer to comer (that 
is, from the very top of this wall to the top of the opposite wall), so that it 
was possible for the curtains of the tabernacle and the roof to rest on this 
rod while the tent was suspended on five posts. 

Now the house was covered on the top and also on all sides with curtains 
woven in a wonderful variety [of colours]; this is the tabernacle properly 
so called. And it was covered on all sides with curtains of goats’ hair 
reaching to the ground. But on the roof there was also another covering 
made from rams’ skins dyed red, and on top of this yet another covering of 
blue-coloured skins. And there was also a variegated veil of embroidery 
work which was hung from four posts, by which the sanctuary and the holy 
of holies were divided. The ark of the covenant was placed within this veil, 
and opposite the ark, outside the veil, there was the altar of incense. In 
addition, in the middle of the sanctuary itself there stood a lampstand on 
the south side, and a table on the north, w ith the altar of holocaust outdoors 
before the entrance to the sanctuary, and a bronze basin between this altar 
and the tabernacle. The court of the tabernacle round about all these things 
was a hundred cubits long and fifty' wide. For the sake of greater clarity 
with respect to these things which have been briefly examined, let us look 
at the words of the histoiy themselves, so that through them we may be able 
to come to a more profound and more lucid understanding of the meaning 
of the allegory. 

[ 44 ] 

1 Rev. 21:3 

2 Josephus, Ant. Jud. 3, 6, 3 (ed. Blatt, 233, 6-7) 

3 Jerome, Ep. 106, 63 (CSEL 55: 278, 20-4) 




When the Lord delivered the ceremonies of the law and the code of 
behavior to Moses, who was with him on Mount Sinai for forty days and 
nights, among other things he said: 

26:1 And you shall make the tabernacle in this manner: you shall 
make ten curtains of fine twisted linen, and blue and purple and scarlet 
twice dyed, variegated with embroidery work. The tabernacle of the Lord 
is made from curtains variegated with diverse sorts of colours because the 
Holy Church universal is built from many elect persons, from many 
churches throughout the world, and from the flowers of diverse virtues. All 
its perfection is contained in the number ten because in whatever direction 
the Church has been spread throughout the world, among diverse nations 
and tribes and peoples and tongues, 1 2 it stands completely firm in the single 
love of God and neighbour which was contained in the Decalogue of the 
law. And there is no other way for persons truly to attain to membership in 
the Church, unless with a whole heart they will learn to love both him 
through whom the Church is built and those in whom it is built (that is, God 
and his elect). 

Now the diverse beauty of the colours with which these same curtains 
[45] were distinguished is the grace of the various virtues with which the Holy 
Church shines in the sight of its Maker, being composed with wonderful 
and quite heavenly skill. Surely blessed Peter was eager to build the 
tabernacle of God with such variety and with embroidery, as it were, since 
he says: As every one of you has received grace, administer the same to one 
another\ as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 2 Paul saw that this 
appertains to the curtains of the tabernacle (that is, to the minds of the 
faithful), since he says: To one, indeed\ is given through the Spirit the 
utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according 
to the same Spirit , to another faith by the same Spirit, to another the grace 
of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another 
prophecy, and the other things in that passage 3 

Surely John also bears witness that the fine linen, which is mentioned 
first, represents the beauty of virtues, since he says in the Apocalypse: For 
the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his spouse has prepared herself 
and to her it has been granted that she should clothe herselfwith fine linen, 

1 Rev. 5:9 

2 1 Pet. 4:10 

3 1 Cor. 12:8-10; ‘other things’, namely: the discernment of spirits, various kinds of tongues, 
and the interpretation of tongues 



glittering and white—for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints . 1 
Solomon says of the same spouse of the Lamb (that is, the Church of Christ) 
that her clothing is fine linen and purple , 2 but when John expounds the 
figure of one colour he implies that the others are to be interpreted figura¬ 
tively as well. 

Fine linen does indeed spring up from the ground , 3 but it is then dug out 
of the ground [and subjected to] a long process of drying, pounding, 
cleaning, baking, and spinning, so that it is accustomed to lose its grassy 
colour and take on the colour of white. Therefore, it designates bodies that 
are gleaming with the beauty of chastity, for although they are indeed 
begotten in the enticements of the flesh, by the great labour of continence 
they sweat out (as it were) their natural moisture and come to the beauty of 
a purity that is worthy of God, diligent in fasts and vigils, in prayers and 
reading, and in the practice of patience and humility. Of these [bodies] can 
rightly be said that apostolic [word]: Or do you not know that your members 
are the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you ? 4 5 And this fine linen is 
twisted into the curtains of the tabernacle because we do not gird only the 
loins of the flesh but also, as Peter admonishes, the loins of our mind in 
sobriety, so that we may restrain both the flesh from lascivious impulses 
and the heart from enticing thoughts. 

Blue, because it resembles the appearance of air and heaven, designates 
the minds of the same elect, who are seeking heavenly things with eveiy 
hope and desire. Commending the sacrament of this colour to us, the 
Apostle says: If you have risen with Christ, seek the things that are above , 
where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God 6 

Purple, because it displays the colour of blood 7 8 and is also dyed with the 
actual purple blood of shellfish, designates the devout hearts of those who 
are able to say with the Apostle, I am ready not only to be bound but even 
to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus, 8 and to the Lord with 
the prophet, 4 Because for your sake we are being killed all the day long; 
we are counted as sheep for the slaughter. ’ 9 

1 Rev. 19:7-8 

2Prov. 31:22 

3 Isidore, Etymol. 19, 27, 1, 4 (ed. Lindsay, vol. 2); Pliny Nat. hist. 19, 1,5 (LCL 5: 422) 

4 1 Cor. 6:19 

5 1 Pet. 1:13 

6 Col. 3:1 

7 Isidore, Etymol 12, 6, 50 (ed. Lindsay, vol. 2) 

8 Acts 21:13 

9 Ps. 44:22 (43:22) 

[ 46 ] 



Scarlet, because it has the appearance of fire, 1 2 is rightly compared to the 
most ardent love of the saints. For this same reason, some of those who had 
been smitten with this [love] while the Lord was present and keeping 
company with them were saying: Was not our heart burning within us 
while he wav speaking on the road and opening the Scriptures to us? ,2 On 
the other hand, with reference to this love it is said concerning the reprobate: 
And because iniquity has abounded , the charity of many will grow cold . 3 
This is dyed twice, as it were, when it is inflamed with the love of God and 
neighbour, when we love the former with all our heart, all our soul, and all 
our strength, and the latter as ourselves. 4 

And so, the four just characteristics of the elect are expressed in these 
four colours of the curtains: in fine linen, the purified flesh that is shining 
with chastity; in blue, the mind that is desiring things above; in purple, the 
flesh that is subject to afflictions; in scarlet twice dyed, the mind that in the 
midst of afflictions is shining with the love of God and neighbour. 

26:2 The length of one curtain shall be twenty-eight cubits, and the 
width shall be four cubits. The length of the curtains expresses the long- 
suffering patience of the Holy Church, and their width expresses the breadth 
of that love, which is accustomed not only to return love to those who love 
us (God and the neighbour), but also to receive the adversary who hates us 
into our bosom spread wide with sweetness, and with knees bent in prayer 
to commend our persecutors to the Lord, saying: ‘Lord, do not hold this sin 
against them. ' 5 

This width is aptly four cubits because there are four books of the gospels 
in which we are taught by the exemplary deeds and words of our Lord and 
Redeemer how that same charity is to be maintained. There are also four 
virtues through the performance of which this same charity is to be exer¬ 
cised, namely : temperance, fortitude, justice, and prudence. Thus, charity 
should be kept incorrupt and whole in God; that pertains to temperance. It 
should not be crushed by misfortunes; that pertains to fortitude. It should 
serve no one else; that pertains to justice. And it should be vigilant in matters 
of discernment, lest deceit and guile steal it away little by little; that pertains 
to prudence. 

[47] Now the length of the curtains was twenty-eight cubits, which is the 
number produced by multiplying seven times four; on account of the 

1 Isidore, Etymol. 19, 28, 1 (ed. Lindsay, vol. 2) 

2 Luke 24:32 

3 Matt. 24:12 

4 Mark 12:30-1 

5 Acts 7:60 



sabbath day, the eternal rest of the saints is accustomed to be represented 
by the number seven. Therefore the length of the curtains extends to four 
times seven cubits because by believing and keeping evangelical doctrine, 
and through exercising the spiritual virtues of which we have spoken, the 
long-suffering patience of the Holy Church stretches out toward eternal rest. 

There is also another sacrament in the number twenty-eight which 
likewise pertains to the number seven. If you will count the whole succes¬ 
sion of numbers between one and seven, you will reach the sum of 
twenty-eight, for one plus two plus three plus four plus five plus six plus 
seven make twenty-eight. Therefore, the length of the curtains is rightly 
contained in the number twenty-eight because the parts of the number seven 
are found in it. For in everything that they do or suffer, the saints whose 
faith and patience are adorned with a variety of virtues are not expecting 
the glory of human favour but the blessedness of heavenly rest. That 
explains why the psalm of this number is entitled At the finishing of the 
tabernacle , for the whole of this song concerns the perfection of the Holy 
Church, as is particularly apparent from those [verses] which say. Adore 
the Lord in his holy court , 1 and again. And in his temple all shall say 
'Glory! ’ 2 The twenty-eighth psalm is aptly inscribed At the finishing of the 
tabernacle , since it contains the perfection of the Holy Church’s pilgrimage 
in this world, so that through faith and through good works it may proceed 
to its rest in the world to come. And there properly follows: 

26:2 All the curtains shall be of one measure. Although the curtains 
differed from one another in having different colours of embroidery, they 
were nevertheless all proportioned with lengths and widths of the same 
measure. For although the elect have gifts that differ according to the grace 
that is given them, 3 there is nevertheless one Lord\ one faith, one baptism , 
one God and Father of all 4 

26:3 Five curtains shall be joined to one another; and the other five 
shall be attached in the same way. Josephus relates that the tables of the 
covenant were composed in such a way that each table in the Decalogue of 
the law contained five words. 5 For this reason it was Fitting that the ten 
curtains that were joined together to complete the beauty of the tabernacle 
were also divided at a suitable interval so that five on each side might remain 
together. When those who ministered the holy things, with the people of [48] 

1 Ps. 29:2 (28:2) 

2 Ps. 29:9 (28:9) 

3 Rom. 12:6 

4 Eph. 4:5-6 

5 Josephus, Ant. Jud. 3, 6, 5 (ed. Blatt, 235, 26-7) 



God, saw this, they would have been reminded of the law that is always to 
be observed, which was comprised of ten words in two tables, divided so 
as to number five in each table. 

Furthermore, on account of this verse we are also able to speak of the 
number of the curtains as two times five, so that they represent those in each 
testament who follow the divine law. Surely the first five, which covered 
or formed the front and foremost part of the tabernacle, bore a type of the 
ancient people of God, who fulfilled the decrees of the law according to the 
letter in the sacrament of circumcision and the observance of the various 
sacrificial rites. But the five curtains that follow, which covered the rear 
sides of the tabernacle or actually formed them by covering them, desig¬ 
nated those of us bom after the coming of the Lord in flesh, who keep the 
books and sacraments of the law spiritually, as he himself has revealed and 

All the curtains were embroidered with one and the same handiwork and 
colours but they were joined together in [groups of] five, because all the 
worshipers in both testaments believed in one and the same God and served 
him with works of one and the same piety and charity, but in the celebration 
of the sacraments each people played its own separate part. For they 
celebrated the sacrament of the Lord’s passion (through which each of the 
two peoples has been redeemed) in the flesh and blood of sacrifices, but we 
celebrate it in the oblation of bread and wine. They believed in and 
confessed as things to come the Lord’s nativity in flesh, his preaching, his 
working of miracles, his temptation, his passion, his burial, his resurrection 
and ascension, as well as the coming of the Holy Spirit and the faith of the 
Gentiles, but we believe and confess that all these things have already 
happened and that there is nothing more left to be accomplished. Neverthe¬ 
less, at the time when the tabernacle was being erected all the curtains were 
fastened to one another, because when the beauty of the whole Catholic 
Church from the beginning unto the end of the world is considered, it is 
assuredly as if ten curtains joined together into one adorn the tabernacle of 
the Lord. 

26:4 You shall make loops of blue on the sides and tops of the 
curtains, so that they may be joined to one another. We have said that 
blue, because it is the colour of the air, is appropriate as a sign of heavenly 
blessings. 1 Therefore the curtains are joined to one another with blue loops 
when a single hope of supernal blessedness joins the hearts of all the elect 
throughout the world together in one and the same devotion. These loops 
[49] [ cmsulae ] are aptly named, because they were to be made not only on the 

1 Bede, De tab. 2, 2 (CCSL 119A: 45, 149-51) 



sides of the curtains but also on the tops, that is, at the extreme ends of the 
comers [angulorum\ ] For not only do the life and the work of the saints 
hasten to perfection along the common road of right intention, but even the 
First stage of the good life, which we obtain by confession of the faith and 
the reception of the heavenly sacraments, is not alien or different, but all 
are linked by an equal and similar grace of truth. Likewise, at the end of 
temporal life we all have the common assurance of one and the same hope 
when we close our eyes in death, so that having first received the viaticum 
of the heavenly mystery, 2 we may be confident of finding ourselves very 
quickly in the true life and of remaining in it forever 

This agrees with that passage in the Book of Numbers in which the 
children of Israel are instructed that they should make for themselvesfringes 
on the corners of their garments, putting in them blue cords? Surely the 
children of Israel have fringes and blue cords on the comers of their 
garments when the elect and all those who wish to see God so labour to 
clothe themselves with woiks of righteousness that they do not esteem these 
mortal things as a praiseworthy goal, lest by chance it could be said of them 
that they have their reward? but amidst those things they look rather to the 
eyes of the inner Judge, and to eternal rewards. For this reason, in that place 
it is also immediately added by way of explanation: When they shall see 
these things, let them remember all the commandments of the Lord, lest they 
should follow their own thoughts, and their eyes that have gone whoring 
after diverse things . 5 

We should also make use of these words in our explanation of the blue 
loops. For we may say that the reason that the curtains were joined together 
with loops of that sort was in order that the children of Israel who then had 
them in their sight might be reminded of the heavenly commandments, and 
that we who read about them now might be mindful that as long as we 
continue in this life as children of the eternal promise we are separated from 
one another in time and space, but in heaven there is a homeland in which 
its citizens, being gathered from the four winds of heaven, are forever joined 
together in an indivisible fellow ship. 

26:5 Every curtain shall have fifty loops on both sides, inserted in 
such a way that one loop may be set against another, and one may be 

1 Bede’s point is that it is appropriate for the ansulae (‘loops’) to be so called, because they 
are located in the similar-sounding angulae (‘comers’). 

2 On Bede’s emphasis on the importance of receiving communion from the reserved 
sacrament as viaticum (‘food for the journey’) at the time of death, see Carroll (1946), 109-10. 

3 Num. 15:38 

4 Matt. 6:5 

5 Num. 15:39 



fitted to the other. We read in the law that the fiftieth year was ordered to 
be designated as a jubilee (that is, a [year for] releasing or exchanging 1 ), in 
which the whole people should rest from all cultivation of the land and 
everyone’s debts should be cancelled, 2 and we know that in the New 
Testament the grace of the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles on the day 
[ 50] of Pentecost (that is, the fiftieth day of the Lord’s resurrection) and hallowed 

the beginnings of the Church that was being brought into existence by its 
coming. 3 It is agreed, then, that by this number can rightly be figured either 
the grace of the Holy Spirit or the joy of future blessedness, to which one 
is brought through the gift of the same Spirit and in the perception of which 
alone is true rest and joy. 

Aptly did the curtains have fifty loops by which they were fastened to 
one another, because only by the gift of the Holy Spirit does it happen that 
the elect are joined to one another in the fellowship of peace which is the 
bond of perfection , 4 and nothing but the hope and remembrance of future 
fellowship and peace makes those who are in this life still separated in time 
and space into servants of Christ united in a common piety. And it is 
properly said that the curtains had loops on both sides so that every single 
curtain embraced the curtains near to it on either side as if with arms 
extending in both directions, because it is doubtless necessary that we 
should with the open arms of pure piety embrace all the faithful, both those 
who preceded us in Christ and those who have followed us, and that all of 
us who are in Christ should revere with one affection both those who taught 
us in Christ and those whom we have taught with the help of Christ himself. 

We ought to hasten to see the face of our Creator by living well, so that 
we by no means forsake the neighbours who are running with us, but are 
eager to come into the presence of the Divine Glory together with them. 
For all the curtains were supported by the boards in such a way that they 
extended to the ceiling and shone up above with the varied luster of their 
own embroidery on the inside, so that they by no means fell short of those 
curtains that together with them were either borne aloft or shone from their 
position on high. After the fashion of those curtains, we should assist the 
faithful by admonition and by example as they advance with us in the 
service of God. And in whatever virtue we have been able to make progress, 
in the same way we should treat all our companions in that virtue in a 
manner appropriate to these virtues. Therefore, loop is set against loop so 

1 Jerome, Nom. (CCSL 72: 67, 10) 

2 Lev. 25:10-11 

3 Acts 2:1-2 

4 Col. 3:14 



that one can be fitted to another when the righteous are allied with one 
another in the harmonious and equal disposition of their virtues. 

26:6 You shall make also fifty rings of gold with which the veils of 
the curtains are to be joined, so that the tabernacle may be made one 
whole. This passage is explained more fully later on, when it is said; And 
he castfifty rings ofgold\ that they might grip the loops of the curtains, and 
the tabernacle might be made one whole . 1 Since the number fifty designates 
true rest in the Holy Spirit, and a ring seems to have neither beginning nor 
end, and gold is the most precious of metals, excelling all others in its [ 51 ] 
brightness, what is expressed in the fifty golden rings except the perpetual 
brightness and bright perpetuity of the highest repose? And the rings grip 
the loops of the curtains in such a way that one tabernacle might be made 
out of them all when the glory of the heavenly kingdom graciously pours 
itself into the pure minds of the faithful, so that with the glue of such healing 
inspiration the Church is made perfect out of the two peoples, or perhaps 
we should say out of all Christ’s elect. 


26:7 You shall also make eleven coverings of haircloth to cover the 
roof of the tabernacle. This passage recurs later on in this way: He also 
made eleven coverings ofgoats * hair to cover the roof of the tabernacle. 1 2 
Accordingly, the coverings with which the tabernacle is covered are the 
rulers of the Holy Church, by whose industriousness and labour the dignity 
of the same Church is protected and defended with unceasing care, lest the 
life and faith of the elect should be liable to be corrupted by the seduction 
of heretics, or defiled by the depravity of false catholics, or contaminated 
by the filth of tempting vices, or brought down into despondency by a lack 
of material resources. The more carefully they prepare themselves to endure 
and repel the savageries of attacking temptations, the greater freedom to 
serve the Lord do they give to those who arc subject to them. It is as if they 
provide the curtains with an abundance of splendour on the inside, while 

1 Exod. 36:13 

2 Exod. 36:14 



on the outside they themselves bear the tempests of affliction, after the 
fashion of coverings. 1 

Now it is rightly said that those same coverings were made of haircloth 
or from goats’ hair, and were eleven [in number], doubtless because the 
holy preachers who are higher in merit ought to be that much the more 
humble in spirit, in accordance with that saying of the wise man: The greater 
you are, the more you must humble yourself in all things. 2 Surely [the 
number] eleven, which goes beyond ten but does not come to the apostolic 
number twelve, signifies the transgression of the Decalogue of the law. 3 4 
For this same reason, in the eleventh psalm the prophet complains that holy 
people are in short supply and that human beings have exchanged truths for 
vanities and deceits, saying, 'Save me, Lord, for there is no one who is 
holy, A implicitly indicating by this number [eleven] that people of this sort, 
who are duplicitous in tongue and heart, neither keep the legal precepts of 
the Decalogue nor understand the apostolic grace of the gospel. 

Haircloth is also the clothing of penitents, as the psalmist bears witness, 
saying, 'But as for me, when they were troublesome to me, I clothed myself 
with haircloth, ' 5 that is, T put on the clothing of penitence and humility, 
with which I endured the rage of persecutors with calm equanimity, or even 
[52] mitigated it. ’ For if goats and the hair or skins of goats always signified the 
foulness of sinners and never the humility of penitents, that animal would 
by no means have been reckoned among the clean [animals], nor would it 
have been said in praise of the bride: 'Your hair is like a flock of goats. 6 
Therefore the coverings that represent the holy preachers are made of 
haircloth and are eleven [in number] because the more zealously they purify 
their hearts in faith, the more things do they find in them for which to 
reproach themselves. Hence they also humbly confess that we all offend in 
many things , 7 and If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and 

1 Gregory the Great, Moral. 25, 16, 39 (CCSL 143B: 1263, 137 - 1264, 167). A similar 
interpretation appears in Isidore, Quaest. inExod. 54 {PL 83: 314C-315A), but Bede shows 
no direct dependence on him. As Laistner wrote in Thompson (1935), 237: ‘Mere similarity 
in thought between Bede and Isidore is therefore not enough to prove borrowing of the one 
from the other, seeing that many of Bede’s ideas will have been formed or influenced by direct 
study of the same Fathers whom Isidore followed.’ 

2 Sir. 3:20 

3 Augustine, De civ. Dei 15, 20 (CSEL 40, 2: 104, 21-7) 

4 Ps. 12:1 (11:2) 

5 Ps. 35:13(34:13) 

6 S. of S. 4:1 

7 Jas. 3:2 



the truth is not in us . 1 Nevertheless, the degree to which their hearts are 
perfect is mystically declared in the words that follow, in which it is said; 

26:8 The length of one covering shall be thirty cubits, and the width 
four. Behold, here you have a length that is not a number containing eleven, 
but one containing ten, and that [number is] multiplied by three. By this is 
openly suggested the virtue of those who fulfill the Decalogue of the law 
in the faith of the Holy Trinity that works by love ; 2 there can be nothing 
higher than this perfection, at least in this life. You also have a width of 
four cubits, by which (as we have said before) is signified the expansiveness 
of genuine charity, that is, of that charity which is both commended and 
given to us in the gospel through Jesus Christ. Therefore there are eleven 
coverings covering the roof of the tabernacle, and these are made of the hair 
of goats but are thirty cubits long and four cubits wide. For surely those 
most eminent preachers who protect the life of the faithful with their 
exhortations, intercessions, constant solicitude, vigils, fasts, and naked¬ 
ness 3 humbly acknowledge themselves to be sinners when they contem¬ 
plate the excellence of heavenly purity; nevertheless, among humans and 
those who are above they appear to be pure, within the limits of human 

26:8-9 AH of the coverings shall be equal in measure. Five of them 
you shall join by themselves, and the six others you shall connect to one 
another, so as to double the sixth covering at the front of the roof. There 
was one measure for all the coverings, doubtless because there is one faith 
in which the whole Church is saved, and one eternal life to which it hastens. 
For the same reason, those who entered into the vineyard of the Lord to 
work at different times are all rewarded with one denarius 4 Surely the 
division of the coverings into [groups of] five and six can be understood in 
accordance with what we explained previously concerning the curtains 
divided into [groups olj five and five, because they evidently designate the 
teachers of both testaments. 5 The five coverings are aptly compared to the 
ancient teachers of the people of God, either because they preached only 
the sacraments of the Mosaic law (however much they preached the secrets 
of evangelical truth also), or because they lived in the [first] five ages of 

1 1 John 1:8 

2 Gal. 5:6 

3 2 Cor. 11:27-8 

4 Matt. 20:8-10 

5 Bede, De tab . 2, 2 (CCSL 119A: 48, 234-43) 

[ 53 ] 



this world. 1 2 And it is not inappropriate to take the six curtains as the teachers 
of the New Testament, because they accepted all the things that Divine 
Scripture reports to have been done or said in the six ages of the world as 
things to be understood spiritually, for aids and examples in their preaching. 
For they openly proclaim to their hearers that they should believe and 
confess the Lord’s passion, through which the world was redeemed on the 
sixth day before the sabbath, and they are called to bear witness [to them] 
that they can only be saved through the sacrament of this passioa 
For this reason the sixth covering is rightly commanded to be doubled at 
the front of the roof, evidently on account of the confession and the imitation 
of the same passion of the Lord. For it is not enough for believers if they 
are only baptized and consecrated in the confession of the Lord’s death and 
resurrection, if once baptized they are not also eager to be conformed to the 
likeness of the Lord’s death as far as they are able, by living continently 
and by suffering for his sake, so that they may also merit to become 
partakers in his resurrection. According to the letter it speaks of ‘the front 
of the rooF, which is the entrance of the tabernacle where there were no 
boards but rather (as we said just above ) it was commanded that columns 
and a rod should be stretched from [one] comer of the boards to [another] 
comer, and therefore as far as the design of the handiwork itself is con¬ 
cerned, the handiwork was to be greater in that place in which the protection 
of the coverings was doubled, where the solid firmness of the wall was 
lacking. But mystically the sixth curtain is doubled at the front of the roof 
when all those who enter the Holy Church are initiated in the faith and 

1 The doctrine of the six ages of the world is found in Augustine, De civ. Dei 22, 30 ( CSEL 
40, 2: 669, 17 - 670, 16) and Isidore, Etymol. 5, 38-9 (ed. Lindsay, vol. 1). It appears in many 
of Bede’s works, especially De tempor. 16-22 ( CCSL 123C: 600-11), De temp. rat. 66-71 
(CCSL 123B: 463- 544), Ep. Pleg. (CCSL 123C: 617-26), and the hymn Primo Deus caeli 
globum (CCSL 122: 407-11); the later works include discussions of the transit istorical seventh 
and eighth ages. For detailed treatments of this theme in Bede’s writings, see Jones (1969-70), 
191-8, Siniscalco (1978), and Hunter Blair (1970), 265-8. For its later development in medieval 
literature, see Burrows (1988). A concise explanation is given by Plummer (1896), 1: xlii-xlii: 
‘The first age is from the Creation to the Flood; the second from the Flood to Abraham; the 
third from Abraham to David; the fourth from David to the Captivity of Judah; the fifth from 
the Captivity to the birth of Christ; the sixth age lasts until the day of Judgement, and its duration 
is known to God alone. These six ages, during which the faithful labour for God in this world, 
correspond with the six days of God’s labour in the works of Creation. The seventh age, 
answering to His sabbath rest, is that in which the souls of the faithful, separated from their 
bodies, rest from their labours in the unseen world, and is therefore contemporary with all the 
other six, beginning when God’s first martyr Abel was slain, and lasting till the general 
resurrection, when the souls of the faithful being united to their glorious bodies, the eighth age 
begins, which lasts for ever.’ 

2 Bede, De. tab. 2, 1 ( CCSL 119A: 44, 77-9) 



sacraments of the Lord’s passion in such a way that they understand that 
they must always live in imitation of it as well. For it is as if the sixth 
covering is doubled for us at the entrance of the sanctuaiy when we are both 
consecrated by the sacraments of the Lord’s passion and instructed by 
examples of it. Concerning the reception of the sacraments, surely Peter 
says: According to his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a lively 
hope , through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead; 1 concerning 
the imitation of the passion, he says: Christ therefore having suffered in the 
flesh , arm yourselves also with the same thought 2 

26:10-11 You shall make also Fifty hooks on the border of one 
covering, so that it can be joined with another, and fifty loops on the 
border of the other covering, so that it can be joined with the other. 

[And you shall make] fifty clasps of bronze with w hich the hooks can 
be joined, so that from all there may be made one tent. These things here 
can also be understood in the same way as we explained above in the case 
of the curtains, 3 because it is evident that the recollection of heavenly rest 
(which is accustomed to be expressed by the number Fifty) unites the hearts [54] 
of the saints in the bond of peace. 4 Or, if it pleases you to hear something 
new, let the coverings designate the humility of those sublime persons who 
desire to remember their own transgressions rather than to proclaim their 
own virtues, and are more eager to feel compunction about those virtues 
that they are not yet able to acquire than they are to boast about those that 
they have already acquired, inasmuch as the humility of their compunction 
can be designated by fifty, which is the number of the hooks and of the 
clasps. For the fiftieth is a psalm of penitence, and rightly so, because the 
gift of penitence is not granted unless the Holy Spirit imparts it, and the gift 
of pardon is not bestowed upon penitents unless it is administered by the 
grace of the same Holy Spirit. 5 

The coverings are properly connected to one another with fifty hooks or 
clasps, because there is no virtue that binds the faithful together in one bond 
of charity more than humility. For the weaker they consider themselves to 
be, the more eagerly they seek to be strengthened by their neighbour’s aid. 

And the clasps are properly made of bronze, which is well known as a metal 
[that makes] a loud sound, doubtless because the humble conscience of the 

1 1 Pet. 1:3 

2 l Pet. 4:1 

3 Bede, De tab. 2, 2 ( CCSL 119A: 50, 344-9) 

4 Eph. 4:3 

5 Ps. 51 (50). The number fifty symbolizes the Holy Spirit which descended upon the 
disciples on Pentecost, the fiftieth day of the Easter season; cf. Bede’s comment above on 
Exod. 26:5 at De tab. 2, 2 (CCSL 119A: 49, 305 - 50, 308) 



righteous speaks before God with a great voice. For this same reason, when 

that poor man in the Psalms of David 1 was anxious, he did not cty out before 

human ears but poured out his prayer in the presence of the Lord, saying, 


4 Lord , hear my prayer , and let my cry come to you . ’ 

26:12-13 And with what remains of the coverings that are prepared 
for the roof, that is, with half of the one covering that is longer, you 
shall cover the back of the tabernacle. The cubit that remains on one 
side, and the other [cubit] on the other side, which are over and above 
in the length of the coverings, shall hang down, covering both sides of 
the tabernacle. In order that these things might be understood more clearly, 
it is necessary for us to conduct a somewhat more extensive investigation 
of the position of the tabernacle itself as a whole. We have said that the 
walls of the tabernacle, which were composed of boards and columns, were 
thirty cubits long, ten cubits wide, and also ten cubits high. [Let us imagine], 
then, that someone wanted to encircle the breadth of the building with a 
little cord, say from the base of one board on the south side unto the base 
of the board that was directly opposite on the north side. Surely it is evident 
that the same little cord would have to be thirty cubits long, that is, ten cubits 
going up on the south wall, ten more again running horizontally between 
the walls, and a third ten going down on the north side. Likewise, if you 
[55] wanted to stretch the little cord through the length of the building (that is, 
from the bases of the columns and up through the length of the whole 
building all the way to the west wall and then all the way down to its bases), 
that little cord would be Fifty cubits long. There would be ten going up 
beside the columns, thirty running horizontally along the length of the 
building, and ten more going down beside the boards on the west wall. 

Bearing these things in mind, then, consider also how the measurements 
of the curtains with which the building was covered might be consistent 
with the aforementioned measurements. There were ten curtains, each being 
twenty-eight cubits long and four wide, which when joined together and 
constructed into one tabernacle made up a breadth of forty cubits. Therefore, 
if you hang the curtains, which are each twenty-eight cubits long, and set 
them up in the building which measures thirty cubits across, you will see 
that the curtains will be ten cubits horizontally between the walls, and nine 
cubits up and down beside the walls. Thus, they are made in such a way 
that the lowest part of the curtains is unable to touch the ground but is left 
above the ground by the measure of one cubit. Likewise, you will see that 
the curtains are thirty cubits horizontally through the length of the building, 

1 literally, ‘that Davidic poor man’ 

2 Ps. 102:1 (101:2) 



and five cubits going up and down (that is, on the east side of the building 
and on the west). Once again, therefore, the lowest part of the curtains which 
are on the side cannot possibly reach all the way to the ground, but is left 
five cubits higher than the ground. Thus it becomes necessary that those 
five cubits of the curtains remaining above the bare w alls should be spread 
over one another on the east side and on the west as well, and joined to one 
another. And it should be done in such a manner that the curtains cover the 
building all over, except for one cubit next to the ground. So much for the 

The coverings, however, are thirty cubits long and four wide, and because 
eleven [of them] were joined to one another at the sides they amounted to 
forty-four cubits. Therefore, if you set these [coverings] up in the building 
also, because the length of the coverings is the same as that of the little cord 
with which you measured the building crosswise, it happens that their 
lowest part extends all the way to the ground. For they will be ten cubits 
horizontally between the walls, and ten up and down on each side as well. 
That explains why Scripture says that a cubit hangs down on the one side, 
and another on the other side, which was over and above in the length of 
the coverings, covering both sides of the tabernacle. For what it calls the 
'tabernacle’ in the proper sense is the actual conjunction of the curtains. 
The coverings certainly extended beyond the curtains by one cubit on the 
south side of the building and by another [cubit] on the north, and for this 
reason they reached to the ground, because the coverings are thirty cubits 
in length, the curtains two less. Likewise, the measure of the coverings 
extended through the length of the building for forty-four cubits, being 
thirty cubits horizontally from the front of the building all the w ay to the 
highest point of the boards on the west side, seven cubits hanging dow n at 
the front of the building, and seven more hanging down on the west side. 
Thus, it was made in such a manner that the measure of the coverings on 
the west side exceeded the measure of the curtains by two cubits. This is 
evident, since the curtains that came down from above (as we have also 
related previously 1 ) covered Five cubits of the wall and left the other five 
bare, but the coverings covered seven cubits of the same western wall and 
left three bare. 

And that is what is said now: And with what remains of the coverings 
that are prepared for the roof, that is, with half of the one covering that 
is longer, you shall cover the back of the tabernacle. Surely the half of 
the covering was two cubits in width, and this half completely covered the 
back of the tabernacle (that is, the curtains which were the tabernacle 


1 Bede, De tab. 2, 3 (CCSL 119A: 55, 523-8) 



properly so called), for the last covering extended beyond the curtains by 
two cubits, stretching to the bottom, as we have said. And so the coverings 
coming down from above completely covered only seven cubits of the 
western wall, while the other three [cubits], which were left bare all the way 
to the ground, were exposed to the rigours of the weather. However, when 
the seven cubits of coverings that extended beyond the limits of the walls 
on both sides were added together, they protected the back parts of the 
building quite securely, all the way to the ground. Now these [coverings] 
were not only able to reach one another and, after the fashion of the curtains, 
to meet each other in the middle of the wall, but because they were seven 
cubits [long] they extended beyond the middle of the wall by two cubits on 
both sides and overlapped one another when they were joined together. We 
believe this should also be understood in the same way in every respect with 
reference to the eastern side of the building; it was for this reason that the 
sixth covering in the front of the roof was previously enjoined to be 
doubled. 1 In so far as we have been able to understand them, we have taken 
care briefly to explain these things concerning this most difficult subject, 
but we are ready to learn more accurate information about these matters if 
anyone wishes to instruct us. 

Regardless, in all of these things the meaning of the allegory is openly 
transparent. For surely the coverings protected the curtains up above and 
below and on eveiy side, and in order that the comely appearance of those 
on the inside might shine freely, those on the outside rendered them immune 
[57] from every rigour of storms, rains, and heats. 2 Doubtless this was because 
the perfect ones who preside over the Holy Church are in a similar manner 
accustomed with expert care to look out for the lives of the faithful who are 
entrusted to them, so that they lack neither assistance in the carnal life or 
aid in the spiritual life. [The faithful] must be kept safe from both the 
teachings of heretics and the examples of false catholics; they must be aided 
by the salutary doctrine which will strengthen them so that they will be able 
both wisely to refute the words of those who teach erroneously, and 
patiently to endure the actions of those who inflict evil upon them; they 

1 Bede is referring back to Exod. 26:9, where Moses is commanded to double the sixth 
covering at the front of the roof. By explaining that doubling as an overlapping similar to that 
of the coverings at the back of the tabernacle in 26:12, Bede is here silently differing with 
Josephus, who in the Cassiodorian translation of Ant. Jud. 3, 6, 4 (ed. Blatt, 235, 5-9) had 
explained the doubling at the front as creating something like a gable for the sanctuary within. 

2 Gregory the Great, Moral. 25, 16, 39 (CCSL 143B: 1263, 137 - 1264, 167). As noted in 
reference to Bede’s comment on Exod. 26:7, the fact that a similar interpretation is found in 
Isidore, Quaest. in Exod. 54 {PL 83: 314C-315A) does not necessarily imply that Bede is 
dependent upon him here. 



must be aided by the heavenly life of [their teachers], which will enable 
them to make use of a silent text just as if it were a tongue that is always 
alive. For the coverings repel rains, resist storms, hold off the heat of the 
sun, and boldly drive away all adversities on the outside so that the beauty 
of the curtains on the inside might remain undefiled when Augustine 
removes all the poisons of the heretics which have been able to distuib 
faith, 1 when Gregory unravels those temptations of the ancient enemy that 
assail good morals, when Cyprian strengthens the weak with pious exhor¬ 
tations lest they should waver in the face of martyrdom, 3 and when other 
venerable bishops and teachers ward off every temptation that has been 
disturbing the Church fora long time and with skillful scrutiny look out for 
everything that may be conducive to its salvatioa In this way, the faithful 
are made utterly secure in their religious life, so that they can devote 
themselves to virtue with a free heart, that their deeds may shine brightly 
in the sight of their Creator, even while they direct their mind's eye to the 
contemplation of him. 


Because those who are worthy of the highest honour among the holy 
preachers are those who also shed their blood for Christ as a result of their 
service in the office of preaching and guiding the people, it is rightly added: 

26:14 You shall also make for the roof another covering of rams’ 
skins dyed red. Surely the holy teachers are often understood by the word 
‘rams’, since they are the leaders of the flocks that follow the Lord. Hence 
the psalmist says in a pleasing manner: Bring to the Lord, O children of 
God, bring to the Lord the offspring of rams , 4 which is clearly to say, ‘Bring 
to the Lord, O angels of God (to whom the responsibilty for this task has 
been delegated 5 ), bring to the Lord in heaven the spirits of the faithful who, 
through the imitation of the blessed apostles’ life and faith, have proved 
worthy to become their offspring.’ For this reason, when the people of God 

1 The writings of Augustine of Hippo (354-430) contain refutations of a variety of heretics 
and schismatics, including Manichaeans, Donatists, and Pelagians. 

2 Gregory the Great (c. 540-604) wrote a massive commentary on the Book of Job known 
as the hioralia (CCSL 143, 143A, 143B). 

3 Cyprian of Carthage (c. 200-25 8) wrote a letter Ad Fortunatum (CCSL 3: 183-216) which 
is an exhortation to martyrdom. 

4 Ps. 29:1 (28:1) 

5 On the early Christian belief that angels serve as escorts who convey faithful souls to 
heaven after death, see Danielou (1957), 95-105; cf. Luke 16:22. The same idea appears in 
Bede’s historical writings: Hist. eccl. 5, 12-3 (ed. Colgrave and Mynors, 488-502) and Vit. 
Cuth. pros. 34 (ed. Colgrave, 262). 



[ 58 ] 

went out from Egypt their sixth resting place, in which there were twelve 
fountains of water and seventy palm trees, 1 was called ‘Elim’ (that is, ‘of 
rams'), 2 so that both by its name and by its appearance it might contain the 
figure of the apostles and the apostolic men. 

Now the rams’ skins for the covering of the roof of the tabernacle are 
dyed red when the apostles and the apostolic men do not cease to pursue 
the teaching of the word all the way to the suffering of martyrdom, so that 
they might protect those in their care more securely from the dangerous 
onslaughts of temptation, while they themselves do not refuse to suffer 
persecution unto death for righteousness’ sake. And rams’ skins dyed red 
cover the tabernacle of the Lord and defend it from the rigours of the 
weather just as through the example of their suffering and patience the holy 
preachers guard the hearts of the weak lest they should give way to the 
afflictions of tribulations. 

And because sacred virginity holds a special place among the pre¬ 
eminent members of Christ and the Church, after the variegated decoration 
of the curtains, after the protective shelter of the hair-cloth coverings, after 
the rams’ skins dyed red, there is then aptly added: 

26:14 And over that again another covering of blue-coloured skins. 
Surely blue is the colour of heaven, and skin is the characteristic mark of a 
dead animal. And what is signified by blue-coloured skins, except the virtue 
of those who in a certain manner live a pure heavenly life on earth by putting 
to death all the allures of carnal concupiscence? 3 Although situated among 
humans, do they not imitate rather the purity of angels, and is this not what 
is promised to all the elect in the time of immortality which is to come? For 
they neither marry nor take wives, but are equal to the angels of God; 4 5 even 
while still detained in mortal flesh, arc they not eager to anticipate their 
future state? 

Hence there is a great reward that deservedly awaits those of such great 
virtue, as the prophet bears w itness: For thus says the Lord: ‘To the eunuchs 
who will keep my sabbaths, and will choose the things that please me, and 
will hold fast my covenant, I will give a place in my house and within my 
walls, and a name better than sons and daughters; 1 will give them an 
everlasting name that shall not be taken away. ^ Concerning this place and 
this name, John the evangelist, who was himself one of those [virtuous 

1 Exod. 15:27 

2 Jerome, Nom. (CCSL 72: 75, 4) 

3 Gregory the Great, Horn, in evang. 7,3 (PL 76: 1101C) 

4 Luke 20:35-6 

5 Isa. 56:4-5 



persons], also reports that he had heard them singing before the throne of 
God a new song, which no one else could [sing], and immediately he added: 
These are they who have not been defiled with women, for they are virgins; 
these are they who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. 1 Therefore the 
blue-coloured skins deservedly hold the highest place in the house of God, 
and the heavenly colour is assigned the position near to heaven, so as to 
indicate that the choirs of those who are virgins in both soul and body will 
follow the Lamb especially closely and will sing hymns of praise to him. 

Now it is properly said of the veils of the curtains and the coverings that 
although they were placed on high, nevertheless they fell so that they hung 
to the ground—even though the curtains were never allowed to extend all 
the way to the ground. And although the columns and boards of the 
tabernacle also stood erect on high, nevertheless they had bases on which 
they stood, and these were set in die ground. Concerning the skins dyed red 
and the blue-coloured skins, however, it is said that they covered the roof 
on high, but it is not added that they hung down to the ground, because the 
other kinds of virtues doubtless appear to be related to those who are still 
being rewarded upon earth, but it is evident that the prize of martyrdom and 
the dignity of virginity which is consecrated to God are in a sense elevated 
above the lowly things of earth and associated in a special way with the 
citizens of heaven. For the martyr enduring torture has a mind intent on 
nothing else but leaving everything in this world behind as soon as possible, 
and the world itself as well, so as to be set free from all afflictions, and thus 
to come to see the Creator of the world and to possess those joys that are 
beyond the world. And as for those who are celibate, although in consid¬ 
eration of a greater reward they rightfully go beyond the universal law of 
the human race in which it is said, ‘ Increase and multiply and fill the earth , ,2 
while they are in this world they never choose for themselves a seat that is 
higher than the rest of the faithful; thus they live in common with the Church 
so that they might surpass the Church’s common manner of life by meriting 
a higher honour. For this reason, it is appropriate for John to write concern¬ 
ing such persons that they have been redeemed from humankind as first 
fruits for God and the Lamb ; rightly are such persons called in the Latin 
language either ‘virgins’ (as if they were outstanding in virtue) or ‘celibates’ 
(as if they were blessed in the celestial realm, that is, as if they were imitating 
on earth the life of the citizens of heaven). 1 2 3 

1 Rev. 14:2-4 

2 Gen. 1:28 

3 Bede is playing on the similarity in sound between vtrgmes (‘virgins’) and virtute (‘in 
virtue’) and between caelibes (‘celibates’) and caelo (‘in the celestial realm’). 

[ 59 ] 




26:15-16 You shall also make the upright boards of the tabernacle 
of acacia wood. Let each of them be ten cubits in length, and a cubit 
and a half in width. The acacia wood from which the tabernacle was made 
is naturally incorruptible, exceptionally white and lightweight, and not 
much different from whitethorn, except of greater size. r Hence in the Book 
of Hebrew Names , and in his other works as well, Jerome often translated 
‘acacia’ 1 2 3 as simply ‘thorns’, on account of the word ‘Abelsetim’, [which 
means] ‘grief of thorns’ ? Now this kind of wood is not easily found except 
in the deserts of Arabia, where the tabernacle was built. Hence the Greek 
and Latin translates were unable to give it any name other than the Hebrew 
one, since there was no knowledge of it in their lands. Some of them, 
[60] however, wishing to indicate its characteristic nature, translated it as 
‘incorruptible wood’. 

The boards of the tabernacle, then, designate the apostles and their 
successors, through whose word the Church has been expanded throughout 
the world. For the width of the boards is the expansion of the faith and the 
sacraments, which formerly lay hidden among the one Israelite people but 
through their ministry came [to fill] the wideness of the whole world. 
However, the width of the boards can also be rightly understood as the 
expansion of the hearts of the saints, through which they are accustomed to 
despise the world and are enkindled eagerly to desire the lofty things of 
heaven, and through which they rejoice to love not only their friends in God 
but also their enemies for God’s sake 4 Accordingly, let us consider that 
one of the boards of the tabernacle might suggest how the apostle Paul 
expanded himself in two ways. Concerning [his] inward parts (that is, the 
wideness of [his] heart), he says: Our mouth is open to you, O Corinthians; 
our heart is expanded. You are not being restricted in us, but you are 
restricted in your own inmost parts . I speak as to children — be yourselves 

1 Jerome, InEs. 12 (CCS/. 73A: 474, 51-7); In Ioel 3, 18 (CCSL 76: 207, 349-52) 

2 sethim 

3 Jerome, Norn. (CCSL 72: 77, 2; 79, 12); see Num. 33:49 

4 In his critical apparatus, the editor Hurst suggested a parallel between Bede’s comments 
here (CCSL 119A: 60, 709-10) and those of Origen in Horn, in Exod. 9, 4 (GCS 29: 240, 29 - 
241, 5). Origen also recalled 2 Cor. 6:13 when reflecting on the spiritual meaning of Exod. 26 
and used the phrase ‘enlargement of heart’ from 2 Cor. 6:11 to refer to the attitude one should 
have toward one’s enemies, but Bede need not have been directly dependent on Ongen. There 
may have been an intermediate source such as a florilegium, or simply a coincidental similarity 
of ideas. The six other parallels to Origen’s work suggested by Hurst are even less persuasive. 
For a full discussion, see Holder (1989b), 45-8. 



expanded also} and concerning the [wideness] that he was accustomed to 

employ for the enlargement of the tabernacle (that is, of the Holy Church), 

he says: So that from Jerusalem round about as far as to Illyricum , I have 


filled up the gospel of Christ. 

Now the boards were made out of acacia wood, that is, a thorny sort [of 
wood], and according to the Saviour’s pronouncement thorns are the cares 
of this world, its pleasures, riches, and false delights 3 But the pricks of sins 
may also not incongruously be compared to thorns, for it is written here that 
thorns grow in the hands of a drunkard, 4 that is, sins in the works of a fool. 
Because the holy preachers are eager both to expurgate themselves from 
the pricks of vices and to strip away all the cares and delights of the world 
so that with a free mind they might be able to be expanded in the love of 
God and neighbour and to run far and wide to preach the word, it is therefore 
rightly said that the boards of the tabernacle were made out of acacia wood 
(that is, out of thorny [wood]), for they were indeed made of thorns, but 
thorns from which all the thorny barbs had been completely stripped away, 
so that they shone with a pure whiteness. For that universal condemnation 
in which it was said to Adam when he sinned, ‘Your ground shall bring 
forth to you thorns and thistles , ’ 5 applies to all alike. Even the saints and 
all of those who shine with virtues were conceived and bom with the sin of 
the first transgression, but by the grace of God through Jesus Christ they 
have been stripped of the sharp points of all their sins and fitted for the 
building of his house by the appropriate exercise of virtues. 

Now all the boards were ten cubits long and a cubit and a half w ide. The 
length of the boards is the height, which is ten cubits because the holy 
teachers stretch out toward perfection through the observance of the Deca¬ 
logue of the law, and because they labour in Christ’s vineyard to receive a 
daily denarius. 6 That is, they continue in the teaching of the word with the 
aim of restoring in themselves, with the help of their Creator and King, that 
image of him which they had lost by Adam’s sin, so that by living rightly 
they may receive his name which they had lost by sinning; for surely a 
king’s name and image is customarily contained on a denarius. 7 

But because the name of a denarius is derived from the fact that it is made 
up of ten [smaller] coins, it also aptly corresponds to the condition of our 

1 2 Cor. 6:11-13 

2 Rom. 15:19 

3 Matt. 13:22; Luke 8:14 

4 Prov. 26:9 

5 Gen. 3:18 

6 Matt. 20:8-10 

7 Jerome. JnMatth. 3 (CCSL 77: 204, 1775-6) 

[ 61 ] 



future blessedness, which is perfected in the true love of God and neighbour. 
God, because he is a Trinity, is often accustomed to be represented by the 
number three. The human being is represented by [the number] seven, since 
the body is taken from the four well-known elements, but in the Scriptures 
the substance of the soul (that is, of the inner person) is customarily 
understood as having thiee different aspects; for it is there that we are 
commanded to love God with all our heart, all our soul, and all our strength. 1 2 3 
Therefore it is appropriate that each of the boards which comprise the 
tabernacle is built to stand ten cubits high, because the teachers and rulers 
of the Holy Church are devoted to God with the aim of deserving to see him 
in soul and body at the end of this life, being immortal and blessed forever; 
they always strive to rouse their hearers and to support them (as it were) 
both by word and by deed. 

The same boards were a cubit and a half wide because that full cubit 
indicates the perfection of good work, while the half of a cubit which is 
added over and above indicates the beginning of divine knowledge. For in 
this life the righteous are doubtless perfectly able to persevere in alms, to 
devote themselves to prayer, to chastise themselves with fasts and other 
such pious acts, and to do [good] works. In the meanwhile we know God 
by faith, but we hope to know him fully in the future, as our God and Lord 
Jesus Christ himself says, 'If you will continue in my word ' you will truly 
be my disciples, and you will know the truth. * 2 Returning to the Father, he 
said, ! And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, 
and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. 3 And when the Apostle also says, 
[62] For we know in part, and we prophesy in part, 4 is he not saying, ‘We labour 

for Christ in part, we pursue the preaching of the word in part, we are 
devoted to good works in part’? Therefore, in this life the elect have a full 
cubit of good works, but they have a cubit of blessed reward [only] in part, 
to the extent that they are able to have a foretaste of the presence of their 
Maker and the joys of the eternal kingdom with its heavenly pleasures. But 
they are then blessed with the completion of this cubit, when at the last there 
will come to pass the word that he promised to the whole people of the elect, 
saying, 7 will deliver them, and 1 will glorijy them; 1 will fill them with 
length of days, and 1 will show them my salvation. ’ 5 

1 Mark 12:30 

2 John 8:31 

3 John 17:3 

4 1 Cor. 13:9 

5 Ps. 91:15-16 (90:15-16) 



26:17 On the sides of a board there shall be two mortises, with which 
one board may be joined to another board, and all the boards shall be 
prepared in this way. The mortises on the sides of the boards designate 
the virtue of humility which is in the minds of the righteous, through which 
they are closely joined together in fraternal charity. For while they all 
prepare receptacles in themselves by loving their neighbours with a contrite 
and humble heart, they also hold out the worthiness of their piety and 
devotion by loving the brethren, just as all the boards of the tabernacle are 
joined to one another by connecting mortises. 

When the tabernacle is built and the boards are joined together in 
accordance with the pattern prescribed above, the form of the mortises is 
not perceived at all; nevertheless, the firm stability of the unwavering wall 
itself shows with what great strength 1 it is joined together through the 
boards. For it is true that people on the outside cannot see the saints’ 
humility of heart, by which they are united to one another, however, the 
most tranquil condition of the Holy Church itself makes what is being done 
on the inside plainly apparent to all. By the marvelous grace of the divine 
dispensation, it has come to pass through this [humility] that we upon whom 
the ends of the ages have come 2 can love with sincere affection those faithful 
who were in the beginning of the world, and receive them into the bosom 
of our love no less than those who live with us in the present, and believe 
that we are also being received by them with a charitable embrace. 

Now there are two ways to understand figuratively why it is ordered that 
two mortises are to be made on each board, that is, on both of its sides: [it 
means] that we should keep the law of charity toward the brethren inviolate 
in prosperity and likewise in adversity, advancing (in accordance with the 
Apostle’s analogy) with the armor of righteousness on the right hand and 
on the left, 3 and [it means] that we should stretch out toward the heights of 
perfection by clasping eveiyone into our arms with one and the same love, 
both those who are greater and those who are lesser (that is, those who have 
preceded us in Christ and those who have come after). 


There follows: 

26:18-19 Twenty of them shall be on the south side, facing southward. 
You shall set forty silver bases beneath them, so that there are two bases 

1 virtute , referring back to the ‘virtue of humility’ mentioned above. 

2 1 Cor. 10:11 

3 2 Cor. 6:7 

[ 63 ] 



placed underneath at the two corners of each board. It is not explicitly 
stated how long the length of the tabernacle will be, but it is implied by the 
fact that its sides were made from twenty boards and each of these is said 
to have been a cubit and a half wide; for surely twenty cubits and twenty 
times a half cubit will make up a height of thirty cubits, which Josephus 
also writes was the length of the tabernacle/ And the length of the 
tabernacle is appropriately comprehended in this number, because the entire 
perfection of the Holy Church principally consists in three virtues (namely, 
faith, hope, and charity), which are multiplied by ten to make up the number 
thirty when the good works which are contained in the Decalogue of the 
law are joined to the virtues of the mind, lest anyone should suppose that 
faith, hope, and love for God can be sufficient in themselves apart from the 
performance of works. 

The fact that twenty is the number of the boards also contains a mystery 
of the great perfection of the saints, for the Mosaic law is comprehended in 
five books and the grace and truth of the New Testament in the four volumes 
of the holy gospels, and four times five makes twenty. Therefore the holy 
teachers are rightly designated by the number twenty, because by the 
marvelous concordance of truth they disclose the secrets of the law to be 
revealed and completed in the gospels, and they declare that the sacraments 
of the gospel were prefigured in the law. When they teach that the Old 
Testament has been made clear in the New and its wider meaning made 
manifest, and when they suggest that the New has been foreshadowed in 
the Old and signified beforehand by the revelation of various types, 2 it is 
as if in the breadth of their speech they show the number of the boards to 
have been both four multiplied by five and five by four. 

Now the bases by which the boards were supported are the words and 
the books of the law and the prophets, by which the apostles and evangelists 
proved that the things they wrote and preached were divine and true. For 
this reason is it so often repeated in the gospel: Then was fulfilled what was 
spoken by the prophet ; 3 and Now all this happened so that the writings of 
the prophets might be fulfilled 4 The apostle Peter also added a testimony 
concerning the Lord, saying: And we have a surer prophetic word , to which 
you do well to pay attention . 5 

1 Josephus, Ant . Jud. 3, 6, 3 (ed. Blatt, 233, 6-7) 

2 This way of understanding the relationship between the two testaments is found in many 
of the writings of Augustine of Hippo; see, e.g., Enarr. in ps. 105, 36 (CCSL 40: 1567, 9-10): 
‘The Old Testament you see revealed in the New, the New veiled in the Old.’ 

3 Matt. 2:17 

4 Matt. 26:56 

5 2 Pet. 1:19 



Now it is appropriate that two bases are set under each board, so that the 
concordance of the prophetic testimony may be shown in everything that 
the apostles said. Or perhaps the reason that two bases are placed under 
each board at the two comers in such a way that the whole board, being well 
supported at the comers, can stand upright without leaning is because the 
whole beginning and end of the apostolic and evangelical word is found 
signified beforehand in the prophetic writings, and it is well known that the 
whole life of the apostles and their successors, from the beginning of the 
faith unto the end of this present life, was included in the same mystical 
pages of the Old Testament. It is certainly appropriate that the same bases 
were made of silver, on account of the splendour of the heavenly word. For 
the words of the Lord are pure words, silver from the earth tried by fire . 1 

26:20-1 And on the second side of the tabernacle, which faces north¬ 
ward, there shall be tw enty boards with forty bases of silver; two bases 
shall be set under each board. The south side of the tabernacle, which 
faces southward, designates that ancient people of God who, having re¬ 
ceived the light of knowledge of the law a long time ago, were accustomed 
to bum with the love of their Creator, but the second side, which faces 
northward, depicts that multitude of the Gentiles which did not cease to 
languish in the darkness and cold of unbelief right up to the time of the 
Lord’s incarnation. Concerning their noble calling the Lord says through 
the prophet: 7 will say to the north, ‘'Give [them] up, ” and to the south, 
“Do not hinder [them], ’“ 2 which is to say openly, "I will say to the people 
of the Gentiles who have been freezing for a long time without faith, “Give 
up your children that they may come together in faith to the confession and 
love of me,” and I will say to the people of the Israelites who have already 
enjoyed the light that comes from knowing me, “Do not hinder the Gentiles 
from being admitted into a share of election.” I will say to Cornelius and 
his house, “Receive the faith and the baptism of Christ.” 3 1 will say to the 
Jews, “Do not compel the believers from among the Gentiles to be circum¬ 
cised, for to those who are consecrated in the font of baptism, faith and a 
true confession are sufficient for salvation.’” 4 

Now each of the two sides had boards of the same measurements and 
design, doubtless because one and the same faith, hope, and charity are 
preached to both peoples by the apostles; both are invited into the same 

1 Ps. 12:6(11:7) 

2 Isa. 43:6 

3 Acts 10:44-8 

4 Acts 15:1-21 

[ 64 ] 



promises of a heavenly kingdom; both receive the Saviour’s precept con¬ 
cerning them both: ‘Go into the whole world and preach the gospel to e\>ery 
creature, >l that is, to the circumcised and to the uncircumcised. In the same 
place it is also added without any distinction: ‘The one who believes and is 
baptized will be saved .' 1 2 

[ 65 ] 26:22-3 But on the west side of the tabernacle you shall make six 

boards, and another two again which shall be erected in the corners at 
the rear of the tabernacle. Josephus writes concerning the tabernacle that 
it was ten cubits wide; he also writes that the boards that raised it up from 
the ground measured four inches. 3 From this it appears that he wishes it to 
be understood that the bases of the boards themselves were made to be 
precisely that high. He goes on to speak in this way concerning this section 
[of Scripture] which we have just set forth, and concerning the rods for the 

Now the six boards on the back walls made up nine cubits; to them were 
joined two other boards cut in half cubits , which they placed at the corners 
after the fashion of the larger boards. And all the boards had golden rings 
projecting through their outer surfaces, fixed to them by roots, as it were, 
and facing one another [to form] a row of circles. Through them passed 
gilded rods, each of them being the size of five cubits, which served to join 
the boards together, the head of each rod entering into the head of another 
rod in the form ofa spiral, as it were. And at the rear ofthe long walls there 
was one row extending across all the boards, by means of which the sides 
of the two walls were held together with hooks, as pegs were made to be 
inserted into each of them. For this reason was it so carefully [made], in 
order that the tabernacle might not be shaken by the winds nor disturbed 
for any other reason, but might be kept unmoved in untroubled tranquility. 4 

Josephus [writes] these things concerning the letter of the text. According 
to the allegorical sense, however, the western side, which finishes the 
building of the tabernacle by receiving both walls into itself, rightly 
designates the completion of the entire Holy Church universal which is 
perfected at the end of this world, until which [time] faith and just works 
will continue among both peoples, just as the length of the two walls extends 
[to the west]. For it is not plausible either that at any time before the Lord’s 
incarnation there were lacking those from among the Gentiles who be¬ 
lieved, or that now, however grievously the people of the Jews may be 

1 Mark 16:15 

2 Mark 16:16 

3 Josephus, Ant. Jud. 3, 6, 3 (ed. Blatt, 233, 7-11) 

4 Ibid. (ed. Blatt, 233, 18 - 234, 4) 



damned on account of faithlessness, there are not some among them, even 
if only a very few, who live in exile among Christians and come to salvation 
every day by believing. If anyone will presume to deny this, let us say what 
can by no means be denied, namely, that the spiritual teachers and inter¬ 
preters of both testaments, who in accordance with the word of the Lord 
bring forth out of their treasure new things and old, 1 are to remain in the 
Holy Church until the end of the world. 

Aptly is the tabernacle completed on the western side, in which it is 
customary for the sun to end the day and all the stars to fall, either on account 
of the death of every elect individual or on account of the collective end of 
the entire world. For just as the sun falls for anyone who migrates from this 
temporal light through the transitory shadows of death to the joys of eternal 
light and life, and just as the sun falls in the west for the whole Church so 
that it may surely rise in the east as the shadows pass away, so in the same 
way, when the Lord comes [again] and the life of this present world is over, 
will the morning and the true day of eternity then appear for the righteous 
in the world to come. 

And since the reprobate perish in eternity while the righteous are reigning 
with the Lord, rightly is it said further on that this side of the tabernacle 
looks to the sea. Now this signifies the Red Sea, in which Pharaoh with 
his host was drowned and from w hich Israel, having been saved by the Lord, 
went up to Mount Sinai where they made the tabernacle. Therefore, the 
western side of the tabernacle looks to the sea when after the perfection of 
good works the Holy Church is crowned in Christ and gazes freely upon 
the failings or the punishments of the impious, which [Christ] has decreed 
by his own command. Isaiah bears witness to this when he says: ‘ For as 
the new heavens and the new earth, which 1 make to stand before me, * says 
the Lord, ‘so shall your seed and your name stand; ^ and a little after: And 
they shall go out and see the dead bodies of the men who have transgressed 
against me; their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched. A 
For surely the waves of the deep, brackish, and turbulent sea can signify 
both the sins among which the reprobate are lost in this life when they 
delight in evil, and also the pit of future perdition, when at the last judgement 
they will be sent with the devil into eternal fire. 

We should not forget that when the tabernacle was built on Mount Sinai 
it had the Red Sea to its west, and when it was brought into the land of 

1 Matt. 13:52 

2 Exod. 36:27 (Vulg.) 

3 Isa. 66:22 

4 Isa. 66:24 

[ 66 ] 



promise and set up at Shiloh by Joshua it had the Great Sea in the same 
direction. 1 Mystically, therefore, we can understand by this that the saints 
who serve the Lord in this life and make a tabernacle for him in their hearts 
despise the proud boasting of the impious, confidently mindful that it is 
soon to pass away: when they are established with the Lord in the future 
homeland they shall look at the perpetual punishment of the impious 
without any interruption of their own felicity. Consequently, the elders give 
thanks to the Lord because they not only enjoy the good things which he 
has given them, but they also contemplate the evil things from which he has 
delivered them. 

Now it is appropriate that the same western side of the tabernacle (or that 
which was said to have looked to the sea) was composed of six boards. This 
is either because the perfection of a good work is customarily expressed by 
the number six, since on that day the Lord completed the preparation of the 
world, 2 on that day he created humankind in the beginning, 3 and on that 
day he restored the human race by his own passion, 4 or because there are 
six ages of this world, in which it behooves us to be perfected in good works 
so that in the future we may be able to enter into eternal rest and the gloiy 
of the resurrection. 

[67] Another two boards again, besides the first six, are commanded to be 
erected in the comers at the rear of the tabernacle, coming from the eastern 
side to meet the wall and join it to the wall of the western side. This pertains 
to the reward of the life to come, which after labours will follow the time 
of this world, because it is divided into a twofold keeping of the sabbath, 
namely: the rest of holy souls after release from their bodies, and the gloiy 
of resurrection with the reception of incorruptible bodies. Both parts of this 
common reward are appointed for both peoples forever without end. For 
when the time of resurrection comes the souls’ rest is not diminished at all 
but rather enhanced, and our spirits’ union with immortal flesh continues 
inviolable forever in heaven. Now concerning the same boards it is properly 

26:24 And they shall be joined together from the bottom to the top, 
and one binding shall hold them all. Doubtless this is because the entire 
life of the elect stretches out toward heaven with one and the same faith and 
charity and comes to one and the same end in the Divine Vision, and because 

1 Josh. 18:1 

2 Gen. 1:31-2:1 

3 Gen. 1:26-31 

4 All four gospels relate that Jesus was crucified on Friday, the sixth day of the week, which 
was also known as the day of Preparation (for the sabbath); see Matt. 27:62, Mark 15:42, Luke 
23:54, and John 19:31. 



every utterance of the holy preachers harmonizes in one and the same voice 
of right teaching. For surely there would be a gap in the binding of the boards 
if one prophet or apostle should deny what another has said. But the 
harmonious speech of the Divine Eloquences builds up the fabric of the 
Church; indeed, it binds all the boards of the tabernacle together into one 
juncture and does not allow them to be separated from one another. 

26:24-5 A similar juncture shall also be maintained for the two 
boards that are to be put in the comers, and there shall be eight boards 
with their sixteen silver bases, reckoning two bases for each board. The 
boards in the comers are united with the boards of the walls in every way, 
because the glory of future rest and immortality is very closely connected 
with our present manner of life through faith, hope, and charity. Or, more 
precisely, the reason that our present manner of life remains stable and 
unshaken is because it believes in, hopes for, and loves the gifts of 
recompense to come, and because with the continual help of the citizens of 
heaven it is held together lest it should fall down amidst the stormy blasts 
of unclean spirits. 

These boards designate either the perfection of our good action or the 
future rewards for good deeds. Each of them is supported by two bases 
because with a harmonious voice the holy prophets have predicted all these 
things that are to come, so that they may be confirmed by the preaching of 
the evangelists and apostles. 


26:26-8 You shall also make five bars of acacia wood, to hold together 
the boards on one side of the tabernacle, and five others on the other 
side, and the same number on the west side, and they shall be stretched 
across the middle of the boards from one end to the other. The five bars 
that hold the boards of the tabernacle together are the Five books of the 
Mosaic law, which are like a rampart wonderfully protecting the Holy 
Church from the pressure of eveiy wicked temptation and every evil spirit. 
This [arrangement is to be] on both sides, because not only did the letter of 
the law educate the former people of God in faith and good works, but when 
it is spiritually understood with a sweeter grace by those of us who serve 
God in the time of the new covenant, the same letter instructs us in faith 
and works of virtue also in the present and incites us to the hope of eternal 
reward in the future. 

There are the same number of bars on the west side because when it is 
properly understood by us the law also foretells the fulfillment of good 

[ 68 ] 



works, when we leave the flesh for the rewards that are to come. For this 
reason, to the rich man who questions him and says, ‘Good Teacher , what 
must I do to possess eternal life? ’ l the Good Teacher himself responds, ‘If 
you wish to enter into life , keep the commandments , 2 and he did not lay 
anything else upon him, other than the commandments of the law. 

26:29 The boards themselves you shall also overlay with gold, and 
shall cast for them rings of gold through which the bars [may be set] 
to hold the boards together. The boards of the tabernacle shine with gold 
overlay when the entire life and eveiy utterance of the holy preachers show 
forth the light of heavenly wisdom, and nothing is seen in them except the 
splendour of virtues. 

Now the rings of gold through which the bars [are set] to hold the boards 
together designate the blessedness of life in heaven, which is rightly 
compared to gold on account of the splendour of its brightness, and to a 
circle on account of its eternity. For this same reason the Apostle says 
concerning it. There is laid up for me a crown of righteousness . 3 

Each of the boards had five rings, not because there is a fivefold division 
of the heavenly homeland, but because the same perpetual brightness and 
bright perpetuity of that kingdom is contained written in Genesis, the same 
in Exodus, the same in Leviticus, the same in the Book of Numbers, the 
same in Deuteronomy. And five rings of gold were fastened to each of the 
boards of the tabernacle because the hearts of the righteous, which are 
greatly extended through love, read in all the books of the Mosaic law not 
only the reproach 4 of works but also the perpetual light of heavenly reward. 

And, it says, you shall cast for them rings of gold through which the 
bars [may be set] to hold the boards together, for the bars hold the boards 
[69] together through gold rings when the words of Sacred Eloquence strengthen 
the position of the Holy Church through the promise of a heavenly kingdom, 
so that it is less fearful of the agitations of the world in so far as it has learned 
about the steadfastness of the eternal reward with greater certainty. Now 
concerning the same bars it is properly added: 

26:29 These [bars] you shall cover with plates of gold. The bars are 
covered with five plates of gold when the words of the divine law, which 
according to the literal sense are seen to be powerful and most suitable for 
strengthening the life of the faithful, are shown to contain a higher meaning 
which is veiy bright with evangelical brilliance. For (if I may cite one 

1 Luke 18:18 

2 Matt. 19:17 

3 2 Tim. 4:8 

4 ‘reproach’ = correptionem\ var.: correctionem = ‘amendment’ 


T 7 / 

testimony by way of example), when we read in the story of holy Noah how 
he miraculously escaped the flood which destroyed the impious by being 
preserved with his household in the ark, 1 from this it is evident to everyone 
that the Lord who loves righteousness and hates iniquity 2 knows how to 
deliver the pious from temptation and to punish the impious with the 
punishment they deserve. Therefore a text of this sort holds the tabernacle 
of the Lord together after the fashion of incorruptible bars, because with 
words of unfeigned truth it protects the minds of the faithful from the assault 
of temptations. 

But the wooden bars are covered with plates of gold, as it were, when 
through spiritual understanding this same text is shown to be full of more 
sacred mysteries, when the ark is discerned to signify the Catholic Church; 3 
the water of the flood, baptism; the clean and unclean animals, 4 those in the 
Church both spiritual and carnal; the wood of the ark which was smooth 
and covered with pitch, 5 the teachers who are stalwart 6 as a result of their 
faith; the raven that went out of the ark and did not return, 7 those who after 
baptism fall away into apostasy ; the branch of the olive tree brought into 
the ark by the dove, 8 those who were indeed baptized outside (that is, among 
the heretics) but because they have the rich oil of charity are worthy to be 
brought into catholic unity by the grace of the Holy Spirit; the dove that 
went forth from the ark and did not return again, 9 those who fly to the clear 
light of the heavenly homeland when they are set free from the flesh, never 
to return again to the labours of the earthly pilgrimage. And so the bars of 
acacia wood are enveloped with gold when through mystical interpretation 
the most powerful testimonies of Sacred Scripture are proved to be trans¬ 
parent to these and other such heavenly and spiritual senses. 

26:30 And you shall erect the tabernacle according to the pattern 
that was shown to you on the mountain. The pattern of the tabernacle w as 
shown to Moses on the mountain, for while tarrying in secret with the Lord 
he saw the sublime life of angelic purity and immortality. He was com¬ 
manded to organize the affairs of human life on earth according to its 
likeness, in so far as it could be imitated by mortals, so that with [the angels] 

1 Gen. 6:13-19 

2 Ps. 45:7 (44:8) 

3 1 Pet. 3:20-1 

4 Gen. 7:2 

5 Gen. 6:14 

6 roboratus: derived from robor (‘oak-tree’). 

7 Gen. 8:6-7 

8 Gen. 8:11 

9 Gen. 8:12 




as our example we might devote ourselves to mutual love in God, to divine 
praise, to peace in one accord, to genuine chastity, and to other such virtues 
on earth, and might deserve to be their comrades also in heaven according 
to the promise of the Lord, who says: ‘But those who shall be considered 
worthy of that world, and of the resurrection from the dead ' shall neither 
marry, nor take wives, neither can they die any more ; for they are equal to 
the angels, and are the children ofGod\ being children ofthe resurrection. 

In the precepts of the law, then, Moses shows us the pattern of the angelic 
way of life which he saw on the mountain of contemplation; through the 
observance of these precepts we ourselves also can be raised up from the 
earth and enabled to attain to the fellowship of the angels in heaven. In the 
figure of the tabernacle and the priestly and levitical ministry which he 
describes, [Moses] exhibits for us this same pattern of a more perfect life 
and a blessed reward. And the tabernacle is erected according to the pattern 
that was shown to him on the mountain when all of the elect bring intention 
and deed together, in imitation of the angelic purity which he deserved to 
contemplate in secret. 

Up to this point there has been set forth as much [information] as the 
Lord imparted concerning the southern, northern, and western parts of the 
temple; now, in what follows, it is shown how the eastern side also was to 
be constructed. But first Scripture decreed what was to be made known 
concerning the middle part, which divided the holy of holies from the first 


There follows: 

26:31-2 You shall also make a curtain of blue and purple, and scarlet 
twice dyed, and fine twisted linen, woven with embroidery work in 
beautiful variegation, and you shall hang it from four pillars of acacia 
wood. Josephus relates that this curtain with which the tabernacle was 
divided was placed in the middle in such a way that the first building was 
twenty cubits long, and the second ten 2 This appears to be consistent in 
eveiy respect with the measurements of the temple that was later made by 
Solomon, which, since it was sixty cubits long and twenty wide, had a third 
part of its length (that is, twenty cubits) set apart for the interior building 
[71] (that is, the holy of holies), so that the length and the width of that same 

1 Luke 20:35-6 

2 Josephus, Ant. Jud. 3, 6, 4 (ed. Blalt, 234, 5-9) 



interior building might be equal. 1 2 3 In the same way, then, the interior part 
of the tabernacle also had a similar length and width (that is, ten cubits). 

Figuratively, this represents the same curtain that the Apostle declares 
openly to the Hebrews, in the place where he also explains properly, 
according to the allegorical sense, the reason that the priests indeed con¬ 
tinually entered into the first tabernacle to carry out [their] sacrificial 
duties , but into the second, the high priest alone, once a year, not without 
the blood which he offered for his own and the people's ignorance 2 This 
curtain is interpreted as heaven. And the priests entered into the first 
tabernacle with sacrifices daily throughout the year, which further illus¬ 
trates the circumstances of this life, in which the saints who serv e the Lord 
as true priests of God and of his Christ ceaselessly atone for the daily errors 
of their frailty (without which they are by no means able to exist in this life) 
through the daily sacrifices of good works and the daily libations of their 
own tears. But [the Apostle] understands the high priest who went into the 
holy of holies with the blood of victims once a year to be the great High 
Priest himself, of whom it was said: You are a priest forever according to 
the order of Melchizedek . ^ He w ho as both priest and victim had offered 
himself through his own blood once for our sins entered into heaven itself 
that he might now appear in the presence of God on our behalf 4 

Now the same curtain w as w oven from blue, and purple, and scarlet twice 
dyed, and fine twisted linen with embroidery work. Who does not see that 
the literal meaning of this also corresponds with the beauty of the heavenly 
vision? For if you consider the blazing splendour of the stars, or the 
manifold beauties of the clouds, or the rainbow which trails a thousand 
different colours before the sun, will you not see for yourself that they 
delineate pictures set in a heavenly [tapestry] of colours, which are more 
numerous by far and more beautiful than those which are woven into the 
curtain of the tabernacle? 

Now the four pillars before which this curtain was hung are the powers 
of the heavenly hosts, resplendent with the four most excellent virtues of 
which we have also spoken above, 5 that is: justice, prudence, fortitude, and 
temperance. Surely these virtues are exercised in one way by us who are 
among the labours and tribulations of this life, and in another way by the 
angels and holy souls who are in heaven. For here, justice (and this a w holly 

1 1 Kgs. 6:2, 20 

2 Heb. 9:6-7 

3 Ps. 110:4(109:4) 

4 Heb. 9:24 

5 Bede, De tab. 2, 2 (CCSL 119A: 46, 185-90) 



immortal justice) pertains to those who arc seen to be subject to God who 
reigns, prudence to those who set no blessing above or equal to God, 
fortitude to those who hold most firmly to God, temperance to those who 
take no delight in disgraceful failure; but there, where there is nothing evil 
[72] at all, justice does not come to the aid of the unfortunate, as it does here, 
nor prudence guard against snares, nor fortitude endure discomfort, nor 
temperance curb perverse pleasures. 

Now it is appropriate that these pillars were made of acacia wood, either 
because the angelic spirits were created incorruptible and immortal in 
nature, or because being created free from sin they always preserve the 
undefiled purity of their creation. Concerning this it is aptly added: 

26:32 These [pillars] shall also be overlaid with gold, and they shall 
have heads of gold but bases of silver. Surely the pillars from which the 
curtain was hung were overlaid with gold because the angelic virtues, which 
are situated within the curtain of heaven, are clothed with the grace of 
utmost brilliance. They have heads of gold because they are ruled by a mind 
illuminated by the presence of divine knowledge and vision, and they have 
bases of silver because the very foundation, as it were, upon which their 
whole nature stands is that they may sing hymns of praise to their Creator 
and convey the will of that same Creator to us who are still sojourning upon 
earth, as if to their fellow citizens who are situated outside the curtain. For 
the same reason, we on earth who rejoice in company with their praises are 
accustomed to call unceasingly as if with a cry of exhortation: ‘Bless the 
Lord\ all his angels , you who are mighty in strength and do his will . ’ For 
in the Scriptures the splendour of wisdom is often indicated by gold, and 
the brightness of words by silver. 

26:33 Now the curtain shall be attached with rings; within it you shall 
put the ark of the covenant, and by it the sanctuary and the holy of 
holies shall be divided. In Holy Scripture it is often customary to use rings 
to express eternity, because they appear to have neither beginning nor end. 
And aptly is the curtain by which heaven is figured said to have been hung 
up with rings, either because it was in the eternal counsel of the Divinity at 
the creation of the world, in which the nature of heaven has the first and 
most distinguished place, or else because the firmament of heaven was 
made in such a way that its fashioning could never be undone. For when 
the Lord says, 4 Heaven and earth shall pass away, ’ this is to be understood 
as referring to that atmospheric heaven concerning which Jeremiah says. 

1 Ps. 103:20(102:20) 

2 Matt. 24:35 



The kite in heaven has known its time. 1 For that heaven which is to perish 
by fire at the [last] judgement is that which is known to have been destroyed 
by the waters of the flood, as Peter bears witness when he says: By the word 
of God heavens existed in former times, and the earth was formed out of 
water and by means of water, through which the world of that time was 
deluged with water and perished , but by the same word the heavens which 
now exist have been reservedforfire, being kept until the day of judgement. 1 2 3 4 

Now the ark of the covenant was placed within this curtain of the temple 
because after his passion and resurrection from the dead, the Mediator 
between God and humankind, the man Christ Jesus? who alone is privy to 
the secrets of the Father, has ascended above the highest heaven and sits at 
the right hand of the Father. The sanctuary and the holy of holies are divided 
by this curtain because the Church, which consists of the holy angels as 
well as human beings, partly still sojourns below and partly reigns in the 
eternal homeland above, as its citizens are still separated from another by 
the dividing curtain of heaven. 

26:34 And you shall put the propitiatory on the ark of the covenant 
in the holy of holies. Aptly is the propitiatory said to have been put on the 
ark, because it was given in particular to the Mediator between God and 
humankind himself by God the Father that he should be the propitiation for 
our sins 4 For this reason Paul also says: Jesus Christ who died, yes, who 
rose again, and who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for 
us. 5 

26:35 And the table outside the curtain and the lampstand on the 
south side of the tabernacle, opposite the table; for the table shall stand 
on the north side. The table and the lampstand of the tabernacle designate 
the temporal benefits of God, with which we are refreshed and illumined 
in the present time, that the grace of our merits might increase as a result of 
being strengthened and sustained by these things for a while, so that we 
may be enabled to come to eat the bread of angels in heaven and to see the 
true Light of the world. Both of these are outside the curtain, for only in 
this life do we have need of the Holy Scriptures, or teachers, or the other 
sacraments of our redemption, but in the world to come, where the Lord 
will tell us plainly of the Father 6 (that is, he will show us the Father openly). 

1 Jer. 8:7 

2 2 Pet. 3:5-7 

3 1 Tim. 2:5 

4 1 John 2:2 

5 Rom. 8:34 

6 John 16:25 




and where, as John says, we shall see him as he is , 1 there will then be no 
need of the external props of salvation, because God Almighty, dwelling 
internally in his elect, will shine upon them as the Light of life, satisfy them 
as the Bread of life, and raise them up to perpetual blessedness, leading 
them into the joy of his kingdom. 

Now we have said above 2 that the south side of the tabernacle signifies 
the ancient people of God who were the first to receive the light of divine 
knowledge and the fire of divine love, but the northern part of the same 
tabernacle indicates the Church gathered together from among the Gentiles* 
which remained for a longer time in darkness and in the shadow of death . 3 
For this reason, it is also right to make a distinction between the lampstand 
that was set up in the southern part, which can suggest the grace that was 
given to the former people, and the table that stood in the northern part, 
which designates those benefits of God that have been given to us. 

Rightly is it said that the lampstand was put opposite the table, because 
[74] the Scripture of the law and the prophets doubtless looks to the grace of the 

gospel in every respect by bearing witness to it, and through this grace 
signifying its own meaning in a spiritual sense. 


26:36 You shall also make a screen at the entrance of the tabernacle, 
of blue and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine twisted linen with 
embroidery work. Having completed the account of the curtain that 
divided the sanctuary and the holy of holies, [Moses] reverts to an expla¬ 
nation about the east side of the sanctuary, which he seems to have omitted 
at the time when he was describing the rest of its sides, namely, the southern, 
northern, and western. Thus the screen at the entrance of the tabernacle, 
woven with a lovely variety of colours, is the beauty of the primitive Church 
glorified with garlands of diverse virtues, of which Luke writes that the 
multitude of believers were of one heart and one soul; neither did any of 
them say that anything they possessed was their own , 4 and so on. For blue 
was certainly present in the primitive Church, because it was accustomed 
to think about celestial things and to lead a celestial life while on earth; 
purple was present in it, because it was ready to die for Christ; scarlet twice 

1 1 John 3:2 

2 Bede, De tab. 2, 6 (CCSL 119A: 64, 867*73) 

3 Ps. 107:10(106:10) 

4 Acts 4:32 



dyed was certainly present in it, because it was on fire with the love of God 
and neighbour; and fine twisted linen was present in it, because it rejoiced 
in the continence of the flesh and in chastity. 

26:37 And you shall overlay with gold five pillars of acacia wood, 
before which the screen shall be d rawn. The pillars from which the screen 
was hung are the holy teachers, of whom Luke suitably added: And with 
great power the apostles gave testimony to the resurrection of Jesus Christ 
our Lord. 1 As stalwart 1 2 as their purpose was in being raised to supernal 
things, they were also just as firm in their capacity of lifting others up to 
the love of supernal things by their teaching. For just as the apostles and 
apostolic men can be rightly designated by boards, on account of the 
wideness of either the doctrine with which they go into the whole world and 
preach the gospel to every creature , 3 or of the charity which they show by 
loving not only their friends but their enemies as well, and by bestowing 
prayers and acts of kindness upon those who hate them, so also are they not 
unsuitably figured by the name and the form of pillars, on account of their 
indestructible strength 4 of heart and the attention which they are always 
lifting up to heavenly things, as the Apostle bears witness when he speaks 
of James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars 5 

It is appropriate that five of these pillars were made, doubtless because 
that is the number of books of the law, with which it is necessary for holy 
teachers to fortify the words of their preaching; this applied especially to 
those who instructed the primitive Church. Having been gathered together 
from among the people of the Hebrews, it acknowledged only what could 
be established by the authority of the Mosaic law, since the writings of the 
evangelists and apostles had not yet begun to shine throughout the world. 

Surely these same pillars are properly commanded to be made of acacia 
wood but covered with gold, so that they might suggest that holy preachers 
ought to be distinguished on the inside by the steadfastness of a pure heart 
and also on the outside by the brightness of their works, since they are 
lacking in nothing. Or perhaps the pillars of acacia wood are overlaid with 
gold when the same teachers teach that the power of their deeds is always 
being shielded by divine assistance, and when in eveiything they do they 
seek the gloiy of the Father who is in heaven, and when in everything that 
they say they rejoice to proclaim Christ, saying: For we preach not 

1 Acts 4:33 

2 robustius : derived from robur (‘oak-tree’). 

3 Mark 16:15 

4 robur : literally, "oak-tree’ 

5 Gal. 2:9 




ourselves , but Jesus Christ our Lord . 1 Concerning these [pillars] it is aptly 

26:37 Their heads shall be of gold, and their bases of bronze* Surely 
the golden heads designate him of whom the Apostle says: And in him all 
things hold together , and he is the head of the body ; the Church; he is the 
beginning , the firstborn from the dead 2 And it should not seem incongru¬ 
ous that Christ, the Church’s one Head, is figured by the five heads of the 
pillars. For there were as many heads as there were pillars, doubtless 
because the same Lord Christ himself is the head of all the saints, in himself 
always remaining equal and indivisible, to be sure, but distributing the grace 
of his Spirit to each one of those who are elect, according to their capacity 
for receiving. For this reason, not only to the whole Church in general but 
also to each of its members in particular is it permissible to proclaim with 
confidence that prophetic [word]: And now he has lifted up my head above 
my enemies . 3 

It is aptly consistent with the significance of this head that the same heads 
of the pillars are not commanded to be overlaid with gold, as were the pillars 
and boards, but to be made of gold, for surely the saints have all been made 
partakers in the Holy Spirit and in heavenly grace. Moreover, [Jesus] 
himself was full of grace and truth, 4 5 and as his forerunner [John the Baptist] 
said concerning him: ‘God does not give the Spirit by measure; for the 
Father loves the Son and has placed all things in his hand. ’ 

Now the bronze bases are the prophets, whose word is confirmed by the 
[76] testimony of the apostles. And [they are] properly bronze, either on account 
of the unconquerable confidence in the mind of the prophets, or because 
their word can never be worn down by old age, though the world grows old 
or passes away; for surely the Lord comes not to abolish the law and the 
prophets, but to fulfill them 6 The pillars of the tabernacle have bronze 
bases, and they have golden heads, because the aposdes and the apostolic 
men were doubtless strengthened in faith by the words of the prophets and 
lifted up to see the face of their Creator by a desire for heavenly things. 
Likewise, they have heads of gold but bases of bronze because they received 
whatsoever was given to them by the Lord with heavenly authority, and 

1 2 Cor. 4:5 

2 Col. 1:17-18 

3 Ps. 27:6 (26:6) 

4 John 1:14 

5 John 3:34-5; Bede treats w. 31-6 as a continuation of John the Baptist’s speech in w. 

6 Matt. 5:17 



they understood that all these things were sacraments that had been pre¬ 
dicted in prophetic utterance a long time ago. 


Since we are speaking of the eastern side, it certainly seems appropriate 
to relate some other things about the description of that particular bar which 
we have already referred to as having been extended from the comer of the 
boards all the way to the comer of the other wall, and as holding all the 
walls firmly together lest they should be liable to be shaken and bent to and 
fro by the force and pressure of violent winds. Further on in the sacred 
history, where Moses is related to have carried out everything that the Lord 
had commanded, it is written that he also made another bar to pass through 
the middle of the boards from corner to corner . 1 Here, therefore, we must 
assume that a bar was stretched across the ten cubits of the width of the 
tabernacle, from the top of the boards in front to the top on the other side, 
and firmly positioned with a head on the boards on each side in such a way 
that by means of it that side of the tabernacle which rested not on boards 
but on pillars might also remain immoveable, no less firmly fixed than the 
other [side], even when the wind was blowing against it. 

If you should also wish to understand the sacrament of this bar, in a 
figurative manner it unambiguously signifies our Redeemer himself, who 
passed through from comer to comer, as it were, because he reached out 
from the Jewish people, which he had previously chosen for himself, to 
make atonement also for the sake of the salvation of the multitude of the 
Gentiles. Hence, just as in the prophets he can for good reason be called the 
‘corner-stone7 1 2 so also in the law can he be called the ‘comer- bar’; 
‘corner-stone', evidently, in relation to the temple which is constructed for 
God out of living stones, 3 and ‘comer-bar’ in relation to the tabernacle 
which is built for him out of imperishable wood, that is, out of the souls of 
the elect, which are free from the stain of corruption. 


27:1 You shall also make an altar of acacia wood, which shall be five 
cubits long and as many wide (that is, a square), and three cubits high. 

1 Exod. 36:33 

2 Isa. 28:16 

3 1 Pet. 2:4-8 




By this altar, which was properly called [the altar] of holocaust, he desig¬ 
nates the hearts of the elect, which are consecrated as an offering for the 
sake of presenting the sacrifices of their good works to God. Aptly is it 
commanded to be made from acacia wood, because it is fitting for the hearts 
and bodies in which the Spirit of God dwells to be pure and incorrupt. It is 
five cubits long and as many wide when all the faithful are zealous to 
exercise all the senses of their bodies in length of patience and in breadth 
of charity, so that in their every act of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and 
touching they will always remember that it is to be handed over into God’s 
service, in accordance with that [saying] of the Apostle: Whether you eat 
or drink , or whatever else you do , do everything to the glory of God 2 It is 
three cubits high when the same hearts of the elect stretch out toward 
heavenly things through faith, hope, and charity. 

27:2 And there shall be horns at the four comers of [the altar] itself, 
and you shall cover it with bronze. The altar of holocaust has four comers 
because the Holy Church (which is rightly designated by the making of one 
altar on account of the single heart and soul among the whole multitude of 
believers 3 ) has spread throughout the four regions of the world. Surely four 
horns are made [to come forth] from this altar when the hearts of the 
righteous are fortified with the four often- mentioned virtues, concerning 
which it is said in praise of Wisdom: She teaches sobriety , and prudence , 
andjustice, and valour; nothing in life is more profitable for humans than 
these 4 The horns are brought forth from the altar itself when the faithful 
do not exhibit the fortifications of virtues only in appearance and before 
other people, but instead bring them forth from the innermost root of their 
hearts, with God as their witness. The four horns are at the four comers of 
the altar when through the spiritual power of its virtues the Church in all 
ends of the world remains inviolable against all the snares of its enemies, 
or is even made stronger by all those things that fight against it. 

Surely this altar is covered with bronze when a virtue undertaken by the 
faithful is persistently held firmly to the end; for since bronze is a metal that 
is accustomed to remain incorruptible for a long time, it is rightly able to 
designate the virtue of perseverance. And with respect to the literal sense, 
if anyone is troubled about how the wood of the altar was able to remain 

1 The image is that of a legal transaction in which a slave is handed over to become the 
property of a new master. 

2 1 Cor. 10:31 

3 Acts 4:32 

4 Wisd. 8:7: the terms for the virtues in Bede’s quotation from the Vulgate are the accusative 
singular forms of sobrietas, prudentiajustitia, and virtus\ he equates the first and last of these 
with temperantia and fortitudo, which are usually found in lists of the four cardinal virtues. 



unbumt in the presence of so much fire, let that person hear blessed 
Jerome’s reply to this question: The woods of the altar he says, which are 
from the trees of Paradise , are not burned by contact w ith fire but are 
rendered more pure ; nor is it any wonder to imagine that this applies to the 
sanctuary and the interior parts ofthe temple and the altar of incense, since 
also with apiavrov (which is a kind of wood that is somewhat similar to 
flax), the hotter it is, the cleaner is it found to be . 1 

27:3 And for its use you shall make pots to receive the ashes, and 
tongs and forks and firepans; you shall make all the vessels of bronze* 
We should understand the diverse vessels of the altar as the different 
characters of the faithful, or perhaps as their various actions or thoughts 
which are placed in the service of their Creator 

First it is commanded that pots should be made to receive the ashes. Now 
[Moses] declares that the ashes of the victims (which ought to be taken as 
a great mysteiy) are the sprinkled ashes of a red heifer , 2 which (as the 
Apostle also bears witness) sanctified those who ha\ } e been defiled , so that 
[their] flesh is made clean . 3 He also understands that the sacrament of the 
Lord’s passion, which saves us by purifying us forever, is prefigured in 
these ashes. Thus, the burning of a red heifer designates the actual time and 
event of Christ’s passion, and the burnt ashes which were kept for the 
cleansing of those who were unclean suggest the mystery of that same 
passion which has already been completed, by which we are daily purged 
from our sins. 

Therefore, all the sacrifices and victims that were burnt on the altar 
indicated figuratively either the passion of the Lord or the devotion of his 
saints, which was burning with the flame of charity. Rightly, then, do the 
ashes of the holocausts express either the consummation of the Lord’s 
passion, or else the perfection in virtue that will come to all the righteous 
when, having been offered to God’s service through the fire of the Holy 
Spirit, they have now deserved to have done with the good works them¬ 
selves and to be taken up to claim possession of the rewards for those works 
in eternal life. 

So that this might be even more evident, let us consider what Moses says 
concerning the ashes of the holocaust: This, he says, is the law of the 
holocaust: it shall be burnt upon the altar all night until the morning, while 
the fire shall be on the same altar; the priest shall be vested with the tunic 
and the linen undergarments; and he shall take up the ashes of that which 

1 Jerome, In Ezech. 12, 41, 13-22 (<CCSL 75: 601, 1554-9) 

2 Num. 19:2 

3 Heb. 9:13 




the devouring fire has burnt , and putting them beside the altar, shall take 
off his former vestments, and being clothed with others, shall carry [the 
ashes] out to be consumed to dust in a very clean place outside the camp; 
and the fire on the altar shall always be burning . 1 

Consequently, a holocaust is burned on the altar when a good work is 
performed with the burning fire of charity in the heart of any elect oerson 
who is devoted to God completely (that is, with both body and soul 2 ). This 
is done all night until the morning when one does not cease to persevere in 
good works throughout all the time of this life, until one is taken from the 
body and is merits seeing the morning of the world to come. The fire will 
be on the same altar, because we ought to be burning with that charity alone 
which the Lord gives to his Church through the Holy Spirit. Accordingly, 
when the sons of Aaron dared to offer an illicit fire before the Lord and not 
that which had once been given from heaven, they were immediately 
[79] annihilated by heavenly fire; for those who do heavenly works not with 
the aim of heavenly reward but with a view toward temporal favour or 
advantage are doubtless stricken with the judgement of heavenly wrath. 

The priest shall be vested with the tunic and the linen undergarments 4 
The priest who offers the holocaust is the Lord who is himself accustomed 
to kindle in us the fire of his charity, and through it to make the sacrifices 
of our good actions acceptable to himself. And he is clothed in linen 
garments when he does these things because, in order that he may excite us 
to works of virtue, he sets before us the examples of his own incarnation, 
passion, and death, which can be signified by linen, as we have frequently 

The same priest takes up the ashes of that which the devouring fire has 
burnt and puts them beside the altar when the Lord imposes an end to 
laborious works and orders that the righteous who are taken away from this 
life shall no longer strive for life eternal, but shall receive in life eternal the 
crown of righteousness. And putting the ashes beside the altar he shall 
indeed take off his former vestments when he displays the good deeds of 
the righteous for them to remember and brings back the aspects 5 of his 
passion which they need imitate no longer. But he puts on other vestments, 
namely, those of which he himself speaks in the gospel, Truly I tell you 
that he will gird himself and make them to sit down ** (that is, he prepares 

1 Lev. 6:9-12 

2 et came . . . et corde : literally, ‘with both Oesh and heart’ 

3 Lev. 10:1-2 

4 Lev. 6: 10 

5 ‘aspects’ = habitus , which can mean both ‘character’ and ‘attire’. 

6 Luke 12:37 



himself to bestow an eternal reward and makes them to be refreshed in 
eternal repose). And being clothed with other vestments he shall cany the 
ashes outside the camp when the Lord, being prepared to reward the labour 
of his elect, makes it appear that whatever good they have ever done is taken 
away from here into that other life. 

Nor is it unrealistic that the entrance into life everlasting is figured by 
the place situated outside the camp. For the Lord says, ‘ Whoever enters by 
me shall be sa\ f ed, and will go in and go out and find pasture, ,l and the 
psalmist says, 'May the Lord keep your coming in and your going out , ,2 — 
coming in, evidently, to the Church in this life, and going out into that life 
where pastures of eternal plenty are to be found. It is not improper, then, 
for us to understand that the place outside the camp is situated in that life, 
especially since there [in Leviticus] it is said to be a ‘very clean place', 
which is evidently impossible to find in this life. The vety clean place 
outside the camp, then, is the souls of the righteous who have been carried 
away from this life and are rejoicing in the other life. 

Surely the ashes of the holcaust are consumed to dust in this place when 
the reward for good works is rendered there in such a way that every labour 
is entirely consumed, in accordance with what [is said] in the Apocalypse 
of Saint John. For after he had spoken of the distribution of rewards. Behold, 
the tabernacle of God is with humankind\ and he will dwell with them, and 
they will be his people , and the Lord himselfwill be with them as their God \ 1 2 3 4 
he immediately goes on to speak of the taking away of all labours: And God 
will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, nor 
will mourning or crying, or sorrow be any more, for the former things ha\ } e 
passed away. 

Even when the labour of good works shall cease, however, that charity 
by which they were effected will by no means come to an end; instead, it 
will be inflamed all the more ardently when the one whom we love will 
himself be seen forever. Therefore it is rightly added: And the fire on the 
altar shall always be burning; and a little later: This is the perpetual fire 
on the altar, which shall never go out 5 The fire on the altar will never go 
out even though the holocaust is consumed to ashes, because even when 
labouring of every kind is completely absent, charity alone will bum 
forever, never to be extinguished. 

[ 80 ] 

1 John 10:9 

2 Ps. 121:8(120:8) 

3 Rev. 21:3 

4 Rev. 21:4 

5 Lev. 6:12-13 



We have spoken rather expansively about these things concerning the 
law of the holocaust in relation to the pots of the altar, which were ordered 
to be made to receive the ashes of the sacrifices. Therefore the pots receive 
the holy ashes when all the faithful devoutly recollect and keep in mind the 
examples and the sacraments contained in the Lord’s passion, or else when 
they diligently ponder the end of the righteous who have gone before, those 
who have striven for the Lord in great contests and have now completed 
their course, who rejoice without end for the sake of the prize that has now 
been obtained. By thus considering the virtues of those who are greater, [the 
faithful] are able to become great also, in accordance with the precept of 
the Apostle who says: Remember your leaders who have spoken the word 
of God to you; contemplate the end of their way of life , and imitate their 
faith . 1 

Now after the pots, there were tongs and forks and firepans that were 
ordered to be made. We must assume that the tongs were made to tend the 
fire of the altar, hence, they rightly designate the holy preachers, who by 
their exhortations are accustomed to kindle in us the fire of charity, as if on 
the altar of God. For just like the teeth of a pair of tongs they arrange 
firebrands on the altar for the kindling of this fire when they instruct us in 
the concordant pages of the two testaments and assemble in our hearts the 
eloquent words of truth, by which we are inflamed all the more with a desire 
for eternal things. Or perhaps the priests tend the fire on the altar with a pair 
of iron tongs when, in everything that they teach, the holy preachers instil 
in us the virtue of a twofold love [of God and neighbour] and command us 
both to bum and to shine for its sake. 

The forks, which in Greek are called ‘fleshhooks’, 2 were employed for 
this purpose in the ministry of the altar, that by them the cooked flesh of 
[81] the victims might be taken out of the pots and brought to be eaten by those 
who were to be refreshed by it. Their function likewise corresponds to the 
figure of the holy preachers, whose ministry it is to refresh the souls of the 
faithful with the word of faith. In accordance with the apostolic principle 
of discretion, to disciples who are still ignorant they supply elementary 
doctrine, which is the rational milk without guile, 3 but they provide the solid 
food of more sublime doctrine for those who are more nearly perfect. 4 For 
all those who have learned to investigate the greatest sacraments of Christ 

1 Heb. 13:7 

2 ‘fleshhooks* = creagrae ; Bede gives the Greek word in Latin transliteration, as it appears 
in the Vulgate at 2 Chr. 4:11 and elsewhere. 

3 1 Pet. 2:2 

4 Heb. 5:14 



and to accept them for imitation are content to be refreshed (as it were) with 
the flesh of a saving victim. 

Since it belongs to spiritual teachers to discern most carefully which 
mysteries they should impart to be heard by each person, rightly is Moses 
ordered to make forks for the priests, with which they could arrange the 
flesh of the victims as would be necessary. Some of them indeed they 
offered up to be eaten by human beings, but only by those who were pure; 
others, however, they left to be consumed by the fires of the altar. This is 
because among the words of God there are some which he deemed right to 
reveal to our lowliness so that they might serve as food for our refreshment, 
but others are so profound that they are accessible to the understanding of 
the Holy Spirit alone and utterly exceed the capacity of our comprehension. 

Next, the firepans are appointed for this purpose, that by means of them 
the holy fire may be brought from the altar of holocaust to the altar of 
incense, evening and morning, for the offering of incense. They, too, plainly 
contain in themselves the figure of the teachers who bring fire from the altar 
of holocaust to the altar of incense (as it were) when they teach their hearers 
to advance always from virtue to virtue, and to penetrate to the higher and 
inmost secrets of the Divine Vision by increasing in merits little by little. 

But all of those who hasten to imitate the hearts of the neighbours when 
they see them burning with piety also become like firepans, because they 
are eager to kindle in their own minds also the flame of heavenly sacrifice 
which they see in the brethren. 

All of these vessels are doubtless made out of bronze when the faithful 
endeavour to obey the divine precepts with constant devotion, or else when 
the good they do for their neighbours also resounds as being done with the 
clear sound of zealous exhortation. For, as we have said more than once, 
bronze is frequently accustomed to designate both the perseverance in the 
minds of the faithful (on account of the durability of its incorruptible nature) 
and the voice of teachers (on account of the clarity of its sound). 


27:4-5 And a grate of bronze in the manner of a net, at the four 
corners of which shall be four bronze rings, which you shall set under [ 82 ] 
the base of the altar; and the grate shall be level with the middle of the 
altar. The altar was commanded to be made entirely hollow, as is clearly 
taught in what follows, but in the middle of it there was a grate perforated 
all over in the manner of a net, into which was put the flesh of the victims 
that was to be burned. And under [the grate] there was a base upon which 



wood was laid and a fire was burning, so that it was always ready to 
consume the holocausts that were being placed upon it. For opposite the 
base, on the east side of the altar, there was an opening through which wood 
could be inserted as fuel for the fire or coals and ashes could be taken out. 
We have seen this depicted in the picture of Cassiodorus Senator, of which 
he himself makes mention in [his] Exposition ofthe Psalms ; in this [picture] 
he also portrays four feet on each of the altars, that is, on both [the altar] of 
holocaust and [the altar] of incense. 1 We suppose that he learned both of 
these things from teachers among the Jews, in the same way that [he learned 
about] the layout of the tabernacle and the temple. 

In the middle of the altar of God, then, there is a grate which is ready to 
bear the holocausts, because the elect prepare a place for the Lord in the 
inmost affections of their hearts, where they gather thoughts devoted to him. 

1 Cassiodorus, Exp. in ps. 86, 1 ( CCSL 98: 789, 40-3); Bailey (1983) has shown that Bede 
used a full text of this work, not just an epitome such as that in Durham Cathedral MS B. 11.30. 
Here Bede is referring to a picture of the tabernacle that Cassiodorus had caused to be placed 
in the Codex Grandior. A picture of Solomon’s temple in the Codex Grand ior is also mentioned 
by Bede in De templo 2 ( CCSL 119A: 192, 28 - 193, 52), where, as Meyvaert suggested in 
Bonner (1976), 61, it is implied that he made his own diagram based on the picture he had 
seen. Since the late nineteenth century, Cassiodorus’ Codex Grandior has been identified as 
the Old Latin pandect which Ceolfrith brought from Rome to Wearmouth-Jarrow, where some 
of its illustrations served as exemplars for those in the still-extant Codex Amiatinus produced 
there in the last decade of the seventh century and later taken by Ceolfrith on his ill-fated trip 
to Rome in 716; Vit. Ceol. 20 (ed. Plummer, 1: 395) and Bede, Hist. abb. 2, 15 (ed. Plummer, 
1; 379). See Fisher (1962), Halpom (1980), Bruce-Mitford (1967), and Alexander (1978), 
32-5; the latter two contain plates of the bifolium tabernacle drawing, though both misidentify 
it as a picture of the temple of Solomon. A line drawing appears as the frontispiece to this 

Many have been tempted to imagine the drawing in Codex Amiatinus as a virtual 
reproduction of the Cassiodorian picture Bede had before him, but Corsano (1987), 9-11, has 
pointed out that the altar of holocaust in the Codex Amiatinus tabernacle is depicted as open 
on all four sides, not just on the east as Bede describes the one in the drawing he saw. In 
addition, note that the Codex Amiatinus picture locates the bronze basin in front of the altar 
of holocaust, contrary to Exod. 30:18 and Bede, De tab. 3, 14 ( CCSL 119A: 137, 1729-31). 
Along with some distinctively Northumbrian features, these discrepancies indicate that the 
artist who produced the tabernacle picture in the Codex Amiatinus was not simply copying a 
model in every detail. In fact, Corsano, 23, suggests that Bede may not have been looking at 
the original pictures in the Codex Grandior at all, but at copies of them which had been inserted 
in a manuscript of one of Cassiodorus’ other works. In her view, the illustrations in the Codex 
Amiatinus were inspired not by direct contact with the Codex Grandior but rather by the text 
of Cassiodorus’ Institutiones ; this assumes that a copy of that work, or at least a substantial 
excerpt from it, was available at Wearmouth-Jarrow. In this regard, however, it should be noted 
that when Bede supposed that Cassiodorus had learned about the layout of the tabernacle and 
the temple from Jewish scholars, he seems to have been unaware that in Instit. 1, 5, 2 (ed. 
Mynors, 22-3) Cassiodorus had explictly stated the memorable fact that his informant was a 
blind Novatian schismatic from Asia named Eusebius. 



Under the grate [the altar] has a base upon which it bears the wood and the 
fire for the holocausts, because these same hearts of the elect prepare a 
receptacle in themselves by hearing the celestial words with which they are 
warmed (or perhaps I should say inflamed), so that through the gift of the 
Holy Spirit they might render pious thoughts as votive offerings acceptable 
to God. For surely the priest puts wood into the base of the altar when all 
the teachers convey to the yearning and eagerly-seeking minds of the 
faithful those testimonies of Holy Scripture with which they are strength¬ 
ened all the more in faith and love, and they add fire to the wood when they 
teach that the understanding of the word and the efficacy of pious devotion 1 
are to be sought from God. Wood bums on the altar when the charity of 
God is poured forth into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been 
given to us, 2 3 and this holocaust which is placed upon the fire is consumed 
when everything that we have managed to do well by the grace of the Holy 
Spirit is rendered acceptable to God through the power of love. 

Hence the grate which bears the holocausts is properly commanded to be 
made in the form of a net, in such a way that the fire which is set under it 
may penetrate freely through its numerous openings to consume all parts 
of the sacrifices. For in the same way it is indeed necessary in all things that 
we should never harden our hearts or shut them up against the grace of God 
after the fashion of the Pelagians. Instead, we must open them diligently 
and pray earnestly, as if with many doors open wide at the same time, that [83] 
in all the good things that we begin or that we desire to do, as if in every 
piece of his sacrificial victims, [God] will deign to enlighten us with mercy 
and to kindle us in his love. For surely the Pelagians, who presume that they 
are able to achieve something good apart from the grace of God, do not set 
a spotted grate in the form of a net over a holy fire in the altar of their heart, 
but instead they set a solid wall (as it were) between themselves and the fire 
of the Holy Spirit, so that they are never made warm in love. 

Now the four bronze rings which are ordered to be made at the four 
comers of the altar are the four books of gospels, which are aptly compared 
to rings because they promise to their hearers the eternal crown of life. Aptly 
are they bronze, because their sound has gone out into all the earth? aptly 
are they placed at the four comers of the altar, so that with the word of faith 
and truth they may strengthen the Church of the faithful which is dispersed 
throughout all the regions of the world; aptly are they fastened under the 

1 piae operation!s; literally, ‘of pious working’ 

2 Rom. 5:5 

3 Ps. 19:4(18:5) 



base of the altar, so that they may lift up the souls of the humble with the 
bulwarks of their consolation. 

27:6 You shall also make for the altar two poles of acacia wood, which 
you shall cover with plates of bronze. The poles with which the altar was 
carried are the teachers who are accustomed to carry the Holy Church (as 
it were) as long as they either bear the faith and the sacraments of truth by 
preaching to those who are ignorant of them, or strengthen 1 them by 
confirming them in those who have already come to know and accept them. 
S'nee they do not preach their ownjinterests] but those of Jesus Christ, 2 
they are not following clever myths ' 3 but are rather making known to the 
world the power 4 of our Lord as it is ascertained from the heavenly oracle. 

Aptly are the poles put into the rings 5 so that they may be able to cany 
the altar, for poles to carry the altar of the Lord through rings is surely for 
the holy teachers to lift up the hearts of the faithful by exhorting [them] 
through the words of the gospel, which will not pass away even though 
heaven and earth pass away 6 And there are two poles so that the word may 
be preached to both peoples, that is, to both Jews and Gentiles. This is also 
amplified further in the words that follow, when it is added: 

27:7 And they shall be on both sides of the altar to carry it. For there 
would be teachers who would call the Jews and those who would call the 
Gentiles into one and the same grace of faith by concordant speech and 
dee^. Or perhaps there are poles on both sides of the altar to carry it when 
the holy preachers teach the minds of the faithful to hold virtue unshaken 
and constant both in prosperity and in adversity, lest the former should 
elevate them with its charms or the latter distuib them with its alarms. 

[ 84 ] 27:8 You shall not make it solid, but empty and hollow on the inside. 

The reason that the altar was commanded to be made not solid but empty 
and hollow was so that it might have ample room to receive the most sacred 
fire and the wood for the fire as well as the holocausts which were to be 
consumed by the fire. After this example, you too, if you wish to be God’s 
altar, must yourself be empty and devoid of every contagion of worldly 
things, so that there may be in you sufficient room for the wood of heavenly 
w ords and the sacrifices of virtues, and so that you may be able to hold the 
fire of the Holy Spirit, with which those same sacrifices are consecrated to 

1 roborant: derived from robur (‘oak-tree’). 

2 Phil. 2:21 

3 2 Pet. 1:16 

4 virtutem 

5 This is a comment on Exod. 27:7 (Andyou shall put them through the rings), which Bede 
does not quote. 

6 Matt. 24:35 



the Lord and brought to the sure completion of perfection. Wherefore it is 
aptly added in conclusion: 

27:8 As it has been shown to you on the mountain. In that celestial 
conversation in which Moses remained with the Lord for forty days, he had 
previously perceived that the citizens of heaven were doing with unwearied 
and unceasing attention all the things that he [later] signified mystically to 
us as having been done in the construction of the altar and of the whole 
tabernacle. For we should not doubt that he was able to see before the throne 
of God that most sacred altar which Isaiah merited to see filled with the 
living coals of charity within, and to see the holy tongs which that same 
prophet saw, one [pair] of which the angel used to carry from the altar a 
coal with which he cleansed [Isaiah’s] lips. 1 For surely sins are forgiven 
and gifts of virtues are granted to human beings on earth by the grace of the 
same Spirit with which the angels in heaven are always on fire for the love 
of God. 

Consequently, the altar is ordered to be made hollow and empty, as it 
was shown to Moses on the mountain, because just as the angels and the 
spirits of the righteous in heaven are devoid of sins and full of piety and 
righteousness, so in the same way, to the best of our ability, we who are on 
earth should turn away from evil and do good. 2 Just as we are taught by the 
open exhortations of the heavenly word that this is what we should always 
do, in the same way [we are instructed] also by the mystical figures of the 
tabernacle and its vessels and ceremonies. 


27:9 You shall also make the court of the tabernacle on the south 
side; there shall be hangings of fine twisted linen. Just as the holy of 
holies designates that part of the Holy Church which is in heaven, and the 
first tabernacle indicates by means of a type the perfect life of the faithful 
as long as they arc sojourning in this world, so in the same way does the 
court of the tabernacle which was on the outside represent the first princi¬ 
ples for beginners. For this reason were the hangings of that same court 
properly made from fine twisted linen, because beginners must be ex¬ 
tremely careful to curb the allurements of both flesh and spirit, in accord¬ 
ance with that [saying] of the Apostle which he adds concerning the children 

1 Isa, 6:6-7 

2 Ps. 37:27 (36:27) 



of adoption, saying: Since we have these promises, dearly beloved , let us 
[85] cleanse ourselves from every defilement of the flesh and of the spirit . 1 

For fine linen, as we have quite often mentioned, 2 is green when it is 
growing in the ground, but when uprooted from the ground it is dried, 
crushed, baked, twisted, and by great and prolonged effort its colour is 
changed from green to white. In the same way, it is also necessary for our 
flesh to subdue itself by the practices of fasts, prayer, and vigils, and by 
labours of complete continence, in order that it may come to the virtue and 
beauty of charity 3 By these means we are able to dry up its natural and 
inborn pleasures, so to speak, and ascend to that excellence of virtue which 
we desire. And fine linen is twisted so that it cannot easily be unraveled 
when the rankness 4 of the flesh is not only bound fast, but even the memory 
of it is completely tom out by the roots from the inmost heart. 

27:9-10 [The court] shall be a hundred cubits long on one side. Its 
twenty pillars shall have as many bases of bronze; their heads with their 
engravings shall be made of silver. It is well known that in the Scriptures 
the number one hundred, which in counting on the fingers is transferred 
from the left hand to the right, often contains a figure of the heavenly life, 
which is as rightly preferred to the present [life] as the right hand is to the 
left. 5 Surely the mystery of this number is frequently found in the Divine 
Writings. Noah completed the building of the ark in a hundredth year, 6 
because in the [life] to come the Lord perfects the Holy Church which he 
builds during the time of this life. Isaac, the son of the promise, was bom 
in Abraham’s hundredth [year], 7 because the blessing of the inheritance 
which is promised to all the families of the earth through his seed will 
doubtless be conferred in the heavenly homeland which is to come. [Abra¬ 
ham] himself sojourned a hundred years in the land of promise, 8 because 
all of us who are made children of Abraham through faith ought to live as 

12 Cor. 7:1 

2 Bede, De tab . 2, 2 (CCSL 119A: 45, 135-8) 

3 ‘of charity’ = caritatis\ var.: castitatis = ‘of chastity’ 

4 luxoria 

5 In the system of finger-counting that Bede explains in De temp. rat. 1 (CCSL 123B: 
268-73), the left hand was used to express the numbers one through ninety-nine, and the right 
hand began to be used at one hundred. See Hunter Blair (1977), 166-8. This interpretation of 
the number one hundred, along with those that follow, is also found in Bede, Jn Gen. 4, 21, 
4-5 (CCSL 118A: 237, 1561-75). 

6 According to Gen. 7:6, Noah was six hundred years old at the time when he built the ark. 

7 Gen. 21:5 

8 Gen. 12:4; 25:7. Abraham was seventy-five years old when he left Haran for the land of 
Canaan, and one hundred seventy-five when he died. 



sojourners in the present Church in hope 1 of a heavenly inheritance. In like 
manner, Isaac sowed in Gerar, 2 (which is interpreted as ‘residence 3 [as an 
alien] ’), and in that same year he acquired a hundredfold? because as soon 
as we go forth from the body into the heavenly life, we receive back 
whatever good works we have done while sojourning in this life as children 
of the promise. 

This figure also [represents] the seed of the evangelical word that fell 
on good soil and when it sprung up bore fruit a hundredfold, 5 as well as 
those who leave temporal goods for the sake of Christ and the gospel, who 
will receive in the present [world] a hundredfold, and in the world to come 
life everlasting 6 (that is, the joy of fraternal fellowship now, in the hope of 
heavenly life, and then, that veiy life itself when they are together in the 
kingdom of heaven). The side of the tabernacle, therefore, is a hundred 
cubits long because it is necessary for all those who belong among the 
members of the Church to take the labour of temporal patience and conti¬ 
nence upon themselves, for the sake of eternal life in heaveu 

Now the pillars upon which these hangings are suspended on high are [86] 
the holy teachers. When they have drawn the hearts of their hearers away 
from earthly contagions, they lift them up to the heavenly things which are 
to be desired, carefully stretching them out like a garment for the Lord so 
that there is no duplicity in them, in order that they may shine before the 
Lord with a taut intention 7 that is single and pure, like hangings of fine 
linen. These pillars were bronze but covered with silver, as is said more 
plainly further on; 8 bronze either on account of their perseverance in virtue 
or on account of the sound of their preaching, but covered with silver 
because they utter no sound other than the word of God (the clarity of which 
is often accustomed to be figured by silver), and because in their lives they 
show forth no deeds other than the observance of the Divine Eloquences. 

Not only were they overlaid with silver, but they also had heads made 
entirely of silver, because it is properly [said] of teachers that they submit 
themselves entirely to the words of Sacred Scripture and subject soul and 
body to them by meditating, preaching, and working. For just as our 
members are unable to exist or to live apart from the head, in the same way 

1 in spe , a well-attested ms. variant for ipsi, ‘ourselves’ 

2 Gen. 26:6, 12 

3 incolatus\ Jerome, Nom. (CCSL 72: 66, 26) 

4 Gen. 26:12 

5 Luke 8:8 

6 Matt. 19:29; Mark 10:30 

7 ‘taut intention’ = intentio , which can mean both ‘tautness’ and ‘intention’. 

8 Exod. 38:17 



those who value their life never cease to bear the Divine Eloquences by 
obeying them, and to raise them up by humbling themselves. 

Now, how could we understand the bases of the pillars more aptly than 
to say that they are the beginning of wisdom, [which is] the fear of God? 1 
Concerning it the son of Sirach also says. The root ofwisdom is to fear God :; 
whereupon he also adds pleasingly ,for its branches are longlived . 2 Doubt¬ 
less this is because the manifold sprouts of virtues which come forth from 
the fear of God (just as the handiwork and the engravings of the pillars come 
forth from the bases) never lack the fruit of their reward. Now, the reason 
why there were twenty pillars on one side of the court has already been 
explained above, [in reference to the verse] in which that same number of 
boards was commanded to be made on one side of the tabernacle. 3 

27:11 In a similar manner on the north side there shall be hangings 
a hundred cubits long, twenty pillars, and the same number of bases of 
bronze, and their heads with their engravings made of silver. The same 
things are repeated with respect to the north side which had already been 
set forth with respect to the south side, because the heralds of both 
testaments raise us up to heaven with a concordant voice, although they will 
have different sacramental rites on account of the [difference in] times. Or 
[87] perhaps we should say that all those from both peoples who attain to 
salvation in the time of the New Testament have not only the same faith, 
confession, and working, but also the same sacraments for the cleansing of 
sins and the acquisition of heavenly life in the grace of God through our 
Lord Jesus Christ. 

27:12 But in the width of the court which faces westward, there shall 
be fifty cubits of hangings, and ten pillars, and as many bases. The width 
of the court which faces the setting of the sun, where the sleep- bringing 
grace of night succeeds the labour of the day which is ended, rightly 
signifies that time after death when the active life is over and rest follows 
for the elect, with an eternal reward. Accordingly, those who were working 
in the vineyard of the Supreme Householder 4 when evening came have at 
last received the rewards of their labour, 5 because when all of the righteous 
come to the end of this life, each of them is then allotted entrance into true 
life. Hence John in the Apocalypse [writes]: I heard a voice from hea\>en 

1 Ps. 111:10(110:10) 

2 Sir. 1:25 

3 Bede, De tab. 2, 6 (CCSL 119A: 63, 821-3), commenting on Exod. 26:18. 

4 sum mi patrisfamilias 

5 Matt. 20:8 



saying , ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord; from now on \ says the 
Spirit , ‘they may rest from their labours, for their works follow them. t1 

On account of this rest, the western side of the court rightly had fifty 
cubits of hangings and ten pillars. For in the law the number fifty custom¬ 
arily signifies the fiftieth year, which had been entirely dedicated to liberty, 
rest, and remission. 1 2 3 For that reason it was commanded to be called the 
‘jubilee’, for surely iobel is interpreted as ‘releasing’ or ‘being exchanged’. 
It is also well known that the number ten designates those same supernal 
rewards, in which human nature rejoices in the presence of the Divine 
Vision when it is raised up to immortality in both of its substances. For God 
is a trinity, our body is constituted out of four elements, and our inner 
person is comprehended in the number three when we are ordered to love 
God with all our heart, all our soul, and all our strength. 4 5 When our seven 
[parts] are eternally joined to the vision of the Holy Trinity in accordance 
with that [saying] of the psalmist, ‘ But for me it is good to be near to God \ ,5 
that is surely the denarius which the cultivators of the Lord’s vineyard 
receive as a reward on the day when their labours are complete. 6 7 Therefore, 
because the holy preachers promise us the presence of our Creator and 
eternal rest when this life is over, and because with these promises they lift 
up our desires from a longing for things below to the heavenly things which 
are to be sought, it is as if ten supporting pillars raise up hangings fifty cubits 
long on the west side of the court. 

27:13 In that width of the court which faces eastward there shall also 
be fifty cubits. The width of the court which faces eastward signifies the 
origin of our good way of life, which begins with faith. This [width] is 
rightly said to face eastward on account of the first perception of heavenly 
grace, in accordance with that [saying] of blessed Zechariah: ‘ The dawn 
from on high has visited us, to enlighten those who sit in darkness and in 
the shadow of death. n There were fifty cubits on this side, doubtless 
because all those who are being catechized are taught, as soon as they enter 
upon the [Christian] way of life, 8 to hope for the remission of sins and for 
eternal rest; for the number fifty also pertains to the remission of sins. For 

1 Rev. 14:13 

2 Lev. 25:10-11 

3 Jerome, Norn. (CCSL 72: 67, 10) 

4 Mark 12:30 

5 Ps. 73:28 (72:28) 

6 Matt. 20:9-10 

7 Luke 1:78-9; 'dawn’ ~ oriens, which can also mean ‘the east’. 

8 ‘way of life’ = conversations', var.: conversions ~ ‘conversion’ 

[ 88 ] 



the same reason, the psalm of that same number 1 described penitence and 
confession and remission of sins, so that those who had sinned against the 
Lord and done evil in his sight might be cleansed when they acknowledged 
their iniquity, and be washed whiter than snow by him against whom they 
had sinned, and might again possess the joy of God’s Saviour (that is, of 
the Lord Jesus against whom they had sinned), and might be strengthened 
by his princely 2 Spirit, that they might not be liable to fall any more. 

Thus the eastern width of the court has fifty cubits when the first 
confession of faith rejoices in the remission of sins and in the hope of future 
rest and peace in Christ. Accordingly, in the Apostles’ Creed we confess 
that we believe in the Holy Church, the remission of sins, [and] the 
resurrection of the flesh, which the universal synod of the later fathers 
wished to express more fully, saying, I confess one baptism for the remis¬ 
sion ofsins; I hope for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world 
to come 3 Therefore, the fifty cubits on the eastern side generally designate 
the initiatory rites for believers, 4 which are celebrated for the remission of 
sins and the hope of future blessedness. Nevertheless, there is immediately 
added another specific division of these [fifty cubits] which, when carefully 
considered, is related to one and the same end. For there follows: 

27:14-15 In these [fifty cubits] there shall be hangings of fifteen cubits 
allotted for one side, with three pillars and as many bases, and on the 
other side there shall be hangings of fifteen cubits, having three pillars 
and as many bases. Surely it is well known that fifteen, which is the sum 
of seven plus eight, rightly designates the joys of eternal life, which begin 
[89] with the sabbath-keeping of souls and are perfected in the resurrection of 
bodies. For the Lord rested in the tomb on the seventh [day], the sabbath, 
and rose again from the dead on the eighth day, that is, after the seventh 
[day] which was the sabbath. 

Now, that there were three pillars on the side of the fifteen cubits, with 
as many bases, designates the holy preachers pre-eminent in faith, hope, 
and charity, who set their minds most firmly on the steadfastness of the fear 
of God. Therefore, when you enter into the court of the tabernacle you have 
on each side hangings of fifteen cubits suspended from three pillars, because 

1 Ps. 51 (50) 

2 principali 

3 'Hie Apostles’ Creed was the baptismal creed used in the western churches. The 
Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed was a more fully developed doctrinal statement that in 
Bede’s time had not yet come to be recited in the Mass; the references to baptism, resurrection, 
and eternal life quoted here were added in 381 at the Second Council of Constantinople, which 
Bede refers to as the ‘universal synod of the later fathers’. 

4 ‘initiatory rites for believers’ = mitia credent turn 



anyone who is about to enter into the Holy Church, and who resolves to 
learn about the sacraments of faith by directing a mental gaze either to the 
synagogue or to the church of the Gentiles, will find that in both portions 
of the faithful there are teachers strong in faith, sublime in hope, fervent in 
charity, and grounded in the fear of the Lord, who promise to their hearers 
the rest of blessed souls and the resurrection of immortal bodies. They 
suspend hangings of fine twisted linen from themselves, as it were, when 
by their example they teach those same hearers to seek the things that are 
above, not the things that are on earth, and to keep their spirits, souls, and 
bodies blameless without complaining until the day of the Lord. 1 

27:16 But at the entrance of the court there shall be made a hanging 
of twenty cubits, of blue, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine 
twisted linen, with embroidery work; it shall have four pillars with as 
many bases. There are four pillars at the entrance of the court because no 
one is able to come into the unity of the Holy Church except through the 
faith and the sacraments of the gospel, which are contained in four books. 
For this reason, in that same Church the pleasing custom has developed 
from ancient times that the beginnings of the four gospels are recited to 
those who are about to be catechized and initiated into the Christian 
sacraments, and at the opening of their ears they are carefully instructed 
concerning the figures [of the evangelists] and their order, 2 so that from 
then on they may know and remember which books, and how many, 
[contain] the words by which they ought chiefly to be instructed in the true 

At this entrance there is also commmanded to be made a hanging of 
twenty cubits, which is a number the same as four times five. Now it is well 
known that we have five bodily senses, namely: vision, hearing, taste, smell, 

11 Thess. 5:23 

2 The liturgical rite known as the ‘opening of the ears’ was one of the so-called ‘scrutinies’ 
of those who were being prepared for baptism at Easter; see Dondeyne (1932), Chavasse (1948 
and 1960), and Fisher (1965), 5-11. There are no surviving liturgical texts from early 
Anglo-Saxon England, but it is presumed that those used must have contained some mixture 
of Roman and Gallican elements; see Willis (1968), 189-242, and (on the baptismal rites) 
especially Foot (1992). The descriptions of the baptismal scrutinies in the Gelasian 
Sacramentary 34 (ed. Wilson, 50-2) and in Ordo Romanus XI 47-60 (ed. Andrieu, 2: 429-33) 
reflect the practice of the sixth-century church at Rome, although in their present forms the 
documents contain Gallican elements and date from the eighth and ninth centuries, 
respectively. They indicate that the opening of the ears took place on a weekday during Lent 
(in an earlier period it would have been on a Sunday) and involved the reading of the first few 
verses from each of the four gospels, with an explanation of the four symbolic figures in Ezek. 
1:10 (man, lion, ox, and eagle) as representative of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. As noted 
above concerning Bede’s comment on Exod. 25:12 at 1, 4, {CCSL 119A: 16, 436-40), this 
differed from the Augustinian order of the figures preferred by Bede. 



and touch. Therefore a hanging of twenty cubits is properly suspended from 
four pillars at the entrance of the court, because all those who enter into the 
[90] Holy Church should order both their faith and their action in accordance 
with the rule of the gospels, so that they may restrain all their bodily senses 
from carnal enticements by subjecting them to the divine commands. Not 
only is this hanging supported by four pillars, but in its length it also 
contains the number which is five multiplied by four when any of the 
humble and pious hearers who come to faith are not only imbued with the 
words of the gospel but also expend all their bodily senses in obedience to 
charity, since they desire to lead the evangelical life. 

Now this hanging at the entrance of the court is rightly made not from 
fine twisted linen, as were [those] in the rest of the court, but from the four 
most noble colours, namely, blue and purple and scarlet twice dyed and the 
same fine twisted linen, with embroidery work. This is because the exterior 
face of the Church does indeed shine beautifully for those who are being 
catechized, but its dignity and virtue will appear much brighter to those who 
merit to enter it through the sacrament of baptism. For no one attains to the 
highest place all of a sudden, but it is necessary for us to move gradually 
from the lesser things to the more perfect. 1 

We have frequently said that blue signifies the hope for heavenly goods; 
puiple, the endurance of temporal evils; scarlet twice dyed, the ardour of 
perfect love; and fine twisted linen, the curbing of carnal delight. Surely 
these colours are made to vary from one another with embroidery work 
when any one virtue of the faithful shines all the more when it is in the 
company of the virtues near it, in a kind of familial relationship 2 [with 
them], as it were. 

However, the individual colours previously mentioned can also corre¬ 
spond to individual persons among the elect. For one, who merits to look 
upon heavenly things at a very great height, is blue; another, who suffers 
many things for righteousness’ sake, is purple; this one, who is inflamed 
with a very fervent love for God and neighbour, is scarlet twice dyed; that 
one, who is especially white with the innocence of virginal flesh, is fine 
twisted linea And when the righteous rejoice together on account of their 
virtues in one and the same evangelical faith and piety, it is as if the entrance 
of the court of the Lord is adorned with a beautiful hanging that is woven 
with a diversity of vaiying colours. 

27:17 A1I the pillars around the court shall be arrayed with plates of 
silver, heads of silver, and bases of bronze. [Scripture] emphasizes even 

1 Gregory the Great, Hotn. in Ezech. 2, 3, 3 (CCSL 142: 238, 53-5) 

2 ‘familial relationship’ = consanguinitate 



more diligently the things that had [already] been said, in order to remind 
the reader earnestly that no one can to be reckoned among the teachers of 
truth (that is, among the pillars of the heavenly court) who does not leam 
to be like bronze by having invincible patience in the midst of adversities; 
who is not careful to be fortified and equipped on all sides with the 
observance and announcement of the heavenly words, as if with plates of 
silver; who does not strive to submit to the divine precepts with complete 
subjection, as if to a silver head; who is not accustomed to stand fast in the 
fear of God, as if on a base of bronze. 

27:18 The court occupied a hundred cubits in length, fifty in width, 
and five cubits in height. The Church is a hundred cubits long because it 
stretches out its arms in good works for the sake of eternal life. 1 It is fifty 
in width because it hopes for eternal rest in the grace of the Holy Spirit, 
which he willed to designate by the number fifty when by his coming he 
deigned to hallow Pentecost, which is the fiftieth day of the paschal feast. 2 
[The Church’s] height is five cubits, corresponding to the number of our 
bodily senses, because at that time we each shall receive the things appro¬ 
priate to what we have done in our bodies, whether it be good or evil. 

But the figure in the court of the Lord’s house represents only those who 
have done good in the body, on which basis they merit to enter into the rest 
of eternal life. At present, they glisten like fine twisted linen in the works 
of righteousness which they perform with bodies and hearts that are chaste, 
but when they receive the rewards of righteousness forever, they will then 
rejoice in the same bodies, which will have been raised to the glory of 
immortality. Both of these aspects are mentioned together in the gospel 
parable in which the five virgins who had come to the bridegroom with 
works of light immediately entered w ith him into the wedding feast, but the 
other five, who had not performed works of chastity with a chaste soul, were 
cast out far from the doors of the kingdom, being driven away along with 
their darkness. 3 They numbered five and five, because both [groups] were 
judged according to what they had done in the flesh. 

Consequently, the entire length and width of the court extended for one 
hundred and fifty cubits, and it had a height of five cubits, because we who 
have received the promise of a peaceful and heavenly homeland must 

1 As in Bede’s comment on Exod. 27:9-10 above, the number one hundred is here said to 
signify eternal life because in the system of finger-counting known to Bede this was the number 
at which one moved from the left hand to the right. See Bede, De temp. rat. 1 (CCSL 123B: 

2 Acts 2:1-2 

3 Matt. 25:1-12 




cleanse ourselves from every defilement of the flesh and of the spirit 1 2 3 Not 
only must vve cleanse ourselves from defilement, but we must also make 
perfect our sanctification in the fear of God} so that when the hour of the 
promised recompense appears we may merit to rejoice in the fear of God, 
not only in the spirit but also in the flesh. What was said previously with 
respect to this cleansing of both our substances (that is, both our soul and 
our flesh) in the fear of God, is now repeated once again, so that it might 
be even more diligently committed to memory: 

27:18-19 And it shall be made of fine twisted linen and have bases of 
bronze. And then there is added: AH the vessels of the tabernacle for 
every use and for all its ceremonies, and its pegs and those of the court 
as well, you shall make of bronze. The vessels of the tabernacle which are 
prepared for eveiy use and for all its ceremonies are the people in the Church 
who serve the Lord, diverse in merit and in rank. As we have often said 
before, the fact that all of its vessels are ordered to be made of bronze 
doubtless holds the figure of a mystery. Either [it signifies] that whenever 
[the faithful] are assailed by adversities they should persevere to the end, 
and not lose through idleness the salvation which has been promised to 
[92] them, or else [it signifies] that they should not be afraid to confess openly, 
even to contentious enemies, the faith which they have learned, but should 
remember to use the gifts that they have received to make a constant sound 
before their friends as well. For it is the nature of bronze, and of the sounds 
that it makes, to last for a long while. 

Now the pegs (which it says were of the tabernacle or of the court) were 
made in such a way that they protruded when they were affixed at the tops 
of the outside columns, so that when the cords were placed upon them [the 
pegs] were able to support the curtains or the hangings by lifting them up 
from the ground. It is not inappropriate for their making and position to be 
designated by the very speech of the teachers, which by preaching touches 
the hearts of the hearers, and by touching raises them up. For there are 
numerous instances in which Sacred Scripture is designated b^ 
cords. Hence it is written that a threefold cord is not easily broken, 

1 2 Cor. 7:1 

2 Ibid. 

3 Eccles. 4:12. Note that the number three in this quotation leads Bede to expound a 
threefold scheme for the interpretation of Scripture, just as the number four in Exod. 25:26 
inspired him to set forth a fourfold scheme above in De tab. 1, 6 (CCSL 119A: 24, 773 - 25, 
811). As noted by Barrows (1963), 70, the shape of Bede’s statements of exegetical theory is 
often determined by number symbolism. 



doubtless because Scripture, which is customarily interpreted in the histori¬ 
cal, allegorical, and moral senses, cannot be corrupted by the perversity of 
heretics or pagans. 

Now in order for these hangings or curtains to be able to receive the cords, 
it was necessary for them to have loops or rings on their upper [edges], into 
which those same cords could be inserted. And if you wish to become God’s 
hanging, you must prepare in your heart a receptacle for his words, by which 
you can be raised up to the things that are above. For the cords of the 
hangings are put on the pegs of the pillars so that [the hangings] may be 
spread out and lifted up in such a way that they fill out the beauty of the 
tabernacle: let the holy preachers impart the Divine Eloquences to the hearts 
of the faithful and remind them to be raised up from the depths by [taking] 
these [words] for their example. When they are stretched out and raised up 
by the cords, the curtains or hangings show forth the marvelous beauty of 
their workmanship to everyone far and wide, which they could not do while 
they were rolled up: let the faithful exhibit the amplitude of good works as 
well as the beauty of the mind and of the inner grace which they have 
received as a gift from the Lord, so that the neighbours who see their good 
works may glorify the Father who is in heaven and say. How lovely are 
your tabernacles , O Lord of hosts; my soul longs and faints for the courts 
of the Lord. ’ 1 2 

1 Matt. 5:16 

2 Ps. 84:1-2 (83:2-3) 





[ 93 ] 27:20-1 Command the children of Israel to offer you purest oil from 

olive trees beaten with a pestle, so that a lamp may always burn in the 
tabernacle of the testimony, outside the curtain that hangs in front of 
the testimony. And Aaron and his sons shall tend it. The layout of the 
tabernacle is suitably furnished with every adornment, including the light 
of a lamp, so that just as its remarkable beauty is illuminated during the day 
by the light of the sun, so is it also at night by flaming lamps, lest any place 
in the house of God should be dark, or any hour be in shadow. In the gospel, 
the Lord declares what the light of the lamp signifies according to the 
mystical sense, for when he had spoken through a parable, No one lights 
a lamp and puts it under a bushel [basket], but on a lampstand, that it may 
give light to all who are in the house, ’ immediately he aptly added, 4 In the 
same way, let your light shine before others , that they may see your good 
works . A Consequently, the lamp shining in the house of God is the good 
works of the righteous; by their examples, they illuminate the minds of 
those who observe them. 

But we should pay very close attention to the fact that it is the children 
of Israel who are ordered to offer oil so that the lamp may always be able 
to bum in the tabernacle of God, but it is Aaron and his sons who are ordered 
to tend the lamp itself. What, then, is fthe significance of| this distinction, 
that to supply light in the Lord’s house the people offer oil and the priests 
tend the lamp, unless figuratively it is being strongly enjoined that the 
faithful and religious hearers are to offer hearts made ready for obedience 
to the faith, and that by preaching to them the teachers are to administer the 
fire of the heavenly word, by which they will be both illumined to know 
God and inflamed to love him? For surely oil designates the fatness which 
is used both to revive limbs that are weary and frail, and to maintain the 
grace of light within—these are frequently [understood as referring to] the 
works of mercy and the love in one’s mind. Hence the psalmist [says]. But 
I, like a fruitful olive tree in the house of the Lord, have trusted in God’s 
mercy toward me fore\>er andforever more, 2 as if to say openly, ‘Because 
I have provided the fruit of mercy to those in need, I have trusted that God 
will also render the grace of mercy to me forever. ’ Therefore, let the children 
of Israel offer oil, and let Aaron and his sons bring fire to tend the lamp that 

1 Matt. 5:15-16 

2 Ps. 52:8(51:10) 



bums in the tabernacle of God. [That is to say,] let the humble hearers offer 
the devotion of a pious mind, and let the ministers of the word teach them 
the secrets of heavenly knowledge. Regularly instructed in these [secrets], 
let them bum in the sight of their Creator with the fire of charity, and show 
forth the light of good action to those who are outside. 

Now we should note that the children of Israel are commanded to offer 
not just oil in general, but specifically oil from olive trees; moreover, it is 
to be the purest [oil from olives] beaten with a pestle. For oil is sometimes 
made from the myrtle, sometimes from the radish plant, and sometimes 
from linseed or nuts, and there are other types from different kinds of 
things, 1 but in the tabernacle of God no [oil] is to be offered except that 
which is prepared from [the fruit of] olive trees, just as no fire is to bum in 
the holy lamps or to be kindled on God’s altar other than that which comes 
down from heaven. For the Holy Spirit of discipline will flee from deceit 2 
Consequently, let the children of Israel offer oil for God’s lamp; not just 
any kind [of oil], but oil [from the fruit] of olive trees, and let it be the purest 
[oil from olives] beaten with a pestle. [That is to say,] let the honest hearers 
offer their spiritual teachers a pure conscience that is rich with the grace of 
charity and thoroughly cleansed from eveiy admixture of vile ness by the 
pestle of a meticulous examination, which is [a conscience] that delights to 
hear the words of the Lord with the sole intention of pleasing and serving 
him. Let Aaron and his sons offer not some illicit fire, 3 4 but rather the fire 
that was sent from above to kindle the lamp, and also to consume the 
holocausts and to diffuse the fragrance of the incense. [That is to say,] let 
the teachers preach not their own word but the Lord’s, that they may declare 
with confidence, For we do not adulterate the word of God as so many do , 
but in Christ we speak with sincerity, as from God and in the presence of 
God A This fire they use to enlighten the hearts of their hearers with the 
knowledge of faith, to complete the holocausts of their own good works 
and consecrate them to God, and to bum the incense of holy prayers. 

Now it is properly said, so that a lamp may burn always in the 
tabernacle of the testimony, because the Holy Church should never lack 
either the light of preaching or the pure humility of hearers to receive it 
gladly, or, what is even better, eagerly to seek it out. 

And there is properly added, outside the curtain that hangs in front of 
the testimony. Inside heaven’s curtain we have no need of the lamp of the 

1 Pliny, Nat . hist. 15, 7, 24-32 (LCL 4: 31)4-10). 

2Wisd. 1:5 

3 Lev. 10:1-2 

4 2 Cor. 2:17 

[ 94 ] 



Scriptures, for the ark of the Lord is there, and the cherubim overshadow 
the propitiatory of gloiy, that is to say, the multitude of the heavenly hosts 
preach with harmonious voice the glory of the incarnate Son of God, whom 
God has appointed as a propitiation for our sins . 1 2 

There properly follows. And Aaron and his sons shall tend it, because 
not everyone is intended to preach the sacraments of faith in the midst of 
the people, but only those who have proved by the purity of their faith and 
the performance of good works that they belong among the sons of the High 
[95] Priest, namely, our Lord and Saviour. But even though someone may seem 
to be distinguished by the name or the status of a priest, if he either strays 
from the purity of the faith by perverse teaching or defiles the integrity of 
the acknowledged and preserved faith with the depravity of vile deeds, such 
a one will surely hear from the Lord, Why do you declare my judgements, 
and take my covenant in your mouth, when you hate discipline? ' L and so 
forth. James also restrains such people from tending the lamp of God (that 
is, from the word of preaching), when he gives some friendly advice, Not 
many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that you 
receive a stricter judgement ; 3 * 5 he means that judgement to which we have 
just referred, the one pronounced long ago by the voice of the psalmist. Now 
there is properly added: 

27:21 That it may give light before the Lord until the morning. For 
when the night of this world is over, the morning of the world to come will 
begin to shine; concerning it the prophet says, ‘In the morning I will stand 
before you and watch. A Then we shall no longer have any need of light 
from books, for the true Light of the world will appear and enlighten us; 
concerning him the prophet says, ‘But for you who fear my name the Sun 
of righteousness shall rise. ^ 

27:2 1 It shall be a perpetual observance among the children of Israel 
throughout their successive [generations). This concluding injunction, 
like those previously declared concerning the tabernacle and its vessels and 
utensils, must be understood and expounded in a spiritual rather than a 
carnal sense. For how can the observance of the sacerdotal duties be 
perpetual according to the letter, when the priesthood itself, as well as the 
tabernacle in which it conducted its duties and the people on whose behalf 
they were conducted, have all long since ceased to be? Hence it is obvious 

1 1 John 4:10 

2 Ps. 50:16-17(49:16) 

3 Jas. 3:1 

4Ps. 5:3 (5:5) 

5 Mai. 4:2 



that this saying is meant to be fulfilled in the Holy Church, in which there 
are teachers and also hearers of the truth who succeed one another in turn. 
For [the Church] will never lack either spiritual children of Israel who ofFer 
gifts of piety in the house of the Lord, or sons of Aaron (that is, of our true 
Priest) who administer the light of the word to them, until such time as the 
order of this world will be finished and the entire tabernacle of God itself 
(that is, the whole multitude of the elect) will be transported to a heavenly 
kingdom where people will no longer be taught by other human beings, 
since God will be all in all . 1 


28: 1 Bring to yourself also Aaron your brother and his sons with him, 
from among the children of Israel, that they may exercise the priestly 
office for me—Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. After 
the making of the tabernacle has been described, the priests who minister 
in it arc subsequently ordained. Surely their ordination and vesture rightly 
pertain to the priests of the Church, so that everything in the adornment of 
their vestments there which was shining brightly on the outside is here 
understood spiritually as visible deep within, in the very thoughts of our 
priests, and as shining abroad gloriously in their deeds, which surpass those 
of the rest of the faithful in merit 2 

For this reason, Moses is aptly commanded to bring to himself Aaron his 
brother and his sons with him, from among the children of Israel, to exercise 
the priestly office before the Lord. For all those who are to be advanced to 
a higher rank in the Holy Church must apply 3 their minds to the law of God 
with greater industriousness, that is, they should be attached to the obser¬ 
vance of the divine commandments with a mind 4 that is more astute than 
the rest. This implies that those who are going to exercise the priestly office 

1 1 Cor. 15:28 

2 There was a widespread tendency in early Christianity to assimilate the threefold ministry 
of bishop, presbyter, and deacon to the Old Testament offices of high priest, priest, and Levite; 
see Dassmann (1970). Nevertheless, most early Christian writers followed Origen, Horn, in 
Exod. 9, 4 ( GCS 29: 240-4) in understanding the vestments of Aaron and his sons as symbolic 
of virtues requisite not for the ordained alone, but for all members of the priestly body of Christ. 
Bede’s interpretive emphasis on the clergy follows rather in the tradition of Gregory the Great, 
Reg. past. 2, 2-7 and 11 (SC 381: 176-230 and 252-56) and Regist. 1, 24 (CCSL 140:22-32), 
on which see Judic (1985). 

3 applicent ; another form of the same verb is used in Exod. 28:1 above, where it is translated 

4 animo , but apparently without any difference in meaning from mens , the word used earlier 
in the same sentence. 

[ 96 ] 



are brought to Moses from among the children of Israel and that the leaders 
and teachers of the Holy Church transcend the common life of the elect by 
the exceptional eminence of their minds. By habitual contemplation, they 
distinguish which law was spoken to all the elect in general, and which to 
the few who are more perfect, so that by the higher excellence of their merits 
they may be able to attain to higher rewards. For when Moses is commanded 
to ordain his brother and his sons with him to the priesthood, what else is 
he mystically recommending to us except that all who are appointed to the 
office of teacher must cleave to meditation on the divine law with so much 
zeal and love that they seem to be joined to it as though they were related 
to it as brothers? 

Now Aaron’s first [two] sons were destroyed by fire from heaven, when 
after their ordination they offered illicit fire before the Lord. 1 This is not 
far from being a sign of our unhappy time, in which some who have attained 
positions as priests and teachers—merely to mention it is both distressing 
and sad enough—are consumed by the fire of heavenly vengeance because 
they prefer the fire of cupidity to the fire of heavenly love; their eternal 
damnation was figured by the temporal death of Aaron’s son s 2 Yet this is 
the figure of a more excellent mysteiy. Just as the tabernacle with its 
decorations and vessels designates the Holy Church which is distinguished 
by the quite beautiful variety of virtues or characters [found] among the 
faithful, so also does the high priest of that same tabernacle contain a figure 
of the true High Priest, 3 Jesus Christ, who offered his very seif for us as a 
sweet-smelling oblation and sacrifice to God. 4 He also can rightly be called 
Moses’ brother, for who could be joined more closely to another in a 
fraternal covenant than Christ is to Moses, grace to the law, and the New 
Testament to the Old? Moses himself gives a testimony of this sort con¬ 
cerning [Christ], when he says to the people he has been teaching, ' The Lord 
your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your own people and 
from among your own brethren; you shall listen to him , ' 5 and a little later 
on [he speaks] in the character of the Lord, 7 will raise up for them a prophet 

1 Lev. 10:1-2 

2 Bede’s stringent criticisms of the Northumbrian clergy of his day are set forth in Ep. Ecg. 
(ed. Plummer, 1: 405-23), a letter written in 734 just a few months before his death. On 
correspondences between Bede’s programmatic call for reform and the canons of the Council 
of Clofesho in 747 (ed. Haddan and Stubbs, 3: 360-76), see Plummer (1896), 378-88; Thacker 
(1983), 150-1; and Cubitt (1992). 

3 veri pontificis\ here and elsewhere in what follows, Bede does not seem to make any 
distinction between pontifex and summus sacerdos , both of which mean ‘high priest’. 

4Eph. 5:2 

5 Deut. 18:15 



like you from the midst of their own brethren , and 1 will put my words in 
his mouth . ,l 

Those wonderful works of his, which no one else has done, are rightly 
compared to Aaron’s vesture, which is remarkable for the marvelous variety 
[of its colours]. Or perhaps the assorted vestments of Aaron designate the 
whole company of the elect, which clings to Christ in a variegated diversity 
of persons and merits, as the Apostle bears witness when he says. For as 
many of you as have been baptized in Christ , have put on Christ. Now if 
we take it that the Lord Saviour is figuratively suggested in the person of 
Aaron, what are we to say is being signified by the sons of Aaron, who have 
also been anointed with him into the priesthood, unless it is the apostles of 
Christ and the successors of the apostles, and all those who instruct the 
faithful? Certainly these things can be taken as referring in the first instance 
to the Lord, but it is more fitting for us to contemplate in them the meanings 
that pertain to our pious manner of life in the Lord and that have reference 
to the correction of our character. 


There follows: 

28:2-3 And you shall make a sacred vesture for your brother, for 
glory and for beauty, and you shall speak to all who are wise in heart, 
whom I have filled with the spirit of prudence, that they may make 
Aaron’s vestments, in which he may minister to me when he is conse¬ 
crated. The sacred vestments of Aaron which Moses made for him are the 
works of righteousness and holiness which the Scripture of the sacred law 
recommends [the Church’s] rulers to possess. In [the figures of] those who 
have preceded them in Christ, it shows examples of these [works] for them 
to imitate. The wise in heart, whom God has filled with the spirit of prudence 
so that they may make these same vestments, are the prophets and apostles 
and the other teachers of the truth who quite openly show us how priests 
and ministers of the altar ought to live, and in what way they ought to teach. 
This they do either by the example of their actions or by their words of 
exhortation, among which there is that [saying] of the Apostle to Titus, For 
a bishop , as God's steward\ must be without reproach , not proud, not 
hot-tempered, not drunk with wine, not violent, not greedy for filthy lucre, 

[ 97 ] 

1 Deut. 18:18 

2 Gal. 3:27 



but hospitable , kind, sober, just, holy, continent, embracing that faithful 
word which accords with doctrine . 1 

28:4-5 And these will be the vestments that they shall make: a 
rational and a superhumerale, a tunic and a close-fitting linen garment, 
a head-dress and a sash. They shall make the sacred vestments for your 
brother Aaron and his sons, that they may exercise the priestly office 
for me, and they shall take gold, and blue and purple, and scarlet twice 
dyed, and fine linen. Later on, it is explained more fully how each of these 
things is to be made. Now the rational is a garment for the chest, the 
superhumerale 2 for the shoulders; the tunic and the close-fitting linen 
garment (that is, the shirt 3 ) cover the whole body; the head-dress adorns the 
head, and the sash holds both the tunic and also the superhumerale quite 
[98] close to the body. Underneath these six articles of clothing there is added a 
seventh, namely, linen undergarments to cover the shamefulness of the 
flesh, and an eighth, which is a gold plate on the head-dress [bearing] an 
inscription of the Lord’s name that stands out above all the rest 4 Now the 
'close-fitting linen garment’ was so called because it clung to the body and 
was slender with tight sleeves, in such a way that there were no folds in it 
at all. Because it hung down to the feet, in Greek it is also called a poderis , 
that is, a long robe reaching to the ankles. 5 With these eight kinds of 
vestments was the high priest accustomed to be dressed at the time for the 
sacrifice. Among these there were four that were also granted to the lesser 
order of priests: the linen undergarments, the tunic, the sash, and the 
head-dress. For it was only fitting that someone distinguished by being in 
a higher rank should also be remarkable for shining that much more in many 
virtuous acts. And all of these are made of gold and costly dyes, because 
there should be nothing vile or sordid in a priest’s speech or action, but each 
thing that he does, everything that he says, and all that he thinks should 
appear excellent before human eyes, and also glorious in the sight of the 
inner Judge. 

1 Titus 1:7-9 

2 superumerale\ literally, ‘that which is on the shoulder’. The Vulgate uses this term 
throughout Exod. 28 to designate the same garment that in Exod. 25:7 was called the ephod. 

3 c ami si a 

4 Exod. 28:36-8, 42 

5 ‘a long robe reaching to the ankles’ = talaris , a term the Vulgate uses in Gen. 37:23 to 
refer to the garment given to Joseph by his father Jacob. The Greek word rcoSfipric; literally 
means ‘reaching to the feet’. Bede’s source here is Jerome, Ep. 64, 11, 1 (CSKL 54: 598, 4-9), 
a long letter to Fabiola on the subject of the priestly vestments. Jerome’s commentary is in 
three parts: a general description of the eight vestments of the priests and the high priest, giving 
their names in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin; an exposition ‘in the manner of the Jews', for the 
most part following Josephus; and a Christian allegorical interpretation. 




28:6 And they shall make the superhumerale of gold, and blue, and 
purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine twisted linen, variegated w ith 
embroidery work. Since it is customary for us to cany burdens on our 
shoulders, what is being represented by the superhumerale of the high priest 
unless it is the labours of good works which he ought to bear continually 
before the Lord? And aptly does the commandment concerning the making 
of the superhumerale stand in the first place, because when anyone is to be 
promoted to the priesthood and to ministry for God’s people, his works 
should first be examined, so that while what is on the outside and evident 
to human view is seen to be blameless, at the same time the integrity of his 
heart and the sincerity of his faith may also receive appropriate scrutiny. 
Consequently, let us take the superhumerale which the high priest bore on 
his shoulders as that burden of which the Lord speaks in the gospel, ‘ For 
my yoke is pleasant, and my burden is light; elsewhere he commended 
this to us more plainly, saying, ‘If any want to come after me, let them deny 
themselves and take up their cross and follow me . * 1 2 

Now the same superhumerale is made of gold and blue and purple and 
scarlet twice dyed and fine twisted linen. [It is made] of gold, so that in the 
vesture of the priest the understanding of wisdom might be conspicuous in 
the first place before everything else . To [gold] there is added blue , which 
is resplendent with the colour of air, so that in each thing that he penetrates 
with his understanding he will be motivated not by approbation from below 
but by the love of heavenly things, lest while he is foolishly feeding on his 
own praises he should be emptied even of his understanding of the truth 
itself And purple is mixed with the gold and the blue so that the priest, while 
he has hope in his own heart for the heavenly things that he is preaching, 
may also repress in himself even the intimations of vice and oppose them 
as if with royal power, inasmuch as he is always regarding the nobility of 
his inner regeneration and protecting it by clothing himself in the habits of 
a heavenly kingdom . 3 However, as we have said above, 4 the colour purple 
can also be understood as the spilling of one’s blood for Christ, or as the 
endurance of various afflictions; for it is the very cross that we who follow 
the Lord are ordered to bear daily. Hence rightly does the appearance of 

1 Matt. 11:30 

2 Matt. 16:24 

3 Gregory the Great, Reg. past. 2, 3 (SC 381:184, 43-53) 

4 Bede, De tab. 1, 3; 2, 2; 2, 9 (CCSL 119A: 11, 247-8; 46, 154-60; 74, 1265-6) 




such [a colour] shine among the others on the shoulder of the priest, that it 
may teach him to be always prepared to suffer adversities. 

Now to gold and blue and purple there is added scarlet twice dyed[ that 
all good [works] of virtue may be adorned with charity before the eyes of 
the inner Judge. As all [the vestments] appear before humans with a reddish 
hue, so does [charity] burn with the inner flame of love in the sight of the 
secret Judge. Surely this charity that loves both God and neighbour shines 
as if with a double dyeing . 1 2 

But when the mind has been directed toward the precepts of charity, 
doubtless it still remains for the flesh to be softened through abstinence. 
Hence fine twisted linen is also added to the scarlet twice dyed; since fine 
linen comes from the earth and its appearance is radiant , what could be 
designated by fine linen except chastity\ which glows with the beauty of 
bodily purity? When it has been twisted, [fine linen] is joined to the beauty 
of the superhumerale, because chastity is then brought to the perfect 
brightness of purity when the flesh is made weary through abstinence. 1 

Perhaps it is not unsuitable to say of scarlet, which shines with the 
appearance of fire, that it was also commanded to be made twice dyed 
because it is characteristic of fire to possess a double power, namely, of 
burning and of giving light. Surely it is fitting for one who presides to 
imitate the nature [of fire] when [administering] the word of saving doc¬ 
trine, taking care both to disclose the light of knowledge to those who desire 
[that word] and by reproving the rust of sins to bum it up in those who 
despise [that word]. For when he expounds to his hearers the sweetest 
secrets of the Scriptures, whether they be the miracles or the parables of the 
Lord in the gospels, it is as if he is showing the brightness of light in his 
vesture; and when he strikes out in order [to save] the life of those who are 
haughty by reminding them of eternal vengeance, it is as if he is showing 
the terror of the devouring flame to those who are looking at him. Anyone 
speaking a word to the people should not apply himself solely to rebuking 
the offenses of the wicked, for he may be listened to less willingly if he is 
[100] only arguing about the reproof of sins. Nor should he apply himself solely 
to laying open the secrets of the Scriptures, for if he is only disclosing 
hidden mysteries he may be less helpful to those whom he ought to reprove. 
But when he tempers his speech with both, by explaining the sweetness of 
heavenly secrets to his hearers and by also urging the reproof of their 
behaviour, through which they are enabled to become partakers of those 

1 Gregory the Great, Reg. past ., 2, 3 (SC 381:186, 63-9) 

2 Ibid. (SC 381: 186,73-81) 



[secrets], it is as if the high priest is displaying in his vesture the splendour 
of scarlet twice dyed. 

28:7 It shall have two borders attached at the top on either side, so 
that they may be joined together. Here is what is said later on concerning 
this subject: He made then a superhumerale of gold, blue, and purple, 1 and 
a little further on: And two borders were joined to one another at the top 
on either side 2 From this it appears to have been the case that the borders 
of two pieces were joined together from top to bottom on both sides into a 
doubled garment, in such a way that half of the garment would be visible 
to the eyes of those looking at it from the outside while the other half would 
be concealed on the inside, but the joined borders of the two would come 
all the way down to the lowest point below. What else are we to understand 
by means of this type, except that while we are displaying good works on 
the outside before our neighbours, we must keep them unblemished on the 
inside before the Lord? For we must never let the innocence of a pure 
thought be followed by a pious action that is less than perfect; nor should 
we let the apparent perfection of a work be left to some extent in the lurch, 
abandoned by a relatively imperfect intention in the mind. But it is as if the 
two borders of the superhumerale are joined together with one another, 
when all the good things that we show on the outside are being performed 
on the inside with the pure and simple intention of pleasing God. And this 
is to be on both sides of the superhumerale, so that we may serve our Creator 
in the midst of both adversity and prosperity, with our actions always in 
harmony with our thoughts. For surely the smaller border falls short of the 
wider one and they are unable to meet due to the difference in their 
measurements if, when externally we appear to be doing good for the sake 
of an eternal reward, in the inner recesses of our mind we are entangled with 
the intention of pleasing people, and seek the rewards of human favour 
rather than those of invisible life. 

28:8 Its weaving also and all the variety of its workmanship shall be 
of gold, and blue, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine tw isted 
linen. There was not supposed to be gold in one part of the superhumerale, 
blue in another, and various other colours in still other parts, but when they 
were woven together with the gold also, all the colours were doubtless 
meant to be throughout. For in the activity of a priest, none of the great 
virtues should ever be left off, even for an hour, but the priest or teacher of 
the faithful should always be luminous with the gold of wisdom; he should 
always be lifted up to higher things with the blue of hope; he should always 

1 Exod 39:2 

2 Exod. 39:4 



[101] be courageous against the onslaughts of vices with the purple of a heavenly 

kingdom; he should always be inflamed with the scarlet twice dyed of a 
double love [of God and neighbour]; he should always be shining with the 
fine twisted linen of flesh that has been kept under restraint. 

28:9-12 You shall take two onyx stones, and engrave on them the 
names of the sons of Israel, six names on one stone, and the remaining 
six on the other, in the order of their birth. With the workmanship of 
an engraver and the carving of a jeweller, you shall engrave them with 
the names of the sons of Israel, in gold and encircled, and you shall put 
them on both sides of the supcrhumerale as a memorial for the sons of 
Israel There were three reasons why Aaron always bore the names of the 
patriarchs on his shoulders and also on his breast during the sacrifices: so 
that he himself might remember to imitate the faith and life of the partri- 
archs; so that in his prayers and sacrifices he might retain the memory of 
the twelve tribes that were descended from them; and so that the people 
themselves, when they saw the names of the fathers written on the vesture 
of the one who presided over them, might take painstaking care lest they 
should depart from [the fathers'] merits and turn away to the filthiness of 
error. For this is what it means when it says. And you shall put them on 
both sides of the superhumerale as a memorial for the sons of Israel 
Even now, the high priest wears the names of the patriarchs on his su¬ 
perhumerale when, in everything that he does, anyone who teaches or 
presides in the Church reflecting on the deeds of the fathers who went before 
him is eager to conduct his life in imitation of them, and to bear the burden 
of evangelical perfection. 

Aptly were the names of these fathers commanded to be engraved on 
precious stones, for the deeds of spiritual virtues are precious stones. The 
priest has on his shoulders precious stones upon which the names of the 
fathers have been inscribed when he is himself admired by everyone for the 
radiance of his good works, and when he teaches them that this same 
radiance is not a new discovery of his own but has rather been handed down 
to him on the authority of the ancient fathers. And there are two reasons 
why he carries them on his shoulders: so that he himself may make progress 
by humbly subjecting himself to the precepts of the Lord, and so that he 
may always be holding out heavenly models for his hearers to follow, 
whether his own or those of the fathers. 

Aptly also are the same stones commanded to be set in gold and encircled. 
For gold suggests either the understanding, as we said above, 1 or else 
charity, because just as gold is superior to other metals, so is charity superior 

1 Bede, De. tab. 1 (CCSL 119A: 15, 420-1; 23, 710-13; 24,774-6) 



to the other virtues. The precious stones are set in gold and encircled when 
the exercise of virtues is surveyed 1 all around in every' direction by an 
understanding of such great purity that there is no defect in them that shall 
escape detection, no foulness in them that shall remain, and when these 
same virtues are held together by the bond of charity in such a way that by [102] 
no mutability of circumstances can those virtues fall from their place, or 
slip away from his character 2 3 because he has become sluggish about 
keeping guard over his mind. And there properly follows: 

28:12 And Aaron shall bear their names before the Lord on both of 
his shoulders for remembrance. Surely the priest bears the names of the 
fathers upon both of his shoulders for remembrance when at every hour, 
both in adversity and in prosperity, as he is diligently pondering the life of 
the saints who have gone before, he is always protected by the ornament of 
virtues, striving only after those things that lie ahead and walking (in 
accordance with Paul’spronouncement) 4 with the armour of righteousness 
on the right hand and on the left \ that he may not be deflected on either 
side to base pleasure 

28:13-14 You shall also make hooks of gold, and two little chains of 
the purest gold, linked to one another; these you shall put into the 
hooks. It says that the craftsman was to affix the hooks on the top comers 
of the superhumerale, and it adds that the little chains were not on the 
superhumerale itself but rather on the rational, that is, on its uppermost 
edges. They seem to have been connected by golden rings, so that when the 
high priest got dressed the little chains that hung down from the rational 
could be connected with the hooks of the superhumerale; in this way, they 
were linked together with one another and held firmly in place. For it is 
written more clearly farther on: They made on the rational little chains that 
were linked with one another, of the purest gold, and tw o hooks, and as 
many rings ofgold. Then on either side of the rational they put the rings; 
from these hung the two golden chains, which thev put into the hooks that 
protruded from the edges of the superhumerale . But it will be better to 
discuss the figure of these things in the exposition of the rational. 

1 circumspicitur. Bode plays this off the word circumdatos (‘encircled’) used in his 
quotation of Exod. 28:11. 

2 de habitu\ habitus can mean ‘attire’ as well as ‘character’ or ‘condition’. 

3 Gregory the Great, Reg. past. 2, 3 (SC 381: 182, 30-3); quoting from 2 Cor. 6:7. 

4 Exod. 39:15-17 




28:15-16 And you shall make the rational of judgement with embroi¬ 
dery work of many colours; like the weaving of the superhumerale, it 
shall be of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine 
twisted linen. It shall be square and doubled; it shall be the measure of 
a span in length and also in width. By 'embroidery work of many colours’ 
it means ‘embroidery work of various colours’. Now just as the perfection 
of works is expressed in the superhumerale, so is the purity of the priest’s 
heart and thoughts expressed in the rational of judgement, with which his 
breast was both protected and adorned. 

The rational of judgement properly follows after the superhumerale, so 
that whenever it appears to humans that one is innocent in the work of one’s 
hands, one will strive that much more to be pure in heart when one stands 
in the sight of the Supreme Judge, resolving with all industrious ness that 
whatever one does or decides outwardly towards one’s neighbours will 
shine forth in complete accordance with the standard of inner reason, and 
be pleasing to one’s Maker. Moreover, the priest is commanded to bear the 
rational of judgement upon his breast because the ruler should always 
discern good from evil with careful examination , and studiously consider 
[103] what is suitable, for whom , when, and in what manner . 1 

Now the rational was made doubled so that it could bear the weight of 
the stones more easily. But the doubling of this vestment on the breast of 
the priest of the law admonishes us by means of a type that it is the invisible 
Judge within who proves the reasonableness of our examination, and 
external human estimation is never right to despise it. Or perhaps we bear 
the rational of judgement twofold upon the breast when those things that 
we say or think concerning the true faith and the invisible life are firmly 
established upon reason, and those things that we do visibly, or decide that 
we ought to do, are proved to have been weighed with the balanced 
judgement of just discretioa 

Now the fact that [the rational] was the measure of a span on all four 
sides indicates the indefatigable and constant effort of pious intention. For 
anyone who measures something by the span [of a palm] surely makes a 
great effort to stretch out the hand with the fingers spread apart, so that it 
will be possible to determine the desired measure properly and without any 
trace of doubt. Hence, just as active work is expressed by the hand, so does 

1 Gregory the Great, Reg. past. 2, 2 (SC 381: 178, 28-31). On Gregory’s use of the term 
rector (‘ruler’) to designate one who bears ecclesiastical authority (specifically, a bishop), see 
Markus (1986). 



the span [of a palm] rightly express the same unbending stretching out for 
good works, as long as one is eager to spread out one’s right hand toward 
every possible adornment of virtue. And the same rational is properly 
commanded to be the measure of a span in length and also in width, because 
whether a priest is raising his mind’s desire toward the length of eternal life 
or inclining his affection to the breadth of charity evident in concern for the 
neighbour, his priestly heart must never be sluggish or slothful in any way 
whatsoever, but must always stretch out with ardent zeal to grasp the prize 
of the heavenly calling of God in Christ Jesus. 

28:17-21 And you shall set in [the rational] four rows of stones. In 
the first row there shall be a sardius stone, and a topaz, and an emerald; 
in the second a carbuncle, a sapphire, and a jasper; in the third a ligu re, 
an agate, and an amethyst; in the fourth a chrysolite, an onyx, and a 
beryl. They shall be set in gold according to their rows, and they shall 
have the names of the sons of Israel; with twelve names shall they be 
engraved, each stone with the name of one of the twelve tribes. This 
setting of the diverse gems in the rational designates the manifold grace of 
the various virtues which should always appear in the heart of a priest, 
arranged in harmonious successioa 1 2 Now each one of the stones is in¬ 
scribed with the name of one of the fathers when the ruler searches out the 
life of the saints by careful investigation, considering how they are adorned 
with many works of virtues, and when he is eager to gather them all together 
in the hidden recesses of his breast by meditating on them, and to bring 
them forth by putting them into action. 3 

For not without a particular sacramental reason were these two vestments 
encircled with precious stones and marked with the names of the fathers in 
such a way that the names on the superhumerale were inscribed on two 
stones of exactly the same kind, but the twelve names on the rational were 
inscribed on stones of diverse kinds. That [the names of] the fathers were 
carved on precious stones of exactly the same kind clearly signifies that the 
hearts of all the fathers are filled with one and the same faith in God, the 

1 Phil. 3:14 

2 Bede had also interpreted gems as representative of diverse virtues in the earliest of his 
biblical commentaries, where he commented on the jewels that form the foundations of the 
holy city in Rev. 21:19-20; cf. InApoc. 3, 21 {PL 93: 197B-203B), especially the reference to 
the stones on the high priest’s rational (203A). For Bede’s sources in that passage, see Kitson 
(1983). Eight of the twelve stones in the rational ofExod. 28:17- 20 are also mentioned in Rev. 
21:19-20, and Bede may have considered it unnecessary to expound the meaning of the 
individual stones here since he had already done so at considerable length in the earlier 

3 Gregory the Great, Reg. past. 2, 2 {SC 381: 178, 22-8) 




very same charily, and a common hope of heavenly life; but that they were 
written on stones of diverse kinds figuratively indicates that when the 
aforesaid faith, hope and charity of the saints have been well established, 
they will shine with a manifold and varied grace of good works. 

Now on the rational there were four rows, and each of them consisted of 
three stones. What is being suggested to us by means of a type, except that 
we ought to hold fast to unfeigned faith in the Holy Trinity by [exercising] 
what are known as the four principal virtues? For surely the priest has four 
rows of gems on his breast when everything that he thinks has been made 
circumspect by prudence, constant by fortitude, excellent by justice, and 
free from every evil by temperance. 1 But the rows also have three gems 
when the same prudence, fortitude, justice, and temperance have been 
sanctified by faith in the Holy Trinity. Since our life in the present time 
consists of right faith and action, the priest aptly bears four rows of gems 
on his breast, so that he may be distinguished in his action, and there are 
three gems in each row, so that along with his works he may be pure in the 
sincerity of his faith. As a result, to everyone who sees him he will always 
exhibit both the confession of a true faith and the examples of good action, 
so that by imitating his right faith and action they may themselves also merit 
to be made members of the High Priest. 

In the variegated beauty of the stones, we are certainly able to apprehend 
not only the multiform brilliance of the priest’s action and thought, but also 
the charisms of spiritual virtue and the miracles of healing. Concerning 
them, the Lord himself says to his apostles, ‘ Cure the sick ; raise the dead\ 
cleanse the lepers, cast out demons , ’ 2 3 and again, ‘And these signs will 
follow those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons: they will 
speak in new tongues ; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any 
deadly thing , it will not hurt them. 3 But whether they designate the one or 
[105] the other or both, rightly is twelve the number [of stones] that is commanded 

to be made on the rational, so that we may learn that the deeds and miracles 
of those who follow in the unity of apostolic faith and charity are the only 
ones accepted by God. There may be others who speak in tongues; there 
may be others who distribute all their property to the poor, there may be 
others who hand over their bodies to be burned; but if they do not have the 
unity of catholic charity, it profits them nothing 4 

1 Jerome, Ep. 64, 20, 3 (CSEL 54: 611, 10-12) 

2 Matt. 10:8 

3 Mark 16:17-18 

4 1 Cor. 13:1-4 



Rightly also were the two onyx stones on the superhumerale engraved 
with [the names of] the same number of twelve fathers, so that they might 
signify that the doctrine and faith of the apostles would be for the benefit 
of both peoples, that is, Jews and Gentiles. This accords with that which 
the Lord promises openly to the spiritual Jerusalem (that is, to his Church) 
when he says, ‘ For you will make your way to the right and to the left\ and 
your descendants will inherit the nations. ’ 

Now since onyx is alleged to be red in colour (that is to say, sparkling 
like fire and encircled with white bands 1 2 ), who does not see that it desig¬ 
nates either the ardour of charity or the light of knowledge, accompanied 
by the band of chastity? The priest wears the names of the fathers inscribed 
on stones of this sort whenever he is following after 3 4 the righteous who 
have gone before by devoting continual zeal to charity, chastity, humility 
in teaching, and other works of virtue. And [he wears] them on both 
shoulders so that anyone who is present, whether Jew or Gentile, may regard 
in the teacher that brilliance of truth and piety through which [the observer] 
also will advance to better things. 

28:22-5 And on the rational you shall make chains linked to one 
another, of the purest gold, and two rings of gold, which you shall put 
at the top of the rational, on either side; and the golden chains you shall 
join to the rings that are on its edges. And the ends of the chains 
themselves shall be joined together with the two hooks on either side 
of the superhumerale, which is facing towards the rational. This was 
the design of the work, as far as we can make it out: there were two hooks 
placed at the two comers at the top of the superhumerale, and there were 
two rings opposite them, on the two comers at the top of the rational, from 
which hung the two golden chains 4 When it was time [for the priest] to get 
dressed, these [chains] were inserted into the hooks that protruded from the 
edges of the superhumerale —as it is written more clearly later on— in such 
a way that the superhumerale and the rational were bound together . 5 Up 
to this point the upper connection of these [two vestments] has been 
described; now there follows what Scripture adds concerning the lower 
[connection], which was underneath the armpits: 

28:26 You shall also make two rings of gold, which you shall put on 
the top parts of the rational, and on the borders that are opposite the 

1 Isa. 54:3 

2 Isidore, Etymol. 16, 8, 3 (ed. Lindsay, vol. 2) 

3 exsecutus, a well-attested MS variant for expectatus, ‘eagerly awaited’ 

4 Exod. 39:17 

5 Exod. 39:17-18 



[106] superhumerale and look toward its back. When it says, and on the 
borders that are opposite the superhumerale, this does not mean ‘on the 
borders of the superhumerale’, but rather ‘on the borders of that other thing, 
which are opposite the superhumerale’—that is, on the borders of the 
rational, which are obviously the borders opposite the superhumerale. For 
opposite those rings that were on the highest and lowest edges of the rational 
there were other similar rings also on both sides of the superhumerale, to 
w hich they were joined by binding ribbons. Concerning these [other rings] 
there is subsequently added: 

28:27 And also another two rings of gold, which are to be put 
underneath, on each side of the superhumerale, that faces toward the 
lower joining, so that it may be fitted with the superhumerale. It says, 
that faces toward the lower joining, because it had already spoken about 
the upper joining which was above the shoulders. It is clear that the 
difference between these joinings was that the upper one was fashioned 
with little chains, but the lower one with binding ribbons. Hence there is 
openly added: 

28:28 And the rational shall be fastened by its rings to the rings of 
the superhumerale with a blue ribbon, so that the fabricated joining 
may be maintained, and the rational and the superhumerale may not 
be separated from one another. Now we must not suppose that both 
garments came to an end at the same point. The rational, which measured 
a span in length as also in width, was just barely long enough to cover the 
chest, but the superhumerale reached all the way to the girdle, 1 as is shown 
much more clearly later on, where it is written: They met each other both 
in front and behind; in this way the superhumerale and the rational were 
bound together ; being fastened to the sash and securely connected with 
rings which were joined with a blue ribbon , lest they should slip loose and 
be moved away from one another . 2 

These things were spoken according to the letter concerning the connec¬ 
tion of the superhumerale and the rational. But since, as we have said more 
than once, the superhumerale pertains to the consummation of good works 
and the rational signifies purity of thought, the connection that unites them 
to each another rightly indicates Figuratively that industriousness of mind 
with which the understanding and the faith of faithful teachers is joined 
together w ith action. For the fabricated joining is maintained, so that the 

1 ‘girdle’ = cingulum; following the example of the text of Exodus, Bede uses this term 
interchangeably with balteus ~ ‘sash’. 

2 Exod. 39:18-19 



rational and the superhumerale may not be separated from one an¬ 
other, because the ruler excels just as much in his eruditon as in his zeal 
for works, so that nothing that he knows he ought to do will be left 
unfinished, and nothing that he seems to be doing rightly will be deprived 
of the excellence of its rectitude due to his carelessness of heart. Surely the 
garments of the high priest fall down and are moved away from one another 
if an inferior custody over the heart defiles the beauty of good work, or if 
the integrity of perfect action does not follow the chastity of pure thought. 
In order to keep them from being separated from each another, the priest 
has on the rational two little chains of the purest gold; that is to say, he has 
the continuation of pure and unfeigned love fixed firmly in his heart, and it 
never allows his hand or his tongue to be out of conformity with pure reason. 

It is appropriate that there are two [of these little chains], so that he may 
advance properly in both the observance of divine sendee and the relief of 
the needs of the brethren. And the work of charity is aptly expressed by 
little golden chains, because just as one little chain is woven from many 
golden strands, so is charity perfected from the exercise of many different 
virtues. Assuredly, the Apostle describes these strands when he says, 
Charity is patient; it is kind; charity is not envious or false or puffed up; it 
is not ambitious; it does not seek its own advantage; it is not provoked to 
anger; it does not think evil; it does not rejoice over injustice , but rejoices 
in the truth , 1 and so forth. 

Let [the priest] also have rings of gold from which those chains may hang; 
that is, let him have the perpetual memory of eternal and never-ending 
brightness in the heavenly homeland, for it is only by means of this memory 
that continuous bonds of charity are able to remain in us. Let him have two 
hooks protruding out from the comers of the superhumerale, into which the 
chains may be inserted; that is, in the very beginning of every good action 
let him have a firm intention of pleasing God, which is ready to be supported 
and held together in everything by the love of God and neighbour in such 
a way that whatever may occur, whether good fortune or bad, the most 
salutary bond of pious devotion may never be undone. For surely this is 
what it means for the priest to have on both shoulders hooks that receive 
the little chains of the rational: for him to be zealously fixed on pleasing 
God in prosperous and adverse circumstances alike, and for him to be 
strengthened in this zealous intention by love for [God] himself, and for the 
neighbour as well. Accordingly, the hooks of the superhumerale are inserted 
into the little golden chains that are brought over from the top parts of the 
rational when as soon as the rational mind tastes something according to 

[ 107 ] 

1 1 Cor. 13:4-6 



the inner light of charity, eagerness to do good works willingly embraces 
it and takes it up; otherwise, before very long the most beautiful garment 
of the rational accidentally slides away from the priest’s breast, unless the 
hook of good work to hold it together hastens to grasp it. 

[108] The two garments of the priest must also be joined together by blue 
ribbons that must be put into place to assist the little chains; that is, the 
superhumerale and the rationale are tied together by very strong bands of 
heavenly desire which are put into the golden rings. This is the case when, 
having perceived the light of the eternal homeland, we sigh for that ineffable 
glory and, so that we may be deemed worthy to enter therein, strive to serve 
the Lord in the tabernacle of the present Church in such a way that our faith 
is always in harmony with our life, and our work with our profession. 

Farther on, when the priest is being dressed, it is indicated more clearly 
that the superhumerale was drawn together by a sash, for it says, And over 
it he put the humerale, and drawing it tight with the sash, he fitted it to the 
rational 1 Who does not see that the guardian of good works is continence? 
Concerning that most faithful virtue, the Lord also says in the gospel, 'Let 
your loins be girded and let your lamps be burning , 2 which is to say, ‘Let 
your loins be girded through continence and let your lamps be burning 
through the exercise of virtues.’ 3 

28:29 And Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel in the 
rational of judgement upon his breast when he goes into the sanctuary, 
as a memorial before the Lord for ever. It is indeed always necessary for 
the priest to carry the memory of the fathers within his breast, but most 
especially at the time when he is going up to the altar to minister before the 
Lord. In that place where the ministry is more sacred, he should heed the 
examples of the saints that much more diligently, by cleansing himself with 
all zeal and adorning himself with all industriousness of mind and body, so 
that by proving to be an assiduous imitator of those [examples] he may show 
himself fit for divine eyes. Moreover, Aaron carries the names of the sons 
of Israel upon his breast as a memorial before the Lord for ever when every 
faithful leader never ceases to be concerned for those over whom he has 
been appointed, but is continually eager to strengthen their life by exhorting, 
reproving, and consoling them, and to commend them to the Lord with 
frequent prayers, that they may be strengthened and protected. 

1 Lev. 8:7-8 

2 Luke 12:35 

3 Gregory the Great, Horn, in evang. 13, 1 (PL 76: 1123D-1124A); cf. Bede, In Luc. 4 
(CCSL 120:256,992-5) 



28:30 And in the rational of judgement you shall put Doctrine and 
Truth, which shall be on Aaron’s breast when he goes in before the 
Lord. Whether engraved on it in writing or put into it as a sacrament, by 
name only, the reason that Doctrine and Truth were in the rational of 
judgement was so that when the high priest was clothed with that same 
vestment he might remember that by receiving the priesthood he had been 
consecrated for investigating the study of doctrine and truth, and not for 
conducting and examining secular business. As a result, he would take care 
that the external type shining forth on his vestment should be expressed 
interiorly in his heart. Moreover, Doctrine and Truth were put in the rational 
so that it might be clearly figured that this vestment not only clothed the 
high priest of the law but also foretold the high priest of the gospel, which 
could be the Lord himself of whom it is written. For the law was given 
through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ, 1 or perhaps his 
apostles, or maybe even all the heraJds of that same grace and truth. 

28:30 And he shall wear the judgement of the children of Israel on 
his breast in the sight of the Lord always. The priest wears the judgement 
of the children of Israel on his breast in the sight of the Lord when he 
examines his subjects' cases in accordance with the mind ofthe inner Judge 
alone, so that he allows nothing of his own lowliness to he mixed with that 
which he dispenses as a result of his being set in a divine office 1 2 


28:31 And you shall make the tunic of the superhumerale all of blue. 
It speaks of the tunic of the superhumerale, much of which was covered 
by the superhumerale, in distinction from the inner tunic, which was linen. 
In like manner, it makes mention of these [tunics] above, when it says, And 
these will be the vestments that they shall make: a rational and a su¬ 
perhumerale, a tunic and a close-fitting linen garment . 3 Thus the inner 
tunic was linen (or fine twisted linen, which is generally acknowledged to 
be the noblest kind of linen), but the outer tunic was all of blue, with nothing 
of any other colour being allowed at all. The uniformity of its appearance 
clearly teaches what sort of life ought to be characteristic of a priest: that 
is, he should be unceasingly intent upon heavenly desires alone, and (in the 

1 John 1:17 

2 Gregory the Great, Reg. past. 2,2 (SC 381: 178,38-41); Bede has humilitatis (‘lowliness’) 
where Gregory had humamtatis (‘humanity’). 

3 Exod. 28:4 

[ 109 ] 



words of the Apostle) he should have his conversation in heaven, 1 2 3 eagerly 
expecting from there the coming of his Saviour. 

Surely this tunic reached to the feet, as did the fine twisted linen one also; 
for this reason both of them were called poderis in Greek. In this way it 
was shown that nothing low or sordid should remain in the life of a priest, 
but in everything that he does all his members should be covered from head 
to foot with the grace of virtues, as though they were most resplendent with 
the colour of the sky. 

Moreover, the priest is vested in a tunic all of blue and reaching to the 
ankles as a reminder that all those who wish to be saved must not only make 
a beginning of heavenly work but must also persevere in it unto the end. 
For surely to be vested with a blue tunic unto the feet is to devote oneself 
to good works until the end of this life, as the Lord commands and promises, 
'Be faithful until death, and J will give you the crown of life. ^ And because 
the only way that we can attain the perfection of good action through 
untiring resolution is if we have our intention fixed on a heavenly reward 
from the beginning, rightly is it added concerning the same tunic: 

[ 110 ] 28:32 In the middle of it there shall be an opening on top for the head, 

with a border woven all around it, as is customarily made on the outer 
edges of garments, so that it may not be easily tom. The opening for the 
head in the blue tunic has a border that is veiy strong and woven out of itself 
so that it may not be easily tom 4 when it is proved that the beginning of our 
good action is based on the strong foundation of godly fear and well-pro¬ 
tected against all assaults of the ancient enemy. For surely a border of this 
sort clothes and adorns the neck of the priest all around when it gives the 
ruler a very great confidence in speaking and preaching heavenly things to 
his subjects, inasmuch as he has not only lived rightly throughout the course 
of his life, but has also begun with rectitude from the very start, in 
accordance with the examples of the blessed prophets Samuel, Jeremiah, 
and John [the Baptist], who from their very infancy were filled with the 
grace of the Holy Spirit and set apart for the order of teachers. 5 And since 
the voice is indeed [located] in the neck, it is quite appropriate for the neck 
to depict the ability to speak. 

Now when the border of the opening for the head was being commanded 
to be made woven all around, aptly was it immediately added, as is 

1 Phil. 3:20 

2 The Greek word rco5T)pT}C literally means ‘reaching to the feet’. 

3 Rev. 2:10 

4 Jerome, Ep. 64, 14, 1 (CSEL 54: 600, 10-12) 

5 1 Sam. 1:11, 27-8; Jer. 1:4-5; Luke 1:13-17 



customarily made on the outer edges of garments. For just as woiks are 
figured by the vestments, it is not unsuitable for the completion of works 
to be figured by the outer edges of the vestments. Or perhaps the outer edges 
of the vestments are those final acts of solicitude with which all the faithful, 
when we are being constrained to finish this life, strive more intently than 
usual to cleanse ourselves of the stain of every evil, making expiation 1 with 
fear and trembling. As a result, when we are led before the strict Judge we 
shall not be cast out on account of the unclean garment of our vices and be 
thrown into eternal darkness, 2 but shall instead appear clothed as God's 
chosen ones, holy and beloved, with mercy ; kindness, humility, modesty, 
and patience in the inmost parts ,. . . and above all these ... charity, which 
is the bond of perfection . 3 For this is truly the wedding garment that our 
King and Judge is pleased to find on his spouse, that is, on the Holy Church. 

But the blue tunic of the priest has a woven border on the opening for the 
head, as is customarily made on the outer edges of garments, w hen there is 
one illustrious teacher w ho begins the work of virtue with a high degree of 
perfection, although another one hardly ever attains to it, though he labours 
for a very long time; or when there is one who serves at every hour with 
great fear while walking humbly with the Lord his God in accordance with 
the word of the prophet, 4 5 while another is hardly capable of having that 
much fear even when he is about to die and enter into the last judgement 
before his Lord. But since the complete perfection of the priest is comprised 
of works and the teaching of truth, in accordance with blessed Luke’s 
comment that in writing his gospel he had composed a treatise concerning 
the things that Jesus began to do and to teach , rightly is there added: 

28:33 And all around the lower hem of the same tunic you shall make 
pomegranates, as it were, of blue, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, 
with bells mixed in between. Surely there are pomegranates, as it were, 
and bells made all around the lower hem of the tunic when the priest attains 
to a way of life that is devoted to God with so much excellence that nothing 
else is seen in him but the splendour and the grace and the manifold 
flowering (if I may put it that way) of good works, and nothing other than 
their sweetest sound is heard from him when he opens his mouth. For since 
in a pomegranate there are many seeds on the inside covered by one rind 
on the outside, rightly does the pomegranate designate the multifarious 

1 ‘making expiation’ = procurantes 

2 Matt. 22:2-13 

3 Col. 3:12, 14 

4 Mic. 6:8 

5 Acts 1:1 




exercise of virtues, which is protected on eveiy side by the single rampart 
of charity. 

Now it happens that the image of these pomegranates was imprinted with 
blue and purple and scarlet twice dyed, and (as we find out later on 1 ) w ith 
fine twisted linen also; the variety of virtues is quite often suggested by 
these four colours. And bells are mixed in between these [pomegranates] 
when the priest’s work is never inconsistent with the sound of the word that 
he speaks and the sound of his tongue never disagrees with the rectitude of 
his work, even when he is plagued by adversities. Here there is pleasingly 

28:34 In such a way that there shall be a golden bell and a pomegran¬ 
ate, and another golden bell again and a pomegranate. Golden bells are 
surely inserted into the blue tunic of the high priest and placed around on 
every side when his eveiy word resounds with the clarity of heavenly light 
and when that same sound is also commended to the minds of his hearers 
by its sublimiity, just as though it were firmly fixed in the blue tunic of 
works. And there are two pomegranates around every bell and two bells 
around every pomegranate when everything that he says is confirmed by 
his good actions and thereby fixed the more firmly in the hearts of his 
hearers, and when everything that he does, in so far as it accords with reason, 
is proclaimed in the distinct sound of a word. There properly follows: 

28:35 And Aaron shall be vested with it in the exercise of his ministry, 
so that the sound may be heard w hen he goes into the sanctuary in the 
sight of the Lord, and when he comes out, so that he may not die. Surely 
the priest dies if no sound is heardfrom him when he goes in or comes out 
of the sanctuary , because he arouses the wrath of the hidden Judge against 
himself if he approaches without the sound ofpreaching 2 If we are willing 
to pay attention to those words of Josephus in which he says that there were 
[112] seventy-two pomegranates on the tunic of the high priest and the same 
number of bells, 3 [we shall find that] this is consistent with the figures of 
the mysteries. In the same way that [the high priest] was ordered to bear the 
apostolic number on the shoulder and the breast, he also had the number of 
the seventy-two disciples distributed around his feet. 4 For just as the 

1 Exod. 39:22 

2 Gregory the Great, Reg. past. 2, 4 (SC 381: 190, 52-4) 

3 Bede has in fact derived the information that follows not from Josephus’ description of 
the tunic in Ant. Jud. 3, 7, 4 (ed. Blatt, 238, 19-21), but from Jerome, Ep. 64, 14, 2 (CSEL 54: 
600, 12-13). This is a rare instance in which Bede derived an allegorical meaning from a non- 
biblical source, contrary to a principle he was to express several years later in De templo 2 
(CCSL 119A: 193, 73-6). See Holder (1989a), 129-31. 

4 Luke 10:1 



number of the twelve apostles marked the beginning of the episcopal rank, 
it is apparent that the seventy-two disciples, who were also sent out by the 
Lord to preach the word, signify in their selection the lesser rank of 
priesthood which is now called the presbyterate. For the same reason, it is 
appropriate that these [seventy-two] were Figured in the last part of the 
priestly vesture, as those [twelve] had been in the first. For it was fitting 
that the type of those who were to occupy a higher rank in the body of the 
High Priest (that is, in the Church of Christ) should have a higher place in 
the typic clothing of the high priest. 

But if anyone also wishes to interpret the numbers in these same two 
orders mystically, [then we might say that] Aaron bore twelve precious 
stones on his breast in order to signify that there would come a time in which 
the faith of the Holy Trinity would be preached to the human race in all four 
parts of the world. Or perhaps, as we have also explained above, 1 he carried 
twelve precious stones (that is, three groups of four) in order to advise all 
teachers that they should always possess both the works of righteousness 
which are chiefly comprehended in the four virtues along with faith in the 
truth of the Trinity, and that they should also urge their disciples to possess 
the same. 

He also bore seventy-two golden bells with the same number of pome¬ 
granates, that he might mystically show that the same faith and the same 
working of righteousness were going to lead the whole world from the 
darkness of error into the true light. For three days and nights contain 
seventy-two hours, and during the course of seventy-two hours this visible 
sun of ours circles every part of the world three times in succession as it 
sheds its light up above and down below. Aptly, then, was this the number 
of bells and pomegranates of diverse colours placed on the high priest’s 
tunic, teaching figuratively that Christ the Sun of righteousness 2 w as going 
to illuminate the entire world and bestow upon it the gift of true faith, which 
lies in the acknowledgement and confession of the Holy Trinity, and also 
the gift of good w orks, which are found in the flowering and the splendour 
of the various virtues. 

Of course we can also understand that in the number of the twelve 
precious stones of the rational there is being figuratively expressed that the 
same Sun of righteousness is going to fill all our times and all regions of 
our world with his light, after the pattern of the mundane sun which is 
accustomed to traverse the circuit of the zodiac and to go around the entire 
world during the course of twelve months. For the fact that each of the four 

1 Bede, De tab. 3, 5 (CCSL 119A: 104, 443-52) 

2 Mai. 4:2 

[ 113 ] 



rows on the rational contains three stones corresponds to the sequence of 
the yearly cycle, which is divided into four seasons of three months each. 
Now in the Scriptures the entire year is designated as the time of our 
salvation, in which we strive for an eternal reward. As the Saviour himself 
bears witness, he was sent in accordance with the saying of Isaiah to preach 
the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of recompense. 1 The psalmist 
also sings to him concerning the same year, saying, ‘You bless the crown 
of the year with your goodness. ,2 For in the present time he gives them the 
goodness of right faith and working, and on the day of recompense he will 
give the crown of everlasting blessing. 


28:36-8 You shall also make a plate of the purest gold, on which you 
shall engrave with engraver’s work, ‘Holy to the Lord’. And you shall 
tic it w ith a blue ribbon, and it shall be upon the turban, hanging down 
over the forehead of the high priest. This golden plate on the forehead of 
the high priest, on which was engraved ‘Holy to the Lord’ (or The Holy of 
the Lord 5 , as it is related farther on 3 ) was holier than his other garments, 
and rightly so, because just as the divine power stands out above everything 
that it has created, so was it necessary that its name should stand out higher 
by surmounting the other garments and adornments of the high priest, and 
sanctify them all (as it were) by occupying a prominent position on his 
forehead. Now this signifies the very pledge of our profession which we 
bear on our forehead, 4 each of us saying with the Apostle, May I never boast 
except in the cross ofour Lord Jesus Christ. 5 And rightly was this the only 
thing in the vesture of the high priest that was made completely of gold, so 
that it might show forth the purity of the hearts in which we ought to 
recollect the mysteries of our redemption, or the purity of the bodies upon 
which they ought to be worn. Or perhaps the priest wears ‘The Holy of the 

1 Isa. 61:2; Luke 4:19 

2 Ps. 65:11 (64:12) 

3 Exod. 39:29 (Vulg.) 

4 The repeated signing of the cross on the foreheads of those enrolled for baptism was a 
conspicuous feature of the catechumenal rites of the Roman liturgy, as was the twofold signing 
of the cross with chrism (once by a presbyter and once by the bishop) on the foreheads of the 
newly baptized; see the Gelasian Sacramentary 1, 26-44 (ed. Wilson, 34-87) and the Ordo 
Romanus XI 1-105 (ed. Andrieu, 2: 417-47). Cf. the early ninth-century Irish Stowe Missal 
fol. 46v-59 (ed. Warner, 32: 24-33), which has only one post-baptismal anointing (by a 
presbyter), but also calls for the sign of the cross to be made upon the right hand of the newly 

5 Gal. 6:14 



Lord’ inscribed in gold on his forehead so that he might mystically suggest 
that we should venerate and embrace the passion of our Lord and Saviour 
through which we have been redeemed in such a way that we recognize in 
it the brightness of the divine majesty through which we were created, and 
which it is equally necessaiy for us to confess. Furthermore, [the high priest 
was suggesting] that we confess the death of the humanity assumed by [our 
Lord] in such a way that we acknowledge that the same humanity immedi¬ 
ately rose again from death unto eternal glory. 

Now The Holy of the Lord’, which is ordered to be engraved on the 
plate, signifies his holy and venerable name, which among the Hebrews is 
accustomed to be written with four vowel letters, that is, with ioth, he, vav, 
and he ; the interpretation of these sounds is ineffable in their language, 1 2 3 not 
because it cannot be spoken but because it cannot be comprehended by the 
understanding or the intellect of any creature. And since there is nothing 
that can worthily be said concerning [his name], on that account is it quite 
rightly said to be ineffable, in accordance with that [sayim*] of the Apostle, 
And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding , the psalmist also 
says. Great is the Lord\ and greatly to be praised\ and of his greatness there 
is no end? 

Properly was the same name of the Lord inscribed on the forehead of the 
high priest with four letters, in order to signify the same number of parts of 
the Lord’s cross which we were going to bear on our foreheads, that is, the 
upper, the lower, the right, and the left. Moreover, we bear ‘The Holy of 
the Lord’ engraved in gold on our foreheads when we are purged of the 
uncleanness of the vices which we inherited from our first parent [Adam], 
and receive in ourselves the image and likeness of our Creator, in which we 
have been created. We do not conceal in secret the fact that we have received 
it, but we openly make it known to everyone by word and deed, in 
accordance with that [saying] of the Apostle: Just as we have borne the 
image of the earthly [man], let us also bear the image of the heavenly 
[man] 4 He explains this even more clearly when he speaks to the Colos- 
sians, saying, But now you must also put away all anger, indignation, 
malice, blasphemy, filthy speech from your mouth . Do not lie to one 

1 Jerome, Ep. 64, 17, 1 (CSEL 54: 604, 16-18). In Hebrew the Tetragrammaton is actually 
comprised of four consonants; Jerome simply says that it is written ‘in four letters’. Bede may 
have been confused about this due to his lack of firsthand knowledge of Hebrew, on which 
see Sutcliffe (1935). 

2 Phil. 4:7 

3 Ps. 145:3(144:3) 

4 1 Cor. 15:49 




another , since you have stripped yourselves of the old man with his deeds, 
and have put on the new, which is being renewed in knowledge according 
to the image of the one who created him 1 In the Apocalypse, John also 
writes of this [inscription], namely, ‘The Holy of the Lord’, saying, I saw 
the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him were one hundred 
forty-four thousand who had his name and his Father's name written on 
their foreheads 2 Once again, in describing the brightness of the heavenly 
homeland, he says , And the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and 
his servants will serve him, and they will see his face, and his name will be 
on their foreheads . 3 Consequently, since all of those who follow the Lamb 
(that is, all the faithful) ought to have this same most sacred and venerable 
name on the very forehead of their profession, how much more necessary 
must it be for those chosen for leadership of the Lord’s flock, having 
received the priesthood and the spiritual office of teaching, to exhibit in 
themselves an example of virtue for all? 

Now the plate containing ‘The Holy of the Lord’ is tied to the turban of 
the high priest with a blue ribbon when we are greatly strengthened in our 
faith by the hope for heavenly rewards which is designated by [the colour] 
blue. Therefore, we shall strive all the more intently to keep undefiled that 
which we know to be the only way of salvation, [which we can understand 
as] either the sacraments of our redemption or the image and likeness of 
our Creator and Redeemer. 

We shall speak about the figure of the turban later on, in its own proper 
[115] place. But because a priest ought to be so industrious that he is able to correct 

and chastise the sins of the people by his exhortation, rebuke, and admoni¬ 
tion, and so deserving before God that he is able to wash them away with 
his prayers, rightly is there added: 

28:38 And Aaron shall bear the guilt of those things that they will 
offer and sanctify among the children of Israel in all their gifts and 
offerings. Surely the high priest bears the guilt of his subjects (that is, he 
bears it away and removes it) when his teaching calls them to repent of their 
transgressions, or when he procures the favour of the righteous Judge 
toward those who are penitent by making supplication for his grace. And 
he does this in the gifts and offerings that they will offer and sanctify to the 
Lord when he absolves the penitent from the guilt of the evil deeds they 
have previously committed, for the sake of the fruits worthy of repentance 4 

1 Col. 3:8-10 

2 Rev. 14:1 

3 Rev. 22:3-4 

4 Matt. 3:8; Luke 3:8 



(that is, the alms and the other works of righteousness) which they will 
produce. All these tilings are to be carried out in this way by divine 
institution, as has been mystically figured in the vesture of the high priest 
and also openly taught in the w ; ords of Sacred Eloquence. 

Sadly, the actions of certain ones who preside fin the Church) are far 
different from this. They are willing to accept—and even to demand! — 
gifts and offerings from the people, but they do not bother to labour on their 
behalf, that their guilt may be carried away and rebuked and pardoned. The 
only justification they have for taking temporal gifts from their subjects is 
that they have guided them away from error by preaching about eternal 
goods and have led them back to the w ay of truth, in imitation of the first 
teachers in the Holy Church, who confidently said to those from whom they 
were receiving temporal support. If we have sown spiritual things among 
you, is it too much if we reap your material things? But because anyone 
who presides or any minister of the word, whether he is preaching or making 
supplication to the Lord, can only be effectual in his labours on his subjects’ 
behalf if his soul is always endowed with the memory of the Divine Name, 
there follows: 

28:38 And the plate shall always be on his forehead, in order that the 
Lord may be kindly disposed toward them. The Lord will be kindly 
disposed toward the children of Israel if the plate with the name of the Lord 
will always be on Aaron’s forehead, because when the teacher faithfully 
subjects himself to the divine sendee with a pure mind, then those who are 
subject to his example and who wait upon his counsel are also themselves 
fired with zeal to live rightly, and to merit the grace of the internal Observer. 



28:39 And you shall bind the tunic with fine linen. This is the inner 
tunic, which above is called a close-fitting linen garment 1 2 We have already 
explained above the reason that it was called ‘a close-fitting linen garment’ 
or commanded to be bound with fine linen. 3 Now we should add that 
soldiers are accustomed to ha\>e linen garments called ‘cam isi as ’ which 
are fitted to their limbs and bound close to their bodies in such a way> that 
whether they are on the march or in battle they are ready to throw a jan’elin, 

[ 116 ] 

1 1 Cor. 9:11 

2 Exod. 28:4 

3 Bede, De lab. 3, 3; 3. 6 (CCSL. 119A: 98, 201-4; 109, 638-49) 



hold a shield , or brandish a sword wherever necessity demands; 1 we read 
that when Joab killed Amasa he was wearing something of this sort, namely, 
a close-fitting garment that was as long as the rest of his altirc 2 Accordingly, 
the priests also wore this tunic when they were prepared for the ministry 
of God\ so that clothed in vestments of simple beauty they could run with 
quickness . 3 

Because this tunic, like the blue one, reached to the feet, it too was called 
in Greek poderis , that is, a long robe reaching to the ankles. 4 The mystical 
significance of this is clear, for we have already agreed that linen or fine 
linen signifies the continence and chastity of our body, in accordance with 
what we have frequently explained above. Priests have a close-fitting linen 
garment or a tunic of fine linen when they never weaken or mentally waver 
in their intention to remain continent, but maintain it with such constancy 
that the concupiscent flesh never makes war against the spirit, or the spirit 
against the flesh. 5 They have a close-fitting linen garment when their soul 
longs and faints for the courts of the Lord so completely that their heart and 
their flesh are mutually allied with one another, rejoicing together in the 
living God. 6 

This linen [tunic] is not only a close-fitting garment but also a poderis , 
that is, one that hangs down to the feet, when continence is not imposed 
upon any one member by force but is rather accomplished with the willing 
cooperation of the whole body. For surely this linen garment ought to bind 
the hands and arms of the priest, lest they should do anything that is not 
suitable; the breast, lest it should think something vain; the belly, lest it 
should presume to make a glutton of itself by seeking pleasures beyond the 
limit set by God; the members located beneath the belly, lest they should 
mar the beauty of the entire priestly vesture by being lascivious; the knees, 
lest they should become stiff from their constancy in prayer, the legs and 
feet, lest they should run tow ard evil. Therefore, let the priest first be clothed 
with a close-fitting linen garment, so that he may restrain his body from 
wicked deeds and his mind from improper thoughts; then let him also 
receive a blue [tunic], so that after the salutary discipline of continence he 
may beautify both body and soul alike by the practice 7 of spiritual virtues. 

1 Jerome, Ep. 64, 11, 2 {CSEL 54: 598, 10-13) 

2 2 Sam. 20:8 

3 Jerome, Ep. 64, 11, 2 ( CSEL 54: 598, 13-15) 

4 'a long robe reaching to the ankles' = talaris. The Greek word JToSrjpTl^ literally means 
‘reaching to the feet’. 

5 Gal 5:17 

6 Ps. 84:2(83:3) 

7 habitu , which can also mean ‘garment’ or ‘vesture’. 



But since four of the five bodily senses (sight, hearing, taste, and smell) are 
proper to the head and the last (touch) is common to the whole body, this 
tunic of which we have been speaking properly designates both the conti¬ 
nence and the righteousness of touch. Consequently, the innocence that we 
are supposed to preserve in the other four senses, or the sanctification of 
them that we are supposed to seek, is figuratively shown in the vesture of 
the high priest when it is said: 

28:39 And you shall make a fine linen turban. Surely the turban, 1 
which is also called a head-dress 2 or mitre, 3 covers and adorns the head of 
the high priest so that he may be admonished by this garment to consecrate 
all the senses of his head to God, lest his eyes should look at vanity, 4 or his 
ears take up a reproach against his neighbour 5 by willingly listening [to the 
same], or his mouth be filled with vile ness and his tongue frame deceit; 6 


lest his heart should be weighed down with intoxication and drunkenness, 
or his sense of smell embrace the couch of a harlot perfumed with myrrh 
aloes, and cinnamon. 8 On the contrary, let his eyes be looking at equity; 
let his ears be inclined to hear the words of prudence; 10 let the eloquences 
of the Lord be sweeter in his throat than honey and the honeycomb; 11 as 
long as breath remains in him, let him neither speak iniquity nor depart from 
his innocence. 12 And with regard to the fifth sense, which is common to the 
whole body, let him be careful to fulfill that prophetic [command]: ‘ Depart , 
depart, go out from there; touch no unclean thing. ,13 As the Apostle 
admonishes, Let us cleanse ourselvesfrom every defilement of the flesh and 
of the spirit, making sanctification perfect in the fear of God . 14 

Now Josephus explains how this turban was made when he says: And 
upon the head he wears a cap in the manner of a little skull-cap or helmet, 
which is stretched over the top of the head and extends slightly beyond the 

1 tiara 

2 cidans 

3 mitre 

4 Ps. 119:37(118:37) 

5 Ps. 15:3(14:3) 

6 Ps. 50:19(49:19) 

7 Luke 21:34 

8 Prov. 7:17 

9 Ps. 17:2(16:2) 

10 Prov. 1:2 (1:3); 5:1 

11 Ps. 119:103(118:103) 

12 Job 27:3-5 

13 Isa. 52:11 

14 2 Cor. 7:1 

[ 117 ] 



middle of the crown. It is made in such a way that it appears to be of woven 
linen, for its wrapped bands are joined together repeatedly so that it cannot 
easily slip off. 1 This same Josephus relates that over this cap there was 
added another larger veil which covered the entire surface of the head , 
adjusted perfectly lest it should fall off as the priest was working around 
the sacrifices ; 2 however, he does not indicate what colour it was. These 
things have to do with the turban of the lesser priest, but concerning that of 
the high priest he testifies in this way: Now the high priest has a cap made 
in the same fashion as that ofthe rest ofthe priests\ and another one stitched 
with blue embroidery. Encircled around it there is a golden crown made 
with three tiers, upon which there sprouts in the middle of the forehead 
something like a certain small golden calyx, similar to that of the plant that 
[118] among us is called ‘thistle’, which the Greeks call 1 henbane ’. 3 A little later 
he added descriptions of the marvelous variety [of its appearance], saying, 
Now it has a flower similar to that of a plantain, and round about the whole 
crown it is engraved with these flowers, from the back of the head to both 
temples. It does not ha\>e this on the forehead, however; instead, there is a 
plate of gold on which the name of God is inscribed with the sacred letters . 4 

Holy Scripture seems to be silent about these things concerning the 
second veil and the golden crowns of the high priest. Subsequently, it did 
briefly make mention of the crowns, saying. They also made the tunics with 
woven work, for Aaron and his sons, and the mitres with their little crowns 
of fine linen , but it did not say from what material they were made. For 
when it says, and the mitres with their little crowns of fine linen , it would 
be possible for us to understand that both of them had been made from fine 
linen, if Josephus had not indicated that the crowns were of gold. When the 
temple was still standing and the ceremonies of the law were still being 
celebrated, it was very easy for [Josephus], since he was of priestly descent, 
to learn all about the priestly mode of dress, not merely by reading about 
it, but by seeing it [for himself]. 

But whether the little crowns were of fine linen or of gold, since it is 
agreed that they were made with the mitres, let us speak briefly concerning 
the figurative meaning. The priests have mitres of fine linen with little 
crowns because they keep their sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch in the 

1 Josephus, Ant. Jud. 3, 7, 3 (ed. Blatt, 238, 9-12) 

2 Ibid. (ed. Blatt, 238, 13-14) 

3 Ibid., 3, 7, 6 (ed. Blatt, 240, 16-19). Bede has vicibus (‘tiers’) where the Cassiodorian 
Josephus reads versibus (Hums’), and achano (‘thistle’) where it has accaro (probably the 
plant known as yellow flag). 

4 Ibid. (ed. Blatt, 240, 6-8) 

5 Exod. 39:27-8(39:25-6) 



loveliness of chastity, in order that in return for keeping them so they may 
hope to receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love 
him ] For if anyone is so zealous for continence or good works as to neglect 
to seek the rewards of eternal recompense in return for them, that person 
may indeed appear to have a fine linen mitre on his head, but he does not 
have little crowns, for although he certainly displays the image of virtue 
before humans, he does not acquire the reward of virtue with the Lord. 
Consequently, either the little crowns were of gold, signifying the bright¬ 
ness of everlasting light, or else they were of fine linen, figuratively 
announcing that immortality of our body which is to be everlasting. And 
rightly does the priest wear crowns added on top of his fine linen clothes, 
so that in his own continence he may be continually meditating upon eternal 
rewards, and also at the same time, in his preaching of continence or of good 
works, he may be promising the same joys of heavenly blessedness to his 
hearers. For if he were to impose the weight of labour apart from the hope 
of reward, he would be rendering the sweet yoke of Christ bitter for his 
hearers, and the light burden hard to bear 2 But when the Lord was 
commanding that the turban was to be made, he added: 

28:39 And a sash of embroidery work. Farther on, it is written more 
clearly what the sash was to be made of: But the girdle they made of fine [119] 

twisted linen, blue, purple, and scarlet twice dyed, with embroidery work^ 

As Jerome writes from Josephus, This girdle was woven all around, after 
the manner of a snake's skin which it casts off when it has grown old, in 
such a way that you might even consider it a pouch. Now it was woven with 
a scarlet, purple, and blue woof and a fine linen warp, for beauty and for 
strength; it was so artfully decorated with weaving that you might think the 
diverse flowers and gems had not been woven by the hand of an artisan, 
but rather affixed onto it; and it had a width of four inches 4 It was the high 
priest in particular who made use of this girdle to bind both the blue tunic 
and the superhumerale, for subsequently it is openly said concerning the 
joining of the superhumerale and the rational: They met each other both in 
front and behind in such a way that the superhumerale and the rational 
were bound together, being fastened to the sash and securely connected 
with rings which were joined with a blue ribbon, lest they should slip 

1 Jas. 1:12 

2 Matt. 11:30 

3 Exod. 39:29 (39:28) 

4 Jerome, Ep. 64, 12, 1-2 (CSEL 54: 598, 19 - 599, 8). Of the eight quotations or clear 
parallels to this work in De tahernaculo, tins is the only instance where Bede cites Jerome by 
name. It seems likely that he does so in order to point out that Jerome took the notion of 
comparing the girdle to a snake’s skin from Josephus, Ant. Jud. 3, 7, 2 (ed. Blatt, 237, 18-20). 



loose and be moved away from one another . 1 2 Now there is no doubt that 
the sash or girdle with which the superhumerale was bound was placed 
around the blue tunic, which was also called 'the tunic of the superhumer¬ 
ale \ For surely everything that has been said up to this point pertains to the 
vesture of the high priest; from here on, consequently, his sons’ sashes are 
described together with the rest of their garments, when it is said that: 

28:40 For Aaron’s sons you shall then prepare linen tunics and 
sashes and turbans, for glory and for beauty. It does not state whether 
their sashes were to be made of embroidery work also, or of only one colour; 
therefore, we must first speak about the sash of the high priest. It was made 
of those four colours that are most noble and acceptable to God, because it 
was appropriate for the high priest to have the kind of [sash] that would 
ensure that he was always girded with the ornament of every virtue. Aptly 
did the high priest go forth girded with the variegated adornment of shining 
colours, because just as it is necessary for anyone else to be girded with 
industriousness in regard to continence, lest the flesh should ever disturb 
that person’s inner peace of mind by fighting against the spirit, in the same 
way it is obligatory for the high priest and teacher of the faithful to be 
encircled with the very glory of virtues, once his every lustful impulse of 
soul or body has been tamed. For only in this way will righteousness be the 
girdle around his loins\ and faith the belt around his reins? in accordance 
with the example of that flower which came forth from the root of Jesse, 3 
that is, of the Lord and Saviour. 

Now from the things that we have previously explained it is easy to 
understand what the linen tunics and the sashes and the turbans that were 
ordered to be made for glory and for beauty for the sons of Aaron commend 
to us in internal glory and beauty. Surely priests have linen tunics when 
[120] they dedicate their whole body to the splendour of chastity, and they gird 
their tunics with sashes when they look all around that same chastity with 
a vigilant custody of the mind, lest their consciousness of it should leave 
them indolent toward the exercise of good works, or lest they should 
diminish the merit of their chastity by boasting of it. For if someone clothed 
with a tunic reaching to the ankles tries to walk without a sash, the tunic 
will slip down and leave room for the wind and cold to come in upon the 
unprotected body; also, it may well impede the feet, so that the person’s 
ability to walk is hindered, or even trip them up and become a cause of 
stumbling. In the same way, there is no doubt that the chastity of the flesh 

1 Exod. 39:20-1 (39:18-19) 

2 Isa. 11:5 

3 Isa. 11:1 



often deprives some people of chastity of the heart, because the slower they 
are to devote themselves to good works, the less do they perceive that the 
keeping of chastity has no value unless it is augmented by other good things; 
nevertheless, when joined with good deeds it will procure great glory for 
the one who possesses it. Accordingly, chastity of the flesh profited nothing 
to the foolish virgins who were without the light of inner purity when the 
bridegroom came. 1 

But let the sons of Aaron be girded with linen tunics, so that they may 
have chastity of the flesh. Let the priests be girded with sashes, lest chastity 
itself should become slack and careless, opening the way for the wind of 
self-exaltation to blow upon the soul, and causing charity to grow cold 
because of an increase of iniquity 2 For [chastity] must not be allowed to 
impede the progress of good works by boasting in its presumption, nor to 
become soiled with earthly concupiscence and cheapened so that it ob¬ 
structs the path of virtue and ultimately compels its own maker to stumble 
by being haughty. And when they have been girded [with sashes] let the 
priests also receive tuibans on their heads, so that after the vigilant and 
circumspect keeping of corporeal chastity, they may also maintain the 
keeping and care of their vision, hearing, taste, and smell in a manner that 
is acceptable to God. 

28:41 And with all these things you shall vest Aaron your brother, 
and his sons with him, and you shall consecrate all their hands, and 
sanctify them, so that they may exercise the office of priesthood before 
me. Aaron and his sons were to be vested with all these tilings, with the 
distinction, however, that he himself was to make use of them all, but his 
sons only of the last three. These were specifically ascribed to them by name 
when it was written. For Aaron 's sons you shall then prepare linen tunics 
and sashes and turbans , for glory and for beauty . 3 


There follows: 

28:42-3 You shall also make linen undergarments to cover the na¬ 
kedness of their flesh, from the loins to the thighs. And Aaron and his 
sons shall use them when they shall go into the tabernacle of the 
testimony, or when they come near the altar to minister in the sanctu¬ 
ary, or they will be guilty of iniquity and die. This pertains to both of [12!] 

1 Matt. 25:1-12 

2 Matt. 24:12 

3 Exod. 28:40 



them at once (that is, to Aaron and to his sons as well), as the words 
themselves clearly indicate. And thus it happens that Aaron himself is 
clothed with all eight of the vestments that are mentioned (namely, the linen 
undergarments, the linen tunic, the blue tunic, the superhumerale, the 
rational, the sash, the tuiban, and the plate of gold), but his sons make use 
of only four of them (that is, the undergarments, the close- fitting linen 
garment, the sash, and the turban). Since we have discussed the others 
above, it is appropriate [to say that] these undergarments, which are 
commanded to be made to cover the indecency of the flesh, designate that 
part of chastity which holds one back from desiring the bond of marriage. 
Without it, no one can assume the priesthood or be consecrated for the 
ministry of the altar, that is, unless he will either remain a virgin or dissolve 
the covenant of union that he has contracted with his wife. 1 Clearly, God’s 
law does not enjoin this kind of virtue upon anyone as a necessary obliga¬ 
tion, but it is rather to be offered voluntarily to the Lord with devotioa For 
he himself says of it, ‘ Not everyone receives this word; ^ nevertheless, soon 
afterwards he invites to it those who are able, saying with kindly exhorta¬ 
tion, * Let anyone who is able to receive it, receive it. ^ And a little later on, 
he promises those who will leave wives or other kinsfolk and the entangle¬ 
ments of this world for his sake 4 that they will receive a hundredfold reward 
in this life, and in the world to come life everlasting 5 

Therefore, it is right to acknowledge a distinction: Moses is not ordered 
to vest Aaron and his sons with this garment, as he did with the previous 
ones. Concerning them, it says. And with all these things you shall vest 
Aaron your brother, and his sons with him; but [here] it says, You shall 
make linen undergarments to cover the nakedness of their flesh, ‘They 
themselves’, it says, ‘should cover the nakedness of their flesh. You shall 
make linen undergarments for the high priest and his sons; you shall teach 
them the rule of chastity; you shall tell those who are to serve in the 
priesthood that they must abstain from the embrace of a wife. However, 
you shall not impose the yoke of this sort of continence upon any of them 
by force, but if any wish to be priests and to serve at the ministry of the 
altar, let them of their own free will cease to be servants of wives.’ Once 
they have reached a conclusion and agree that they will be ministers of the 

1 On Bede’s teaching regarding clerical celibacy, see Carroll (1946), 241-2. For the history 
of the celibacy requirement in the early church, see Gryson (1970), Frazee (1972), and 
Conchini (1990). 

2 Matt. 19:11 

3 Matt. 19:12 

4 Matt. 19:29 

5 Mark 10:30 



sanctuary and the altar by undertaking the intention of continence, they will 
have the assistance of the divine law. For just as it gives the priests copious 
instructions about how they ought to live and how they ought to teach by 
placing other suitable vesture upon them, rejoicing in their voluntary 
devotion it also adds the adornment appropriate for the priesthood of 
wisdom, patience, clemency, spiritual zeal, humility, mercy, fear of the [122] 
Lord, and the other similar ornaments without which they would be guilty 
of iniquity and die. For if anyone who is living wantonly presumes to usurp 
the priestly office for himself, his soul shall surely incur most certain death. 
Spiritually, this meaning is also confirmed by the following words which 
are added a little later. 1 


29:4-9 And when you have washed the father and his sons with water, 
you shall clothe Aaron with his vestments, that is, with the linen 
garment and the tunic, and the superhumerale and the rational, which 
you shall bind together with the sash; and you shall set the turban on 
his head, and the holy plate upon the turban, and you shall pour the oil 
of unction upon his head; and by this rite shall he be consecrated. You 
shall bring his sons also, and you shall clothe them with the linen tunics, 
and gird them with a sash, Aaron and his children, and you shall put 
mitres upon them. And they shall be priests to me by a perpetual 
ordinance. Since nothing else is commanded here concerning the under¬ 
garments received from Moses, it is clearly apparent that Aaron and his 
sons first clothed themselves with this kind of vestment and then went in 
to be washed, clothed, anointed, and consecrated at the hand of Moses. 

Here we should also note that Moses first washed with water those whom 
he was intending to consecrate and then placed the vesture of sacred rank 
upon them, because it is doubtless necessaiy for anyone who is to be 
promoted to the office of the altar to wash himself at the time of dedication 
with an extraordinarily great flow of tears, or compunction. The cleaner he 
is when he comes to receive the rank, the more perfectly will he bring to 
completion what has been received. However, it may be possible to under¬ 
stand this bath as referring to baptism in the sacred font, if it should be 
necessary for someone who is elected to the priesthood to be washed in the 

1 Bede does not quote the text of Exod. 29:1 -3 here, but his commentary on 29:4-9 includes 
a discussion of the previous verses. 



water of baptism then for the first time, for the remission of sins; nor was 
the Apostle objecting to ordination of such men when he said. Do not ordain 
a neophyte , or he may be puffed up with pride and fall into the judgement 
of the devil . 1 

But as soon as he has been clothed with the sacred vestments the high 
priest is then anointed with the oil of unction, so that the consecration may 
be made perfect through the grace of the Holy Spirit. This does not imply 
that it is possible for us to have any of the previously mentioned garments 
of virtue apart from the grace of God, but it is even more necessary for the 
Lord to bestow the assistance of grace when someone either rises to a higher 
rank or comes to preside over the guidance of a very great number [of souls]. 

Meanwhile, we should note that while it is asserted here in the Book of 
Exodus that Aaron is to be clothed with eight vestments, in Leviticus it 
appears that a ninth is added also, namely the sash with which the linen 
tunic is girded before the blue one is put on. For thus is it written: And when 
[123] he had washed them, he vested the high priest with the linen under-tunic , 
girding him with the sash and putting the blue tunic on him , and over it he 
put the humerale , which he fitted to the rational by binding it with the 
girdle 2 But how and when this was done is clearly evident from those 
things that we have explained concerning the figure of the intellectual 

But since, following the sayings of the fathers, we have briefly touched 
on these things concerning the priestly vesture, we suppose that we should 
also note that those four selected colours from which it was made are well 
suited to be compared with the four elements of the world: fine linen or 
linen with earth, because it comes forth from it; purple with water, because 
it is produced with dye from snails of the sea; blue and scarlet with air and 
fire, on account of the similarity of colour; and the scarlet was twice dyed 
because fire is endowed with the twofold power of giving light and setting 
ablaze. Therefore, the Hebrews say that the high priest carried the figure of 
all the elements in his vesture, because when he offered sacrifice he was 
under an obligation to pray not for Israel alone, but also for the whole 

1 1 Tim. 3:6. The most prominent example of someone chosen for ordination prior to 
baptism was Ambrose of Milan (c. 339-97), who was elected bishop while still a catechumen; 
see Paulinus, Vit. Ambr. 1 {PL 14: 29B), a work certainly known to Bede, as he used it in 
writingDe temp. rat. 66 (CCSL 123B: 513, 1514-16). 

2 Lev. 8:6-8 



world. 1 Nor would it be inconsistent with these things if we should make 
bold to add that every individual human being contains the figure of all the 
elements: fire, in the heat [of the body]; air, for its sustenance; water, in its 
fluids; earth, in the very solidity of its members. For this same reason, Greek 
natural science refers to the human being as a ‘microcosm’, that is, a ‘little 
world’. 2 

If you are also wondering what the gold that was in the same vesture 
might signify according to this understanding, you can understand it to be 
the inner person’s power of reasoning. Hence also was ‘The Holy of the 
Lord’ properly written in [gold], because only through this [power of 
reasoning] can anyone ascend to the knowledge of our Creator. For the 
Apostle says that it is here, in the inner person, that Christ dwells in our 
hearts through faith. 3 Therefore Scripture shows us the high priest of the 
Old Testament clothed in this fashion, so that the high priest of our time 
may realize that he is obligated to intercede for the whole human race, and 
especially for those who have come to know the truth and who bear the sign 
of that faith on their foreheads. 4 As the Apostle admonishes and says, First 
of all y then, I implore that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanks¬ 
givings be made for all people, for kings andfor all who are in high station . 5 

But if we understand the high priest whom Moses consecrates as the Lord 
Saviour, it is by right that he carries in his vesture a figure of the whole 
world, and of a human being as well. For, as the Apostle says, he himself 
is the brightness of the glory and the figure of the substance of God the 
Father, and he upholds all things by his powerful word 6 He is the Lamb of 
God who takes away the sins of the world; 1 he is a priest forever , 8 bright 
with every adornment of holiness. He did not merit to receive this [holiness] 
through laborious exercise when he was bom in flesh, but he received it 

1 Jerome, Ep. 64, 17, 2 ( CSEL 54: 605, 6-16). A cosmological interpretation of the 
vestments of the high priest is suggested in Wisd. 18:24 and developed by Philo (unknown to 
Bede) in De vit. Mos. 2, 16,133- 5 {LCL 6: 512-14) andDe spec. leg. 1, 17,97 {LCL 7: 152-4), 
and by Josephus in Ant. Jud. 3, 7, 7 (ed. Blatt, 242, 2-12). On cosmological symbolism in Philo 
and Josephus, see Danielou (1957). For the Christian appropriation of this exegetical approach, 
see Holder (1993). 

2 Jerome, In Eccles. 9, 13-15 ( CCSL 72: 331, 328-9); In Ezech. 1, 1, 6-8 ( CCSL 75: 12, 
237-86); cf. also Aldhelm, De virg. (pros.) 3 {MG H AA 15: 230, 26 - 231, 1) 

3 Eph. 3:16-17 

4 As above in the comment on Exod. 28:36-8 in De tab. 3, 7 {CCSL 119A: 113, 797-8), this 
is a reference to the signing of the cross on the foreheads of candidates for baptism and the 
newly baptized. 

5 1 Tim. 2:1-2 

6 Heb. 1:3 

7 John 1:29 

8 Ps. 110:4(109:4) 

[ 124 ] 



altogether at the same time through the prevenient grace of the Holy Spirit 
when he became incarnate in the Virgin’s womb. Pleasingly commending 
the intercession of his priesthood on our behalf, the Apostle says: But 
because he continues forever, he has an ever lasting priesthood, whereby 
he is also able to save forever those who approach God through him, since 
he always lives to make intercession for us. 1 And in like manner commend¬ 
ing the garments and ornaments of his virtues, [the Apostle] added: For it 
was fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, blameless, unde- 
filed, separatedfrom sins, and made higher than the heavens 1 2 He truly had 
on his head a golden plate upon which was engraved ‘The Holy of the Lord’, 
because he comes in the name of the Father, saying, 7 am in the Father and 
the Father is in me, ’ 3 4 and Whoever has seen me has seen the Father also. A 

Up to this point the heavenly oracle has been designating what sort of 
vesture Aaron and his sons ought to have. Now, what follows next explains 
that the proper manner of consecration which is to be used in dedicating 
[Aaron and his sons] as well as the tabernacle with all its furnishings is to 
offer the Lord a calf, and two rams, and wheat bread that is not only 
unleavened but also sprinkled with oil, or even covered with an application 
of oil of unction. 5 Figuratively, all of these things doubtless indicate either 
devotion to good works and purity of faith or the grace of divine illumina¬ 
tion, which is the only proper means of consecrating priests. For who does 
not know that the sacrifice of those animals and [the sprinkling of] their 
blood designate the death of our Lord and the sprinkling of his blood, 
through which we are set free from sins and strengthened for good works? 
And the Apostle explains that the unleavened bread contains a mysteiy of 
the Saviour when he says. Therefore let us keep the feast\ not with the old 
leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread 
of sincerity and truth 6 

Now the cakes and wafers were sprinkled or covered with oil so that we 
might be admonished to have works that are not only restrained from the 
leaven of malice and evil but also made worthy in the divine eyes with the 
richness of charity. Or perhaps we offer the Lord cakes sprinkled with oil 

1 Heb. 7:24-5 

2 Heb. 7:26; Bede’s reading segregalus apeccatis (‘separated from sins’) in this quotation 
from the Vulgate, instead of the more usual segregalus a peccatoribus (‘separated from 
sinners’) is a variant found also in the Codex Amiatinus, which was produced at 
Wearmouth-Jarrow at the end of the seventh century. 

3 John 14:10 

4 John 14:9 

5 Exod. 29:1-3 

6 1 Cor. 5:8 



at our consecration when in eveiything we do our hearts grow rich in 
devotion through the inner grace of the Holy Spirit, and we offer wafers 
covered with oil when we also publicly display the spiritual things we do 
as a reliable example of [right] living for others. Our consecration is 
doubtless brought to completion through these offerings when with the 
Lord’s assistance we seek to make ourselves worthy of sanctity through 
good works and pure thoughts. After these instructions for the consecration [125] 
of Aaron and his sons have been completed, 1 Scripture returns to impart 
some further directions for making the altar of incense, on which the same 
Aaron was supposed to bum incense daily. 


30:1-2 You shall also make an altar of acacia wood for the burning 
of incense. It shall be one cubit long and another wide (that is, square), 
and two cubits high. If that altar of holocaust concerning which we have 
spoken above 2 designates in a general way the life of the righteous who 
daily crucify their flesh with its vices and desires 3 and are accustomed to 
offer themselves to God as a living sacrifice, 4 what else could this altar 
made for the burning of incense specifically signify, other than the life of 
those who are perfect? 

Not without reason was the flesh of animals burned on the first [altar] 
and incense burned as an offering on the second. For [animal sacrifices] 
figure those persons who do not walk according to the desires of the flesh 
but instead dedicate all their bodily senses to the Lord’s will (as it were) by 
offering themselves to him as a sacrifice through the fire of the Holy Spirit, 
while [incense] depicts a type of those who with a greater perfection of mind 
offer nothing to the Lord but prayers of longing, having completely 
quenched all the charms of the flesh and laid them to rest. For nothing that 
is of the flesh assails [the perfect], and they are not conscious of any sin 
whereby they are disturbed or made to be afraid, but with a profusion of 
sweet tears they long to come and appear before the face of God. 5 

For this reason, the altar [of incense] was aptly placed inside, in the 
vicinity of the veil and the ark, and the [altar of holocaust] outside, in front 
of the tabernacle, because [those who crucify the flesh] doubtless shine in 

1 Exod. 29:10-45 

2 Bede De tab. 2, 11 (CCSL 119A: 76, 1361-3); cf. De templo 1; 2 (CCSL 119A: 176, 

1185-8; 224, 1277-80) 

3 Gal. 5:24 

4 Rom. 12:1 

5 Ps. 42:3-4 (41:3-4) 



the sight of the Holy Church as an example of virtue for everyone, while 
[the perfect] who bum with a higher desire draw especially near to the 
contemplation of future blessedness, even though they remain in the body. 
Aptly is [the altar of holocaust] commanded to be covered with bronze and 
[the altar of incense] with gold, for bronze is more resonant than all other 
metals and lasts for a very long time, but when compared to something made 
of bronze, gold is as superior in splendour as it is inferior in sound. Hence 
rightly does the bronze altar, upon which the flesh of victims was burned 
and their blood poured out, bear the type of those who have overcome the 
pleasures of the flesh and sacrificed them (as it were) to God; with 
perseverance they finish the way of truth which they have begun once and 
for all, and in the word of preaching they also repeatedly tell out to their 
neighbours that this is the [way] in which they should be walking. The 
golden altar, however, is aptly compared to those who are more fully 
illuminated with the grace of heavenly brightness but arc less open about 
telling others of the inner pleasures they taste in secret, and less able to give 
utterance by declaring how much they have been interiorly refreshed with 
[126] sweetness in the hidden face of God. Aptly also was the altar of incense as 
superior in the shining of its metal as it was smaller in size, because the 
holier persons in the Church are always fewer [than the rest]. 

Both altars are aptly commanded to be made of the same acacia wood, 
which is, as we have said, similar to whitethorn and incorruptible, 1 2 because 
the hearts of all the elect ought to be fortified with one firmness of unfeigned 
faith, that they may be prepared to receive the fire of love and to offer the 
libation of virtues to God. For the Apostle speaks to everyone in general, 
the small with the great, saying, Let us cleanse ourselves from e\>ery 
defilement of the flesh and of the spirit , making sanctification perfect in the 
fear of God} which is to say in other words, 4 Let us cut off and remove 
from ourselves the thorns of vices and the pricking stings of titillation which 
the earth of our heart or our body has been accustomed to sprout forth in us 
as a result of the sin of the first transgression, and let us vigourously 
cultivate our inner self and our outer self as well, as though we were 
trimming ourselves with some two-edged axe and pruning ourselves thor¬ 
oughly, that we may become worthy to offer the sacrifice of virtues in the 
presence of our Creator by receiving the fire of the Holy Spirit.’ And aptly 
was it one and the same fire, not two different ones, that consumed victims 
on the first altar and incense on the other, because there is doubtless one 

1 Bede, De lab. 1, 3; 2, 5 (CCSL 1 19A: 13, 324-7; 59, 690-3) 

2 2 Cor. 7:1 



Spirit who quickens the minds of all the faithful with the various gifts of 

Now the altar of incense was square, being one cubit long and another 
wide, but two high. As we said in the exposition of the altar of holocaust, 
length pertains to the longsuffering of patience, width to the amplitude of 
love, and height to the sublimity of hope, through which we are able to 
rejoice with an honest mind in the endurance of temporal labours and in the 
joy of love. 1 Both the length and the width of the altar are one cubit when 
all the men who are highest and most perfect in the Church bear temporal 
evils patiently, looking for nothing else but an eternal reward, and charitably 
expend as many of their possessions as possible on their neighbours’ behalf. 

Similarly, the altar of incense was rightly ordered to be made square in 
its length and width, because charity is patient and it is kind , 2 that is, patient 
so that it may endure the injury inflicted by the neighbour, and kind so that 
it may endure adversities along with the neighbour, discharging the duties 
of charity and kindness even when it takes effort to do so. For this suggests 
that these virtues are so closely allied with one another in the spirits of the 
perfect that they are as capable of loving the brother as they are of bearing [127] 
with him, and just as able to withstand his troublesomeness through 
patience as to show him goodwill through the kindness of their own love. 

And it is two cubits high because the elect hope that they will receive a 
twofold reward for themselves in the life to come, that is, one [reward] of 
rest for their souls when they will strip off this corruptible and mortal body 
to enter the heavenly kingdom, and another when they will regain that same 
body incorruptible and immortal, and rejoice more perfectly in the presence 
of their Creator, so as to fulfill the promise of the prophet who says. They 
shall possess a double portion in their land; everlasting joy shall be theirs . 3 

30:2-3 Horns shall project out from [the altar of incense], and you 
shall overlay it with the purest gold, its grate as well as its sides and 
horns. In the Scriptures it is often the custom for horns to designate the 
eminence of faith and of the virtues with which we ought to strike out 
against and overcome the hostile advances of our ancient enemy, 4 joining 
the prophet in saying to the Lord, Through you we will fight against our 
enemies with the horn. ’ 5 As it is sometimes the custom, on the other hand, 
for the word 'horns’ to indicate the armies of the vices that endeavour to 

1 Bede, De lab. 1, 4; 2, 11 (CCSL 119A: 13, 343 - 14, 347; 76, 1367 - 77, 1373) 

2 1 Cor. 13:4 

3 Isa. 61:7 

4 i.e., the devil 

5 Ps. 44:5 (43:6) 



fight against us, he then explained whose horn he had spoken of subduing., 
saying, And through your name we disdain those who rise up against us. ’ 
The Lord concisely joined both of these [meanings] together when he said 
through the prophet, And all the horns of sinners I will cut off, but the horns 
of the righteous shall be exalted. 2 Hence it is properly decreed in the law 
that the only animals which are clean and suitable to be eaten by the people 
of God are those that have horns. For it is well known that those animals 
that chew the cud and divide the hoof are also those that have horns, 3 so 
that it is mystically disclosed that the only people who can be incorporated 
into a spiritual union with the Church of God are those w ho by the strength 
of their faith prove that they are unconquered in their battles with the vices. 

Now horns project directly out from the altar of incense when the elect 
do not exhibit works of virtue before humans, only for the sake of appear¬ 
ance, but perform them with a fixed and unmoveable devotion [which 
comes forth] from the inner root of the mind. Hypocrites, on the other hand, 
are like horns borrowed from someone else; although they have the appear¬ 
ance of godliness, they deny its power 4 They aptly correspond to the crow 
decked out with the flying wings of a peacock, which one of Aesop’s fables 
describes as having no reason to boast of its beauty; in fact, the blazing 
jealousy of the peacocks eventually deprives [the crow] of all use of its 
wings, and of life itself. 5 

Now the altar is overlaid with the purest gold when the perfect each shine 
with the true light of inner wisdom, when in everything that they do they 
[128] show forth the splendour of charity just as if it were the glory of their 
everyday clothing, when it is evident to everyone who either sees them or 
hears them that the memory of eternal brightness is always in them, and 
when they make it clear that they are thinking about the kingdom of God 
and his righteousness, seeking that before everything else. 6 

The grate of the altar, as well as its sides and horns, is properly ordered 
to be covered with gold, seeing that the grate was inside, in the middle of 

1 Ps. 44:5 (43:6) 

2 Ps. 75:10(74:11) 

3 Lev. 11:1-3; Deut. 14:4-7 

4 2 Tim. 3:5 

5 ‘all use of its wings’ = omm pennarum \nrtute\ literally, ‘every strength of the wings’. 
Versions of this fable are recounted about a jackdaw and various kinds of birds in Babrius, 72 
(LCL : 88-90); about a jackdaw and a peacock in Phaedrus, 1,3 ( LCL : 194-6); and about a crow 
and some unspecified birds in Horace, Ep. 1, 3 {LCL: 272, 8-20). Jerome recalls the crow 
adorned in colours not its own in Ep. 108, 15, 1 {CSEL 55: 325, 16-17). None of these would 
seem to be Bede’s source, however, for none of them states that the characters are a crow and 
some peacocks, and in none of them is the crow said to lose its life. 

6 Matt. 6:33 



the altar, to support the incense which was being prepared, but the sides 
were visible on the outside, and the horns, which were also visible outside, 
protruded out above the top [of the altar]. Now the grate is gilded when the 
grace of Christ shines in our inner self through faith. The sides are gilded 
when the same grace of the Lord’s love spreads itself out externally through 
good works. And the horns are gilded when the confidence of fortitude 
gleams everywhere with the splendour of light within; with this [confi¬ 
dence] the righteous have learned how to bear with the adversaries of the 
truth bravely through patience, or to refute and correct them prudently 
through wisdom. And because such persons as these have every right to 
say, I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kej?t the 
faith; for the rest, there is resentedfor me a crown of righteousness, there 
is rightly added: 

30:3 And you shall make for it a crown of gold all around. Surely a 
crown of gold is all around the altar of incense when the saints anticipate 
eternal rewards on account of the good things that they remember them¬ 
selves to have done. And the crown is properly made all around the altar to 
show that everything they have done is worthy of a heavenly reward, and 
there is nothing left in such people that needs to be cleansed in the 
purgatorial fire after their release from the flesh. 2 Moreover, the altar of 
incense has a crow n of gold all around even in those who are lesser in merit. 
Although they do not dare to testify openly that there is assuredly reserved 
for them the reward for the good fight and for keeping the faith, neverthe¬ 
less, everything that they do is done with the intention of pleasing God, and 
in hope of obtaining the same heavenly reward. There follows: 

30:4-5 And two golden rings under the crown on each side, so that 
the poles may be put into them and the altar may be carried. And the 
poles you shall also make of acacia wood, and overlay them w ith gold. 
In accordance with what we have explained above in relation to the altar of 
holocaust, the ark, and the table, 3 these rings with which the altar was 
carried can be suitably understood as the books of the four gospels, through 
whose faith and doctrine the saints are raised up above earthly thoughts so 
that they may be carried through the desert of this everyday life and 
conveyed to the heavenly homeland by their progress in good works. In the 
former instance it was clear that four rings were being enjoined to be made, 

1 2 Tim. 4:7-8 

2 For Bede's understanding of the purgatorial fire, which he derived largely from Gregory 
the Great, see Carroll (1946), 178-80, and Le Goff (1984), 102-3, 112-6. On the emergence 
of the doctrine of purgatory in Latin Christianity, see Le Goff (who maintains that purgatory 
was not understood in a spatialized way until the twelfth century) and Atwell (1987). 

3 Bede, De tab. 1, 4; 1, 6; 2, 12 (CCSL 119A: 15, 419-20; 24, 773-4; 83, 1619-22) 



two on one side and two on the other, in this case, however, it is only implied 
that four is the number of them that are to be made, two rings on each side. 
To be sure, the number of the evangelists is more openly evident in the 
[129] former instance, but in this case something else containing a spiritual 
mystery very much related to the love of God and neighbour is also present. 
For the altar is surrounded with golden rings on every side because the 
hearts of the elect are strengthened everywhere by the love of God and 
neighbour. This [love] is properly compared to rings, because even though 
prophecies will eventually be made void, knowledge will be destroyed, and 
tongues will cease, it will never come to an end. 1 

Now there are two rings on each side because both of the commandments 
of charity are distinguished by a twofold virtue. Charity toward God is 
perfected through sincerity of faith and purity of life, for without faith it is 
impossible to please God, 2 and faith without works is dead 2 The prophet 
sums up both of these [truths! in one little verse when he says, ‘But my 
righteous one lives by faith, 4 openly suggesting that the only way that 
anyone will enter into life is by combining works of righteousness with true 
faith. In the same way, brotherly love also consists of a twofold virtue, 
namely of patience and of kindness, as the Apostle bears witness when he 
says that charity is patient and it is kind . 5 For this reason the Lord also says, 
‘ Forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. 6 That 
is, he teaches about patience as the forgiving of debts and about the grace 
of kindness as the giving of the necessities [of life]; the one, so that we may 
bravely bear misfortunes from our neighbours, and the other, so that we 
may joyfully share our good fortune with our neighbours. The altar, 
therefore, has two rings on each side when the saints are surrounded with 
a twofold perfection of charity, for honouring their Creator and for caring 
for and serving the neighbour as well. Bars overlaid with gold are put into 
these rings so that the altar may be carried when these [saints] prepare an 
opening in the mind to receive the brightest sayings of the fathers who have 
gone before them, through which they are lifted up higher and higher above 
earthly things and transported to the love of eternal blessings. In the words 
that follow, it is also mystically designated that they deserve to draw near 
to heavenly things in spirit, for it says: 

11 Cor. 13:8 

2 Heb. 11:6 

3 Jas. 2:26 

4 Bede quotes from Heb. 10:38, although his reference to ‘the prophet’ shows that he 
recognizes the original source as Hab. 2:4. 

5 1 Cor. 13:4 

6 Luke 6:37-8 



30:6 And you shall place the altar in front of the curtain that hangs 
before the ark of the testimony, in front of the propitiatory with which 
the testimony is covered, where I will speak to you. As we explained in 
its proper place, 1 the ark designates the Lord Saviour, and the curtain that 
hung before the ark designates heaven itself, into which the Lord entered 
when he conquered death so that he may now appear in the presence of God 
on our behalf as the Apostle says 2 The altar stands in front of the curtain 
that was hung before the ark when the righteous direct their every intention 
to entering the kingdom of heaven. It stands in front of the propitiatory with 
which the ark is covered when they draw near to the vision of their Creator 
with purity of mind, and when they have a life in heaven, 3 quite closed off 
from the body. 


30:7-8 And Aaron shall burn sweet-smelling incense upon it; in the 
morning when he dresses the lamps, he shall burn it, and when he sets 
them up in the evening. It is well known that incense or thimiama 4 5 
represents the way of prayer, for the psalmist says, ‘ Let my prayer be 
directed as incense in your sight, ,5 and in the Apocalypse John saw that the 
saints had golden bowls full of aromatic spices , 6 which he immediately 
explained by adding, which are the prayers of the saints . And since Aaron, 
as we have said above, 7 designates both the High Priest himself in particular 
(that is, the Lord Saviour) and also the priests of our line, Aaron shall bum 
sweet-smelling incense upon this altar in the morning when the Lord 
himself incites the hearts of the faithful to the sweetness of prayer, having 
newly illuminated them with the radiance of his grace, or when those who 
share in his priesthood stimulate the faithful by diligently exhorting them 
to pray before the face of their Creator. 

Now the priest bums incense not only in the morning but also in the 
evening. For incense is burned in the morning so that whenever we are 

1 Bede, De tab. 1,3; 2, 8 (CCSL 119A: 13, 321-2; 71, 1137) 

2 Heb. 9:24 

3 Phil. 3:20 

Aincensum sive thimiama .; Bede indicates that the two words for ‘incense’ used in the 
Vulgate are equivalent terms, one derived from the Latin verb mcendo (‘to kindle’) and the 
other a transliterated form of the Greek Bvfxtfia. 

5 Ps. 141:2(140:2) 

6 Rev. 5:8 

1 Bede, De tab., 1, 1; 3, 1 {CCSL 119A: 7, 81; 95, 104-5) 

[ 130 ] 



disposed to begin a good deed with God’s inspiration we will invoke his 
help in order to bring it to completion, and it is burned in the evening so 
that when we have finished the things that we began so well we will return 
prayers of thanks to the one who has given us everything that we have 
received. Or perhaps it is because in the morning and at sunrise we clearly 
see everything around us in all directions, but when evening comes we are 
left in the dark, with unsure vision, and therefore require light from a lamp 
in order to see whatever we wish [to see]. Thus, in so far as we are now able 
to distinguish the sacraments or the sayings of our Redeemer plainly, even 
in accordance with the limits of human reason, it is as if we are seeing them 
in the daytime. Whenever human reason is insufficient, however, and we 
can only follow the authority of Holy Scripture, then the eye of our 
understanding is in the dark, as if it were night, but the lamp of God's Word 
assists our feet, 1 lest we should accidentally stumble and deviate from the 
way of truth. For this reason, when Peter is talking about the sacrament of 
[131] faith in the Lord, he says, And we have the firmer prophetic message. You 
do well to attend to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place , until the day 
dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts 2 

Therefore, it is properly said, And Aaron shall burn sweet-smelling 
incense upon it; in the morning when he dresses the lamps, he shall 
burn it, and when he sets them up in the evening, Aaron bums incense 
upon the altar in the morning w hen the Lord sets the hearts of the faithful 
on fire for the grace of compunction by means of those hidden truths which 
they are already able to understand. He bums it in the evening when he sets 
up the lamps when [the Lord] uses even those things that they are not yet 
capable of grasping, but which they do not hesitate to accept as holy and 
divine, to fashion them for the love of the things of heaven, where all secrets 
are brought to light. And he bums sweet-smelling incense when they 
receive the divine touch of sudden compunction which moves them to 
devote themselves sweetly to nothing but tears and prayers. Now there 
properly follows: 

30:8 He shall burn an everlasting incense before the Lord throughout 
your generations, because it is doubtless necessaiy that the soul should not 
turn away from prayer and lamentation to idle w ords or deeds. Even when 
its prayer is finished, it should maintain the same vigour of devotion that it 
assumed in prayer, in accordance with the example of Hannah, of whom it 

1 Ps. 119:105 (118:105) 

2 2 Pet. 1:19 



was said that after she had prayed, her countenance was no longer changed 
in diverse things . 1 

30:9 You shall not offer upon it incense of another composition. Later 
in this book the spices from which this incense was to be composed are 
specified by name: stacte, and onycha, galbanum of pleasing fragrance, and 
the purest frankincense 2 It is obvious that all of these signify the eternal 
goods which we ought to seek from the Lord before anything else. Conse¬ 
quently, upon the altar of gold they were not supposed to offer incense of 
any composition other than that which the Lord had decreed, because when 
we pray we ought to seek from the Lord nothing other than that which he 
himself has commanded and has promised to give us, and we ought to 
believe nothing concerning him other than that which he himself has taught. 

Neither victim nor libation was to be offered upon it. 3 4 All these things 
pertain to the exterior altar, since they designate the life of those who are 
just beginning, and of those who are still making progress. For the life of 
those who are perfectly righteous is so sublime that it is impossible to Find 
in it anything that they need to sacrifice to the Lord. It is common 
knowledge that libations of wine sometimes designate the great power of 
spiritual grace, whether it be the cup of doctrine, or the chalice of the 
passion, or the intoxification of love that surpasses all things, or the 
reception of the Holy Spirit itself, or something of that sort. However, 
whenever libations of wine are offered along with the flesh of victims, 
according to a tropological exposition they must surely designate the 
sanctity of those who still have some carnal desires which are opposed to 
the purity of the spirit, and which ought to be burned on the altar of the heart 
by the fire of the Holy Spirit. But those who are perfectly righteous can say, 
( My heart and my flesh hct\>e failed; you are the God of my heart and the 
God who is my portion forever. A It is as if they have ceased the libations 
[poured out upon] victims, which pertain to the bronze altar set outside, and 
offer to the Lord nothing but the spices of heavenly desire on the golden 
altar within. Since they are already quite confident about the remission of 
their sins, they mourn only on account of their delayed entrance into the 
eternal kingdom, and they water their couch every night with sweet streams 
of tears. 5 There is now properly added concerning this altar: 

1 1 Sam. 1:18 

2 Exod. 30:34 

3 Exod. 30:9 

4 Ps. 73:26 (72:26) 

5 Ps. 6:6 (6:7) 




30:10 And once a year Aaron shall make intercession upon its horns 
with the blood of the sin offering. Surely our High Priest offered his own 
blood for the sins of the whole world once in a year. That was the year in 
which, as he himself says through Isaiah, he came to preach the acceptable 
year of the Lord} referring thereby to this entire period of time in which he 
has deigned to join the Church to himself. In the holy font, he has also given 
each believer a bath in the mysteiy of his own blood once for all, to break 
the bonds of sire The difference between the figures is pleasing in every 
way. The high priest is commanded to make intercession upon the horns of 
the altar with the blood of the offering once a year, but to bum sweet-smell¬ 
ing incense upon it daily, because our Lord and Saviour daily renews his 
faithful by enkindling in them the grace of inner compunction, but he 
redeemed them once for all when he overcame death by the sacrifice of his 
blood. Therefore, the faithful themselves, who are accustomed to wash 
away their daily sins with daily prayers and tears, rejoice that in the 
sacrament of his passion they have been set free from all their sins once for 

[The Lord] makes intercession upon the horns of the altar, because he 
not only prayed for human beings while he himself lived among them, but 
he also intercedes for us now that he is seated at the right hand of the Father 
in heaven. 1 2 3 4 And since he dwells in the hearts of the elect through faith, he 
is rightly said to be making intercession when he arouses them to prayer. 
Moreover, Aaron makes intercession upon the horns of the altar when the 
Lord commends his own elect to the Father by recalling the virtuous deeds 
that they have done. Accordingly, as if he is holding the horns of the altar 
of gold, he speaks of the disciples’ devotion: Those whom you gave me 
from the world were yours\ and you gave them to me , and they have kept 
[1 S3] your word . Now they have come to know that everything you have given me 

is from you. 3 He also makes intercession for them, adding, 7 am asking 
on their behalf I am not asking on behalf of the worldbut on behalf of 
those whom you gave me, because they are yours . A And because the Lord 
frequently takes pity on our infirmity on account of the merits and the 
intercessions of noble men, there is rightly added: 

30:10 And he shall make atonement upon it throughout your genera¬ 
tions. It shall be most holy to the Lord. Aaron makes atonement upon the 
altar of incense when the Lord is appeased toward us on account of the 

1 Bede quotes from Luke 4:19, where Jesus was himself quoting Isa. 61:2. 

2 Rom. 8:34 

3 John 17:6-7 

4 John 17:9 



righteousness of the saints whom we ask to be our intercessors and patrons. 
Accordingly, when Hezekiah was besieged by enemies and was calling 
upon him for help, [the Lord] said, 7 will defend this city and save it , for 
my own sake andfor the sake of my servant David. In the same w ay, when 
Moses was interceding on behalf of the sinful people he too invoked the 
memoiy of the fathers and said, as if he were endeavouring to appease the 
Lord by making intercession upon the horns of the altar, ‘Let your anger 
cease, and be appeased toward the wickedness of your people. Remember 
Abraham , Isaac , and Israel, your ser\ ; ants, to whom you swore by your own 
self saying , ‘7 will multiply your descendants like the stars of heaven. ’ ’ ,2 

Perhaps it would be possible for us to interpret these altars in another 
way as well. The bronze altar, on which the flesh of victims was burned and 
their blood was poured out, we might understand as the whole Church of 
this present time, in which there is no one who has lived on earth for even 
one day who is without sin, no one who has not been bom according to the 
flesh through the sin of Adam’s transgression, no one who does not need 
to be reborn in Christ, no one whose spirit does not need to be cleansed by 
fire. The golden altar, however, can signify the Lord himself, who derived 
true flesh from Adam in such a wonderful and ineffable manner that he w as 
truly free from the sin of Adam’s flesh, just as the two altars were made 
from one and the same kind of wood, but they were not both covered w ith 
gold. Only spices were burned on this altar, nothing fleshly being offered 
upon it, because when the Lord poured forth prayers or tears 1 2 3 he was not 
doing this on account of his own errors, for he had none, 4 but rather for the 
sake of our salvation. For just as the ark w hich was set within the curtain 
signifies the God-man sitting at the right hand of Majesty on high, so might 
the same Mediator between God and humankind 5 be figuratively expressed 
by the altar which was set outside the curtain but near to its entrance. Among 
human beings he lived in the manner of humans, but with the power of his 
divinity he penetrates the innermost parts of heaven. 

The altar of incense stood in the sanctuary where the lampstand and the [134] 
table were also, because the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us 6 
The ark stood within the curtain, because after his passion and resurrection 
the same Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven , and sat down at the right 

1 2 Kgs. 19:34 

2 Exod. 32:12-13 

3 Hcb. 5:7 

4 Heb. 4:15; 1 John 3:5 

5 1 Tim. 2:5 

6 John 1:14 



hand of God. 1 Aaron makes intercession upon the horns of this altar with 
the blood of the sin offering and makes atonement upon it when the priests, 
who are praying on behalf of God’s people or on account of their own 
ignorance and that of the people, are confident that they will be helped by 
[God’s] only-begotten Son and saved by the sacrament of his passion, as 
the Apostle reminds us when he says. Through him , then, let us always offer 
a sacrifice ofpraise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that confess his name . 2 
It would also be appropriate to understand this as applying to all the elect 
members of the High Priest, who pray to the Father in spirit and in truth 3 
For that which was said. It shall be most holy to the Lord, is more 
applicable to him than to this altar, since when he was about to be bom into 
the world the archangel spoke concerning him to the Virgin Mother: The 
Holy Spirit will come upon you , and the power of the Most High will 
overshadow you; therefore the one to be born will be holy; he will be called 
Son of God A 

Having described the making of the altar of incense to this extent, we 
still have to deal with the description of the bronze basin in which the priests 
washed their hands and feet when they were about to enter into the 
tabernacle. But first there is set forth one commandment of the Lord that it 
is fitting for us to touch upon briefly and to expound according to our ability. 


There follows: 

30:11-13 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: When you take the 
sum of the children of Israel according to their number, they shall each 
give a ransom for their souls to the Lord, so that no plague may come 
among them. And this is what each one who is registered shall give: 
half a shekel according to the standard of the temple (a shekel is twenty 
obols), half a shekel shall be offered to the Lord. David forgot about this 
precept when he numbered the people, and thus he brought a plague upon 
those people by numbering them. In the spiritual sense, the sum of the 
children of Israel designates the sum of all the elect whose names are written 
in heavea 6 They each give a ransom for their souls to the Lord when they 

1 Mark 16:19 

2 Heb. 13:15 

3 John 4:23 

4 Luke 1:35 

5 2 Sam. 24:1-15 

6 Luke 10:20 



show him the obedience of diligent service in good works; otherwise, a 
plague will come among them when they have been counted, because 
eternal vengeance doubtless awaits those who belong to the number of the 
faithful in name only and refuse to offer the Lord the perfected works of 
faith. It is said of such persons that they will not give God their price, nor 
the ransom for the redemption oftheir souls. 1 For, as Solomon says, a man *s 
own wealth is the redemption of his soul; 1 2 this might be temporal wealth 
which one distributes and gives to the poor so that one’s righteousness may 
endure forever, 3 4 or it might be spiritual wealth in the form of the righteous¬ 
ness that one has attained by taking pity on the poor, or by doing other good 

Now each one who is registered shall give half a shekel, which is ten 
obols. It is quite appropriate for us to understand this as as a reference to 
nothing else but the observance of the Decalogue of the law. For anyone 
who is able to understand it rightly has come to realize that it contains all 
the fullness of both faith and works, as well as the promise of a future 
reward. Accordingly, the first three [commandments] deal with the love of 
God, and the seven that follow deal with the love of neighbour, as the 
Apostle also bears witness: Love is the fullness of the law 4 But we should 
not fail to mention another sacrament which is also contained in the number 
ten. For among the Hebrews the first letter of the name Jesus is ioth , among 
the Greeks it is iota , and both of these peoples use that letter as the number 
ten. Those who believe in Jesus Christ offer ten obols as a ransom for their 
souls to the Lord because on their foreheads and in their profession they 
display the sign of his name, which begins with the number ten. 5 And 
perhaps it was on account of this sacrament that the Lord declared in the 
gospel that not one iota could pass away from the law, 6 because the rebellion 
of the unfaithful can destroy neither the power of the Decalogue which [that 
letter] contains, nor the faith in his name which it mystically signifies. 

1 Ps. 49:7-8 (48:8-9) 

2 Prov. 13:8 

3 Ps. 112:9(111:9) 

4 Rom. 13:10 

5 Another reference to the custom of signing candidates for baptism and the newly baptized 
with the sign of the cross of their foreheads; see Bede’s comments above on Exod. 26:36-8 
and 29:4-9 in De tab. 3, 7; 3, 10 (CCSL 119A: 113, 797-8; 123, 1185-7). Presumably the sign 
of the cross was considered to be the sign of Jesus’ name because it was often administered 
with the words, ‘In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,’ though it 
is possible that Bede is thinking here of the chi-rho monogram of the Greek title ‘Christ’, which 
has the shape of a cross. 

6 Matt. 5:18 

[ 135 ] 



30:14 Each one who is reckoned among the number, from twenty 
years old and upward, shall give a ransom. The law was written in five 
books, the gospel in four, and four times five makes twenty. The number 
twenty, therefore, signifies the joining together of the two testaments. 
Consequently, those from twenty years old are reckoned among the number 
of the people, because the only ones worthy of the fellowship of the elect 
are those who are assisted by the grace of the gospel to fulfill the decrees 
of the law (spiritually understood) in accordance with their own measure 
and capacity, and who expect eternal rewards in heaven according to the 
promises of that same grace. 

30:15 The rich shall not give more than half a shekel, and the poor 
shall give no less, for the same law of the Decalogue, through which they 
love God and neighbour, is imposed upon all, whether they are perfect ami 
have many merits, or immature and still making progress in virtue. 

30:16 And you shall take the money collected from the children of 
Israel and consign it to the use of the tabernacle of the testimony, so 
that it may be their memorial before the Lord, and he may have mercy 
[136] on their souls. The money taken from the children of Israel is brought 
before the Lord as their memorial when our Creator and Judge eternally 
remembers eveiy single good thing that we do, so that he may deign to have 
mercy on us for the sake of the fruits of those good works that we have 
offered to him. That same money is reserved for the use of the tabernacle 
when the good deeds of the righteous serve to strengthen the character and 
the conduct of the faithful who follow them in Christ; by asserting that they 
are all less important, they are acknowledging that they are the sort of people 
who have learned how to reign with the Lord. 

Perhaps we should note that the aforementioned money was not to be 
given according to the reckoning of the crowd but according to the standard 
of the temple. For the standard of the temple is the system of divine law, 
which the Lord commands to be kept in his Church and to be observed by 
everyone to whom he promises eternal rewards in the future. Otherwise, if 
there are arty who endeavour to serve God according to the principle of 
human will, their offering will be rejected and thrown away, for they have 
not offered the money of their devotion according to the standard of the 
temple, and they will be smitten with the plague of the ultimate punishment. 




30:18-20 You shall also make a bronze basin with its own stand for 
washing, and you shall put it between the tabernacle of the testimony 
and the altar Water shall be put into it, and Aaron and his sons shall 
wash their hands and feet in it when they are about to go into the 
tabernacle of the testimony, and when they are about to come near to 
the altar. In the first instance, we can understand this basin (or flanged 
bowl, as it is called further on 1 ) to be the water of baptism, in which all 
those who enter the doors of the Church must bathe in order to be cleansed. 

It was put between the tabernacle of the testimony and the altar of holocaust, 
and the priests were commanded to wash themselves in it twice a day (that 
is, morning and evening) when they were going to the altar of incense to 
offer to the Lord. We, however, are not supposed to be washed in the water 
of baptism more than once; consequently, the basin commends to us that 
washing of compunction and of tears which is required of us at all times, 
and especially when we draw near to minister at the heavenly mysteries. 

The altar of holocaust, upon which the flesh of victims was burned for 
the Lord, designates the extinction of carnal desires through the fire of the 
Holy Spirit. The altar of incense, however, signifies the purity of those in 
whom the charms of the flesh have been completely put to rest and the 
struggle with the vices has been peacefully resolved; in the pure expectation 
and desire of entering heaven they pour out tears of love. Rightly, therefore, 
is the basin in which the priests wash when they enter the tabernacle and [137] 
bum incense to the Lord put behind the altar of holocaust. For there are two 
different kinds of tears and compunction. 2 At first, all those who are 
converted to the Lord must shed tears in begging forgiveness for the sins 
which they have committed, and they must continue to do this for a long 
time, until they have made [their tears] complete by complementing them 
with fruits worthy of repentance. Once they are quite confident that they 
have received the forgiveness of sins, they can then pray with longing desire 
for the coming of the time when they will merit to see the face of their 
Creator among the most blessed choirs of angels. 

Those who live in accordance w ith truth are never without tears, for they 
are always enduring either the prolongation of this life or the delay of the 
other. Of this [life], they say, 'Woe is me, that my sojourning is prolonged, 

1 The Vulgate refers to the basin as a labrum in Exod. 30:18, but in Exod. 38:8 the word 
labium (‘flanged bowl’) is used instead. 

2 Gregory the Great, Moral. 24, 6, 10-11 (CCSL 143B: 1194, 1 - 1196,40); Horn, in Ezech. 

2, 10, 20-1 (CCSL 142: 395, 531 - 396, 574) 



that I must live among the inhabitants of Cedar, ,l (that is, with those who 
live in the shadows of error and wickedness which are signified by the name 
Cedar 1 2 ). They are already sighing for the joys of perpetual light and saying, 
‘ I have led a life that is veiy wearisome, for I thirst as much for the heavenly 
homeland as I loathe the proximity of the wicked persons among whom I 
dwell as a stranger, ’ for they speak again of that other [life]: ‘My soul has 
thirsted for the living God\ When shall I come and appear before the face 
of God? 3 4 Surely the words that follow indicate that they cannot bear this 
thirst without tears: ‘My tears ha\>e been my bread day and night. A It is as 
if they were saying openly, 'The longer I am delayed from seeing the face 
of God for which I thirst so ardently, the more sweetly am I refreshed with 
the bread of the tears that I pour out in memory of him. ’ Therefore, the altar 
of holocaust suggests the tears of those who repent of the sins that they have 
committed, but the altar of incense expresses the weeping of those who 
rejoice over the good works that they have done with the Lord’s help, and 
long for the rewards that they confidently expect to receive as recompense 
from the Lord. This sort of weeping is undoubtedly superior, in the same 
way that the golden [altar] was obviously preferable to the first [altar] of 
bronze, and the holy of holies containing the ark of the Lord was preferable 
to the first tabernacle, in which there stood the lampstand and the table of 
the Lord. 

The basin, in which those who were going in to the altar of incense 
washed themselves was put behind the altar of holocaust, because no one 
attains to the highest place all of a sudden 5 Instead, as one increases in 
merit one must first win the war against vice, and then make humble 
supplication to one’s Creator with tears of compunction, so that one is able 
to shed sweet tears for the sake of entrance to the kingdom, even as one 
formerly shed bitter tears out of fear of punishment. 

Now the stand on which that basin was set is quite aptly understood as 
that same desire for the kingdom and the heavenly life, because the perfect 
and noblest men undoubtedly wash themselves daily in the font of tears. 

[138] By sighing for the joys of inner peace, they can at least enjoy a foretaste of 
that which they are not yet able to see perfectly. For the tears of the perfect 
are figured in this bath which was put between the tabernacle and the altar, 
as the very words in which it is described bear witness: Water shall be put 

1 Ps. 120:5(119:5) 

2 Jerome, Norn. (CCSL 72: 63, 6-7) 

3 Ps. 42:2(41:3) 

4 Ps. 42:3 (41:4) 

5 Gregory the Great, Horn, in Ezech. 2, 3, 3 (CCSL 142: 238, 53-4) 



into it, and Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and feet in it It 

was not just anyone from among the people who was commanded to wash 
there, but the high priest himself and his sons (that is, the priests of the lesser 
rank), because just as the lives of great men are more perfect, so also is their 
compunction usually expected to be more sublime. 

We do not mean to imply that it is only ministers of the altar who either 
can or should possess the virtue of this kind of compunction, for we are 
mindful of the words with which the blessed apostle Peter speaks to all the 
faithful concerning the cornerstone which is Jesus Christ, 1 saying, And, like 
living stones, let yourselves be built up into spiritual houses, to be a holy 
priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices 2 And there is also what John says 
in the Apocalypse: Blessed and holy are those who share in the first 
resurrection . Q\>er these the second death has no power, but they will be 
priests of God and of Christ . 3 Therefore we admonish all the faithful to be 
known by the mystical name of priests, inasmuch as they are members of 
Christ, that is, of the eternal Priest. The blessed apostle Paul also shows 
them what kind of victims they ought to offer, saying, I beseech you, 
brethren, by the mercy of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, 
holy and acceptable to God 4 Consequently, Moses did not set up this bath 
for the ministers of the sacred altar alone, but also for all the perfect in 
whatever rank they may be stationed, for the law of God preached the 
healing grace of compunction to all the faithful in general. 

If we wish to understand the person of Aaron as the great High Priest 
himself, the Lord and Saviour, it is apparent that he too washed with the 
water of this basin before he went in to offer at the altar. On account of his 
love for us, he also shed tears before he burned the incense of his own most 
holy body on the altar of the cross for our salvation, as was made known in 
the widely-celebrated resuscitation of Lazarus. 5 And there is properly 

30:20-1 To offer on it incense to the Lord, lest by chance they should 
die. Surely those who have been chosen for the ministry of the altar should 
fear the spiritual and eternal death of the soul if they fail to render the incense 
of prayers of God. They should fear death if they presume to go in to the 
sacred mysteries without the distinctive washing of compunction, or to 

1 Eph. 2:20 

2 1 Pet. 2:5 

3 Rev. 20:6 

4 Rom. 12:1 

5 John 11:35 



[ 139] handle the holy things of the Lord with hands that are unclean. Conse¬ 

quently, let them wash their hands and feet in the water of the bronze basin, 
and then let them come near to the altar. Let them wash their actions and 
their movements with tears; then let them put forth their hands to touch the 
mysteries of Christ, and let them set their feet to walking in the courts of 
the Lord. 

I believe that this precept applies equally to those who are about to be 
made clean by receiving the same sacraments. First, they must sift, winnow, 
and refine their thoughts and actions with very prudent care; then let them 
go forth to participate in the sacraments of faith Otherwise, they will 
deserve to hear that [saying] of the Apostle, For all who eat and drink in 
an unworthy manner, eat and drink judgement against themselves, not 
discerning the body , 1 that is to say, they have in no way used a prudent and 
attentive mind to distinguish the food of living bread from the commonness 
of ordinary food. It is quite useful to understand these things concerning 
the basin and the entrance to the altar in this way also; however, that altar 
primarily signifies the internal votive offerings of spiritual prayers. But we 
must consider more carefully that which is added in conclusion: 

30:3 1 It shall be an everlasting law for him, and for his descendants 
throughout their generations. The basin and the altar that Moses made 
have been destroyed, and the priesthood that he established has been 
replaced by the new priesthood of the Church. Even so, the law of the 
spiritual bath and incense, which was signified by means of a type through 
the incense of that altar and the water of that basin, nevertheless continues 
to be everlasting in the life of the faithful. In the same way, there are many 
other things that the law commands to be made, or that it predicts must be 
done or celebrated forever, which have in fact ceased to be observed 
according to the letter. However, they will never cease to be observed 
spiritually by the saints in accordance with the typic understanding, for the 
one who comes not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it bears witness that not 
one iota, not one stroke, will pass from the law until all is accomplished . 2 

For, in all humility, we too belong 3 among those descendants of whom 
it was said that it shall be an everlasting law for him, and for his 
descendants throughout their generations. We are not bom of the lineage 
of Aaron, but we have believed in him in whom Aaron also, with the saints 
of that age, believed. Concerning him, it was promised to Abraham that in 

1 1 Cor. 11:29 

2 Matt. 5:17-18 

3 literally, ‘For our humility also belongs’ 



your descendants all the families ofthe earth shall be blessed . 1 Isaiah makes 
mention of these families when he says, .4// who see them shall acknowledge 
them , that these are the descendants whom the Lord has blessed . 2 

1 Acts 3:25; cf. Gen. 22:18 

2 Isa. 61:9 



Adam of Dryburgh, De tripartite) tahernaculo , ed. in PL 198. 

Aldhelm, De virginitate (prosa), ed. R. Ehwald, MGH AA 15 (Berlin, 
1919); transl. M. Lapidge and M. Herren, in Aldhlem: The Prose 
Works (Cambridge and Totowa, N.J., 1979). 

Amalarius of Metz, Liber officialise ed. J. M. Hanssens, in Amalarii epis- 
copi opera liturgica omnia , 2 (Studi e Testi 139; Vatican City, 

Andrew of Saint Victor, In Exodum , ed. C. Lohr and R. Bemdt, CCCM 53 
(Tumhout, 1986). 

Augustine, De civitate Dei , ed. B. Dombart and A. Kalb, CCSL 47-8 
(Tumhout, 1955); the same ed. with transl. by G. E. McCracken, 
W. M. Green, D. S. Wiesen, P. Levine, E. M. Sanford, and 
W. C. Greene, LCL , 7 vols. (London and Cambridge, Mass., 1957- 
72); also ed. E. Hoffmann, CSEL 40, 2 vols. (Vienna, 1899-1900); 
transl. H. Bettenson {Penguin Classics ; Harmondsworth, 1972); also 
transl. M. Dods, NPNF, 1st ser., 2 (Buffalo, 1887; reprinted Grand 
Rapids, 1956); D. B. Zema, G. G. Walsh, G. Monahan, and 
D. J. Honan, FOTC 8, 14, and 24 (New York, 1950-4). 

__, De consensu e\>ange list arum, ed. F. Weihrich, CSEL 43 (Vi¬ 
enna, 1904); transl. S. D. F. Salmond, NPNF, 1st ser., 6 (New York, 
1888; reprinted Grand Rapids, 1956). 

_, De doctrina Christiana , ed. J. Martin, CCSL 32 (Tumhout, 

1962); also ed. G. M. Green, CSEL 89 (Vienna, 1963); transl. 
D. W. Robertson, Jr. (New York, 1958); also transl. J. F. Shaw, 
NPNF , 1st ser., 2 (Buffalo, 1887; reprinted Grand Rapids, 1956); 
J. J. Cavigan, FOTC 2 (New York, 1947). 

_, De Genesi ad litter am, ed. J. Zycha, CSEL 28,1 (Vienna, 1894); 

transl. J. H. Taylor, ACW 41-2 (New York, 1982). 




_, De sermone domini in monte , ed. A. Mutzenbecher, CCSL 35 

(Tumhout, 1967); transl. D. J. Kavanagh, FOTC 11 (New York, 
1951); also transl. J. J. Jepson, ACIV 5 (Westminster, Md., 1948); 
W. Findlay, revised by D. S. Schaff NPNF y 1st ser., 6 (New York, 
1888; reprinted Grand Rapids, 1956). 

_, Enarrationes in psalmos , ed. D. E. Dekkers and J. Fraipont, 

CCSL 38-40 (Tumhout, 1956); transl. A. C. Coxe, NPNF y 1st ser., 8 
(New York, 1888; reprinted Grand Rapids, 1950). 

Babrius, Aesopic Fables , ed. and transl. B. E. Perry, LCL (London and 
Cambridge, Mass., 1965). 

Bede, De schematibus ettropis , ed. C. B. Kendall, CCSL 123 A (Tumhout, 
1975); transl. G. H. Tanenhaus, in Quarterly Journal of Speech 48 
(1962), 237-53; reprinted in Readings in Medieval Rhetoric , ed. 
J. M. Miller et al. (Bloomington, 1973). 

_, De tabernaculo , ed. D. Hurst, CCSL 119A (Tumhout, 1969). 

_, De temporum ratione, ed. C. W. Jones and T. Mommsen, CCSL 

123B (Tumhout, 1977). 

_, De templo , ed. D. Hurst, CCSL 119A (Tumhout, 1969). 

_, De temporibus , ed. C. W. Jones and T. Mommsen, CCSL 123C 

(Tumhout, 1980). 

_, Epistola ad Albinum, ed. C. Plummer, in Venerabilis Baedae 

opera historica, 1 (Oxford, 1896; reprinted 1946, 1956). 

_, Epistola ad Ecgbertum Episcopum , ed. C. Plummer, in Vene¬ 
rabilis Baedae opera historica , 1 (Oxford, 1896; reprinted 1946, 
1956); transl. D. H. Farmer, in Ecclesiastical History of the English 
People , with Bede's Letter to Egbert and Cuthbert's Letter on the 
Death of Bede {Penguin Classics: ; London, 1990); also ed. and transl. 
J. E. King, LCL 2 (Cambridge, Mass, and London, 1930). 

_ , Epistola adPlegvinam, ed. C. W. Jones, CCSL 123C (Tumhout, 




_, Historia abbatum , ed. C. Plummer, in Venerabilis Baedae opera 

historica , 1 (Oxford, 1896; reprinted 1946, 1956); transl. 
D. H. Farmer, in The Age of Bede {Penguin Classics ; Har- 
mondsworth, 1983); also ed. and transl. J. E. King, LCL 2 (Cam¬ 
bridge, Mass, and London, 1930). 

_, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum, ed. and transl. B. Col- 

grave and R. A. B. Mynors (Oxford, 1969; reprinted with correc¬ 
tions, 1991); also transl. L. Sherley-Price, revised by R. E. Latham 
{Penguin Classics: ; Harmondsworth, 1968; reprinted London, 1990); 
also ed. and transl. J. E. King, LCL , 2 vols. (Cambridge, Mass, and 
London, 1930). 

_, Homiliae evangelii , ed. D. Hurst, CCSL 122 (Tumhout, 1965); 

transl. L. T. Martin and D. Hurst, 2 vols. {Cistercian Studies Series 
110-11; Kalamazoo, 1991). 

_, In Apocalypsin , ed. in PL 93. 

_, In Cantica Canticorum , ed. D. Hurst, CCSL 119B (Tumhout, 


_, In Esram et Neemiam , ed. D. Hurst, CCSL 119A (Tumhout, 


_, In Marcum, ed D. Hurst, CCSL 120 (Tumhout, 1960). 

_, In principium Genesim , ed. C. W. Jones, CCSL 118A (Tum¬ 
hout, 1967). 

_, In Habacuc , ed. J. E. Hudson, CCSL 119B (Tumhout, 1983). 

_, In Lucam , ed. D. Hurst, CCSL 120 (Tumhout, 1960). 

_, In primam partem Samuhelis , ed. D. Hurst, CCSL 119 (Tum¬ 
hout, 1962). 

_, In Regum Li brum XXX quaestiones , ed. D. Hurst, CCSL 119 

(Tumhout, 1972). 

_, Liber hymnorum, rhythmi , variaepreces , ed. J. Fraipont, CCSL 

122 (Tumhout, 1965). 



_, Vita sancti Cuthberti prosaica , ed. and transl. B. Colgrave 

(Cambridge, 1940); also transl. J. F. Webb, in The Age of Bede 
C Penguin Classics: ; Harmondsworth, 1983). 

Biblia Sacra iuxta vulgatam versionem, ed. R. Weber, 2 vols. (Stuttgart, 
1969; 2nd ed, 1975). 

Cassiodorus, Expositio in psalmorum , ed. M. Adriaen, CCSL 97-8 (Tum- 
hout, 1958); transl. P. G. Walsh, ACW 51-3 (New York, 1990-1). 

_, Institutiones , ed. R. A. B. Mynors (Oxford, 1937); transl. 

L. W. Jones, An Introduction to Divine and Human Readings (New 
York, 1946). 

Cyprian, Ad Fortunatum , ed. R. Weber, CCSL 3 (Tumhout, 1972); transl. 
R. J. Deferrari, FOTC 36 (New York, 1958); also transl. R. E. Wallis, 
ANF 5 (Buffalo, 1886; reprinted Grand Rapids, 1951). 

Epiphanius, DeXII gemmis, ed. G. Dindorf, in Epiphanii episcopi Constan- 
tiae opera , 4, 1 (Leipzig, 1862). 

Eucherius of Lyons, Formulae spiritalis intelligentiae , ed. C. Wotke, CSEL 
31 (Vienna, 1894). 

Gelasian Sacramentary, ed. H. A. Wilson, Liber sacramentorum Romanae 
ecclesiae (Oxford, 1894); baptismal rites transl. E. C. Whitaker, in 
Documents of the Baptismal Liturgy (London, 1970). 

Glossa or dinaria y in Biblia Latina cum Glossa ordinaria: Facsimile Re¬ 
print of the Editio Princeps, Strassburg, c. 1480 , ed. K. Froehlich and 

M. T. Gibson (Tumhout, 1992). 

Gregory the Great, Homiliae in evangelia , ed. in PL 76; transl. D. Hurst 
{Cistercian Studies Series 123; Kalamazoo, 1990). 

_, Homiliae in Ezechielem , ed. M. Adriaen, CCSL 142 (Tumhout, 

1971); also ed. (with French transl.) C. Morel, SC 327, 352, 360 
(Paris, 1986-90); transl. T. Gray (Etna, Calif., 1990). 



_ Moralia in lob , ed. M. Adnaen, CCSL 143,143A, 143B (Turn- 

hout, 1979-85); to date only Books 1-16 have appeared in a new ed. 
(with French transl.) by R. Giilet,SC32,212,221 (Paris, 1952-1975; 
2nd ed of vol. 32, 1975); transl. in Library of Fathers of the Holy 
Catholic Church 18, 21, 23, 31 (Oxfoid, 1844-50). 

_, Regulaepastoralis liber , ed. (with French transl.) C. Morel, SC 

381-2 (Paris, 1992); transl. H. Davis, ACW 11 (Westminster, Md., 
1950); also transl. J. Barmby, NPNF, 2nd ser., 12 (New York, 1895; 
reprinted Grand Rapids, 1952). 

_, Registrum epistularum , ed. D. Norbert, CCSL 140-140A (Tum- 

hout, 1982); to date only Books 1-2 have appeared in a new ed. (with 
French transl.) by P. Minard, SC 370-1 (Paris, 1991); selections 
transl. J. Barmby, NPNF , 2nd ser., 12-13 (New York, 1895-8; re¬ 
printed Grand Rapids, 1952). 

A. W. Haddan and W. Stubbs (eds.), Councils and Ecclesiastical Docu¬ 
ments Relating to Great Britain and Ireland , 3 vols. in 4 (Oxford, 

Horace, Epistulae , ed. and transl. H. R. Fairclough, LCL (Cambridge, 
Mass., 1926; revised ed., 1929). 

Irzx&Qxxs, AdversusHaereses, ed. (with French transl.) F. Sagnard, A. Rous¬ 
seau, B. Hemmerdinger, C. Mercier, and L. Doutreleau, SC 34, 100, 
152-3, 210-11, 263-4, 293-4 (Pans, 1952-82); transl. A. Roberts and 
W. H. Rambaut, ANF 1 (New York, 1885; reprinted Grand Rapids, 
1950); to date only Book 1 has appeared in a new transl. in progress, 
by D. J. Unger with revisions by J. J. Dillon, ACW 55- (New York, 

Isidore, Etymologiae , ed. W. M. Lindsay (Scriptorum classicorum bib¬ 
liotheca Oxoniensis\ Oxford, 1911). 

_, Quaestiones in Exodum , ed. in PL 83. 

Jerome, De nominibus hebraicis , ed. P. de Lagarde, CCSL 72 (Tumhout, 

_, Epistulae , ed. I. Hilberg, CSEL 54-6 (Vienna, 1910-18); also ed. 

(with French transl.) J. Labourt (Paris, 1949-63). 



_, Quaestiones hebraicae in Genesim , ed. P. de Lagarde, CCSL12 

(Tumhout, 1959). 

_, In Ecclesiasten, ed. M. Adriaen, CCSL 12 (Tumhout, 1959). 

_, In Esaiam , ed. M. Adriaen, CCSL 73 and 73 A (Tumhout, 1963). 

_, In Ezechielem , ed. F. Glorie, CCSL 75 (Tumhout, 1964). 

_, In Habacuc , ed. M. Adriaen, CCSL 76A (Tumhout, 1970). 

_, In Ioelem , ed. M. Adriaen, CCSL 76 (Tumhout, 1969). 

_, In Matthaeum , ed. D. Hurst and M. Adriaen, CCSL 11 (Tum¬ 
hout, 1969); also ed. (with French transl.) E. Bonnard, SC 252, 259 
(Paris, 1977-9). 

John Cassian, Collationes , ed. M. Petschenig, CSEL 13 (Vienna, 1886); 
also ed. (with French transl.) E. Pichery,5'C42,54,64 (Paris, 1955-9; 
reprinted 1967-71); selections transl. C. Luibheid, Classics of West¬ 
ern Spirituality (New York, 1985); also transl. E. C. S. Gibson, 
NPNF , 2nd ser., 11 (Oxford and London, 1894; reprinted Grand 
Rapids, 1952). 

Josephus, Antiquitates Judaicae, Latin version of Books 1-5 ed. F. Blatt in 
The Latin Josephus (Acta Jutlandica 30; Copenhagen, 1958); Greek 
text ed. and transl. H. St. J. Thackeray, LCL , 6 vols. (London and 
New York, 1926). 

Ordo Romanus XI, ed. M. Andrieu, in Les ordines romani du haut moyen 
age , 2 (Louvain, 1948); transl. E. C. Whitaker, in Documents of the 
Baptismal Liturgy (London, 1970). 

Ongzv^Homiliae in Exodum , ed. W. A. Baehrens, GCS29 (Leipzig, 1920); 
also ed. (with French transl.) M. Borret, SC 321 (Paris, 1985); transl. 
R. E. Heine, FOTC 71 (Washington, D C., 1982). 

Paulinus, Vita sancti Ambrosii , ed. in PL 14; transl. J. A. Lacy, FOTC 15 
(New York, 1952). 

Peter of Poitiers, Allegoriae super tabernaculum Moysi , ed. P. S. Moore 
and J. A. Corbett, in Publications in Mediaeval Studies 3 (Notre 
Dame, 1938). 



Peter of Celle, De tabernaculo I and De tabernaculo II, ed. G. de Martel, 
CCCM 54 (Tumhout, 1983). 

Peter Comestor, Historia scholastica, ed. in PL 198. 

Phaedrus, Aesopic Fables , ed. and transl. B. E. Perry, LCL (Cambridge, 
Mass, and London, 1965). 

Philo, De specialibus legibus, ed. and transl. F. H. Colson, LCL 1 (Cam¬ 
bridge, Mass, and London, 1937). 

_, De vita Mosis, ed. and transl. F. H. Colson, LCL 6 (Cambridge, 

Mass, and London, 1935). 

Pliny, Natural is historia , ed. and transl. H. Rackham, W. H. S. Jones, and 
D. E. Eichholz, LCL, 10 vols. (Cambridge, Mass, and London, 1938- 

Rabanus Maurus, In Exodum, ed. in PL 108. 

Richard of Saint Victor, Benjamin major, ed. in PL 196; transl. G. A. Zinn 
(Classics of Western Spirituality; New York, 1979). 

_, Expositio difficultatum suborientium in expositione tabernaculi 

foederis , ed. in PL 196. 

_, Nonnullae allegoriae tabernaculi foederis, ed. in PL 196. 

Stowe Missal, ed. G. F. Warner, Henry Bradshaw Society 31-2 (London, 
1906-15); baptismal rites transl. E. C. Whitaker, in Documents of the 
Baptismal Liturgy (London, 1970). 

Vergil, Aeneid, ed. and transl. H. R. Fairclough, LCL, 2 vols. (Cambridge, 
Mass, and London, 1916; revised ed., 1934-5). 

Vita Ceolfridi, ed. C. Plummer as Historia abbatum auctore anonymo, in 
Venerabilis Baedae opera historica, 1 (Oxford, 1896; reprinted 1946, 
1956); transl. D. S. Boutflower (Sunderland, 1912); also transl. 
D. Whitelock, in English Historical Documents, 1 (London and New 
York, 1955; 2nd ed., 1979). 




J. J. G. Alexander, Insular Manuscripts: 6th to the 9th Century (A Survey 
of Manuscripts Illuminated in the British Isles :; London, 1978). 

T. L. Amos, ‘Monks and Pastoral Care in the Early Middle Ages’, in 
Religion , Culture, and Society in the Early Middle Ages: Studies in 
Honor of Richard E. Sullivan , ed. T. F. X. Noble and J. J. Contreni 
(Studies in Medieval Culture 23; Kalamazoo, 1987), 165-80. 

R. R. Atwell, ‘From Augustine to Gregory the Great: An Evaluation of the 
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R. N. Bailey, ‘Bede’s Text of Cassiodorus’ Commentary on the Psalms’, 
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Gen. 1:26-31.74 



1:31 -2:1.74 











22:18 .163 



26:12 .97 


37:23 . 112 

Exod. 6:2-3.19 

13:21-2. 4 

15:27 .64 


20:9-11 . 5 

28:4 . 125, 133 

28:36-8 . 112 

28:42 . 112 


29:10-45 . 145 


30:34 . 153 

31:18 .23 


33:11 6 

36:13 .55 




36:14 .55 

36:27 (Vulg.).73 

36:33 . 85 


38:17 .97 




39:17 .121 



39:20-1 (39:18-19). 138 

39:22 . 128 

39:27-8 . 136 

39:29(39:28). 137 

39:29 (Vulg.).130 

Lev. 6:9-12.88 





10:1-2 . 88,107,110 




25:10-11 . 54,99 


Num. 15:38.53 

15:39 .53 


33:49 . 66 

Deut. 6:5.40,41 


18:15 .110 

18:18 .Ill 

Josh. 18:1 74 

1 Sam. 1:11 126 





2 Sam. 20:8 .134 


1 Kgs. 5:1-18.46 





22:19 .22 

2 Kgs. 19:34.155 

2Chr. 18:18.22 

Job 27:3-5.135 

Ps. 1:2.28 

4:1 (4:2).38 

4:1 (Vulg.) .38 

5:3 (5:5).108 

6:6 (6:7).153 

12:1(11:2) .56 

12:6(11:7) .71 

15:3(14:3) .135 

17:2(16:2) .135 

19:4(18:5) .93 

19:5(18:6) .38 

27:6 (26:6) . 84 

29:1 (28:1) . 63 

29:2 (28:2) . 51 

29:9(28:9) . 51 

33:6 (32:6) . 33 

34:5 (33:6) . 6 

35:13 (34:13). 56 

36:6(35:7) . 2 

37:27 (36:27). 95 

40:2-3 (39:3-4). 32 

40:6(39:7) . 41 

40:8(39:9) . 41 

42:2(41:3) .160 

42:3(41:4) .160 


44:5 (43:6) . 147,148 

44:22(43:22). 49 

45:6 (44:7) . 16 


45:7 (44:8) . 77 

45:16(44:17). 29 

49:7-8(48:8-9). 157 

50:16-17(49:16). 108 

50:19(49:19). 135 

51 (50). 59, 100 

51:6(50:8) . 7,19 


54:6(53:8) . 8 

62:12(61:13). 5 

62:13 (61:13).43 

65:11 (64:12). 130 

73:26(72:26). 153 

73:28(72:28). 99 

75:10(74:11). 148 

84:1-2(83:2-3). 105 

84:2 (83:3) . 134 

84:7 (83:8) . 5 

91:15-16(90:15-16) .68 

102:1 (101:2).60 

103:20(102:20). 80 

105:39(104:39). 4 

107:9(106:9). 32 

107:10(106:10). 82 

110:4(109:4). 80,143 



115:13(113:13). 4 


119:37(118:37). 135 

119:97(118:97). 19 

119:99(118:99). 19 

119:103 (118:103) . 135 

119:105(118:105) . 152 



141:2(140:2). 29,151 

145:3 (144:3). 131 

145:9(144:9). 17 

145:17(144:17). 43 


Prov. 1:2 (1:3).135 





31:22 .49 

Eccles. 4:12 .104 


S. ofS. 2:4.22 




Wisd. 1:5.107 


Sir. 1:25 .98 


Isa. 2:2. 3 






28:16 .85 

42:10 .32 


52:11 .135 





61:2. 130, 154 



66:22 . 73 

66:24 . 73 

Jer. 1:4-5.126 


31:34 .30 

Ezek. 1:5-10.15 



14:14 .34 

Dan. 2:34-5. 3 


Mic. 6:8 .127 

Hab. 2:4.150 


Zech. 5:7-8.43 

Mai. 4:2 . 108,129 

Matt. 2:17 .70 



5:1. 2 

5:6.28, 31 





5:17. 3,84 






7:2. 5 

7:28. 2,23 





11:30 . 113,137 

13:22 .67 

13:52 . 44, 73 

13:54 .12 


16:24 .113 



18:10 .43 

19:11 140 

19:12 .140 


19:17 .76 


19:29 . 97, 140 


20:8-10 . 57, 67 



22:39 . 40 

24:12 . 50, 139 

24:35 80, 94 

25:1-12 . 103,139 

26:56 . 70 


27:62 . 74 

28:19 .33 

28:19-20 . 2 

28:20 . 2 

Mark 3:13 . 2 


10:30 . 97, 140 

12:30 . 13,40,68,99 

12:30-1 .41,50 

15:42 .74 

16:15 .72, 83 

16:16 .72 


16:19 .156 

Luke 1:13-17.126 







4:19. 130,154 








10:20 . 
11:20 . 
12:35 . 
12:36 . 
12:37 . 
12:42 . 
16:9 . . 
18:18 . 
18:34 . 
21:34 . 
23:54 . 
24:32 . 
24:45 . 
John 1:14 . . 
1:16 . . 
1:17 . . 
1:29 . . 
3:34-5 . 
4:23 . . 
5:46 . . 
6:13 . . 
8:6-7 . . 
8:31 . . 
10:9 . . 
11:35 . 
12:16 . 
12:24 . 
14:2 . . 
14:6 . . 
14:9 . . 
14:10 . 
14:25 . 
15:4-5 . 
16:25 . 
17:3 . . 
17:5 . . 
17:6-7 . 

. . . . 156 


. . 21, 124 


.... 88 
.... 27 
.... 40 
.... 34 
.... 76 
.... 12 
. . 64, 78 
... 135 




39, 84, 155 


. . . . 125 
... 143 
.... 84 
... 156 
.... 3 
.... 28 
.... 23 



... 161 



.... 22 
.... 26 
... 144 
... 144 
.... 19 
.... 36 
.... 19 
.... 81 
.... 68 
. . 14,38 
... 154 



17:20-1 .13 

17:26 .13 

19:31 74 

Acts 1:1 .12,127 

1:15. 2 


2:1-11. 2 

2:3-4. 3 


4:32 . 45, 82, 86 




15:1-21 .71 

21:13 .49 

25:28-9 . 41 

Rom. 3:25.17 





8:34.81, 154 

10:10 . 9 

12:1. 145, 161 


13:10 .157 

15:19 .67 

1 Cor. 5:8.144 



10:11 . 1,69 

10:31 .86 

11:29 .162 



13:4. 147,150 






13:9 . . 
13:12 . 
2 Cor. 2:17 
4:5 . . 
5:17 . 
6:7 . . 
6:16 . 
7:1 . . 
9:7 . . 
12:4 . 
Gal. 2:9 . . 
3:19 . 
3:27 . 
4:26 . 
5:6 . . 
5:17 . 
5:24 . 
6:14 . 

Eph. 2:19-20 
2:20 . 
4:3 . . 
4:5-6 . 
4:7 . . 
5:2 . . 
Phil. 2:21 . 
3:14 . 
3:20 . 
4:7 . . 
Col. 1:17-18 
1:18 . 
2:9 . . 
2:19 . 



. 6 










96, 104, 135, 146 

. 8 





















. . . . 125,151 

.6, 131 











1 Thess. 5:23.101 

1 Tim. 2:1-2.143 

2:5 . 10,32,38,43,81,155 


6:16. 6 

2 Tim. 3:5.148 




Titus 1:7-9.112 

Heb. 1:3 .143 










9:24 . 80, 151 


10:38 .150 


12:22 .21 


13:15 .156 

Jas. 1:12.20,137 





1 Pet. 1:3.59 





2:2 . 

2:5 . 
2:9 . 
4:1 . 

2 Pet. 1:16 
1 John 1:5 
1:8 . 
2:2 . 
3:2 . 
3:5 . 
Rev. 2:10 
4:7 . 
5:6 . 
5:8 . 
5:9 . 
6:2 . 
20:6 . 
21:3 . 
21:4 . 
21:5 . 

. . . 90 

. . 85 
. . 20 
. . 77 
. . 59 
. . 48 
. . 94 
. . 81 
. . 6 
. . 57 
. . 81 
. . 82 
. 155 
. . 26 
. 108 
. 126 
. . 15 
. . 39 
. 151 
. . 48 
. . 14 
. 132 
. . 65 
. . 35 
. . 25 
. . 35 
. . 99 
. . 49 
. 161 
47, 89 
. . 89 
. . 41 
. 132 
. . 26 



De civ. Dei 15, 20 . . . . 
Enarr. in ps. 105, 36 
Gen. ad litt. 1, 1, 1 . . . 
Serm. dom. in monte 1, 2 

Exp. in ps. 86, 1 ... . 

DeXlIgemmis 34 . . . 
Gregoiy the Great 

Horn, in evang. 7, 3 . . 

13, 1. 

17, 1. 

Horn, in Ezech. 1,6, 18 

2.3.3 . 


2, 9, 9. 


2, 10, 17. 

2,10,20-1 . 

Moral. 24,6, 10-11 . . 

25, 16, 39 . 

Reg . past. 2, 2. 

2.3 . 

2.4 . 

2, 11. 



Etymol. 12,6,50 . . . , 
16,8,3. . 

19, 28, 1. 


Ep. 64, 11, 1. 


12, 1-2 . 

14, 1. 




. 2 


. 9 





. . 102, 160 







. . . . 56,62 
118, 119, 125 
113, 114, 117 


14, 15, 25, 27 












14.2 .128 

17, 1.131 

17.2 .143 

20.3 .120 

Ep. 106,63 . 47 

In Eccles. 9,13-15 .143 

InEs.U .11,66 

In Ezech . 1,1, 6-8.87 

Inloel 3, 18.11,66 

In Matth. 3 67 

Nom . 3, 5, 8, 17, 18, 45, 54, 64, 66, 97, 99, 160 

Quaest. heb . 8 


Ant. Jud 3, 6, 3 . 47, 70, 72 

3.6.4 .78 

3.6.5 .12, 51 

3.7.3 .136 

3.7.6 .136 

3, 10,7.30 


Nat. hist. 15, 7, 24-32 . 107 

19, 1,5.49 


Aen. 6: 731-2 


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his work as a historian, his contemporaries and later medieval readers knew him 
as a Christian teacher specialising in the interpretation of the Bible. The primary 
audience for his biblical exegesis was composed of eighth-century Anglo-Saxon 
monks and missionaries engaged in the ministry of pastoral care. 

This volume contains the first English translation of Bede’s allegorical 
commentary on the tabernacle of Moses, which he interpreted as a symbolic 
figure of the Christian Church. Written in the early 720s at the monastery of 
Wearmouth-Jarrow in Northumbria, On the Tabernacle (De tabernaculo) was 
the first Christian literary work devoted entirely to this topic and the first verse- 
by-verse commentary on the relevant portions of the Book of Exodus. In his 
commentary, Bede expounded the literal meaning and spiritual significance of 
the divine revelation of the law to Moses on Sinai, the construction of the 
tabernacle and the clothing of Aaron and his sons with ornate priestly vestments. 
His principal sources were Jerome, Cassiodorus, Gregory the Great and Isidore 
of Seville, as well as the Jewish historian Josephus and the Roman natural 
historian Pliny. 

On the Tabernacle was one of Bede’s most popular works, appearing in a great 
many manuscripts from every period of the Middle Ages. In the twelfth century, 
when it inspired similar treatises by Peter of Celle, Peter of Poitiers, Richard of 
St Victor and Adam of Dryburgh, much of this work was copied into the most 
influential of all medieval biblical commentaries, known as the Ordinary Gloss. 

ARTHUR G. HOLDER is Associate Professor of Religion and Education at the 
Church Divinity School of the Pacific, which is part of the Graduate Theological 
Union in Berkeley, California. He received a PhD in Historical Theology from 
Duke University, where he was a Fellow in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. 
He has published a number of scholarly articles on education in early 
Christianity, the history of biblical interpretation and the Venerable Bede. 


